And it came to pass afterH310 these thingsH1697, that GodH430 did temptH5254 AbrahamH85, and saidH559 unto him, AbrahamH85: and he saidH559, Behold, here I am. {Behold…: Heb. Behold me}
And he saidH559, Take nowH3947 thy sonH1121, thine onlyH3173 son IsaacH3327, whom thou lovestH157, and get theeH3212 into the landH776 of MoriahH4179; and offer himH5927 there for a burnt offeringH5930 upon oneH259 of the mountainsH2022 which I will tellH559 thee of.
And AbrahamH85 rose up earlyH7925 in the morningH1242, and saddledH2280 his assH2543, and tookH3947 twoH8147 of his young menH5288 with him, and IsaacH3327 his sonH1121, and claveH1234 the woodH6086 for the burnt offeringH5930, and rose upH6965, and wentH3212 unto the placeH4725 of which GodH430 had toldH559 him.
Then on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 AbrahamH85 lifted upH5375 his eyesH5869, and sawH7200 the placeH4725 afar offH7350.
And AbrahamH85 saidH559 unto his young menH5288, AbideH3427 ye here with the assH2543; and I and the ladH5288 will goH3212 yonderH3541 and worshipH7812, and come againH7725 to you.
And AbrahamH85 tookH3947 the woodH6086 of the burnt offeringH5930, and laidH7760 it upon IsaacH3327 his sonH1121; and he tookH3947 the fireH784 in his handH3027, and a knifeH3979; and they wentH3212 bothH8147 of them togetherH3162.
And IsaacH3327 spakeH559 unto AbrahamH85 his fatherH1, and saidH559, My fatherH1: and he saidH559, Here am I, my sonH1121. And he saidH559, Behold the fireH784 and the woodH6086: but where is the lambH7716 for a burnt offeringH5930? {lamb: or, kid}
And AbrahamH85 saidH559, My sonH1121, GodH430 will provideH7200 himself a lambH7716 for a burnt offeringH5930: so they wentH3212 both of themH8147 togetherH3162.
And they cameH935 to the placeH4725 which GodH430 had toldH559 him of; and AbrahamH85 builtH1129 an altarH4196 there, and laidH6186 the woodH6086 in orderH6186, and boundH6123 IsaacH3327 his sonH1121, and laidH7760 him on the altarH4196 uponH4605 the woodH6086.
And AbrahamH85 stretched forthH7971 his handH3027, and tookH3947 the knifeH3979 to slayH7819 his sonH1121.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 calledH7121 unto him out of heavenH8064, and saidH559, AbrahamH85, AbrahamH85: and he saidH559, Here am I.
And he saidH559, LayH7971 not thine handH3027 uponH413 the ladH5288, neither do thouH6213 any thingH3972 unto him: for nowH6258 I knowH3045 that thou fearestH3373 GodH430, seeing thou hast notH3808 withheldH2820 thy sonH1121, thine onlyH3173 son from me.
And AbrahamH85 lifted upH5375 his eyesH5869, and lookedH7200, and behold behindH310 him a ramH352 caughtH270 in a thicketH5442 by his hornsH7161: and AbrahamH85 wentH3212 and tookH3947 the ramH352, and offered him upH5927 for a burnt offeringH5930 in the steadH8478 of his sonH1121.
And AbrahamH85 calledH7121 the nameH8034 of that placeH4725 JehovahjirehH3070: asH834 it is saidH559 to this dayH3117, In the mountH2022 of the LORDH3068 it shall be seenH7200. {Jehovahjireh: that is, The Lord will see, or, provide}
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 calledH7121 unto AbrahamH85 out of heavenH8064 the second timeH8145,
And saidH559, By myself have I swornH7650, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, for becauseH3282+H834 thou hast doneH6213 this thingH1697, and hast notH3808 withheldH2820 thy sonH1121, thine onlyH3173 son:
That in blessingH1288 I will blessH1288 thee, and in multiplyingH7235 I will multiplyH7235 thy seedH2233 as the starsH3556 of the heavenH8064, and as the sandH2344 which is upon the seaH3220 shoreH8193; and thy seedH2233 shall possessH3423 the gateH8179 of his enemiesH341; {shore: Heb. lip}
And in thy seedH2233 shall all the nationsH1471 of the earthH776 be blessedH1288; becauseH834+H6118 thou hast obeyedH8085 my voiceH6963.
