To the chief MusicianH5329 upon ShoshannimH7799, A Psalm of DavidH1732. SaveH3467 me, O GodH430; for the watersH4325 are comeH935 in unto my soulH5315.
I sinkH2883 in deepH4688 mireH3121, where there is no standingH4613: I am comeH935 into deepH4615 watersH4325, where the floodsH7641 overflowH7857 me. {deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth} {deep waters: Heb. depth of waters}
I am wearyH3021 of my cryingH7121: my throatH1627 is driedH2787: mine eyesH5869 failH3615 while I waitH3176 for my GodH430.
They that hateH8130 me without a causeH2600 are moreH7231 than the hairsH8185 of mine headH7218: they that would destroyH6789 me, being mine enemiesH341 wrongfullyH8267, are mightyH6105: then I restoredH7725 that which I took not awayH1497.
O GodH430, thou knowestH3045 my foolishnessH200; and my sinsH819 are not hidH3582 from thee. {sins: Heb. guiltiness}
Let not them that waitH6960 on thee, O LordH136 GODH3069 of hostsH6635, be ashamedH954 for my sake: let not those that seekH1245 thee be confoundedH3637 for my sake, O GodH430 of IsraelH3478.
Because for thy sake I have borneH5375 reproachH2781; shameH3639 hath coveredH3680 my faceH6440.
I am become a strangerH2114 unto my brethrenH251, and an alienH5237 unto my mother'sH517 childrenH1121.
For the zealH7068 of thine houseH1004 hath eaten me upH398; and the reproachesH2781 of them that reproachedH2778 thee are fallenH5307 upon me.
When I weptH1058, and chastened my soulH5315 with fastingH6685, that was to my reproachH2781.
I madeH5414 sackclothH8242 also my garmentH3830; and I became a proverbH4912 to them.
They that sit inH3427 the gateH8179 speakH7878 against me; and I was the songH5058 of the drunkardsH8354+H7941. {drunkards: Heb. drinkers of strong drink}
But as for me, my prayerH8605 is unto thee, O LORDH3068, in an acceptableH7522 timeH6256: O GodH430, in the multitudeH7230 of thy mercyH2617 hearH6030 me, in the truthH571 of thy salvationH3468.
DeliverH5337 me out of the mireH2916, and let me not sinkH2883: let me be deliveredH5337 from them that hateH8130 me, and out of the deepH4615 watersH4325.
Let not the waterfloodH4325+H7641 overflowH7857 me, neither let the deepH4688 swallow me upH1104, and let not the pitH875 shutH332 her mouthH6310 upon me.
HearH6030 me, O LORDH3068; for thy lovingkindnessH2617 is goodH2896: turnH6437 unto me according to the multitudeH7230 of thy tender merciesH7356.
And hideH5641 not thy faceH6440 from thy servantH5650; for I am in troubleH6887: hearH6030 me speedilyH4118. {hear…: Heb. make haste to hear me}
Draw nighH7126 unto my soulH5315, and redeemH1350 it: deliverH6299 me because of mine enemiesH341.
Thou hast knownH3045 my reproachH2781, and my shameH1322, and my dishonourH3639: mine adversariesH6887 are all before thee.
ReproachH2781 hath brokenH7665 my heartH3820; and I am full of heavinessH5136: and I lookedH6960 for some to take pityH5110, but there was none; and for comfortersH5162, but I foundH4672 none. {to take…: Heb. to lament with me}
They gaveH5414 me also gallH7219 for my meatH1267; and in my thirstH6772 they gave me vinegarH2558 to drinkH8248.
Let their tableH7979 become a snareH6341 beforeH6440 them: and that which should have been for their welfareH7965, let it become a trapH4170.
Let their eyesH5869 be darkenedH2821, that they seeH7200 not; and make their loinsH4975 continuallyH8548 to shakeH4571.
Pour outH8210 thine indignationH2195 upon them, and let thy wrathfulH2740 angerH639 take holdH5381 of them.
