In the firstH2298 yearH8140 of BelshazzarH1113 kingH4430 of BabylonH895 DanielH1841 hadH2370 a dreamH2493 and visionsH2376 of his headH7217 uponH5922 his bedH4903: thenH116 he wroteH3790 the dreamH2493, and toldH560 the sumH7217 of the mattersH4406. {had: Cald. saw} {matters: or, words}
DanielH1841 spakeH6032 and saidH560, I sawH2370+H1934 in my visionH2376 byH5974 nightH3916, and, beholdH718, the fourH703 windsH7308 of the heavenH8065 stroveH1519 upon the greatH7229 seaH3221.
And fourH703 greatH7260 beastsH2423 came upH5559 fromH4481 the seaH3221, diverseH8133 oneH1668 fromH4481 anotherH1668.
The firstH6933 was like a lionH744, and had eagle'sH5403 wingsH1611: I beheldH1934+H2370 tillH5705 the wingsH1611 thereof were pluckedH4804, and it was lifted upH5191 fromH4481 the earthH772, and made standH6966 uponH5922 the feetH7271 as a manH606, and a man'sH606 heartH3825 was givenH3052 to it. {and it: or, wherewith it}
And beholdH718 anotherH317 beastH2423, a secondH8578, likeH1821 to a bearH1678, and it raised upH6966 itself on oneH2298 sideH7859, and it had threeH8532 ribsH5967 in the mouthH6433 of it betweenH997 the teethH8128 of it: and they saidH560 thusH3652 unto it, AriseH6966, devourH399 muchH7690 fleshH1321. {it raised…: or, it raised up one dominion}
AfterH870 thisH1836 I beheldH1934+H2370, and loH718 anotherH317, like a leopardH5245, which had uponH5922 the backH1355 of it fourH703 wingsH1611 of a fowlH5776; the beastH2423 had also fourH703 headsH7217; and dominionH7985 was givenH3052 to it.
AfterH870 thisH1836 I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and beholdH718 a fourthH7244 beastH2423, dreadfulH1763 and terribleH574, and strongH8624 exceedinglyH3493; and it had greatH7260 ironH6523 teethH8128: it devouredH399 and brake in piecesH1855, and stampedH7512 the residueH7606 with the feetH7271 of it: and itH1932 was diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 the beastsH2423 that were beforeH6925 it; and it had tenH6236 hornsH7162.
I consideredH1934+H7920 the hornsH7162, and, beholdH431, there came upH5559 amongH997 them anotherH317 littleH2192 hornH7162, beforeH6925+H4481 whom there were threeH8532 ofH4481 the firstH6933 hornsH7162 plucked up by the rootsH6132: and, beholdH431, in thisH1668 hornH7162 were eyesH5870 like the eyesH5870 of manH606, and a mouthH6433 speakingH4449 great thingsH7260.
I beheldH1934+H2370 tillH5705 the thronesH3764 were cast downH7412, and the AncientH6268 of daysH3118 did sitH3488, whose garmentH3831 was whiteH2358 as snowH8517, and the hairH8177 of his headH7217 like the pureH5343 woolH6015: his throneH3764 was like the fieryH5135 flameH7631, and his wheelsH1535 as burningH1815 fireH5135.
A fieryH5135 streamH5103 issuedH5047 and came forthH5312 fromH4481 beforeH6925 him: thousandH506 thousandsH506 ministeredH8120 unto him, and ten thousandH7240 times ten thousandH7240 stoodH6966 beforeH6925 him: the judgmentH1780 was setH3488, and the booksH5609 were openedH6606.
I beheldH1934+H2370 thenH116 becauseH4481 of the voiceH7032 of the greatH7260 wordsH4406 which the hornH7162 spakeH4449: I beheldH1934+H2370 even tillH5705 the beastH2423 was slainH6992, and his bodyH1655 destroyedH7, and givenH3052 to the burningH3346 flameH785.
As concerning the restH7606 of the beastsH2423, they had their dominionH7985 taken awayH5709: yet their livesH2417 were prolongedH3052 forH5705 a seasonH2166 and timeH5732. {their lives…: Cald. a prolonging in life was given them}
I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and, beholdH718, one like the SonH1247 of manH606 cameH858 withH5974 the cloudsH6050 of heavenH8065, and cameH4291 toH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118, and they brought him nearH7127 beforeH6925 him.
And there was givenH3052 him dominionH7985, and gloryH3367, and a kingdomH4437, that allH3606 peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, should serveH6399 him: his dominionH7985 is an everlastingH5957 dominionH7985, which shall notH3809 pass awayH5709, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255.
IH576 DanielH1841 was grievedH3735 in my spiritH7308 in the midstH1459 of my bodyH5085, and the visionsH2376 of my headH7217 troubledH927 me. {body: Cald. sheath}
I came nearH7127 untoH5922 oneH2298 ofH4481 them that stood byH6966, and askedH1156 himH4481 the truthH3330 of allH3606 thisH1836. So he toldH560 me, and made me knowH3046 the interpretationH6591 of the thingsH4406.
