To the chief MusicianH5329 upon ShoshannimH7799, A Psalm of DavidH1732. SaveH3467 me, O GodH430; for the watersH4325 are comeH935 in unto my soulH5315.
I sinkH2883 in deepH4688 mireH3121, where there is no standingH4613: I am comeH935 into deepH4615 watersH4325, where the floodsH7641 overflowH7857 me. {deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth} {deep waters: Heb. depth of waters}
I am wearyH3021 of my cryingH7121: my throatH1627 is driedH2787: mine eyesH5869 failH3615 while I waitH3176 for my GodH430.
They that hateH8130 me without a causeH2600 are moreH7231 than the hairsH8185 of mine headH7218: they that would destroyH6789 me, being mine enemiesH341 wrongfullyH8267, are mightyH6105: then I restoredH7725 that which I took not awayH1497.
O GodH430, thou knowestH3045 my foolishnessH200; and my sinsH819 are not hidH3582 from thee. {sins: Heb. guiltiness}
Let not them that waitH6960 on thee, O LordH136 GODH3069 of hostsH6635, be ashamedH954 for my sake: let not those that seekH1245 thee be confoundedH3637 for my sake, O GodH430 of IsraelH3478.
Because for thy sake I have borneH5375 reproachH2781; shameH3639 hath coveredH3680 my faceH6440.
I am become a strangerH2114 unto my brethrenH251, and an alienH5237 unto my mother'sH517 childrenH1121.
For the zealH7068 of thine houseH1004 hath eaten me upH398; and the reproachesH2781 of them that reproachedH2778 thee are fallenH5307 upon me.
When I weptH1058, and chastened my soulH5315 with fastingH6685, that was to my reproachH2781.
I madeH5414 sackclothH8242 also my garmentH3830; and I became a proverbH4912 to them.
They that sit inH3427 the gateH8179 speakH7878 against me; and I was the songH5058 of the drunkardsH8354+H7941. {drunkards: Heb. drinkers of strong drink}
But as for me, my prayerH8605 is unto thee, O LORDH3068, in an acceptableH7522 timeH6256: O GodH430, in the multitudeH7230 of thy mercyH2617 hearH6030 me, in the truthH571 of thy salvationH3468.
DeliverH5337 me out of the mireH2916, and let me not sinkH2883: let me be deliveredH5337 from them that hateH8130 me, and out of the deepH4615 watersH4325.
Let not the waterfloodH4325+H7641 overflowH7857 me, neither let the deepH4688 swallow me upH1104, and let not the pitH875 shutH332 her mouthH6310 upon me.
HearH6030 me, O LORDH3068; for thy lovingkindnessH2617 is goodH2896: turnH6437 unto me according to the multitudeH7230 of thy tender merciesH7356.
And hideH5641 not thy faceH6440 from thy servantH5650; for I am in troubleH6887: hearH6030 me speedilyH4118. {hear…: Heb. make haste to hear me}
Draw nighH7126 unto my soulH5315, and redeemH1350 it: deliverH6299 me because of mine enemiesH341.
Thou hast knownH3045 my reproachH2781, and my shameH1322, and my dishonourH3639: mine adversariesH6887 are all before thee.
ReproachH2781 hath brokenH7665 my heartH3820; and I am full of heavinessH5136: and I lookedH6960 for some to take pityH5110, but there was none; and for comfortersH5162, but I foundH4672 none. {to take…: Heb. to lament with me}
They gaveH5414 me also gallH7219 for my meatH1267; and in my thirstH6772 they gave me vinegarH2558 to drinkH8248.
Let their tableH7979 become a snareH6341 beforeH6440 them: and that which should have been for their welfareH7965, let it become a trapH4170.
Let their eyesH5869 be darkenedH2821, that they seeH7200 not; and make their loinsH4975 continuallyH8548 to shakeH4571.
Pour outH8210 thine indignationH2195 upon them, and let thy wrathfulH2740 angerH639 take holdH5381 of them.