So AbrahamH85 returnedH7725 unto his young menH5288, and they rose upH6965 and wentH3212 togetherH3162 to BeershebaH884; and AbrahamH85 dweltH3427 at BeershebaH884.
And it came to pass afterH310 these thingsH1697, that it was toldH5046 AbrahamH85, sayingH559, Behold, MilcahH4435, she hath also bornH3205 childrenH1121 unto thy brotherH251 NahorH5152;
HuzH5780 his firstbornH1060, and BuzH938 his brotherH251, and KemuelH7055 the fatherH1 of AramH758,
And ChesedH3777, and HazoH2375, and PildashH6394, and JidlaphH3044, and BethuelH1328.
And BethuelH1328 begatH3205 RebekahH7259: these eightH8083 MilcahH4435 did bearH3205 to NahorH5152, Abraham'sH85 brotherH251. {Rebekah: Gr. Rebecca}
And his concubineH6370, whose nameH8034 was ReumahH7208, she bareH3205 also TebahH2875, and GahamH1514, and ThahashH8477, and MaachahH4601.
Querverweise zu 1. Mose 22,17 1Mo 22,17
And I will make of theeH6213 a greatH1419 nationH1471, and I will blessH1288 thee, and makeH1431 thy nameH8034 greatH1431; and thou shalt be a blessingH1293:
And I will makeH7760 thy seedH2233 as the dustH6083 of the earthH776: so thatH834 if a manH376 canH3201 numberH4487 the dustH6083 of the earthH776, then shall thy seedH2233 also be numberedH4487.
And kingH4428 SolomonH8010 madeH6213 a navy of shipsH590 in EziongeberH6100, which is beside ElothH359, on the shoreH8193 of the RedH5488 seaH3220, in the landH776 of EdomH123. {shore: Heb. lip}
And they blessedH1288 RebekahH7259, and saidH559 unto her, ThouH859 art our sisterH269, be thouH1961 the mother of thousandsH505 of millionsH7233, and let thy seedH2233 possessH3423 the gateH8179 of those which hateH8130 them.
Therefore GodH430 giveH5414 thee of the dewH2919 of heavenH8064, and the fatnessH4924 of the earthH776, and plentyH7230 of cornH1715 and wineH8492:
And he brought him forthH3318 abroadH2351, and saidH559, LookH5027 now toward heavenH8064, and tellH5608 the starsH3556, if thou be ableH3201 to numberH5608 them: and he saidH559 unto him, SoH3541 shall thy seedH2233 be.
I shall seeH7200 him, but not now: I shall beholdH7789 him, but not nighH7138: there shall comeH1869 a StarH3556 out of JacobH3290, and a SceptreH7626 shall riseH6965 out of IsraelH3478, and shall smiteH4272 the cornersH6285 of MoabH4124, and destroyH6979 all the childrenH1121 of ShethH8352+H8351. {smite…: or, smite through the princes of}
And EdomH123 shall be a possessionH3424, SeirH8165 also shall be a possessionH3424 for his enemiesH341; and IsraelH3478 shall doH6213 valiantlyH2428.
Out of JacobH3290 shall come he that shall have dominionH7287, and shall destroyH6 him that remainethH8300 of the cityH5892.
Let peopleH5971 serveH5647 thee, and nationsH3816 bow downH7812 to thee: beH1933 lordH1376 over thy brethrenH251, and let thy mother'sH517 sonsH1121 bow downH7812 to thee: cursedH779 be every one that cursethH779 thee, and blessedH1288 be he that blessethH1288 thee.
And I will makeH6509 thee exceedingH3966+H3966 fruitfulH6509, and I will makeH5414 nationsH1471 of thee, and kingsH4428 shall come outH3318 of thee.
Then shall his fatherH1 and his motherH517 lay holdH8610 on him, and bring him outH3318 unto the eldersH2205 of his cityH5892, and unto the gateH8179 of his placeH4725;
And GodH410 AlmightyH7706 blessH1288 thee, and make thee fruitfulH6509, and multiplyH7235 thee, that thou mayest be a multitudeH6951 of peopleH5971; {a multitude…: Heb. an assembly of people}
And I will makeH7235 thy seedH2233 to multiplyH7235 as the starsH3556 of heavenH8064, and will giveH5414 unto thy seedH2233 all theseH411 countriesH776; and in thy seedH2233 shall all the nationsH1471 of the earthH776 be blessedH1288;
Now afterH310 the deathH4194 of MosesH4872 the servantH5650 of the LORDH3068 it came to pass, that the LORDH3068 spakeH559 unto JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of NunH5126, Moses'H4872 ministerH8334, sayingH559,
MosesH4872 my servantH5650 is deadH4191; now therefore ariseH6965, go overH5674 this JordanH3383, thou, and all this peopleH5971, unto the landH776 which I do giveH5414 to them, even to the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478.
