In the beginningH7225 GodH430 createdH1254+H853 the heavenH8064 andH853 the earthH776.
And the earthH776 wasH1961 without formH8414, and voidH922; and darknessH2822 was upon the faceH6440 of the deepH8415. And the SpiritH7307 of GodH430 movedH7363 uponH5921 the faceH6440 of the watersH4325.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let there beH1961 lightH216: and there was lightH216.
And GodH430 sawH7200+H853 the lightH216, thatH3588 it was goodH2896: and GodH430 dividedH914+H996 the lightH216 fromH996 the darknessH2822. {the light from…: Heb. between the light and between the darkness}
And GodH430 calledH7121 the lightH216 DayH3117, and the darknessH2822 he calledH7121 NightH3915. And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the firstH259 dayH3117. {And the evening…: Heb. And the evening was, and the morning was}
And GodH430 saidH559, Let there be a firmamentH7549 in the midstH8432 of the watersH4325, and let it divideH914 the watersH4325 from the watersH4325. {firmament: Heb. expansion}
And GodH430 madeH6213 the firmamentH7549, and dividedH914 the watersH4325 whichH834 were underH8478 the firmamentH7549 from the watersH4325 whichH834 were aboveH5921 the firmamentH7549: and it was soH3651.
And GodH430 calledH7121 the firmamentH7549 HeavenH8064. And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the secondH8145 dayH3117.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let the watersH4325 under the heavenH8064 be gathered togetherH6960 untoH413 oneH259 placeH4725, and let the dryH3004 land appearH7200: and it was so.
And GodH430 calledH7121 the dryH3004 land EarthH776; and the gathering togetherH4723 of the watersH4325 calledH7121 he SeasH3220: and GodH430 sawH7200 that it was goodH2896.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let the earthH776 bring forthH1876 grassH1877, the herbH6212 yieldingH2232 seedH2233, and the fruitH6529 treeH6086 yieldingH6213 fruitH6529 after his kindH4327, whoseH834 seedH2233 is in itself, upon the earthH776: and it was so. {grass: Heb. tender grass}
And the earthH776 brought forthH3318 grassH1877, and herbH6212 yieldingH2232 seedH2233 after his kindH4327, and the treeH6086 yieldingH6213 fruitH6529, whose seedH2233 was in itself, after his kindH4327: and GodH430 sawH7200 that it was goodH2896.
And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the thirdH7992 dayH3117.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let there be lightsH3974 in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to divideH914 the dayH3117 from the nightH3915; and let them be for signsH226, and for seasonsH4150, and for daysH3117, and yearsH8141: {the day…: Heb. between the day and between the night}
And let them be for lightsH3974 in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to give lightH215 upon the earthH776: and it was so.
And GodH430 madeH6213 twoH8147 greatH1419 lightsH3974; the greaterH1419 lightH3974 to ruleH4475 the dayH3117, and the lesserH6996 lightH3974 to ruleH4475 the nightH3915: he made the starsH3556 also. {to rule the day…: Heb. for the rule of the day, etc.}
And GodH430 setH5414 them in the firmamentH7549 of the heavenH8064 to give lightH215 upon the earthH776,
And to ruleH4910 over the dayH3117 and over the nightH3915, and to divideH914 the lightH216 from the darknessH2822: and GodH430 sawH7200 that it was goodH2896.
And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the fourthH7243 dayH3117.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let the watersH4325 bring forth abundantlyH8317 the moving creatureH8318 that hath lifeH2416+H5315, and fowlH5775 that may flyH5774 aboveH5921 the earthH776 in the openH6440 firmamentH7549 of heavenH8064. {moving: or, creeping} {life: Heb. soul} {fowl…: Heb. let fowl fly} {open…: Heb. face of the firmament of heaven}
And GodH430 createdH1254 greatH1419 whalesH8577, and every livingH2416 creatureH5315 that movethH7430, which the watersH4325 brought forth abundantlyH8317, after their kindH4327, and every wingedH3671 fowlH5775 after his kindH4327: and GodH430 sawH7200 that it was goodH2896.
And GodH430 blessedH1288 them, sayingH559, Be fruitfulH6509, and multiplyH7235, and fillH4390 the watersH4325 in the seasH3220, and let fowlH5775 multiplyH7235 in the earthH776.
And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the fifthH2549 dayH3117.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let the earthH776 bring forthH3318 the livingH2416 creatureH5315 after his kindH4327, cattleH929, and creeping thingH7431, and beastH2416 of the earthH776 after his kindH4327: and it was so.
