And in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of NebuchadnezzarH5019 NebuchadnezzarH5019 dreamedH2492 dreamsH2472, wherewith his spiritH7307 was troubledH6470, and his sleepH8142 brakeH1961 from him.
Then the kingH4428 commandedH559 to callH7121 the magiciansH2748, and the astrologersH825, and the sorcerersH3784, and the ChaldeansH3778, for to shewH5046 the kingH4428 his dreamsH2472. So they cameH935 and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the kingH4428.
And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto them, I have dreamedH2492 a dreamH2472, and my spiritH7307 was troubledH6470 to knowH3045 the dreamH2472.
Then spakeH1696 the ChaldeansH3778 to the kingH4428 in SyriackH762, O kingH4430, liveH2418 for everH5957: tellH560 thy servantsH5649 the dreamH2493, and we will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the ChaldeansH3779, The thingH4406 is goneH230 from meH4481: ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493, with the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall be cutH5648 in piecesH1917, and your housesH1005 shall be madeH7761 a dunghillH5122. {cut…: Cald. made pieces}
But ifH2006 ye shewH2324 the dreamH2493, and the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall receiveH6902 ofH4481 meH6925 giftsH4978 and rewardsH5023 and greatH7690 honourH3367: thereforeH3861 shewH2324 me the dreamH2493, and the interpretationH6591 thereof. {rewards: or, fee}
They answeredH6032 againH8579 and saidH560, Let the kingH4430 tellH560 his servantsH5649 the dreamH2493, and we will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591 of it.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560, IH576 knowH3046 ofH4481 certaintyH3330 that yeH608 would gainH2084 the timeH5732, becauseH6903+H3606 ye seeH2370 the thingH4406 is goneH230 fromH4481 me. {gain: Cald. buy}
But ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493, there is but oneH1932+H2298 decreeH1882 for you: for ye have preparedH2164 lyingH3538 and corruptH7844 wordsH4406 to speakH560 beforeH6925 me, tillH5705 the timeH5732 be changedH8133: thereforeH3861 tellH560 me the dreamH2493, and I shall knowH3046 thatH1768 ye can shewH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof.
The ChaldeansH3779 answeredH6032 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, and saidH560, There isH383 notH3809 a manH606 uponH5922 the earthH3007 that canH3202 shewH2324 the king'sH4430 matterH4406: thereforeH6903+H1768 there is noH3809 kingH4430, lordH7229, nor rulerH7990, that askedH7593 suchH1836 thingsH4406 at anyH3606 magicianH2749, or astrologerH826, or ChaldeanH3779.
And it is a rareH3358 thingH4406 that the kingH4430 requirethH7593, and there isH383 noneH3809 otherH321 that can shewH2324 it beforeH6925 the kingH4430, exceptH3861 the godsH426, whose dwellingH4070 isH383 notH3809 withH5974 fleshH1321.
ForH6903 thisH1836 causeH3606 the kingH4430 was angryH1149 and veryH7690 furiousH7108, and commandedH560 to destroyH7 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895.
And the decreeH1882 went forthH5312 that the wiseH2445 men should be slainH6992; and they soughtH1156 DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 to be slainH6992.
ThenH116 DanielH1841 answeredH8421 with counselH5843 and wisdomH2942 to AriochH746 the captainH7229 ofH1768 the king'sH4430 guardH2877, which was gone forthH5312 to slayH6992 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: {answered…: Cald. returned} {captain…: or, chief marshal: Cald. chief of the executioners, or, slaughtermen}
He answeredH6032 and saidH560 to AriochH746 the king'sH4430 captainH7990, WhyH4101+H5922 is the decreeH1882 so hastyH2685 fromH4481+H6925 the kingH4430? ThenH116 AriochH746 made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to DanielH1841.
Then DanielH1841 went inH5954, and desiredH1156 ofH4481 the kingH4430 that he would giveH5415 him timeH2166, and that he would shewH2324 the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591.
ThenH116 DanielH1841 wentH236 to his houseH1005, and made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to HananiahH2608, MishaelH4333, and AzariahH5839, his companionsH2269:
That they would desireH1156 merciesH7359 ofH4481+H6925 the GodH426 of heavenH8065 concerningH5922 thisH1836 secretH7328; that DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 should notH3809 perishH7 withH5974 the restH7606 of the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895. {of the God: Cald. from before God} {that Daniel…: or, that they should not destroy Daniel, etc}
ThenH116 was the secretH7328 revealedH1541 unto DanielH1841 in a nightH3916 visionH2376. ThenH116 DanielH1841 blessedH1289 the GodH426 of heavenH8065.