TheseH459 greatH7260 beastsH2423, whichH581 are fourH703, are fourH703 kingsH4430, which shall ariseH6966 out ofH4481 the earthH772.
But the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946 shall takeH6902 the kingdomH4437, and possessH2631 the kingdomH4437 forH5705 everH5957, even forH5705 everH5957 and everH5957. {most…: Cald. high ones, that is, things, or, places}
ThenH116 I wouldH6634 know the truthH3321 ofH5922 the fourthH7244 beastH2423, which wasH1934 diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 the others, exceedingH3493 dreadfulH1763, whose teethH8128 were of ironH6523, and his nailsH2953 of brassH5174; which devouredH399, brake in piecesH1855, and stampedH7512 the residueH7606 with his feetH7271; {from…: Cald. from all those}
And ofH5922 the tenH6236 hornsH7162 that were in his headH7217, and of the otherH317 which came upH5559, and beforeH4481+H6925 whom threeH8532 fellH5308; even of that hornH7162 thatH1797 had eyesH5870, and a mouthH6433 that spakeH4449 very great thingsH7260, whose lookH2376 was moreH4481 stoutH7229 thanH4481 his fellowsH2273.
I beheldH1934+H2370, and the sameH1797 hornH7162 madeH5648 warH7129 withH5974 the saintsH6922, and prevailedH3202 against them;
UntilH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118 cameH858+H1768, and judgmentH1780 was givenH3052 to the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946; and the timeH2166 cameH4291 that the saintsH6922 possessedH2631 the kingdomH4437.
ThusH3652 he saidH560, The fourthH7244 beastH2423 shall beH1934 the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 upon earthH772, which shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 kingdomsH4437, and shall devourH399 the wholeH3606 earthH772, and shall tread it downH1759, and break it in piecesH1855.
And the tenH6236 hornsH7162 out ofH4481 this kingdomH4437 are tenH6236 kingsH4430 that shall ariseH6966: and anotherH321 shall riseH6966 afterH311 them; and he shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 the firstH6933, and he shall subdueH8214 threeH8532 kingsH4430.
And he shall speakH4449 great wordsH4406 againstH6655 the most HighH5943, and shall wear outH1080 the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, and thinkH5452 to changeH8133 timesH2166 and lawsH1882: and they shall be givenH3052 into his handH3028 untilH5705 a timeH5732 and timesH5732 and the dividingH6387 of timeH5732.
But the judgmentH1780 shall sitH3488, and they shall take awayH5709 his dominionH7985, to consumeH8046 and to destroyH7 it untoH5705 the endH5491.
And the kingdomH4437 and dominionH7985, and the greatnessH7238 of the kingdomH4437 underH8460 the wholeH3606 heavenH8065, shall be givenH3052 to the peopleH5972 of the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, whose kingdomH4437 is an everlastingH5957 kingdomH4437, and allH3606 dominionsH7985 shall serveH6399 and obeyH8086 him. {dominions: or, rulers}
HithertoH5705+H3542 is the endH5491 of the matterH4406. As for meH576 DanielH1841, my cogitationsH7476 muchH7690 troubledH927 me, and my countenanceH2122 changedH8133 in meH5922: but I keptH5202 the matterH4406 in my heartH3821.
Querverweise zu Daniel 7,1 Dan 7,1
BelshazzarH1113 the kingH4430 madeH5648 a greatH7229 feastH3900 to a thousandH506 of his lordsH7261, and drankH8355 wineH2562 beforeH6903 the thousandH506.
And in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of NebuchadnezzarH5019 NebuchadnezzarH5019 dreamedH2492 dreamsH2472, wherewith his spiritH7307 was troubledH6470, and his sleepH8142 brakeH1961 from him.
AfterH870 thisH1836 I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and beholdH718 a fourthH7244 beastH2423, dreadfulH1763 and terribleH574, and strongH8624 exceedinglyH3493; and it had greatH7260 ironH6523 teethH8128: it devouredH399 and brake in piecesH1855, and stampedH7512 the residueH7606 with the feetH7271 of it: and itH1932 was diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 the beastsH2423 that were beforeH6925 it; and it had tenH6236 hornsH7162.
Moreover the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto me, TakeH3947 thee a greatH1419 rollH1549, and writeH3789 in it with a man'sH582 penH2747 concerning MahershalalhashbazH4122. {Mahershalalhashbaz: Heb. In making speed to the spoil he hasteneth the prey, or, Make speed, etc}
And thouH607 his sonH1247, O BelshazzarH1113, hast notH3809 humbledH8214 thine heartH3825, thoughH6903 thou knewestH3046 allH3606 thisH1836;
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and, beholdH718, one like the SonH1247 of manH606 cameH858 withH5974 the cloudsH6050 of heavenH8065, and cameH4291 toH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118, and they brought him nearH7127 beforeH6925 him.