And GodH430 madeH6213 the beastH2416 of the earthH776 after his kindH4327, and cattleH929 after their kindH4327, and every thing that creepethH7431 upon the earthH127 after his kindH4327: and GodH430 sawH7200 that it was goodH2896.
And GodH430 saidH559, Let us makeH6213 manH120 in our imageH6754, after our likenessH1823: and let them have dominionH7287 over the fishH1710 of the seaH3220, and over the fowlH5775 of the airH8064, and over the cattleH929, and over all the earthH776, and over every creeping thingH7431 that creepethH7430 upon the earthH776.
So GodH430 createdH1254 manH120 in his own imageH6754, in the imageH6754 of GodH430 createdH1254 he him; maleH2145 and femaleH5347 createdH1254 he them.
And GodH430 blessedH1288 them, and GodH430 saidH559 unto them, Be fruitfulH6509, and multiplyH7235, and replenishH4390 the earthH776, and subdue itH3533: and have dominionH7287 over the fishH1710 of the seaH3220, and over the fowlH5775 of the airH8064, and over every living thingH2416 that movethH7430 upon the earthH776. {moveth: Heb. creepeth}
And GodH430 saidH559, BeholdH2009, I have givenH5414 you every herbH6212 bearingH2232 seedH2233, which is upon the faceH6440 of all the earthH776, and every treeH6086, in the which is the fruitH6529 of a treeH6086 yieldingH2232 seedH2233; to you it shall beH1961 for meatH402. {bearing…: Heb. seeding seed} {yielding…: Heb. seeding seed}
And to every beastH2416 of the earthH776, and to every fowlH5775 of the airH8064, and to every thing that creepethH7430 upon the earthH776, wherein there is lifeH2416+H5315, I have given every greenH3418 herbH6212 for meatH402: and it was so. {life: Heb. a living soul}
And GodH430 sawH7200 every thing thatH834 he had madeH6213, and, behold, it was veryH3966 goodH2896. And the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 were the sixthH8345 dayH3117.
Querverweise zu 1. Mose 1,1 1Mo 1,1
The LORDH3068 possessedH7069 me in the beginningH7225 of his wayH1870, beforeH6924 his worksH4659 of old.
I was set upH5258 from everlastingH5769, from the beginningH7218, or everH6924 the earthH776 was.
When there were no depthsH8415, I was brought forthH2342; when there were no fountainsH4599 aboundingH3513 with waterH4325.
For in sixH8337 daysH3117 the LORDH3068 madeH6213 heavenH8064 and earthH776, the seaH3220, and all that in them is, and restedH5117 the seventhH7637 dayH3117: wherefore the LORDH3068 blessedH1288 the sabbathH7676 dayH3117, and hallowedH6942 it.
The LORDH3068 hath madeH6466 all things for himselfH4617: yea, even the wickedH7563 for the dayH3117 of evilH7451.
And he gaveH5414 unto MosesH4872, when he had made an endH3615 of communingH1696 with him upon mountH2022 SinaiH5514, twoH8147 tablesH3871 of testimonyH5715, tablesH3871 of stoneH68, writtenH3789 with the fingerH676 of GodH430.
ForG1063 in thoseG1565 daysG2250 shall beG2071 afflictionG2347, suchG5108 asG3634 wasG1096 notG3756 fromG575 the beginningG746 of the creationG2937 whichG3739 GodG2316 createdG2936 untoG2193 this timeG3568, neitherG2532+G3364 shall beG1096.
For all the godsH430 of the peopleH5971 are idolsH457: but the LORDH3068 madeH6213 the heavensH8064.
InG1722 the beginningG746 wasG2258 the WordG3056, andG2532 the WordG3056 wasG2258 withG4314 GodG2316, andG2532 the WordG3056 wasG2258 GodG2316.
The sameG3778 wasG2258 inG1722 the beginningG746 withG4314 GodG2316.
All thingsG3956 were madeG1096 byG1223 himG846; andG2532 withoutG5565 himG846 wasG1096 notG3761 any thingG1520 madeG1096 thatG3739 was madeG1096.
Thou, even thou, art LORDH3068 alone; thou hast madeH6213 heavenH8064, the heavenH8064 of heavensH8064, with all their hostH6635, the earthH776, and all things that are therein, the seasH3220, and all that is therein, and thou preservestH2421 them all; and the hostH6635 of heavenH8064 worshippethH7812 thee.
AndG2532, ThouG4771, LordG2962, inG2596 the beginningG746 hast laid the foundationG2311 of the earthG1093; andG2532 the heavensG3772 areG1526 the worksG2041 of thineG4675 handsG5495:
By his spiritH7307 he hath garnishedH8235 the heavensH8064; his handH3027 hath formedH2342 the crookedH1281 serpentH5175.