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 and saidH560, BlessedH1289 beH1934 the nameH8036 of GodH426 forH4481 everH5957 and everH5705+H5957: for wisdomH2452 and mightH1370 areH1932 his:
And he changethH8133 the timesH5732 and the seasonsH2166: he removethH5709 kingsH4430, and setteth upH6966 kingsH4430: he givethH3052 wisdomH2452 unto the wiseH2445, and knowledgeH4486 to them that knowH3046 understandingH999:
He revealethH1541 the deepH5994 and secret thingsH5642: he knowethH3046 whatH4101 is in the darknessH2816, and the lightH5094 dwellethH8271 with himH5974.
IH576 thankH3029 thee, and praiseH7624 thee, O thou GodH426 of my fathersH2, who hast givenH3052 me wisdomH2452 and mightH1370, and hast made knownH3046 unto me nowH3705 what we desiredH1156 of theeH4481: for thou hast now made knownH3046 unto us the king'sH4430 matterH4406.
ThereforeH3606+H6903+H1836 DanielH1841 went inH5954 untoH5922 AriochH746, whom the kingH4430 had ordainedH4483 to destroyH7 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: he wentH236 and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him; DestroyH7 notH409 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: bring me inH5954 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, and I will shewH2324 unto the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591.
ThenH116 AriochH746 brought inH5954 DanielH1841 beforeH6925 the kingH4430 in hasteH927, and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him, I have foundH7912 a manH1400 of the captivesH1123+H1547 ofH4481 JudahH3061, that will make knownH3046 unto the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591. {I have…: Cald. That I have found} {captives…: Cald. children of the captivity of Judah}
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to DanielH1841, whose nameH8036 was BelteshazzarH1096, ArtH383 thou ableH3546 to make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493 which I have seenH2370, and the interpretationH6591 thereof?
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 in the presenceH6925 of the kingH4430, and saidH560, The secretH7328 which the kingH4430 hath demandedH7593 cannotH3202+H3809 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologersH826, the magiciansH2749, the soothsayersH1505, shewH2324 unto the kingH4430;
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
As for theeH607, O kingH4430, thy thoughtsH7476 cameH5559 into thy mind uponH5922 thy bedH4903, whatH4101 should come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and he that revealethH1541 secretsH7328 maketh knownH3046 to thee whatH4101 shall come to passH1934. {came: Cald. came up}
But as for meH576, thisH1836 secretH7328 is notH3809 revealedH1541 to me for any wisdomH2452 that I haveH383 more thanH4481 anyH3606 livingH2417, butH3861 for their sakesH1701 thatH5922 shall make knownH3046 the interpretationH6591 to the kingH4430, and that thou mightest knowH3046 the thoughtsH7476 of thy heartH3825. {but for…: or, but for the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king}
ThouH607, O kingH4430, sawestH1934+H2370, and beholdH431 a greatH2298+H7690 imageH6755. ThisH1797 greatH7229 imageH6755, whose brightnessH2122 was excellentH3493, stoodH6966 beforeH6903 thee; and the formH7299 thereof was terribleH1763. {sawest: Cald. wast seeing}
This image'sH6755 headH7217 was of fineH2869 goldH1722, his breastH2306 and his armsH1872 of silverH3702, his bellyH4577 and his thighsH3410 of brassH5174, {thighs: or, sides}
His legsH8243 of ironH6523, his feetH7271 partH4481 of ironH6523 and partH4481 of clayH2635.
Thou sawestH2370+H1934 tillH5705 that a stoneH69 was cut outH1505 withoutH3809 handsH3028, which smoteH4223 the imageH6755 uponH5922 his feetH7271 that were of ironH6523 and clayH2635, and brakeH1855 themH1994 to piecesH1855. {without…: or, which was not in hands}
ThenH116 was the ironH6523, the clayH2635, the brassH5174, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722, broken to piecesH1855+H1751 togetherH2298, and becameH1934 like the chaffH5784 ofH4481 the summerH7007 threshingfloorsH147; and the windH7308 carriedH5376 themH1994 awayH5376, thatH3606 noH3809 placeH870 was foundH7912 for them: and the stoneH69 that smoteH4223 the imageH6755 becameH1934 a greatH7229 mountainH2906, and filledH4391 the wholeH3606 earthH772.
