Now it came to pass in the daysH3117 of AhasuerusH325, (this is AhasuerusH325 which reignedH4427, from IndiaH1912 even unto EthiopiaH3568, over an hundredH3967 and sevenH7651 and twentyH6242 provincesH4082:)
That in those daysH3117, when the kingH4428 AhasuerusH325 satH3427 on the throneH3678 of his kingdomH4438, which was in ShushanH7800 the palaceH1002,
In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of his reignH4427, he madeH6213 a feastH4960 unto all his princesH8269 and his servantsH5650; the powerH2428 of PersiaH6539 and MediaH4074, the noblesH6579 and princesH8269 of the provincesH4082, being beforeH6440 him:
When he shewedH7200 the richesH6239 of his gloriousH3519 kingdomH4438 and the honourH3366 of his excellentH8597 majestyH1420 manyH7227 daysH3117, even an hundredH3967 and fourscoreH8084 daysH3117.
And when these daysH3117 were expiredH4390, the kingH4428 madeH6213 a feastH4960 unto all the peopleH5971 that were presentH4672 in ShushanH7800 the palaceH1002, both unto greatH1419 and smallH6996, sevenH7651 daysH3117, in the courtH2691 of the gardenH1594 of the king'sH4428 palaceH1055; {present: Heb. found}
Where were whiteH2353, greenH3768, and blueH8504, hangings, fastenedH270 with cordsH2256 of fine linenH948 and purpleH713 to silverH3701 ringsH1550 and pillarsH5982 of marbleH8336: the bedsH4296 were of goldH2091 and silverH3701, upon a pavementH7531 of redH923, and blueH8504, and whiteH1858, and blackH5508, marbleH8336. {blue, hangings: or, violet, etc} {of red…: or, of porphyre, and marble and alabaster, and stone of blue colour}
And they gave them drinkH8248 in vesselsH3627 of goldH2091, (the vesselsH3627 being diverseH8138 one from anotherH3627,) and royalH4438 wineH3196 in abundanceH7227, according to the stateH3027 of the kingH4428. {royal…: Heb. wine of the kingdom} {state: Heb. hand}
And the drinkingH8360 was according to the lawH1881; none did compelH597: for so the kingH4428 had appointedH3245 to all the officersH7227 of his houseH1004, that they should doH6213 according to every man'sH376 pleasureH7522.
Also VashtiH2060 the queenH4436 madeH6213 a feastH4960 for the womenH802 in the royalH4438 houseH1004 which belonged to kingH4428 AhasuerusH325.
On the seventhH7637 dayH3117, when the heartH3820 of the kingH4428 was merryH2896 with wineH3196, he commandedH559 MehumanH4104, BizthaH968, HarbonaH2726, BigthaH903, and AbagthaH5, ZetharH2242, and CarcasH3752, the sevenH7651 chamberlainsH5631 that servedH8334 in the presenceH6440 of AhasuerusH325 the kingH4428, {chamberlains: or, eunuchs}
To bringH935 VashtiH2060 the queenH4436 beforeH6440 the kingH4428 with the crownH3804 royalH4438, to shewH7200 the peopleH5971 and the princesH8269 her beautyH3308: for she was fairH2896 to look onH4758. {fair…: Heb. good of countenance}
But the queenH4436 VashtiH2060 refusedH3985 to comeH935 at the king'sH4428 commandmentH1697 byH3027 his chamberlainsH5631: therefore was the kingH4428 veryH3966 wrothH7107, and his angerH2534 burnedH1197 in him. {by his…: Heb. which was by the hand of his eunuchs}
Then the kingH4428 saidH559 to the wise menH2450, which knewH3045 the timesH6256, (for so was the king'sH4428 mannerH1697 towardH6440 all that knewH3045 lawH1881 and judgmentH1779:
And the nextH7138 unto him was CarshenaH3771, ShetharH8369, AdmathaH133, TarshishH8659, MeresH4825, MarsenaH4826, and MemucanH4462, the sevenH7651 princesH8269 of PersiaH6539 and MediaH4074, which sawH7200 the king'sH4428 faceH6440, and which satH3427 the firstH7223 in the kingdomH4438;)
What shall we doH6213 unto the queenH4436 VashtiH2060 according to lawH1881, because she hath not performedH6213 the commandmentH3982 of the kingH4428 AhasuerusH325 byH3027 the chamberlainsH5631? {What…: Heb. What to do}
And MemucanH4462 answeredH559 beforeH6440 the kingH4428 and the princesH8269, VashtiH2060 the queenH4436 hath not done wrongH5753 to the kingH4428 only, but also to all the princesH8269, and to all the peopleH5971 that are in all the provincesH4082 of the kingH4428 AhasuerusH325.