That whichG3739 wasG2258 fromG575 the beginningG746, whichG3739 we have heardG191, whichG3739 we have seenG3708 with ourG2257 eyesG3788, whichG3739 we have looked uponG2300, andG2532 ourG2257 handsG5495 have handledG5584, ofG4012 the WordG3056 of lifeG2222;
WhereH375 wast thou when I laid the foundationsH3245 of the earthH776? declareH5046, if thou hastH3045 understandingH998. {hast…: Heb. knowest understanding}
When I considerH7200 thy heavensH8064, the workH4639 of thy fingersH676, the moonH3394 and the starsH3556, which thou hast ordainedH3559;
By the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 were the heavensH8064 madeH6213; and all the hostH6635 of them by the breathH7307 of his mouthH6310.
The heavensH8064 are thine, the earthH776 also is thine: as for the worldH8398 and the fulnessH4393 thereof, thou hast foundedH3245 them. {the fulness…: or, all it containeth}
The northH6828 and the southH3225 thou hast createdH1254 them: TaborH8396 and HermonH2768 shall rejoiceH7442 in thy nameH8034.
For all the godsH430 of the nationsH5971 are idolsH457: but the LORDH3068 madeH6213 the heavensH8064.
Of oldH6440 hast thou laid the foundationH3245 of the earthH776: and the heavensH8064 are the workH4639 of thy handsH3027.
O LORDH3068, how manifoldH7231 are thy worksH4639! in wisdomH2451 hast thou madeH6213 them all: the earthH776 is fullH4390 of thy richesH7075.
Thou sendestH7971 forth thy spiritH7307, they are createdH1254: and thou renewestH2318 the faceH6440 of the earthH127.
Which madeH6213 heavenH8064, and earthH776, the seaH3220, and all that therein is: which keepethH8104 truthH571 for everH5769:
PraiseH1984 him, ye heavensH8064 of heavensH8064, and ye watersH4325 that be above the heavensH8064.
Let them praiseH1984 the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068: for he commandedH6680, and they were createdH1254.
The LORDH3068 by wisdomH2451 hath foundedH3245 the earthH776; by understandingH8394 hath he establishedH3559 the heavensH8064. {established: or, prepared}
The LORDH3068 possessedH7069 me in the beginningH7225 of his wayH1870, beforeH6924 his worksH4659 of old.
I was set upH5258 from everlastingH5769, from the beginningH7218, or everH6924 the earthH776 was.
When there were no depthsH8415, I was brought forthH2342; when there were no fountainsH4599 aboundingH3513 with waterH4325.
Before the mountainsH2022 were settledH2883, beforeH6440 the hillsH1389 was I brought forthH2342:
While as yet he had not madeH6213 the earthH776, nor the fieldsH2351, nor the highest partH7218 of the dustH6083 of the worldH8398. {fields: or, open places} {the highest…: or, the chief part}
When he preparedH3559 the heavensH8064, I was there: when he setH2710 a compassH2329 upon the faceH6440 of the depthH8415: {a compass: or, a circle}
When he establishedH553 the cloudsH7834 aboveH4605: when he strengthenedH5810 the fountainsH5869 of the deepH8415:
When he gaveH7760 to the seaH3220 his decreeH2706, that the watersH4325 should not passH5674 his commandmentH6310: when he appointedH2710 the foundationsH4144 of the earthH776:
Then I was by himH681, as one brought upH525 with him: and I was dailyH3117+H3117 his delightH8191, rejoicingH7832 alwaysH6256 beforeH6440 him;
RememberH2142 now thy CreatorH1254 in the daysH3117 of thy youthH979, while the evilH7451 daysH3117 comeH935 not, nor the yearsH8141 draw nighH5060, when thou shalt sayH559, I have no pleasureH2656 in them;
O LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, GodH430 of IsraelH3478, that dwellestH3427 between the cherubimsH3742, thou art the GodH430, even thou alone, of all the kingdomsH4467 of the earthH776: thou hast madeH6213 heavenH8064 and earthH776.
Lift upH5375 your eyesH5869 on highH4791, and beholdH7200 who hath createdH1254 these things, that bringeth outH3318 their hostH6635 by numberH4557: he callethH7121 them all by namesH8034 by the greatnessH7230 of his mightH202, for that he is strongH533 in powerH3581; not oneH376 failethH5737.