Every placeH4725 that the soleH3709 of your footH7272 shall tread uponH1869, that have I givenH5414 unto you, as I saidH1696 unto MosesH4872.
From the wildernessH4057 and this LebanonH3844 even unto the greatH1419 riverH5104, the riverH5104 EuphratesH6578, all the landH776 of the HittitesH2850, and unto the greatH1419 seaH3220 toward the going downH3996 of the sunH8121, shall be your coastH1366.
There shall not any manH376 be able to standH3320 beforeH6440 thee all the daysH3117 of thy lifeH2416: as I was with MosesH4872, so I will be with thee: I will not failH7503 thee, nor forsakeH5800 thee.
Be strongH2388 and of a good courageH553: for unto this peopleH5971 shalt thou divide for an inheritanceH5157 the landH776, which I swareH7650 unto their fathersH1 to giveH5414 them. {unto this…: or, thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land, etc}
Only be thou strongH2388 and veryH3966 courageousH553, that thou mayest observeH8104 to doH6213 according to all the lawH8451, which MosesH4872 my servantH5650 commandedH6680 thee: turnH5493 not from it to the right handH3225 or to the leftH8040, that thou mayest prosperH7919 whithersoever thou goestH3212. {prosper: or, do wisely}
This bookH5612 of the lawH8451 shall not departH4185 out of thy mouthH6310; but thou shalt meditateH1897 therein dayH3119 and nightH3915, that thou mayest observeH8104 to doH6213 according to all that is writtenH3789 therein: for then thou shalt makeH6743 thy wayH1870 prosperousH6743, and then thou shalt have good successH7919. {have…: or, do wisely}
Have not I commandedH6680 thee? Be strongH2388 and of a good courageH553; be not afraidH6206, neither be thou dismayedH2865: for the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 is with thee whithersoever thou goestH3212.
Then JoshuaH3091 commandedH6680 the officersH7860 of the peopleH5971, sayingH559,
And thy seedH2233 shall be as the dustH6083 of the earthH776, and thou shalt spread abroadH6555 to the westH3220, and to the eastH6924, and to the northH6828, and to the southH5045: and in thee and in thy seedH2233 shall all the familiesH4940 of the earthH127 be blessedH1288. {spread…: Heb. break forth}
And, behold, I am with thee, and will keepH8104 thee in all places whitherH834 thou goestH3212, and will bring thee againH7725 into this landH127; for I will not leaveH5800 thee, untilH834 I have doneH6213 that which I have spokenH1696 to thee of.
And JacobH3290 awakedH3364 out of his sleepH8142, and he saidH559, SurelyH403 the LORDH3068 isH3426 in this placeH4725; and I knewH3045 it not.
And he was afraidH3372, and saidH559, How dreadfulH3372 is this placeH4725! this is none other but the houseH1004 of GodH430, and this is the gateH8179 of heavenH8064.
And JacobH3290 rose up earlyH7925 in the morningH1242, and tookH3947 the stoneH68 that he had putH7760 for his pillowsH4763, and set it upH7760 for a pillarH4676, and pouredH3332 oilH8081 upon the top of itH7218.
And he calledH7121 the nameH8034 of that placeH4725 BethelH1008: butH199 the nameH8034 of that cityH5892 was called LuzH3870 at the firstH7223. {Bethel: that is, The house of God}
And JacobH3290 vowedH5087 a vowH5088, sayingH559, If GodH430 will be with me, and will keep meH8104 in this wayH1870 that I goH1980, and will giveH5414 me breadH3899 to eatH398, and raimentH899 to put onH3847,
So that I come againH7725 to my father'sH1 houseH1004 in peaceH7965; then shall the LORDH3068 be my GodH430:
And this stoneH68, which I have setH7760 for a pillarH4676, shall be God'sH430 houseH1004: and of all that thou shalt giveH5414 me I will surelyH6237 give the tenthH6237 unto thee.