For this deedH1697 of the queenH4436 shall come abroadH3318 unto all womenH802, so that they shall despiseH959 their husbandsH1167 in their eyesH5869, when it shall be reportedH559, The kingH4428 AhasuerusH325 commandedH559 VashtiH2060 the queenH4436 to be brought inH935 beforeH6440 him, but she cameH935 not.
Likewise shall the ladiesH8282 of PersiaH6539 and MediaH4074 sayH559 this dayH3117 unto all the king'sH4428 princesH8269, which have heardH8085 of the deedH1697 of the queenH4436. Thus shall there arise too muchH1767 contemptH963 and wrathH7110.
If it pleaseH2895 the kingH4428, let there goH3318 a royalH4438 commandmentH1697 from himH6440, and let it be writtenH3789 among the lawsH1881 of the PersiansH6539 and the MedesH4074, that it be not alteredH5674, That VashtiH2060 comeH935 no more beforeH6440 kingH4428 AhasuerusH325; and let the kingH4428 giveH5414 her royal estateH4438 unto anotherH7468 that is betterH2896 than she. {If it…: Heb. If it be good with the king} {unto…: Heb. unto her companion} {from him: Heb. from before him} {be not…: Heb. pass not away}
And when the king'sH4428 decreeH6599 which he shall makeH6213 shall be publishedH8085 throughout all his empireH4438, (for it is greatH7227,) all the wivesH802 shall giveH5414 to their husbandsH1167 honourH3366, both to greatH1419 and smallH6996.
And the sayingH1697 pleasedH3190+H5869 the kingH4428 and the princesH8269; and the kingH4428 didH6213 according to the wordH1697 of MemucanH4462: {pleased…: Heb. was good in the eyes of the king}
For he sentH7971 lettersH5612 into all the king'sH4428 provincesH4082, into every provinceH4082 according to the writingH3791 thereof, and to every peopleH5971 after their languageH3956, that every manH376 should bear ruleH8323 in his own houseH1004, and that it should be publishedH1696 according to the languageH3956 of every peopleH5971. {that it…: Heb. that one should publish it according to the language of his people}
Querverweise zu Esther 1,4 Est 1,4
And HezekiahH2396 was gladH8055 of them, and shewedH7200 them the houseH1004 of his precious thingsH5238, the silverH3701, and the goldH2091, and the spicesH1314, and the preciousH2896 ointmentH8081, and all the houseH1004 of his armourH3627, and all that was foundH4672 in his treasuresH214: there was nothingH1697 in his houseH1004, nor in all his dominionH4475, that HezekiahH2396 shewedH7200 them not. {precious things: or, spicery} {armour: or, jewels: Heb. vessels, or, instruments}
To the chief MusicianH5329 on NeginothH5058, A PsalmH4210 or SongH7892 of AsaphH623. In JudahH3063 is GodH430 knownH3045: his nameH8034 is greatH1419 in IsraelH3478. {of: or, for}
In SalemH8004 also is his tabernacleH5520, and his dwelling placeH4585 in ZionH6726.
There brakeH7665 he the arrowsH7565 of the bowH7198, the shieldH4043, and the swordH2719, and the battleH4421. SelahH5542.
Thou art more gloriousH215 and excellentH117 than the mountainsH2042 of preyH2964.
Thine, O LORDH3068, is the greatnessH1420, and the powerH1369, and the gloryH8597, and the victoryH5331, and the majestyH1935: for all that is in the heavenH8064 and in the earthH776 is thine; thine is the kingdomH4467, O LORDH3068, and thou art exaltedH4984 as headH7218 above all.