Hast thou not knownH3045? hast thou not heardH8085, that the everlastingH5769 GodH430, the LORDH3068, the CreatorH1254 of the endsH7098 of the earthH776, faintethH3286 not, neither is wearyH3021? there is no searchingH2714 of his understandingH8394.
Thus saithH559 GodH410 the LORDH3068, he that createdH1254 the heavensH8064, and stretched them outH5186; he that spread forthH7554 the earthH776, and that which cometh outH6631 of it; he that givethH5414 breathH5397 unto the peopleH5971 upon it, and spiritH7307 to them that walkH1980 therein:
Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068, thy redeemerH1350, and he that formedH3335 thee from the wombH990, I am the LORDH3068 that makethH6213 all things; that stretcheth forthH5186 the heavensH8064 alone; that spreadeth abroadH7554 the earthH776 by myself;
For thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 that createdH1254 the heavensH8064; GodH430 himself that formedH3335 the earthH776 and madeH6213 it; he hath establishedH3559 it, he createdH1254 it not in vainH8414, he formedH3335 it to be inhabitedH3427: I am the LORDH3068; and there is none else.
And forgettestH7911 the LORDH3068 thy makerH6213, that hath stretched forthH5186 the heavensH8064, and laid the foundationsH3245 of the earthH776; and hast fearedH6342 continuallyH8548 every dayH3117 becauseH6440 of the furyH2534 of the oppressorH6693, as ifH834 he were readyH3559 to destroyH7843? and where is the furyH2534 of the oppressorH6693? {were…: or, made himself ready}
And I have putH7760 my wordsH1697 in thy mouthH6310, and I have coveredH3680 thee in the shadowH6738 of mine handH3027, that I may plantH5193 the heavensH8064, and lay the foundationsH3245 of the earthH776, and sayH559 unto ZionH6726, Thou art my peopleH5971.
For, behold, I createH1254 newH2319 heavensH8064 and a newH2319 earthH776: and the formerH7223 shall not be rememberedH2142, nor comeH5927 into mindH3820. {come…: Heb. come upon the heart}
He hath madeH6213 the earthH776 by his powerH3581, he hath establishedH3559 the worldH8398 by his wisdomH2451, and hath stretched outH5186 the heavensH8064 by his discretionH8394.
AhH162 LordH136 GODH3069! behold, thou hast madeH6213 the heavenH8064 and the earthH776 by thy greatH1419 powerH3581 and stretched outH5186 armH2220, and there is nothingH1697 too hardH6381 for thee: {too…: or, hid from thee}
He hath madeH6213 the earthH776 by his powerH3581, he hath establishedH3559 the worldH8398 by his wisdomH2451, and hath stretched outH5186 the heavenH8064 by his understandingH8394.
The burdenH4853 of the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 for IsraelH3478, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, which stretchethH5186 forth the heavensH8064, and layeth the foundationH3245 of the earthH776, and formethH3335 the spiritH7307 of manH120 withinH7130 him.
AtG1722 thatG1565 timeG2540 JesusG2424 answeredG611 and saidG2036, I thankG1843 theeG4671, O FatherG3962, LordG2962 of heavenG3772 andG2532 earthG1093, becauseG3754 thou hast hidG613 these thingsG5023 fromG575 the wiseG4680 andG2532 prudentG4908, andG2532 hast revealedG601 themG846 unto babesG3516.