Now goH935, writeH3789 it before them in a tableH3871, and noteH2710 it in a bookH5612, that it may be for the timeH3117 to comeH314 forH5704 everH5703 and everH5769: {the…: Heb. the latter day}
As for theeH607, O kingH4430, thy thoughtsH7476 cameH5559 into thy mind uponH5922 thy bedH4903, whatH4101 should come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and he that revealethH1541 secretsH7328 maketh knownH3046 to thee whatH4101 shall come to passH1934. {came: Cald. came up}
IH576 DanielH1841 was grievedH3735 in my spiritH7308 in the midstH1459 of my bodyH5085, and the visionsH2376 of my headH7217 troubledH927 me. {body: Cald. sheath}
And the LORDH3068 answeredH6030 me, and saidH559, WriteH3789 the visionH2377, and make it plainH874 upon tablesH3871, that he may runH7323 that readethH7121 it.
In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of kingH4428 BelshazzarH1112 a visionH2377 appearedH7200 unto me, even unto me DanielH1840, afterH310 that which appearedH7200 unto me at the firstH8462.
I sawH2370 a dreamH2493 which made me afraidH1763, and the thoughtsH2031 uponH5922 my bedH4903 and the visionsH2376 of my headH7217 troubledH927 me.
AfterH310 these thingsH1697 the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 cameH1961 unto AbramH87 in a visionH4236, sayingH559, FearH3372 not, AbramH87: I am thy shieldH4043, and thy exceedingH3966 greatH7235 rewardH7939.
ForG1063 whatsoever thingsG3745 were written aforetimeG4270 were writtenG4270 forG1519 ourG2251 learningG1319, thatG2443 weG2192 throughG1223 patienceG5281 andG2532 comfortG3874 of the scripturesG1124 might haveG2192 hopeG1680.
And all nationsH1471 shall serveH5647 him, and his sonH1121, and his son'sH1121 sonH1121, until the very timeH6256 of his landH776 comeH935: and then manyH7227 nationsH1471 and greatH1419 kingsH4428 shall serveH5647 themselves of him.
And he saidH559, HearH8085 now my wordsH1697: If there be a prophetH5030 among you, I the LORDH3068 will make myself knownH3045 unto him in a visionH4759, and will speakH1696 unto him in a dreamH2472.
And GodH430 spakeH559 unto IsraelH3478 in the visionsH4759 of the nightH3915, and saidH559, JacobH3290, JacobH3290. And he saidH559, Here am I.
WriteG1125 the things whichG3739 thou hast seenG1492, andG2532 the things whichG3739 areG1526, andG2532 the things whichG3739 shallG3195 beG1096 hereafterG3326+G5023;
For GodH410 speakethH1696 onceH259, yea twiceH8147, yet man perceivethH7789 it not.
In a dreamH2472, in a visionH2384 of the nightH3915, when deepH8639 sleep fallethH5307 upon menH582, in slumberingsH8572 upon the bedH4904;
Then he openethH1540 the earsH241 of menH582, and sealethH2856 their instructionH4561, {he…: Heb. he revealeth, or, uncovereth}
In thoughtsH5587 from the visionsH2384 of the nightH3915, when deep sleepH8639 fallethH5307 on menH582,
AndG2532 whenG3753 the sevenG2033 thundersG1027 had utteredG2980 theirG1438 voicesG5456, I was aboutG3195 to writeG1125: andG2532 I heardG191 a voiceG5456 fromG1537 heavenG3772 sayingG3004 unto meG3427, Seal upG4972 those things whichG3739 the sevenG2033 thundersG1027 utteredG2980, andG2532 writeG1125 themG5023 notG3361.
The prophetH5030 that hath a dreamH2472, let him tellH5608 a dreamH2472; and he that hath my wordH1697, let him speakH1696 my wordH1697 faithfullyH571. What is the chaffH8401 to the wheatH1250? saithH5002 the LORDH3068. {that hath a dream: Heb. with whom is, etc}
Now it came to pass in the thirtiethH7970 yearH8141, in the fourthH7243 month, in the fifthH2568 day of the monthH2320, as I was amongH8432 the captivesH1473 by the riverH5104 of ChebarH3529, that the heavensH8064 were openedH6605, and I sawH7200 visionsH4759 of GodH430. {captives: Heb. captivity}
And it shall come to pass afterwardH310, that I will pour outH8210 my spiritH7307 upon all fleshH1320; and your sonsH1121 and your daughtersH1323 shall prophesyH5012, your old menH2205 shall dreamH2492 dreamsH2472, your young menH970 shall seeH7200 visionsH2384:
It isG4851 notG3756 expedientG4851 for meG3427 doubtlessG1211 to gloryG2744+G1063. I will comeG2064 toG1519 visionsG3701 andG2532 revelationsG602 of the LordG2962. {I will come: Gr. For I will come}
Surely the LordH136 GODH3069 will doH6213 nothingH1697, but he revealethH1540 his secretH5475 unto his servantsH5650 the prophetsH5030.
AndG2532 it shall come to passG2071 inG1722 the lastG2078 daysG2250, saithG3004 GodG2316, I will pour outG1632 ofG575 myG3450 SpiritG4151 uponG1909 allG3956 fleshG4561: andG2532 yourG5216 sonsG5207 andG2532 yourG5216 daughtersG2364 shall prophesyG4395, andG2532 yourG5216 young menG3495 shall seeG3700 visionsG3706, andG2532 yourG5216 old menG4245 shall dreamG1797 dreamsG1798: