And in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of NebuchadnezzarH5019 NebuchadnezzarH5019 dreamedH2492 dreamsH2472, wherewith his spiritH7307 was troubledH6470, and his sleepH8142 brakeH1961 from him.
Then the kingH4428 commandedH559 to callH7121 the magiciansH2748, and the astrologersH825, and the sorcerersH3784, and the ChaldeansH3778, for to shewH5046 the kingH4428 his dreamsH2472. So they cameH935 and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the kingH4428.
And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto them, I have dreamedH2492 a dreamH2472, and my spiritH7307 was troubledH6470 to knowH3045 the dreamH2472.
Then spakeH1696 the ChaldeansH3778 to the kingH4428 in SyriackH762, O kingH4430, liveH2418 for everH5957: tellH560 thy servantsH5649 the dreamH2493, and we will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the ChaldeansH3779, The thingH4406 is goneH230 from meH4481: ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493, with the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall be cutH5648 in piecesH1917, and your housesH1005 shall be madeH7761 a dunghillH5122. {cut…: Cald. made pieces}
But ifH2006 ye shewH2324 the dreamH2493, and the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall receiveH6902 ofH4481 meH6925 giftsH4978 and rewardsH5023 and greatH7690 honourH3367: thereforeH3861 shewH2324 me the dreamH2493, and the interpretationH6591 thereof. {rewards: or, fee}
They answeredH6032 againH8579 and saidH560, Let the kingH4430 tellH560 his servantsH5649 the dreamH2493, and we will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591 of it.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560, IH576 knowH3046 ofH4481 certaintyH3330 that yeH608 would gainH2084 the timeH5732, becauseH6903+H3606 ye seeH2370 the thingH4406 is goneH230 fromH4481 me. {gain: Cald. buy}
But ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493, there is but oneH1932+H2298 decreeH1882 for you: for ye have preparedH2164 lyingH3538 and corruptH7844 wordsH4406 to speakH560 beforeH6925 me, tillH5705 the timeH5732 be changedH8133: thereforeH3861 tellH560 me the dreamH2493, and I shall knowH3046 thatH1768 ye can shewH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof.
The ChaldeansH3779 answeredH6032 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, and saidH560, There isH383 notH3809 a manH606 uponH5922 the earthH3007 that canH3202 shewH2324 the king'sH4430 matterH4406: thereforeH6903+H1768 there is noH3809 kingH4430, lordH7229, nor rulerH7990, that askedH7593 suchH1836 thingsH4406 at anyH3606 magicianH2749, or astrologerH826, or ChaldeanH3779.
And it is a rareH3358 thingH4406 that the kingH4430 requirethH7593, and there isH383 noneH3809 otherH321 that can shewH2324 it beforeH6925 the kingH4430, exceptH3861 the godsH426, whose dwellingH4070 isH383 notH3809 withH5974 fleshH1321.
ForH6903 thisH1836 causeH3606 the kingH4430 was angryH1149 and veryH7690 furiousH7108, and commandedH560 to destroyH7 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895.
And the decreeH1882 went forthH5312 that the wiseH2445 men should be slainH6992; and they soughtH1156 DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 to be slainH6992.
ThenH116 DanielH1841 answeredH8421 with counselH5843 and wisdomH2942 to AriochH746 the captainH7229 ofH1768 the king'sH4430 guardH2877, which was gone forthH5312 to slayH6992 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: {answered…: Cald. returned} {captain…: or, chief marshal: Cald. chief of the executioners, or, slaughtermen}
He answeredH6032 and saidH560 to AriochH746 the king'sH4430 captainH7990, WhyH4101+H5922 is the decreeH1882 so hastyH2685 fromH4481+H6925 the kingH4430? ThenH116 AriochH746 made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to DanielH1841.
Then DanielH1841 went inH5954, and desiredH1156 ofH4481 the kingH4430 that he would giveH5415 him timeH2166, and that he would shewH2324 the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591.
ThenH116 DanielH1841 wentH236 to his houseH1005, and made the thingH4406 knownH3046 to HananiahH2608, MishaelH4333, and AzariahH5839, his companionsH2269:
That they would desireH1156 merciesH7359 ofH4481+H6925 the GodH426 of heavenH8065 concerningH5922 thisH1836 secretH7328; that DanielH1841 and his fellowsH2269 should notH3809 perishH7 withH5974 the restH7606 of the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895. {of the God: Cald. from before God} {that Daniel…: or, that they should not destroy Daniel, etc}
ThenH116 was the secretH7328 revealedH1541 unto DanielH1841 in a nightH3916 visionH2376. ThenH116 DanielH1841 blessedH1289 the GodH426 of heavenH8065.
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 and saidH560, BlessedH1289 beH1934 the nameH8036 of GodH426 forH4481 everH5957 and everH5705+H5957: for wisdomH2452 and mightH1370 areH1932 his:
And he changethH8133 the timesH5732 and the seasonsH2166: he removethH5709 kingsH4430, and setteth upH6966 kingsH4430: he givethH3052 wisdomH2452 unto the wiseH2445, and knowledgeH4486 to them that knowH3046 understandingH999:
He revealethH1541 the deepH5994 and secret thingsH5642: he knowethH3046 whatH4101 is in the darknessH2816, and the lightH5094 dwellethH8271 with himH5974.
IH576 thankH3029 thee, and praiseH7624 thee, O thou GodH426 of my fathersH2, who hast givenH3052 me wisdomH2452 and mightH1370, and hast made knownH3046 unto me nowH3705 what we desiredH1156 of theeH4481: for thou hast now made knownH3046 unto us the king'sH4430 matterH4406.
ThereforeH3606+H6903+H1836 DanielH1841 went inH5954 untoH5922 AriochH746, whom the kingH4430 had ordainedH4483 to destroyH7 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: he wentH236 and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him; DestroyH7 notH409 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895: bring me inH5954 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, and I will shewH2324 unto the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591.
ThenH116 AriochH746 brought inH5954 DanielH1841 beforeH6925 the kingH4430 in hasteH927, and saidH560 thusH3652 unto him, I have foundH7912 a manH1400 of the captivesH1123+H1547 ofH4481 JudahH3061, that will make knownH3046 unto the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591. {I have…: Cald. That I have found} {captives…: Cald. children of the captivity of Judah}
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to DanielH1841, whose nameH8036 was BelteshazzarH1096, ArtH383 thou ableH3546 to make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493 which I have seenH2370, and the interpretationH6591 thereof?
DanielH1841 answeredH6032 in the presenceH6925 of the kingH4430, and saidH560, The secretH7328 which the kingH4430 hath demandedH7593 cannotH3202+H3809 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologersH826, the magiciansH2749, the soothsayersH1505, shewH2324 unto the kingH4430;
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
As for theeH607, O kingH4430, thy thoughtsH7476 cameH5559 into thy mind uponH5922 thy bedH4903, whatH4101 should come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and he that revealethH1541 secretsH7328 maketh knownH3046 to thee whatH4101 shall come to passH1934. {came: Cald. came up}
But as for meH576, thisH1836 secretH7328 is notH3809 revealedH1541 to me for any wisdomH2452 that I haveH383 more thanH4481 anyH3606 livingH2417, butH3861 for their sakesH1701 thatH5922 shall make knownH3046 the interpretationH6591 to the kingH4430, and that thou mightest knowH3046 the thoughtsH7476 of thy heartH3825. {but for…: or, but for the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king}
ThouH607, O kingH4430, sawestH1934+H2370, and beholdH431 a greatH2298+H7690 imageH6755. ThisH1797 greatH7229 imageH6755, whose brightnessH2122 was excellentH3493, stoodH6966 beforeH6903 thee; and the formH7299 thereof was terribleH1763. {sawest: Cald. wast seeing}
This image'sH6755 headH7217 was of fineH2869 goldH1722, his breastH2306 and his armsH1872 of silverH3702, his bellyH4577 and his thighsH3410 of brassH5174, {thighs: or, sides}
His legsH8243 of ironH6523, his feetH7271 partH4481 of ironH6523 and partH4481 of clayH2635.
Thou sawestH2370+H1934 tillH5705 that a stoneH69 was cut outH1505 withoutH3809 handsH3028, which smoteH4223 the imageH6755 uponH5922 his feetH7271 that were of ironH6523 and clayH2635, and brakeH1855 themH1994 to piecesH1855. {without…: or, which was not in hands}
ThenH116 was the ironH6523, the clayH2635, the brassH5174, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722, broken to piecesH1855+H1751 togetherH2298, and becameH1934 like the chaffH5784 ofH4481 the summerH7007 threshingfloorsH147; and the windH7308 carriedH5376 themH1994 awayH5376, thatH3606 noH3809 placeH870 was foundH7912 for them: and the stoneH69 that smoteH4223 the imageH6755 becameH1934 a greatH7229 mountainH2906, and filledH4391 the wholeH3606 earthH772.
ThisH1836 is the dreamH2493; and we will tellH560 the interpretationH6591 thereof beforeH6925 the kingH4430.
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
And wheresoeverH3606 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwellH1753, the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 hath he givenH3052 into thine handH3028, and hath made thee rulerH7981 over them allH3606. ThouH607 art this headH7217 of goldH1722.
And afterH870 thee shall ariseH6966 anotherH317 kingdomH4437 inferiorH772 to theeH4481, and anotherH317 thirdH8523 kingdomH4437 of brassH5174, which shall bear ruleH7981 over allH3606 the earthH772.
And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 strongH8624 as ironH6523: forasmuch as ironH6523 breaketh in piecesH1855 and subduethH2827 allH3606 things: and asH6903 ironH6523 that breakethH7490 allH3606 theseH459, shall it break in piecesH1855 and bruiseH7490.
And whereas thou sawestH2370 the feetH7271 and toesH677, partH4481 of potters'H6353 clayH2635, and partH4481 of ironH6523, the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 dividedH6386; butH4481 there shall beH1934 in it ofH4481 the strengthH5326 of the ironH6523, forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635.
And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of ironH6523, and partH4481 of clayH2635, so the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 partlyH4481+H7118 strongH8624, and partlyH4481+H7118 brokenH8406. {broken: or, brittle}
And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635, they shall mingle themselvesH1934+H6151 with the seedH2234 of menH606: but they shallH1934 notH3809 cleaveH1693 oneH1836 toH5974 anotherH1836, evenH1888 as ironH6523 is notH3809 mixedH6151 with clayH2635. {one…: Cald. this with this}
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 set upH6966 a kingdomH4437, which shall neverH5957+H3809 be destroyedH2255: and the kingdomH4437 shall notH3809 be leftH7662 to otherH321 peopleH5972, but it shall break in piecesH1855 and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdomsH4437, and itH1932 shall standH6966 for everH5957. {the days: Cald. their days} {the kingdom: Cald the kingdom thereof}
Forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 that the stoneH69 was cut outH1505 of the mountainH2906 withoutH3809 handsH3028, and that it brake in piecesH1855 the ironH6523, the brassH5174, the clayH2635, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722; the greatH7229 GodH426 hath made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 shall come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and the dreamH2493 is certainH3330, and the interpretationH6591 thereof sureH540. {without…: or, which was not in hands} {hereafter: Cald. after this}
ThenH116 the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 fellH5308 uponH5922 his faceH600, and worshippedH5457 DanielH1841, and commandedH560 that they should offerH5260 an oblationH4504 and sweet odoursH5208 unto him.
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 unto DanielH1841, and saidH560, OfH4481 a truthH7187 it is, thatH1768 your GodH426 is a GodH426 of godsH426, and a LordH4756 of kingsH4430, and a revealerH1541 of secretsH7328, seeing thou couldestH3202 revealH1541 thisH1836 secretH7328.
ThenH116 the kingH4430 madeH7236 DanielH1841 a great manH7236, and gaveH3052 him manyH7690 greatH7260 giftsH4978, and made him rulerH7981 overH5922 the wholeH3606 provinceH4083 of BabylonH895, and chiefH7229 of the governorsH5460 overH5922 allH3606 the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895.
Then DanielH1841 requestedH1156 ofH4481 the kingH4430, and he setH4483 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, overH5922 the affairsH5673 of the provinceH4083 of BabylonH895: but DanielH1841 sat in the gateH8651 of the kingH4430.
Querverweise zu Daniel 2,47 Dan 2,47
And the kingH4428 shall doH6213 according to his willH7522; and he shall exaltH7311 himself, and magnifyH1431 himself above every godH410, and shall speakH1696 marvellous thingsH6381 against the GodH410 of godsH410, and shall prosperH6743 till the indignationH2195 be accomplishedH3615: for that that is determinedH2782 shall be doneH6213.
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
ThenH116 was the secretH7328 revealedH1541 unto DanielH1841 in a nightH3916 visionH2376. ThenH116 DanielH1841 blessedH1289 the GodH426 of heavenH8065.
For the LORDH3068 your GodH430 is GodH430 of godsH430, and LordH113 of lordsH113, a greatH1419 GodH410, a mightyH1368, and a terribleH3372, which regardethH5375 not personsH6440, nor takethH3947 rewardH7810:
This matterH6600 is by the decreeH1510 of the watchersH5894, and the demandH7595 by the wordH3983 of the holy onesH6922: toH5705 the intentH1701 that the livingH2417 may knowH3046 that the most HighH5943 rulethH7990 in the kingdomH4437 of menH606, and givethH5415 it to whomsoeverH4479 he willH6634, and setteth upH6966 overH5922 it the basestH8215 of menH606.
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
The LORDH3068 GodH410 of godsH430, the LORDH3068 GodH410 of godsH430, he knowethH3045, and IsraelH3478 he shall knowH3045; if it be in rebellionH4777, or if in transgressionH4604 against the LORDH3068, (saveH3467 us not this dayH3117,)
And they shall driveH2957 thee fromH4481 menH606, and thy dwellingH4070 shall be withH5974 the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251: they shall make thee to eatH2939 grassH6211 as oxenH8450, and sevenH7655 timesH5732 shall passH2499 overH5922 thee, untilH5705 thou knowH3046 that the most HighH5943 rulethH7990 in the kingdomH4437 of menH606, and givethH5415 it to whomsoeverH4479 he willH6634.
But atH5705 the lastH318 DanielH1841 came inH5922 before meH6925, whose nameH8036 was BelteshazzarH1096, according to the nameH8036 of my godH426, and in whom is the spiritH7308 of the holyH6922 godsH426: and beforeH6925 him I toldH560 the dreamH2493, saying,
O BelteshazzarH1096, masterH7229 of the magiciansH2749, because IH576 knowH3046 that the spiritH7308 of the holyH6922 godsH426 is in thee, and noH3606+H3809 secretH7328 troublethH598 thee, tellH560 me the visionsH2376 of my dreamH2493 that I have seenH2370, and the interpretationH6591 thereof.
And PharaohH6547 saidH559 unto JosephH3130, ForasmuchH310 as GodH430 hath shewedH3045 thee all this, there is none so discreetH995 and wiseH2450 as thou art:
Surely the LordH136 GODH3069 will doH6213 nothingH1697, but he revealethH1540 his secretH5475 unto his servantsH5650 the prophetsH5030.
A PsalmH4210 of AsaphH623. GodH430 standethH5324 in the congregationH5712 of the mightyH410; he judgethH8199 amongH7130 the godsH430. {of Asaph: or, for Asaph}
WhichG3739 in hisG2398 timesG2540 he shall shewG1166, whoG3588 is the blessedG3107 andG2532 onlyG3441 PotentateG1413, the KingG935 of kingsG936, andG2532 LordG2962 of lordsG2961;
AndG2532 fromG575 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, who is the faithfulG4103 witnessG3144, and the first begottenG4416 ofG1537 the deadG3498, andG2532 the princeG758 of the kingsG935 of the earthG1093. Unto him that lovedG25 usG2248, andG2532 washedG3068 usG2248 fromG575 ourG2257 sinsG266 inG1722 his ownG846 bloodG129,