The LORDH3068 your GodH430 hath multipliedH7235 you, and, behold, ye are this dayH3117 as the starsH3556 of heavenH8064 for multitudeH7230.
And afterH310 this it came to pass, that DavidH1732 smoteH5221 the PhilistinesH6430, and subduedH3665 them: and DavidH1732 tookH3947 MethegammahH4965 out of the handH3027 of the PhilistinesH6430. {Methegammah: or, the bridle of Ammah}
And he smoteH5221 MoabH4124, and measuredH4058 them with a lineH2256, casting them downH7901 to the groundH776; even with twoH8147 linesH2256 measuredH4058 he to put to deathH4191, and with one fullH4393 lineH2256 to keep aliveH2421. And so the MoabitesH4124 became David'sH1732 servantsH5650, and broughtH5375 giftsH4503.
DavidH1732 smoteH5221 also HadadezerH1909, the sonH1121 of RehobH7340, kingH4428 of ZobahH6678, as he wentH3212 to recoverH7725 his borderH3027 at the riverH5104 EuphratesH6578. {Hadadezer: or, Hadarezer}
And DavidH1732 tookH3920 from him a thousandH505 chariots, and sevenH7651 hundredH3967 horsemenH6571, and twentyH6242 thousandH505 footmenH376+H7273: and DavidH1732 houghedH6131 all the chariotH7393 horses, but reservedH3498 of them for an hundredH3967 chariotsH7393. {from…: or, of his. chariots…: as 1.Chr.18.4}
And when the SyriansH758 of DamascusH1834 cameH935 to succourH5826 HadadezerH1909 kingH4428 of ZobahH6678, DavidH1732 slewH5221 of the SyriansH758 twoH8147 and twentyH6242 thousandH505 menH376.
Then DavidH1732 putH7760 garrisonsH5333 in SyriaH758 of DamascusH1834: and the SyriansH758 became servantsH5650 to DavidH1732, and broughtH5375 giftsH4503. And the LORDH3068 preservedH3467 DavidH1732 whithersoever he wentH1980.
And DavidH1732 tookH3947 the shieldsH7982 of goldH2091 that were on the servantsH5650 of HadadezerH1909, and broughtH935 them to JerusalemH3389.
And from BetahH984, and from BerothaiH1268, citiesH5892 of HadadezerH1909, kingH4428 DavidH1732 tookH3947 exceedingH3966 muchH7235 brassH5178.
When ToiH8583 kingH4428 of HamathH2574 heardH8085 that DavidH1732 had smittenH5221 all the hostH2428 of HadadezerH1909,
Then ToiH8583 sentH7971 JoramH3141 his sonH1121 unto kingH4428 DavidH1732, to saluteH7592+H7965 him, and to blessH1288 him, because he had foughtH3898 against HadadezerH1909, and smittenH5221 him: for HadadezerH1909 had warsH376+H4421 with ToiH8583. And Joram brought with himH3027 vesselsH3627 of silverH3701, and vesselsH3627 of goldH2091, and vesselsH3627 of brassH5178: {salute…: Heb. ask him of peace} {had wars…: Heb. was a man of wars with} {brought…: Heb. in his hand were}
Which also kingH4428 DavidH1732 did dedicateH6942 unto the LORDH3068, with the silverH3701 and goldH2091 that he had dedicatedH6942 of all nationsH1471 which he subduedH3533;
Of SyriaH758, and of MoabH4124, and of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and of the PhilistinesH6430, and of AmalekH6002, and of the spoilH7998 of HadadezerH1909, sonH1121 of RehobH7340, kingH4428 of ZobahH6678.
And DavidH1732 gatH6213 him a nameH8034 when he returnedH7725 from smitingH5221 of the SyriansH758 in the valleyH1516 of saltH4417, being eighteenH8083+H6240 thousandH505 men. {smiting: Heb. his smiting}
And he putH7760 garrisonsH5333 in EdomH123; throughout all EdomH123 putH7760 he garrisonsH5333, and all they of EdomH123 became David'sH1732 servantsH5650. And the LORDH3068 preservedH3467 DavidH1732 whithersoever he wentH1980.
And DavidH1732 reignedH4427 over all IsraelH3478; and DavidH1732 executedH6213 judgmentH4941 and justiceH6666 unto all his peopleH5971.