By thy greatH7230 wisdomH2451 and by thy traffickH7404 hast thou increasedH7235 thy richesH2428, and thine heartH3824 is lifted upH1361 because of thy richesH2428: {thy great…: Heb. the greatness of thy wisdom}
I will speakH7878 of the gloriousH3519 honourH1926 of thy majestyH1935, and of thy wondrousH6381 worksH1697. {works: Heb. things, or, words}
Both richesH6239 and honourH3519 come of theeH6440, and thou reignestH4910 over all; and in thine handH3027 is powerH3581 and mightH1369; and in thine handH3027 it is to make greatH1431, and to give strengthH2388 unto all.
The kingH4430 spakeH6032, and saidH560, Is notH3809 thisH1932+H1668 greatH7229 BabylonH895, that IH576 have builtH1124 for the houseH1005 of the kingdomH4437 by the mightH8632 of my powerH2632, and for the honourH3367 of my majestyH1923?
To make knownH3045 to the sonsH1121 of menH120 his mighty actsH1369, and the gloriousH3519 majestyH1926 of his kingdomH4438.
And the LORDH3068 magnifiedH1431 SolomonH8010 exceedinglyH4605 in the sightH5869 of all IsraelH3478, and bestowedH5414 upon him such royalH4438 majestyH1935 as had not been on any kingH4428 beforeH6440 him in IsraelH3478.
Thy kingdomH4438 is an everlastingH5769 kingdomH4438, and thy dominionH4475 endureth throughout allH1755 generationsH1755. {an…: Heb. a kingdom of all ages}
DeckH5710 thyself now with majestyH1347 and excellencyH1363; and arrayH3847 thyself with gloryH1935 and beautyH1926.
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
And wheresoeverH3606 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwellH1753, the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 hath he givenH3052 into thine handH3028, and hath made thee rulerH7981 over them allH3606. ThouH607 art this headH7217 of goldH1722.
And afterH870 thee shall ariseH6966 anotherH317 kingdomH4437 inferiorH772 to theeH4481, and anotherH317 thirdH8523 kingdomH4437 of brassH5174, which shall bear ruleH7981 over allH3606 the earthH772.
And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 strongH8624 as ironH6523: forasmuch as ironH6523 breaketh in piecesH1855 and subduethH2827 allH3606 things: and asH6903 ironH6523 that breakethH7490 allH3606 theseH459, shall it break in piecesH1855 and bruiseH7490.
And whereas thou sawestH2370 the feetH7271 and toesH677, partH4481 of potters'H6353 clayH2635, and partH4481 of ironH6523, the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 dividedH6386; butH4481 there shall beH1934 in it ofH4481 the strengthH5326 of the ironH6523, forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635.
And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of ironH6523, and partH4481 of clayH2635, so the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 partlyH4481+H7118 strongH8624, and partlyH4481+H7118 brokenH8406. {broken: or, brittle}
And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635, they shall mingle themselvesH1934+H6151 with the seedH2234 of menH606: but they shallH1934 notH3809 cleaveH1693 oneH1836 toH5974 anotherH1836, evenH1888 as ironH6523 is notH3809 mixedH6151 with clayH2635. {one…: Cald. this with this}
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 set upH6966 a kingdomH4437, which shall neverH5957+H3809 be destroyedH2255: and the kingdomH4437 shall notH3809 be leftH7662 to otherH321 peopleH5972, but it shall break in piecesH1855 and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdomsH4437, and itH1932 shall standH6966 for everH5957. {the days: Cald. their days} {the kingdom: Cald the kingdom thereof}
His gloryH3519 is greatH1419 in thy salvationH3444: honourH1935 and majestyH1926 hast thou laidH7737 upon him.
I beheldH1934+H2370 tillH5705 the thronesH3764 were cast downH7412, and the AncientH6268 of daysH3118 did sitH3488, whose garmentH3831 was whiteH2358 as snowH8517, and the hairH8177 of his headH7217 like the pureH5343 woolH6015: his throneH3764 was like the fieryH5135 flameH7631, and his wheelsH1535 as burningH1815 fireH5135.
A fieryH5135 streamH5103 issuedH5047 and came forthH5312 fromH4481 beforeH6925 him: thousandH506 thousandsH506 ministeredH8120 unto him, and ten thousandH7240 times ten thousandH7240 stoodH6966 beforeH6925 him: the judgmentH1780 was setH3488, and the booksH5609 were openedH6606.
I beheldH1934+H2370 thenH116 becauseH4481 of the voiceH7032 of the greatH7260 wordsH4406 which the hornH7162 spakeH4449: I beheldH1934+H2370 even tillH5705 the beastH2423 was slainH6992, and his bodyH1655 destroyedH7, and givenH3052 to the burningH3346 flameH785.
As concerning the restH7606 of the beastsH2423, they had their dominionH7985 taken awayH5709: yet their livesH2417 were prolongedH3052 forH5705 a seasonH2166 and timeH5732. {their lives…: Cald. a prolonging in life was given them}
I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and, beholdH718, one like the SonH1247 of manH606 cameH858 withH5974 the cloudsH6050 of heavenH8065, and cameH4291 toH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118, and they brought him nearH7127 beforeH6925 him.
And there was givenH3052 him dominionH7985, and gloryH3367, and a kingdomH4437, that allH3606 peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, should serveH6399 him: his dominionH7985 is an everlastingH5957 dominionH7985, which shall notH3809 pass awayH5709, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255.
GirdH2296 thy swordH2719 upon thy thighH3409, O most mightyH1368, with thy gloryH1935 and thy majestyH1926.
AgainG3825, the devilG1228 takethG3880 himG846 upG3880 intoG1519 an exceedingG3029 highG5308 mountainG3735, andG2532 shewethG1166 himG846 allG3956 the kingdomsG932 of the worldG2889, andG2532 the gloryG1391 of themG846;
The LORDH3068 reignethH4427, he is clothedH3847 with majestyH1348; the LORDH3068 is clothedH3847 with strengthH5797, wherewith he hath girdedH247 himself: the worldH8398 also is stablishedH3559, that it cannot be movedH4131.
AndG2532 leadG1533 usG2248 notG3361 intoG1519 temptationG3986, butG235 deliverG4506 usG2248 fromG575 evilG4190: ForG3754 thineG4675 isG2076 the kingdomG932, andG2532 the powerG1411, andG2532 the gloryG1391, forG1519 everG165. AmenG281.
At the same timeH2166 my reasonH4486 returnedH8421 unto meH5922; and for the gloryH3367 of my kingdomH4437, mine honourH1923 and brightnessH2122 returnedH8421 unto meH5922; and my counsellorsH1907 and my lordsH7261 soughtH1156 unto meH5922; and I was establishedH8627 in my kingdomH4437, and excellentH3493 majestyH7238 was addedH3255 unto me.
AndG2532 thatG2443 he might make knownG1107 the richesG4149 of hisG846 gloryG1391 onG1909 the vesselsG4632 of mercyG1656, whichG3739 he had afore preparedG4282 untoG1519 gloryG1391,
O thouH607 kingH4430, the most highH5943 GodH426 gaveH3052 NebuchadnezzarH5020 thy fatherH2 a kingdomH4437, and majestyH7238, and gloryH3367, and honourH1923:
The eyesG3788 of yourG5216 understandingG1271 being enlightenedG5461; thatG1519 yeG5209 may knowG1492 whatG5101 isG2076 the hopeG1680 of hisG846 callingG2821, andG2532 whatG5101 the richesG4149 of the gloryG1391 of hisG846 inheritanceG2817 inG1722 the saintsG40,
ForG1063 we haveG1811 notG3756 followedG1811 cunningly devisedG4679 fablesG3454, when we made knownG1107 unto youG5213 the powerG1411 andG2532 comingG3952 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547, butG235 wereG1096 eyewitnessesG2030 of hisG1565 majestyG3168.
To whomG3739 GodG2316 wouldG2309 make knownG1107 whatG5101 is the richesG4149 of the gloryG1391 of thisG5127 mysteryG3466 amongG1722 the GentilesG1484; whichG3739 isG2076 ChristG5547 inG1722 youG5213, the hopeG1680 of gloryG1391: {in: or, among}