Let their habitationH2918 be desolateH8074; and let none dwellH3427 in their tentsH168. {their habitation: Heb. their palace} {let none…: Heb. let there not be a dweller}
For they persecuteH7291 him whom thou hast smittenH5221; and they talkH5608 to the griefH4341 of those whom thou hast woundedH2491. {those…: Heb. thy wounded}
AddH5414 iniquityH5771 unto their iniquityH5771: and let them not comeH935 into thy righteousnessH6666. {iniquity unto…: or, punishment of iniquity, etc}
Let them be blottedH4229 out of the bookH5612 of the livingH2416, and not be writtenH3789 with the righteousH6662.
But I am poorH6041 and sorrowfulH3510: let thy salvationH3444, O GodH430, set me up on highH7682.
I will praiseH1984 the nameH8034 of GodH430 with a songH7892, and will magnifyH1431 him with thanksgivingH8426.
This also shall pleaseH3190 the LORDH3068 betterH3190 than an oxH7794 or bullockH6499 that hath hornsH7160 and hoofsH6536.
The humbleH6035 shall seeH7200 this, and be gladH8055: and your heartH3824 shall liveH2421 that seekH1875 GodH430. {humble: or, meek}
For the LORDH3068 hearethH8085 the poorH34, and despisethH959 not his prisonersH615.
Let the heavenH8064 and earthH776 praiseH1984 him, the seasH3220, and every thing that movethH7430 therein. {moveth: Heb. creepeth}
For GodH430 will saveH3467 ZionH6726, and will buildH1129 the citiesH5892 of JudahH3063: that they may dwellH3427 there, and have it in possessionH3423.
The seedH2233 also of his servantsH5650 shall inheritH5157 it: and they that loveH157 his nameH8034 shall dwellH7931 therein.
Querverweise zu Psalm 69,13 Ps 69,13
AskH7592 thy young menH5288, and they will shewH5046 thee. Wherefore let the young menH5288 findH4672 favourH2580 in thine eyesH5869: for we comeH935 in a goodH2896 dayH3117: giveH5414, I pray thee, whatsoever comethH4672 to thine handH3027 unto thy servantsH5650, and to thy sonH1121 DavidH1732.
I have not hidH3680 thy righteousnessH6666 withinH8432 my heartH3820; I have declaredH559 thy faithfulnessH530 and thy salvationH8668: I have not concealedH3582 thy lovingkindnessH2617 and thy truthH571 from the greatH7227 congregationH6951.
EveningH6153, and morningH1242, and at noonH6672, will I prayH7878, and cry aloudH1993: and he shall hearH8085 my voiceH6963.
And it was so, when the kingH4428 sawH7200 EstherH635 the queenH4436 standingH5975 in the courtH2691, that she obtainedH5375 favourH2580 in his sightH5869: and the kingH4428 held outH3447 to EstherH635 the goldenH2091 sceptreH8275 that was in his handH3027. So EstherH635 drew nearH7126, and touchedH5060 the topH7218 of the sceptreH8275.
WithholdH3607 not thou thy tender merciesH7356 from me, O LORDH3068: let thy lovingkindnessH2617 and thy truthH571 continuallyH8548 preserveH5341 me.
He shall callH7121 upon me, and I will answerH6030 him: I will be with him in troubleH6869; I will deliverH2502 him, and honourH3513 him.
And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto EstherH635 at the banquetH4960 of wineH3196, What is thy petitionH7596? and it shall be grantedH5414 thee: and what is thy requestH1246? even to the halfH2677 of the kingdomH4438 it shall be performedH6213.
He hath rememberedH2142 his mercyH2617 and his truthH530 toward the houseH1004 of IsraelH3478: all the endsH657 of the earthH776 have seenH7200 the salvationH3444 of our GodH430.
ThenG5119 comethG2064 JesusG2424 withG3326 themG846 untoG1519 a placeG5564 calledG3004 GethsemaneG1068, andG2532 saithG3004 unto the disciplesG3101, Sit yeG2523 hereG847, whileG2193+G3739 I goG565 and prayG4336 yonderG1563.
AndG2532 he took with himG3880 PeterG4074 andG2532 the twoG1417 sonsG5207 of ZebedeeG2199, and beganG756 to be sorrowfulG3076 andG2532 very heavyG85.
ThenG5119 saith heG3004 unto themG846, MyG3450 soulG5590 isG2076 exceeding sorrowfulG4036, even untoG2193 deathG2288: tarry yeG3306 hereG5602, andG2532 watchG1127 withG3326 meG1700.
AndG2532 he wentG4281 a littleG3397 furtherG4281, and fellG4098 onG1909 hisG846 faceG4383, andG2532 prayedG4336, sayingG3004, O myG3450 FatherG3962, ifG1487 it beG2076 possibleG1415, letG3928 thisG5124 cupG4221 passG3928 fromG575 meG1700: neverthelessG4133 notG3756 asG5613 IG1473 willG2309, butG235 asG5613 thouG4771 wilt.
AndG2532 he comethG2064 untoG4314 the disciplesG3101, andG2532 findethG2147 themG846 asleepG2518, andG2532 saithG3004 unto PeterG4074, WhatG3779, could yeG2480 notG3756 watchG1127 withG3326 meG1700 oneG3391 hourG5610?
WatchG1127 andG2532 prayG4336, thatG3363 ye enterG1525 notG3363 intoG1519 temptationG3986: the spiritG4151 indeedG3303 is willingG4289, butG1161 the fleshG4561 is weakG772.
He went awayG565 againG3825 theG1537 second timeG1208, and prayedG4336, sayingG3004, O myG3450 FatherG3962, ifG1487 thisG5124 cupG4221 mayG1410 notG3756 pass awayG3928 fromG575 meG1700, exceptG3362 I drinkG4095 itG846, thyG4675 willG2307 be doneG1096.
AndG2532 he cameG2064 and foundG2147 themG846 asleepG2518 againG3825: forG1063 theirG846 eyesG3788 wereG2258 heavyG916.
AndG2532 he leftG863 themG846, and went awayG565 againG3825, and prayedG4336+G1537 the third timeG5154, sayingG2036 the sameG846 wordsG3056.
ThenG5119 cometh heG2064 toG4314 hisG846 disciplesG3101, andG2532 saithG3004 unto themG846, Sleep onG2518 nowG3063, andG2532 take your restG373: beholdG2400, the hourG5610 is at handG1448, andG2532 the SonG5207 of manG444 is betrayedG3860 intoG1519 the handsG5495 of sinnersG268.
RiseG1453, let us be goingG71: beholdG2400, he is at handG1448 that doth betrayG3860 meG3165.
And the kingH4428 saidH559 again unto EstherH635 on the secondH8145 dayH3117 at the banquetH4960 of wineH3196, What is thy petitionH7596, queenH4436 EstherH635? and it shall be grantedH5414 thee: and what is thy requestH1246? and it shall be performedH6213, even to the halfH2677 of the kingdomH4438.
And he saidH559, BlessedH1288 be the LORDH3068 GodH430 of my masterH113 AbrahamH85, who hath not left destituteH5800+H5973 my masterH113 of his mercyH2617 and his truthH571: I being in the wayH1870, the LORDH3068 led meH5148 to the houseH1004 of my master'sH113 brethrenH251.
AndG2532 beingG1096 inG1722 an agonyG74 he prayedG4336 more earnestlyG1617: andG1161 hisG846 sweatG2402 wasG1096 as it wereG5616 great dropsG2361 of bloodG129 falling downG2597 toG1909 the groundG1093.
Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068, In an acceptableH7522 timeH6256 have I heardH6030 thee, and in a dayH3117 of salvationH3444 have I helpedH5826 thee: and I will preserveH5341 thee, and giveH5414 thee for a covenantH1285 of the peopleH5971, to establishH6965 the earthH776, to cause to inheritH5157 the desolateH8074 heritagesH5159; {establish: or, raise up}
Thou wilt performH5414 the truthH571 to JacobH3290, and the mercyH2617 to AbrahamH85, which thou hast swornH7650 unto our fathersH1 from the daysH3117 of oldH6924.
These wordsG5023 spakeG2980 JesusG2424, andG2532 lifted upG1869 hisG846 eyesG3788 toG1519 heavenG3772, andG2532 saidG2036, FatherG3962, the hourG5610 is comeG2064; glorifyG1392 thyG4675 SonG5207, thatG2443 thyG4675 SonG5207 alsoG2532 may glorifyG1392 theeG4571:
AsG2531 thou hast givenG1325 himG846 powerG1849 over allG3956 fleshG4561, thatG2443 he should giveG1325 eternalG166 lifeG2222 toG3739 as many asG3956+G846 thou hast givenG1325 himG846.