And JoabH3097 the sonH1121 of ZeruiahH6870 was over the hostH6635; and JehoshaphatH3092 the sonH1121 of AhiludH286 was recorderH2142; {recorder: or, remembrancer, or, writer of chronicles}
And ZadokH6659 the sonH1121 of AhitubH285, and AhimelechH288 the sonH1121 of AbiatharH54, were the priestsH3548; and SeraiahH8304 was the scribeH5608; {scribe: or, secretary}
And BenaiahH1141 the sonH1121 of JehoiadaH3077 was over both the CherethitesH3774 and the PelethitesH6432; and David'sH1732 sonsH1121 were chief rulersH3548. {chief rulers: or, princes}
Even by the GodH410 of thy fatherH1, who shall helpH5826 thee; and byH854 the AlmightyH7706, who shall blessH1288 thee with blessingsH1293 of heavenH8064 aboveH5920, blessingsH1293 of the deepH8415 that liethH7257 under, blessingsH1293 of the breastsH7699, and of the wombH7356:
As the hostH6635 of heavenH8064 cannot be numberedH5608, neither the sandH2344 of the seaH3220 measuredH4058: so will I multiplyH7235 the seedH2233 of DavidH1732 my servantH5650, and the LevitesH3881 that ministerH8334 unto me.
And it came to pass after thisH310, that the kingH4428 of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 diedH4191, and HanunH2586 his sonH1121 reignedH4427 in his stead.
Then saidH559 DavidH1732, I will shewH6213 kindnessH2617 unto HanunH2586 the sonH1121 of NahashH5176, as his fatherH1 shewedH6213 kindnessH2617 unto me. And DavidH1732 sentH7971 to comfortH5162 him by the handH3027 of his servantsH5650 for his fatherH1. And David'sH1732 servantsH5650 cameH935 into the landH776 of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983.
And the princesH8269 of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 saidH559 unto HanunH2586 their lordH113, ThinkestH5869 thou that DavidH1732 doth honourH3513 thy fatherH1, that he hath sentH7971 comfortersH5162 unto thee? hath not DavidH1732 rather sentH7971 his servantsH5650 unto thee, toH5668 searchH2713 the cityH5892, and to spy it outH7270, and to overthrowH2015 it? {Thinkest…: Heb. In thine eyes doth David?}
Wherefore HanunH2586 tookH3947 David'sH1732 servantsH5650, and shaved offH1548 the one halfH2677 of their beardsH2206, and cut offH3772 their garmentsH4063 in the middleH2677, even to their buttocksH8357, and sent them awayH7971.
When they toldH5046 it unto DavidH1732, he sentH7971 to meetH7125 them, because the menH582 were greatlyH3966 ashamedH3637: and the kingH4428 saidH559, TarryH3427 at JerichoH3405 until your beardsH2206 be grownH6779, and then returnH7725.
And when the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 sawH7200 that they stankH887 before DavidH1732, the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 sentH7971 and hiredH7936 the SyriansH758 of BethrehobH1050, and the SyriansH758 of ZobaH6678, twentyH6242 thousandH505 footmenH7273, and of kingH4428 MaacahH4601 a thousandH505 menH376, and of IshtobH382 twelveH6240+H8147 thousandH505 menH376. {Ishtob: or, the men of Tob}
And when DavidH1732 heardH8085 of it, he sentH7971 JoabH3097, and all the hostH6635 of the mighty menH1368.
And the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 came outH3318, and put the battleH4421 in arrayH6186 at the entering inH6607 of the gateH8179: and the SyriansH758 of ZobaH6678, and of RehobH7340, and IshtobH382, and MaacahH4601, were by themselvesH905 in the fieldH7704.
When JoabH3097 sawH7200 that the frontH6440 of the battleH4421 was against him beforeH6440 and behindH268, he choseH977 of all the choiceH977 men of IsraelH3478, and put them in arrayH6186 againstH7125 the SyriansH758:
And the restH3499 of the peopleH5971 he deliveredH5414 into the handH3027 of AbishaiH52 his brotherH251, that he might put them in arrayH6186 againstH7125 the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983.
And he saidH559, If the SyriansH758 be too strongH2388 for me, then thou shalt helpH3444 me: but if the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 be too strongH2388 for thee, then I will comeH1980 and helpH3467 thee.
Be of good courageH2388, and let us play the menH2388 for our peopleH5971, and for the citiesH5892 of our GodH430: and the LORDH3068 doH6213 that which seemethH5869 him goodH2896.