ThisH1836 is the dreamH2493; and we will tellH560 the interpretationH6591 thereof beforeH6925 the kingH4430.
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
And wheresoeverH3606 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwellH1753, the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 hath he givenH3052 into thine handH3028, and hath made thee rulerH7981 over them allH3606. ThouH607 art this headH7217 of goldH1722.
And afterH870 thee shall ariseH6966 anotherH317 kingdomH4437 inferiorH772 to theeH4481, and anotherH317 thirdH8523 kingdomH4437 of brassH5174, which shall bear ruleH7981 over allH3606 the earthH772.
And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 strongH8624 as ironH6523: forasmuch as ironH6523 breaketh in piecesH1855 and subduethH2827 allH3606 things: and asH6903 ironH6523 that breakethH7490 allH3606 theseH459, shall it break in piecesH1855 and bruiseH7490.
And whereas thou sawestH2370 the feetH7271 and toesH677, partH4481 of potters'H6353 clayH2635, and partH4481 of ironH6523, the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 dividedH6386; butH4481 there shall beH1934 in it ofH4481 the strengthH5326 of the ironH6523, forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635.
And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of ironH6523, and partH4481 of clayH2635, so the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 partlyH4481+H7118 strongH8624, and partlyH4481+H7118 brokenH8406. {broken: or, brittle}
And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635, they shall mingle themselvesH1934+H6151 with the seedH2234 of menH606: but they shallH1934 notH3809 cleaveH1693 oneH1836 toH5974 anotherH1836, evenH1888 as ironH6523 is notH3809 mixedH6151 with clayH2635. {one…: Cald. this with this}
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 set upH6966 a kingdomH4437, which shall neverH5957+H3809 be destroyedH2255: and the kingdomH4437 shall notH3809 be leftH7662 to otherH321 peopleH5972, but it shall break in piecesH1855 and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdomsH4437, and itH1932 shall standH6966 for everH5957. {the days: Cald. their days} {the kingdom: Cald the kingdom thereof}
Forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 that the stoneH69 was cut outH1505 of the mountainH2906 withoutH3809 handsH3028, and that it brake in piecesH1855 the ironH6523, the brassH5174, the clayH2635, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722; the greatH7229 GodH426 hath made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 shall come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and the dreamH2493 is certainH3330, and the interpretationH6591 thereof sureH540. {without…: or, which was not in hands} {hereafter: Cald. after this}
ThenH116 the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 fellH5308 uponH5922 his faceH600, and worshippedH5457 DanielH1841, and commandedH560 that they should offerH5260 an oblationH4504 and sweet odoursH5208 unto him.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 unto DanielH1841, and saidH560, OfH4481 a truthH7187 it is, thatH1768 your GodH426 is a GodH426 of godsH426, and a LordH4756 of kingsH4430, and a revealerH1541 of secretsH7328, seeing thou couldestH3202 revealH1541 thisH1836 secretH7328.
ThenH116 the kingH4430 madeH7236 DanielH1841 a great manH7236, and gaveH3052 him manyH7690 greatH7260 giftsH4978, and made him rulerH7981 overH5922 the wholeH3606 provinceH4083 of BabylonH895, and chiefH7229 of the governorsH5460 overH5922 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895.
Then DanielH1841 requestedH1156 ofH4481 the kingH4430, and he setH4483 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, overH5922 the affairsH5673 of the provinceH4083 of BabylonH895: but DanielH1841 sat in the gateH8651 of the kingH4430.
Querverweise zu Daniel 2,44 Dan 2,44
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
The sceptreH7626 shall not departH5493 from JudahH3063, nor a lawgiverH2710 from between his feetH7272, untilH3588 ShilohH7886 comeH935; and unto him shall the gatheringH3349 of the peopleH5971 be.
HowH4101 greatH7260 are his signsH852! and howH4101 mightyH8624 are his wondersH8540! his kingdomH4437 is an everlastingH5957 kingdomH4437, and his dominionH7985 is fromH5974 generationH1859 to generationH1859.