AndG1161 thisG3778 isG2076 lifeG2222 eternalG166, thatG2443 they might knowG1097 theeG4571 the onlyG3441 trueG228 GodG2316, andG2532 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, whomG3739 thou hast sentG649.
IG1473 have glorifiedG1392 theeG4571 onG1909 the earthG1093: I have finishedG5048 the workG2041 whichG3739 thou gavestG1325 meG3427 toG2443 doG4160.
AndG2532 nowG3568, O FatherG3962, glorifyG1392 thouG4771 meG3165 withG3844 thine own selfG4572 with the gloryG1391 whichG3739 I hadG2192 withG3844 theeG4671 beforeG4253 the worldG2889 wasG1511.
I have manifestedG5319 thyG4675 nameG3686 unto the menG444 whichG3739 thou gavestG1325 meG3427 out ofG1537 the worldG2889: thineG4674 they wereG2258, andG2532 thou gavestG1325 themG846 meG1698; andG2532 they have keptG5083 thyG4675 wordG3056.
NowG3568 they have knownG1097 thatG3754 all thingsG3956 whatsoeverG3745 thou hast givenG1325 meG3427 areG2076 ofG3844 theeG4675.
ForG3754 I have givenG1325 unto themG846 the wordsG4487 whichG3739 thou gavestG1325 meG3427; andG2532 theyG846 have receivedG2983 them, andG2532 have knownG1097 surelyG230 thatG3754 I came outG1831 fromG3844 theeG4675, andG2532 they have believedG4100 thatG3754 thouG4771 didst sendG649 meG3165.
IG1473 prayG2065 forG4012 themG846: I prayG2065 notG3756 forG4012 the worldG2889, butG235 forG4012 them whichG3739 thou hast givenG1325 meG3427; forG3754 they areG1526 thineG4674.
AndG2532 allG3956 mineG1699 areG2076 thineG4674, andG2532 thineG4674 are mineG1699; andG2532 I am glorifiedG1392 inG1722 themG846.
AndG2532 nowG3765 I amG1510 no moreG3765 inG1722 the worldG2889, butG2532 theseG3778 areG1526 inG1722 the worldG2889, andG2532 IG1473 comeG2064 toG4314 theeG4571. HolyG40 FatherG3962, keepG5083 throughG1722 thine ownG4675 nameG3686 thoseG846 whomG3739 thou hast givenG1325 meG3427, thatG2443 they may beG5600 oneG1520, asG2531 weG2249 are.
WhileG3753 I wasG2252 withG3326 themG846 inG1722 the worldG2889, IG1473 keptG5083 themG846 inG1722 thyG4675 nameG3686: those thatG3739 thou gavestG1325 meG3427 I have keptG5442, andG2532 noneG3762 ofG1537 themG846 is lostG622, butG1508 the sonG5207 of perditionG684; thatG2443 the scriptureG1124 might be fulfilledG4137.
AndG1161 nowG3568 come IG2064 toG4314 theeG4571; andG2532 these thingsG5023 I speakG2980 inG1722 the worldG2889, thatG2443 they might haveG2192 myG1699 joyG5479 fulfilledG4137 inG1722 themselvesG846.
IG1473 have givenG1325 themG846 thyG4675 wordG3056; andG2532 the worldG2889 hath hatedG3404 themG846, becauseG3754 they areG1526 notG3756 ofG1537 the worldG2889, even asG2531 IG1473 amG1510 notG3756 ofG1537 the worldG2889.
I prayG2065 notG3756 thatG2443 thou shouldest takeG142 themG846 out ofG1537 the worldG2889, butG235 thatG2443 thou shouldest keepG5083 themG846 fromG1537 the evilG4190.
They areG1526 notG3756 ofG1537 the worldG2889, even asG2531 IG1473 amG1510 notG3756 ofG1537 the worldG2889.
SanctifyG37 themG846 throughG1722 thyG4675 truthG225: thyG4674 wordG3056 isG2076 truthG225.
AsG2531 thou hast sentG649 meG1691 intoG1519 the worldG2889, even soG2504 haveG649 I alsoG2504 sentG649 themG846 intoG1519 the worldG2889.
AndG2532 forG5228 theirG846 sakesG5228 IG1473 sanctifyG37 myselfG1683, thatG2443 theyG846 alsoG2532 mightG5600 be sanctifiedG37 throughG1722 the truthG225. {sanctified…: or, truly sanctified}
NeitherG1161+G3756 pray IG2065 forG4012 theseG5130 aloneG3440, butG235 forG4012 them alsoG2532 which shall believeG4100 onG1519 meG1691 throughG1223 theirG846 wordG3056;
ThatG2443 they allG3956 may beG5600 oneG1520; asG2531 thouG4771, FatherG3962, art inG1722 meG1698, and IG2504 inG1722 theeG4671, thatG2443 theyG846 alsoG2532 may beG5600 oneG1520 inG1722 usG2254: thatG2443 the worldG2889 may believeG4100 thatG3754 thouG4771 hast sentG649 meG3165.
AndG2532 the gloryG1391 whichG3739 thou gavestG1325 meG3427 IG1473 have givenG1325 themG846; thatG2443 they may beG5600 oneG1520, even asG2531 weG2249 areG2070 oneG1520:
IG1473 inG1722 themG846, andG2532 thouG4771 inG1722 meG1698, thatG2443 they may beG5600 made perfectG5048 inG1519 oneG1520; andG2532 thatG2443 the worldG2889 may knowG1097 thatG3754 thouG4771 hast sentG649 meG3165, andG2532 hast lovedG25 themG846, asG2531 thou hast lovedG25 meG1691.
FatherG3962, I willG2309 thatG2443 they alsoG2548, whomG3739 thou hast givenG1325 meG3427, beG5600 withG3326 meG1700 whereG3699 IG1473 amG1510; thatG2443 they may beholdG2334 myG1699 gloryG1391, whichG3739 thou hast givenG1325 meG3427: forG3754 thou lovedstG25 meG3165 beforeG4253 the foundationG2602 of the worldG2889.
O righteousG1342 FatherG3962, the worldG2889 hathG1097 notG3756 knownG1097 theeG4571: butG1161 IG1473 have knownG1097 theeG4571, andG2532 theseG3778 have knownG1097 thatG3754 thouG4771 hast sentG649 meG3165.
AndG2532 I have declaredG1107 unto themG846 thyG4675 nameG3686, andG2532 will declareG1107 it: thatG2443 the loveG26 wherewithG3739 thou hast lovedG25 meG3165 may beG5600 inG1722 themG846, and IG2504 inG1722 themG846.
To performG4160 the mercyG1656 promised toG3326 ourG2257 fathersG3962, andG2532 to rememberG3415 hisG846 holyG40 covenantG1242;
WhoG3739 inG1722 the daysG2250 of hisG846 fleshG4561, when he had offered upG4374 prayersG1162 andG5037+G2532 supplicationsG2428 withG3326 strongG2478 cryingG2906 andG2532 tearsG1144 untoG4314 him that was ableG1410 to saveG4982 himG846 fromG1537 deathG2288, andG2532 was heardG1522 in thatG575 he fearedG2124; {in that…: or, for his piety}
(ForG1063 he saithG3004, I have heardG1873 theeG4675 in a timeG2540 acceptedG1184, andG2532 inG1722 the dayG2250 of salvationG4991 have I succouredG997 theeG4671: beholdG2400, nowG3568 is the acceptedG2144 timeG2540; beholdG2400, nowG3568 is the dayG2250 of salvationG4991.)
AndG2532 weG2249 declareG2097 unto youG5209 glad tidingsG2097, how thatG3754 the promiseG1860 which was madeG1096 untoG4314 the fathersG3962,
WhoG3739, when he was reviledG3058, reviledG486 notG3756 againG486; when he sufferedG3958, he threatenedG546 notG3756; butG1161 committedG3860 himself to him that judgethG2919 righteouslyG1346: {himself: or, his cause}
GodG2316 hath fulfilledG1603 the sameG5026 unto usG2254 theirG846 childrenG5043, in that he hath raised upG450 JesusG2424 againG450; asG5613 it isG1125 alsoG2532 writtenG1125 inG1722 the secondG1208 psalmG5568, ThouG4771 artG1488 myG3450 SonG5207, this dayG4594 have IG1473 begottenG1080 theeG4571.