AndG1161 when they heard thatG191, they lifted upG142 their voiceG5456 toG4314 GodG2316 with one accordG3661, andG2532 saidG2036, LordG1203, thouG4771 art GodG2316, whichG3588 hast madeG4160 heavenG3772, andG2532 earthG1093, andG2532 the seaG2281, andG2532 allG3956 that inG1722 them isG846:
AndG2532 sayingG3004, SirsG435, whyG5101 do yeG4160 these thingsG5130? WeG2249 alsoG2532 areG2070 menG444 of like passionsG3663 with youG5213, and preachG2097 unto youG5209 that ye should turnG1994 fromG575 theseG5023 vanitiesG3152 untoG1909 the livingG2198 GodG2316, whichG3739 madeG4160 heavenG3772, andG2532 earthG1093, andG2532 the seaG2281, andG2532 all thingsG3956 that are thereinG1722+G846:
GodG2316 that madeG4160 the worldG2889 andG2532 all thingsG3956 thereinG1722+G846, seeing that heG3778 isG5225 LordG2962 of heavenG3772 andG2532 earthG1093, dwellethG2730 notG3756 inG1722 templesG3485 made with handsG5499;
BecauseG1360 that which may be knownG1110 of GodG2316 isG2076 manifestG5318 inG1722 themG846; forG1063 GodG2316 hath shewedG5319 it unto themG846. {in them: or, to them}
ForG1063 the invisible thingsG517 of himG846 fromG575 the creationG2937 of the worldG2889 are clearly seenG2529, being understoodG3539 by the things that are madeG4161, evenG5037 hisG846 eternalG126 powerG1411 andG2532 GodheadG2305; soG1519 that theyG846 areG1511 without excuseG379: {so…: or, that they may be}
ForG3754 ofG1537 himG846, andG2532 throughG1223 himG846, andG2532 toG1519 himG846, are all thingsG3956: to whomG846 be gloryG1391 forG1519 everG165. AmenG281. {whom: Gr. him}
ButG235 to usG2254 there is but oneG1520 GodG2316, the FatherG3962, ofG1537 whomG3739 are all thingsG3956, andG2532 weG2249 inG1519 himG846; andG2532 oneG1520 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, byG1223 whomG3739 are all thingsG3956, andG2532 weG2249 byG1223 himG846. {in: or, for}
AndG2532 to makeG5461 allG3956 men seeG5461 whatG5101 is the fellowshipG2842 of the mysteryG3466, whichG3588 fromG575 the beginning of the worldG165 hath been hidG613 inG1722 GodG2316, whoG3588 createdG2936 all thingsG3956 byG1223 JesusG2424 ChristG5547:
ForG3754 byG1722 himG846 wereG2936 all thingsG3956 createdG2936, that are inG1722 heavenG3772, andG2532 that are inG1909 earthG1093, visibleG3707 andG2532 invisibleG517, whetherG1535 they be thronesG2362, orG1535 dominionsG2963, orG1535 principalitiesG746, orG1535 powersG1849: all thingsG3956 were createdG2936 byG1223 himG846, andG2532 forG1519 himG846:
AndG2532 heG846 isG2076 beforeG4253 all thingsG3956, andG2532 byG1722 himG846 all thingsG3956 consistG4921.
HathG2980 inG1909 theseG5130 lastG2078 daysG2250 spokenG2980 unto usG2254 byG1722 his SonG5207, whomG3739 he hath appointedG5087 heirG2818 of all thingsG3956, byG1223 whomG3739 alsoG2532 he madeG4160 the worldsG165;
ForG1063 everyG3956 houseG3624 is buildedG2680 byG5259 someG5100 man; butG1161 he that builtG2680 all thingsG3956 is GodG2316.
Through faithG4102 we understandG3539 that the worldsG165 were framedG2675 by the wordG4487 of GodG2316, soG1519 that things whichG3588 are seenG991 wereG1096 notG3361 madeG1096 ofG1537 things which do appearG5316.
ForG1063 thisG5124 theyG846 willinglyG2309 are ignorant ofG2990, thatG3754 by the wordG3056 of GodG2316 the heavensG3772 wereG2258 of oldG1597, andG2532 the earthG1093 standingG4921 out ofG1537 the waterG5204 andG2532 inG1223 the waterG5204: {standing: Gr. consisting}
AndG2532 unto the angelG32 of the churchG1577 of the LaodiceansG2994 writeG1125; These thingsG3592 saithG3004 the AmenG281, the faithfulG4103 andG2532 trueG228 witnessG3144, the beginningG746 of the creationG2937 of GodG2316; {of the Laodiceans: or, in Laodicea}
Thou artG1488 worthyG514, O LordG2962, to receiveG2983 gloryG1391 andG2532 honourG5092 andG2532 powerG1411: forG3754 thouG4771 hast createdG2936 all thingsG3956, andG2532 forG1223 thyG4675 pleasureG2307 they areG1526 andG2532 were createdG2936.
AndG2532 swareG3660 byG1722 him that livethG2198 forG1519 everG165 and everG165, whoG3739 createdG2936 heavenG3772, andG2532 the things that therein areG1722+G846, andG2532 the earthG1093, andG2532 the things that therein areG1722+G846, andG2532 the seaG2281, andG2532 the things which are thereinG1722+G846, thatG3754 there should beG2071 timeG5550 noG3756 longerG2089:
SayingG3004 withG1722 a loudG3173 voiceG5456, FearG5399 GodG2316, andG2532 giveG1325 gloryG1391 to himG846; forG3754 the hourG5610 of hisG846 judgmentG2920 is comeG2064: andG2532 worshipG4352 him that madeG4160 heavenG3772, andG2532 earthG1093, andG2532 the seaG2281, andG2532 the fountainsG4077 of watersG5204.