And through his policyH7922 also he shall cause craftH4820 to prosperH6743 in his handH3027; and he shall magnifyH1431 himself in his heartH3824, and by peaceH7962 shall destroyH7843 manyH7227: he shall also stand upH5975 against the PrinceH8269 of princesH8269; but he shall be brokenH7665 withoutH657 handH3027. {peace: or, prosperity}
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
Yet have I setH5258 my kingH4428 upon my holyH6944 hillH2022 of ZionH6726. {set: Heb. anointed} {upon…: Heb. upon Zion, the hill of my holiness}
I will declareH5608 the decreeH2706: the LORDH3068 hath saidH559 unto me, Thou art my SonH1121; this dayH3117 have I begottenH3205 thee. {the decree: or, for a decree}
AskH7592 of me, and I shall giveH5414 thee the heathenH1471 for thine inheritanceH5159, and the uttermost partsH657 of the earthH776 for thy possessionH272.
Thou shalt breakH7489 them with a rodH7626 of ironH1270; thou shalt dash them in piecesH5310 like a potter'sH3335 vesselH3627.
Be wiseH7919 now therefore, O ye kingsH4428: be instructedH3256, ye judgesH8199 of the earthH776.
ServeH5647 the LORDH3068 with fearH3374, and rejoiceH1523 with tremblingH7461.
KissH5401 the SonH1248, lest he be angryH599, and ye perishH6 from the wayH1870, when his wrathH639 is kindledH1197 but a littleH4592. BlessedH835 are all they that put their trustH2620 in him.
And at the endH7118 of the daysH3118 IH576 NebuchadnezzarH5020 lifted upH5191 mine eyesH5870 unto heavenH8065, and mine understandingH4486 returnedH8421 unto meH5922, and I blessedH1289 the most HighH5943, and I praisedH7624 and honouredH1922 him that livethH2417 for everH5957, whose dominionH7985 is an everlastingH5957 dominionH7985, and his kingdomH4437 is fromH5974 generationH1859 to generationH1859:
Thou shalt breakH7489 them with a rodH7626 of ironH1270; thou shalt dash them in piecesH5310 like a potter'sH3335 vesselH3627.
A Psalm for SolomonH8010. GiveH5414 the kingH4428 thy judgmentsH4941, O GodH430, and thy righteousnessH6666 unto the king'sH4428 sonH1121. {for: or, of}
He shall judgeH1777 thy peopleH5971 with righteousnessH6664, and thy poorH6041 with judgmentH4941.
The mountainsH2022 shall bringH5375 peaceH7965 to the peopleH5971, and the little hillsH1389, by righteousnessH6666.
He shall judgeH8199 the poorH6041 of the peopleH5971, he shall saveH3467 the childrenH1121 of the needyH34, and shall break in piecesH1792 the oppressorH6231.
They shall fearH3372 thee as long asH5973 the sunH8121 and moonH3394 endureH6440, throughout allH1755 generationsH1755.
He shall come downH3381 like rainH4306 upon the mownH1488 grass: as showersH7241 that waterH2222 the earthH776.
In his daysH3117 shall the righteousH6662 flourishH6524; and abundanceH7230 of peaceH7965 so long as the moonH3394 endureth. {so long…: Heb. till there be no moon}
He shall have dominionH7287 also from seaH3220 to seaH3220, and from the riverH5104 unto the endsH657 of the earthH776.
They that dwell in the wildernessH6728 shall bowH3766 beforeH6440 him; and his enemiesH341 shall lickH3897 the dustH6083.
The kingsH4428 of TarshishH8659 and of the islesH339 shall bringH7725 presentsH4503: the kingsH4428 of ShebaH7614 and SebaH5434 shall offerH7126 giftsH814.
Yea, all kingsH4428 shall fall downH7812 before him: all nationsH1471 shall serveH5647 him.
For he shall deliverH5337 the needyH34 when he criethH7768; the poorH6041 also, and him that hath no helperH5826.
He shall spareH2347 the poorH1800 and needyH34, and shall saveH3467 the soulsH5315 of the needyH34.
He shall redeemH1350 their soulH5315 from deceitH8496 and violenceH2555: and preciousH3365 shall their bloodH1818 be in his sightH5869.
And he shall liveH2421, and to him shall be givenH5414 of the goldH2091 of ShebaH7614: prayer also shall be madeH6419 for him continuallyH8548; and dailyH3117 shall he be praisedH1288. {shall be given: Heb. one shall give}
There shall be an handfulH6451 of cornH1250 in the earthH776 upon the topH7218 of the mountainsH2022; the fruitH6529 thereof shall shakeH7493 like LebanonH3844: and they of the cityH5892 shall flourishH6692 like grassH6212 of the earthH776.