And JoabH3097 drew nighH5066, and the peopleH5971 that were with him, unto the battleH4421 against the SyriansH758: and they fledH5127 beforeH6440 him.
And when the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 sawH7200 that the SyriansH758 were fledH5127, then fledH5127 they also beforeH6440 AbishaiH52, and enteredH935 into the cityH5892. So JoabH3097 returnedH7725 from the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and cameH935 to JerusalemH3389.
And when the SyriansH758 sawH7200 that they were smittenH5062 beforeH6440 IsraelH3478, they gatheredH622 themselves togetherH3162.
And HadarezerH1928 sentH7971, and brought outH3318 the SyriansH758 that were beyondH5676 the riverH5104: and they cameH935 to HelamH2431; and ShobachH7731 the captainH8269 of the hostH6635 of HadarezerH1928 went beforeH6440 them. {the river: that is, Euphrates} {Shobach: or, Shophach}
And when it was toldH5046 DavidH1732, he gatheredH622 all IsraelH3478 togetherH622, and passed overH5674 JordanH3383, and cameH935 to HelamH2431. And the SyriansH758 set themselves in arrayH6186 againstH7125 DavidH1732, and foughtH3898 with him.
And the SyriansH758 fledH5127 beforeH6440 IsraelH3478; and DavidH1732 slewH2026 the men of sevenH7651 hundredH3967 chariotsH7393 of the SyriansH758, and fortyH705 thousandH505 horsemenH6571, and smoteH5221 ShobachH7731 the captainH8269 of their hostH6635, who diedH4191 there.
And when all the kingsH4428 that were servantsH5650 to HadarezerH1928 sawH7200 that they were smittenH5062 beforeH6440 IsraelH3478, they made peaceH7999 with IsraelH3478, and servedH5647 them. So the SyriansH758 fearedH3372 to helpH3467 the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983 any more.
The blessingsH1293 of thy fatherH1 have prevailedH1396 above the blessingsH1293 of my progenitorsH2029 unto the utmost boundH8379 of the everlastingH5769 hillsH1389: they shall be on the headH7218 of JosephH3130, and on the crown of the headH6936 of him that was separateH5139 from his brethrenH251.
AskH7592 of me, and I shall giveH5414 thee the heathenH1471 for thine inheritanceH5159, and the uttermost partsH657 of the earthH776 for thy possessionH272.
And all these blessingsH1293 shall comeH935 on thee, and overtakeH5381 thee, if thou shalt hearkenH8085 unto the voiceH6963 of the LORDH3068 thy GodH430.
BlessedH1288 shalt thou be in the cityH5892, and blessedH1288 shalt thou be in the fieldH7704.
BlessedH1288 shall be the fruitH6529 of thy bodyH990, and the fruitH6529 of thy groundH127, and the fruitH6529 of thy cattleH929, the increaseH7698 of thy kineH504, and the flocksH6251 of thy sheepH6629.
BlessedH1288 shall be thy basketH2935 and thy storeH4863. {store: or, dough, or, kneadingtroughs}
BlessedH1288 shalt thou be when thou comest inH935, and blessedH1288 shalt thou be when thou goest outH3318.
The LORDH3068 shall causeH5414 thine enemiesH341 that rise upH6965 against thee to be smittenH5062 before thy faceH6440: they shall come outH3318 against thee oneH259 wayH1870, and fleeH5127 beforeH6440 thee sevenH7651 waysH1870.
The LORDH3068 shall commandH6680 the blessingH1293 upon thee in thy storehousesH618, and in all that thou settestH4916 thine handH3027 unto; and he shall blessH1288 thee in the landH776 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 givethH5414 thee. {storehouses: or, barns}
The LORDH3068 shall establishH6965 thee an holyH6918 peopleH5971 unto himself, as he hath swornH7650 unto thee, if thou shalt keepH8104 the commandmentsH4687 of the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, and walkH1980 in his waysH1870.
And all peopleH5971 of the earthH776 shall seeH7200 that thou art calledH7121 by the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068; and they shall be afraidH3372 of thee.
And the LORDH3068 shall make thee plenteousH3498 in goodsH2896, in the fruitH6529 of thy bodyH990, and in the fruitH6529 of thy cattleH929, and in the fruitH6529 of thy groundH127, in the landH127 which the LORDH3068 swareH7650 unto thy fathersH1 to giveH5414 thee. {in goods: or, for good} {body: Heb. belly}
The LORDH3068 shall openH6605 unto thee his goodH2896 treasureH214, the heavenH8064 to giveH5414 the rainH4306 unto thy landH776 in his seasonH6256, and to blessH1288 all the workH4639 of thine handH3027: and thou shalt lendH3867 unto manyH7227 nationsH1471, and thou shalt not borrowH3867.