Let their habitationH2918 be desolateH8074; and let none dwellH3427 in their tentsH168. {their habitation: Heb. their palace} {let none…: Heb. let there not be a dweller}
For they persecuteH7291 him whom thou hast smittenH5221; and they talkH5608 to the griefH4341 of those whom thou hast woundedH2491. {those…: Heb. thy wounded}
AddH5414 iniquityH5771 unto their iniquityH5771: and let them not comeH935 into thy righteousnessH6666. {iniquity unto…: or, punishment of iniquity, etc}
Let them be blottedH4229 out of the bookH5612 of the livingH2416, and not be writtenH3789 with the righteousH6662.
But I am poorH6041 and sorrowfulH3510: let thy salvationH3444, O GodH430, set me up on highH7682.
I will praiseH1984 the nameH8034 of GodH430 with a songH7892, and will magnifyH1431 him with thanksgivingH8426.
This also shall pleaseH3190 the LORDH3068 betterH3190 than an oxH7794 or bullockH6499 that hath hornsH7160 and hoofsH6536.
The humbleH6035 shall seeH7200 this, and be gladH8055: and your heartH3824 shall liveH2421 that seekH1875 GodH430. {humble: or, meek}
For the LORDH3068 hearethH8085 the poorH34, and despisethH959 not his prisonersH615.
Let the heavenH8064 and earthH776 praiseH1984 him, the seasH3220, and every thing that movethH7430 therein. {moveth: Heb. creepeth}
For GodH430 will saveH3467 ZionH6726, and will buildH1129 the citiesH5892 of JudahH3063: that they may dwellH3427 there, and have it in possessionH3423.
The seedH2233 also of his servantsH5650 shall inheritH5157 it: and they that loveH157 his nameH8034 shall dwellH7931 therein.
Querverweise zu Psalm 69,7 Ps 69,7
But I am a wormH8438, and no manH376; a reproachH2781 of menH120, and despisedH959 of the peopleH5971.
All they that seeH7200 me laugh me to scornH3932: they shoot outH6358 the lipH8193, they shakeH5128 the headH7218, saying, {shoot…: Heb. open}
He trustedH1556 on the LORDH3068 that he would deliverH6403 him: let him deliverH5337 him, seeing he delightedH2654 in him. {He trusted…: Heb. He rolled himself on} {seeing…: or, if he delight in}
I gaveH5414 my backH1460 to the smitersH5221, and my cheeksH3895 to them that plucked offH4803 the hair: I hidH5641 not my faceH6440 from shameH3639 and spittingH7536.
Yea, for thy sake are we killedH2026 all the dayH3117 long; we are countedH2803 as sheepH6629 for the slaughterH2878.
He is despisedH959 and rejectedH2310 of menH376; a manH376 of sorrowsH4341, and acquaintedH3045 with griefH2483: and we hid as it wereH4564 our facesH6440 from him; he was despisedH959, and we esteemedH2803 him not. {we hid…: or, he hid as it were his face from us: Heb. as an hiding of faces from him, or, from us}
O LORDH3068, thou knowestH3045: rememberH2142 me, and visitH6485 me, and revengeH5358 me of my persecutorsH7291; take me not awayH3947 in thy longsufferingH639+H750: knowH3045 that for thy sake I have sufferedH5375 rebukeH2781.
ThenG5119 did they spitG1716 inG1519 hisG846 faceG4383, andG2532 buffetedG2852 himG846; andG1161 others smote him with the palms of their handsG4474, {the palms…: or, rods}
ButG235 allG3956 these thingsG5023 will they doG4160 unto youG5213 forG1223 myG3450 name'sG3686 sakeG3450, becauseG3754 they knowG1492 notG3756 him that sentG3992 meG3165.
IfG1508 I hadG2064 notG1508 comeG2064 andG2532 spokenG2980 unto themG846, they hadG2192 notG3756 hadG2192 sinG266: butG1161 nowG3568 they haveG2192 noG3756 clokeG4392 forG4012 theirG846 sinG266. {cloke: or, excuse}
He that hatethG3404 meG1691 hatethG3404 myG3450 FatherG3962 alsoG2532.
IfG1508 I hadG4160 notG1508 doneG4160 amongG1722 themG846 the worksG2041 whichG3739 noneG3762 other manG243 didG4160, they hadG2192 notG3756 hadG2192 sinG266: butG1161 nowG3568 have theyG3708 bothG2532 seenG3708 andG2532 hatedG3404 bothG2532 meG1691 andG2532 myG3450 FatherG3962.
SayingG3004, ProphesyG4395 unto usG2254, thou ChristG5547, WhoG5101 is heG2076 that smoteG3817 theeG4571?
AndG2532 when they had plattedG4120 a crownG4735 ofG1537 thornsG173, they putG2007 it uponG1909 hisG846 headG2776, andG2532 a reedG2563 inG1909 hisG846 right handG1188: andG2532 they bowed the kneeG1120 beforeG1715 himG846, and mockedG1702 himG846, sayingG3004, HailG5463, KingG935 of the JewsG2453!
AndG2532 they spitG1716 uponG1519 himG846, and tookG2983 the reedG2563, andG2532 smoteG5180 himG846 onG1519 the headG2776.
ThenG5119 were there twoG1417 thievesG3027 crucifiedG4717 withG4862 himG846, oneG1520 onG1537 the right handG1188, andG2532 anotherG1520 onG1537 the leftG2176.
AndG1161 they that passed byG3899 reviledG987 himG846, waggingG2795 theirG846 headsG2776,
AndG2532 sayingG3004, Thou that destroyestG2647 the templeG3485, andG2532 buildestG3618 it inG1722 threeG5140 daysG2250, saveG4982 thyselfG4572. IfG1487 thou beG1488 the SonG5207 of GodG2316, come downG2597 fromG575 the crossG4716.
LikewiseG3668 alsoG2532 the chief priestsG749 mockingG1702 him, withG3326 the scribesG1122 andG2532 eldersG4245, saidG3004,
He savedG4982 othersG243; himselfG1438 he cannotG3756+G1410 saveG4982. IfG1487 he beG2076 the KingG935 of IsraelG2474, let himG2597 nowG3568 come downG2597 fromG575 the crossG4716, andG2532 we will believeG4100 himG846.
He trustedG3982 inG1909 GodG2316; let him deliverG4506 himG846 nowG3568, ifG1487 he will haveG2309 himG846: forG1063 he saidG2036+G3754, I amG1510 the SonG5207 of GodG2316.
The thievesG3027 alsoG2532, whichG3588 were crucifiedG4957 with himG846, castG3679 the sameG846 in hisG846 teethG3679.
AndG1161 HerodG2264 withG4862 hisG846 men of warG4753 setG1848 himG846 at noughtG1848, andG2532 mockedG1702 him, and arrayedG4016 himG846 in a gorgeousG2986 robeG2066, and sentG375 himG846 againG375 to PilateG4091.
AndG2532 the peopleG2992 stoodG2476 beholdingG2334. AndG1161 the rulersG758 alsoG2532 withG4862 themG846 deridedG1592 him, sayingG3004, He savedG4982 othersG243; let him saveG4982 himselfG1438, ifG1487 heG3778 beG2076 ChristG5547, the chosenG1588 of GodG2316.
AndG1161 the soldiersG4757 alsoG2532 mockedG1702 himG846, comingG4334 to him, andG2532 offeringG4374 himG846 vinegarG3690,
AndG2532 sayingG3004, IfG1487 thouG4771 beG1488 the kingG935 of the JewsG2453, saveG4982 thyselfG4572.
LookingG872 untoG1519 JesusG2424 the authorG747 andG2532 finisherG5051 of our faithG4102; whoG3739 forG473 the joyG5479 that was set beforeG4295 himG846 enduredG5278 the crossG4716, despisingG2706 the shameG152, andG5037 is set downG2523 atG1722 the right handG1188 of the throneG2362 of GodG2316. {author: or, beginner}