His nameH8034 shall endure for everH5769: his nameH8034 shall be continuedH5125+H5125 as long asH6440 the sunH8121: and men shall be blessedH1288 in him: all nationsH1471 shall call him blessedH833. {endure: Heb. be} {his name shall be…: Heb. shall be as a son to continue his father's name for ever}
BlessedH1288 be the LORDH3068 GodH430, the GodH430 of IsraelH3478, who only doethH6213 wondrous thingsH6381.
And blessedH1288 be his gloriousH3519 nameH8034 for everH5769: and let the whole earthH776 be filledH4390 with his gloryH3519; AmenH543, and AmenH543.
The prayersH8605 of DavidH1732 the sonH1121 of JesseH3448 are endedH3615.
IH4481+H6925 makeH7761 a decreeH2942, That in everyH3606 dominionH7985 of my kingdomH4437 men trembleH1934+H2112 and fearH1763 beforeH4481+H6925 the GodH426 of DanielH1841: for he is the livingH2417 GodH426, and stedfastH7011 for everH5957, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255, and his dominionH7985 shall be even untoH5705 the endH5491.
Thine handH3027 shall find outH4672 all thine enemiesH341: thy right handH3225 shall find outH4672 those that hateH8130 thee.
I have madeH3772 a covenantH1285 with my chosenH972, I have swornH7650 unto DavidH1732 my servantH5650,
I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and, beholdH718, one like the SonH1247 of manH606 cameH858 withH5974 the cloudsH6050 of heavenH8065, and cameH4291 toH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118, and they brought him nearH7127 beforeH6925 him.
Thou shalt makeH7896 them as a fieryH784 ovenH8574 in the timeH6256 of thine angerH6440: the LORDH3068 shall swallow them upH1104 in his wrathH639, and the fireH784 shall devourH398 them.
Thy seedH2233 will I establishH3559 forH5704 everH5769, and build upH1129 thy throneH3678 to allH1755 generationsH1755. SelahH5542.
And there was givenH3052 him dominionH7985, and gloryH3367, and a kingdomH4437, that allH3606 peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, should serveH6399 him: his dominionH7985 is an everlastingH5957 dominionH7985, which shall notH3809 pass awayH5709, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255.
For the nationH1471 and kingdomH4467 that will not serveH5647 thee shall perishH6; yea, those nationsH1471 shall be utterlyH2717 wastedH2717.
Then thou spakestH1696 in visionH2377 to thy holy oneH2623, and saidstH559, I have laidH7737 helpH5828 upon one that is mightyH1368; I have exaltedH7311 one chosenH977 out of the peopleH5971.
I have foundH4672 DavidH1732 my servantH5650; with my holyH6944 oilH8081 have I anointedH4886 him:
With whom my handH3027 shall be establishedH3559: mine armH2220 also shall strengthenH553 him.
The enemyH341 shall not exactH5378 upon him; nor the sonH1121 of wickednessH5766 afflictH6031 him.
And I will beat downH3807 his foesH6862 before his faceH6440, and plagueH5062 them that hateH8130 him.
But my faithfulnessH530 and my mercyH2617 shall be with him: and in my nameH8034 shall his hornH7161 be exaltedH7311.
I will setH7760 his handH3027 also in the seaH3220, and his right handH3225 in the riversH5104.
He shall cryH7121 unto me, Thou art my fatherH1, my GodH410, and the rockH6697 of my salvationH3444.
Also I will makeH5414 him my firstbornH1060, higherH5945 than the kingsH4428 of the earthH776.
My mercyH2617 will I keepH8104 for him for evermoreH5769, and my covenantH1285 shall stand fastH539 with him.
His seedH2233 also will I makeH7760 to endure for everH5703, and his throneH3678 as the daysH3117 of heavenH8064.
If his childrenH1121 forsakeH5800 my lawH8451, and walkH3212 not in my judgmentsH4941;
If they breakH2490 my statutesH2708, and keepH8104 not my commandmentsH4687; {break: Heb. profane}
Then will I visitH6485 their transgressionH6588 with the rodH7626, and their iniquityH5771 with stripesH5061.