And the LORDH3068 shall makeH5414 thee the headH7218, and not the tailH2180; and thou shalt be above onlyH4605, and thou shalt not be beneathH4295; if that thou hearkenH8085 unto the commandmentsH4687 of the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, which I commandH6680 thee this dayH3117, to observeH8104 and to doH6213 them:
Thou shalt breakH7489 them with a rodH7626 of ironH1270; thou shalt dash them in piecesH5310 like a potter'sH3335 vesselH3627.
BlessedG2128 be the GodG2316 andG2532 FatherG3962 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, whoG3588 hath blessedG2127 usG2248 withG1722 allG3956 spiritualG4152 blessingsG2129 inG1722 heavenlyG2032 places inG1722 ChristG5547: {places: or, things}
He shall have dominionH7287 also from seaH3220 to seaH3220, and from the riverH5104 unto the endsH657 of the earthH776.
They that dwell in the wildernessH6728 shall bowH3766 beforeH6440 him; and his enemiesH341 shall lickH3897 the dustH6083.
And hast givenH5414 them this landH776, which thou didst swearH7650 to their fathersH1 to giveH5414 them, a landH776 flowingH2100 with milkH2461 and honeyH1706;
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 set upH6966 a kingdomH4437, which shall neverH5957+H3809 be destroyedH2255: and the kingdomH4437 shall notH3809 be leftH7662 to otherH321 peopleH5972, but it shall break in piecesH1855 and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdomsH4437, and itH1932 shall standH6966 for everH5957. {the days: Cald. their days} {the kingdom: Cald the kingdom thereof}
Forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 that the stoneH69 was cut outH1505 of the mountainH2906 withoutH3809 handsH3028, and that it brake in piecesH1855 the ironH6523, the brassH5174, the clayH2635, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722; the greatH7229 GodH426 hath made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 shall come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and the dreamH2493 is certainH3330, and the interpretationH6591 thereof sureH540. {without…: or, which was not in hands} {hereafter: Cald. after this}
For her woundH4347 is incurableH605; for it is comeH935 unto JudahH3063; he is comeH5060 unto the gateH8179 of my peopleH5971, even to JerusalemH3389. {her…: or, she is grievously sick of her wounds}
BlessedG2128 be the LordG2962 GodG2316 of IsraelG2474; forG3754 he hath visitedG1980 andG2532 redeemedG3085 hisG846 peopleG2992+G4160,
AndG2532 hath raised upG1453 an hornG2768 of salvationG4991 for usG2254 inG1722 the houseG3624 of hisG846 servantG3816 DavidG1138;
AsG2531 he spakeG2980 byG1223 the mouthG4750 of hisG846 holyG40 prophetsG4396, whichG3588 have been sinceG575 the world beganG165:
That we should be savedG4991 fromG1537 ourG2257 enemiesG2190, andG2532 fromG1537 the handG5495 of allG3956 that hateG3404 usG2248;
To performG4160 the mercyG1656 promised toG3326 ourG2257 fathersG3962, andG2532 to rememberG3415 hisG846 holyG40 covenantG1242;
The oathG3727 whichG3739 he swareG3660 toG4314 ourG2257 fatherG3962 AbrahamG11,
That he would grantG1325 unto usG2254, that we being deliveredG4506 out ofG1537 the handG5495 of ourG2257 enemiesG2190 might serveG3000 himG846 without fearG870,
InG1722 holinessG3742 andG2532 righteousnessG1343 beforeG1799 himG846, allG3956 the daysG2250 of ourG2257 lifeG2222.
ButG1161 thanksG5485 be to GodG2316, whichG3588 givethG1325 usG2254 the victoryG3534 throughG1223 ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547.
AndG2532 the seventhG1442 angelG32 soundedG4537; andG2532 there wereG1096 greatG3173 voicesG5456 inG1722 heavenG3772, sayingG3004, The kingdomsG932 of this worldG2889 are becomeG1096 the kingdoms of ourG2257 LordG2962, andG2532 of hisG846 ChristG5547; andG2532 he shall reignG936 forG1519 everG165 and everG165.