Nevertheless my lovingkindnessH2617 will I not utterly takeH6331 from him, nor suffer my faithfulnessH530 to failH8266. {will…: Heb. I will not make void from him} {to fall: Heb. to lie}
My covenantH1285 will I not breakH2490, nor alterH8138 the thing that is gone outH4161 of my lipsH8193.
OnceH259 have I swornH7650 by my holinessH6944 that I will not lieH3576 unto DavidH1732. {that…: Heb. if I lie}
His seedH2233 shall endure for everH5769, and his throneH3678 as the sunH8121 before me.
Thy kingdomH4438 is an everlastingH5769 kingdomH4438, and thy dominionH4475 endureth throughout allH1755 generationsH1755. {an…: Heb. a kingdom of all ages}
ThenG1534 cometh the endG5056, whenG3752 he shall have delivered upG3860 the kingdomG932 to GodG2316, evenG2532 the FatherG3962; whenG3752 he shall have put downG2673 allG3956 ruleG746 andG2532 allG3956 authorityG1849 andG2532 powerG1411.
A PsalmH4210 of DavidH1732. The LORDH3068 saidH5002 unto my LordH113, SitH3427 thou at my right handH3225, until I makeH7896 thine enemiesH341 thy footstoolH1916+H7272.
The LORDH3068 shall sendH7971 the rodH4294 of thy strengthH5797 out of ZionH6726: ruleH7287 thou in the midstH7130 of thine enemiesH341.
Thy peopleH5971 shall be willingH5071 in the dayH3117 of thy powerH2428, in the beautiesH1926 of holinessH6944 from the wombH7358 of the morningH4891: thou hast the dewH2919 of thy youthH3208. {from…: or, more than the womb of the morning: thou shalt have, etc}
The LORDH3068 hath swornH7650, and will not repentH5162, Thou art a priestH3548 for everH5769 after the orderH1700 of MelchizedekH4442.
And they shall dwellH3427 in the landH776 that I have givenH5414 unto JacobH3290 my servantH5650, wherein your fathersH1 have dweltH3427; and they shall dwellH3427 therein, even they, and their childrenH1121, and their children'sH1121 childrenH1121 for everH5769: and my servantH5650 DavidH1732 shall be their princeH5387 forH5704 everH5769.
ForG1063 heG846 mustG1163 reignG936, tillG891+G3739 he hath putG302+G5087 allG3956 enemiesG2190 underG5259 hisG846 feetG4228.
For unto us a childH3206 is bornH3205, unto us a sonH1121 is givenH5414: and the governmentH4951 shall be upon his shoulderH7926: and his nameH8034 shall be calledH7121 WonderfulH6382, CounsellorH3289, The mightyH1368 GodH410, The everlastingH5703 FatherH1, The PrinceH8269 of PeaceH7965.
And I will makeH7760 her that haltedH6760 a remnantH7611, and her that was cast far offH1972 a strongH6099 nationH1471: and the LORDH3068 shall reignH4427 over them in mountH2022 ZionH6726 from henceforth, even forH5704 everH5769.
AndG2532 he shall ruleG4165 themG846 withG1722 a rodG4464 of ironG4603; asG5613 the vesselsG4632 of a potterG2764 shall they be broken to shiversG4937: evenG2504 asG5613 IG2504 receivedG2983 ofG3844 myG3450 FatherG3962.
Of the increaseH4766 of his governmentH4951 and peaceH7965 there shall be no endH7093, upon the throneH3678 of DavidH1732, and upon his kingdomH4467, to orderH3559 it, and to establishH5582 it with judgmentH4941 and with justiceH6666 from henceforth even forH5704 everH5769. The zealH7068 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 will performH6213 this.
HeG3778 shall beG2071 greatG3173, andG2532 shall be calledG2564 the SonG5207 of the HighestG5310: andG2532 the LordG2962 GodG2316 shall giveG1325 unto himG846 the throneG2362 of hisG846 fatherG3962 DavidG1138:
AndG2532 out ofG1537 hisG846 mouthG4750 goethG1607 a sharpG3691 swordG4501, thatG2443 withG1722 itG846 he should smiteG3960 the nationsG1484: andG2532 heG846 shall ruleG4165 themG846 withG1722 a rodG4464 of ironG4603: andG2532 heG846 treadethG3961 the winepressG3025+G3631 of the fiercenessG2372 andG2532 wrathG3709 of AlmightyG3841 GodG2316.
AndG2532 he hathG2192 onG1909 his vestureG2440 andG2532 onG1909 hisG846 thighG3382 a nameG3686 writtenG1125, KINGG935 OF KINGSG935, ANDG2532 LORDG2962 OF LORDSG2962.
AndG2532 I sawG1492 anG1520 angelG32 standingG2476 inG1722 the sunG2246; andG2532 he criedG2896 with a loudG3173 voiceG5456, sayingG3004 to allG3956 the fowlsG3732 that flyG4072 inG1722 the midst of heavenG3321, ComeG1205 andG2532 gather yourselves togetherG4863 untoG1519 the supperG1173 of the greatG3173 GodG2316;
ThatG2443 ye may eatG5315 the fleshG4561 of kingsG935, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of captainsG5506, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of mighty menG2478, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of horsesG2462, andG2532 of them that sitG2521 onG1909 themG846, andG2532 the fleshG4561 of allG3956 men, both freeG1658 andG2532 bondG1401, bothG2532 smallG3398 andG2532 greatG3173.
AndG2532 I sawG1492 the beastG2342, andG2532 the kingsG935 of the earthG1093, andG2532 theirG846 armiesG4753, gathered togetherG4863 to makeG4160 warG4171 againstG3326 him that satG2521 onG1909 the horseG2462, andG2532 againstG3326 hisG846 armyG4753.
AndG2532 the beastG2342 was takenG4084, andG2532 withG3326 himG5127 the false prophetG5578 that wroughtG4160 miraclesG4592 beforeG1799 himG846, withG1722 whichG3739 he deceivedG4105 them that had receivedG2983 the markG5480 of the beastG2342, andG2532 them that worshippedG4352 hisG846 imageG1504. These bothG1417 were castG906 aliveG2198 intoG1519 a lakeG3041 of fireG4442 burningG2545 withG1722 brimstoneG2303.
AndG2532 he shall reignG936 overG1909 the houseG3624 of JacobG2384 forG1519 everG165; andG2532 of hisG846 kingdomG932 there shall beG2071 noG3756 endG5056.
ForG1063 thisG3778 is heG2076 that was spokenG4483 of byG5259 the prophetG4396 EsaiasG2268, sayingG3004, The voiceG5456 of one cryingG994 inG1722 the wildernessG2048, Prepare yeG2090 the wayG3598 of the LordG2962, makeG4160 hisG846 pathsG5147 straightG2117.
The peopleG3793 answeredG611 himG846, WeG2249 have heardG191 out ofG1537 the lawG3551 thatG3754 ChristG5547 abidethG3306 forG1519 everG165: andG2532 howG4459 sayestG3004 thouG4771+G3754, The SonG5207 of manG444 mustG1163 be lifted upG5312? whoG5101 isG2076 thisG3778 SonG5207 of manG444?
AndG2532 JesusG2424 cameG4334 and spakeG2980 unto themG846, sayingG3004, AllG3956 powerG1849 is givenG1325 unto meG3427 inG1722 heavenG3772 andG2532 inG1909 earthG1093.
AndG2532 the seventhG1442 angelG32 soundedG4537; andG2532 there wereG1096 greatG3173 voicesG5456 inG1722 heavenG3772, sayingG3004, The kingdomsG932 of this worldG2889 are becomeG1096 the kingdoms of ourG2257 LordG2962, andG2532 of hisG846 ChristG5547; andG2532 he shall reignG936 forG1519 everG165 and everG165.
WhichG3739 he wroughtG1754 inG1722 ChristG5547, when he raisedG1453 himG846 fromG1537 the deadG3498, andG2532 setG2523 him atG1722 his ownG846 right handG1188 inG1722 the heavenlyG2032 places,
Far aboveG5231 allG3956 principalityG746, andG2532 powerG1849, andG2532 mightG1411, andG2532 dominionG2963, andG2532 everyG3956 nameG3686 that is namedG3687, notG3756 onlyG3440 inG1722 thisG5129 worldG165, butG235 alsoG2532 inG1722 that which is to comeG3195:
AndG2532 hath putG5293 allG3956 things underG5259 hisG846 feetG4228, andG2532 gaveG1325 himG846 to be the headG2776 overG5228 allG3956 things to the churchG1577,