In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of kingH4428 BelshazzarH1112 a visionH2377 appearedH7200 unto me, even unto me DanielH1840, afterH310 that which appearedH7200 unto me at the firstH8462.
And I sawH7200 in a visionH2377; and it came to pass, when I sawH7200, that I was at ShushanH7800 in the palaceH1002, which is in the provinceH4082 of ElamH5867; and I sawH7200 in a visionH2377, and I was by the riverH180 of UlaiH195.
Then I lifted upH5375 mine eyesH5869, and sawH7200, and, behold, there stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the riverH180 aH259 ramH352 which had two hornsH7161: and the two hornsH7161 were highH1364; but oneH259 was higherH1364 than the otherH8145, and the higherH1364 came upH5927 lastH314. {the other: Heb. the second}
I sawH7200 the ramH352 pushingH5055 westwardH3220, and northwardH6828, and southwardH5045; so that no beastsH2416 might standH5975 beforeH6440 him, neither was there any that could deliverH5337 out of his handH3027; but he didH6213 according to his willH7522, and became greatH1431.
And as I was consideringH995, behold, an heH5795 goatH6842 cameH935 from the westH4628 on the faceH6440 of the whole earthH776, and touchedH5060 not the groundH776: and the goatH6842 had a notableH2380 hornH7161 between his eyesH5869. {touched…: or, none touched him in the earth} {a notable…: Heb. a horn of sight}
And he cameH935 to the ramH352 that hadH1167 two hornsH7161, which I had seenH7200 standingH5975 beforeH6440 the riverH180, and ranH7323 unto him in the furyH2534 of his powerH3581.
And I sawH7200 him comeH5060 close untoH681 the ramH352, and he was moved with cholerH4843 against him, and smoteH5221 the ramH352, and brakeH7665 his twoH8147 hornsH7161: and there was no powerH3581 in the ramH352 to standH5975 beforeH6440 him, but he cast him downH7993 to the groundH776, and stampedH7429 upon him: and there was none that could deliverH5337 the ramH352 out of his handH3027.
Therefore the heH6842 goatH5795 waxed veryH3966 greatH1431: and when he was strongH6105, the greatH1419 hornH7161 was brokenH7665; and for it came upH5927 fourH702 notable onesH2380 toward the fourH702 windsH7307 of heavenH8064.
And out of oneH259 of them came forthH3318 a littleH4704 hornH7161, which waxed exceedingH3499 greatH1431, toward the southH5045, and toward the eastH4217, and toward the pleasantH6643 land.
And it waxed greatH1431, even to the hostH6635 of heavenH8064; and it cast downH5307 some of the hostH6635 and of the starsH3556 to the groundH776, and stampedH7429 upon them. {to the host: or, against the host}
Yea, he magnifiedH1431 himself even to the princeH8269 of the hostH6635, and by him the dailyH8548 sacrifice was taken awayH7311+H7311, and the placeH4349 of his sanctuaryH4720 was cast downH7993. {to: or, against} {by him: or, from him}
And an hostH6635 was givenH5414 him against the dailyH8548 sacrifice by reason of transgressionH6588, and it cast downH7993 the truthH571 to the groundH776; and it practisedH6213, and prosperedH6743. {an host…: or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice}
Then I heardH8085 oneH259 saintH6918 speakingH1696, and anotherH259 saintH6918 saidH559 unto that certainH6422 saint which spakeH1696, How long shall be the visionH2377 concerning the dailyH8548 sacrifice, and the transgressionH6588 of desolationH8074, to giveH5414 both the sanctuaryH6944 and the hostH6635 to be trodden under footH4823? {that…: or, the numberer of secrets, or, the wonderful numberer: Heb. Palmoni} {of…: or, making desolate}
And he saidH559 unto me, Unto two thousandH505 and threeH7969 hundredH3967 daysH6153+H1242; then shall the sanctuaryH6944 be cleansedH6663. {days: Heb. evening morning} {cleansed: Heb. justified}
And it came to pass, when I, even I DanielH1840, had seenH7200 the visionH2377, and soughtH1245 for the meaningH998, then, behold, there stoodH5975 before me as the appearanceH4758 of a manH1397.
And I heardH8085 a man'sH120 voiceH6963 between the banks of UlaiH195, which calledH7121, and saidH559, GabrielH1403, make thisH1975 man to understandH995 the visionH4758.
So he cameH935 nearH681 where I stoodH5977: and when he cameH935, I was afraidH1204, and fellH5307 upon my faceH6440: but he saidH559 unto me, UnderstandH995, O sonH1121 of manH120: for at the timeH6256 of the endH7093 shall be the visionH2377.
Now as he was speakingH1696 with me, I was in a deep sleepH7290 on my faceH6440 toward the groundH776: but he touchedH5060 me, and setH5975 me uprightH5977. {set…: Heb. made me stand upon my standing}
And he saidH559, Behold, I will make thee knowH3045 what shall be in the last endH319 of the indignationH2195: for at the time appointedH4150 the endH7093 shall be.
The ramH352 which thou sawestH7200 havingH1167 two hornsH7161 are the kingsH4428 of MediaH4074 and PersiaH6539.
And the roughH8163 goatH6842 is the kingH4428 of GreciaH3120: and the greatH1419 hornH7161 that is between his eyesH5869 is the firstH7223 kingH4428.
Now that being brokenH7665, whereas fourH702 stood upH5975 for it, fourH702 kingdomsH4438 shall stand upH5975 out of the nationH1471, but not in his powerH3581.
And in the latter timeH319 of their kingdomH4438, when the transgressorsH6586 are come to the fullH8552, a kingH4428 of fierceH5794 countenanceH6440, and understandingH995 dark sentencesH2420, shall stand upH5975. {are…: Heb. are accomplished}
And his powerH3581 shall be mightyH6105, but not by his own powerH3581: and he shall destroyH7843 wonderfullyH6381, and shall prosperH6743, and practiseH6213, and shall destroyH7843 the mightyH6099 and the holyH6918 peopleH5971. {holy…: Heb. people of the holy ones}
And through his policyH7922 also he shall cause craftH4820 to prosperH6743 in his handH3027; and he shall magnifyH1431 himself in his heartH3824, and by peaceH7962 shall destroyH7843 manyH7227: he shall also stand upH5975 against the PrinceH8269 of princesH8269; but he shall be brokenH7665 withoutH657 handH3027. {peace: or, prosperity}
And the visionH4758 of the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 which was toldH559 is trueH571: wherefore shut thou upH5640 the visionH2377; for it shall be for manyH7227 daysH3117.
And I DanielH1840 faintedH1961, and was sickH2470 certain daysH3117; afterward I rose upH6965, and didH6213 the king'sH4428 businessH4399; and I was astonishedH8074 at the visionH4758, but none understoodH995 it.
Querverweise zu Daniel 8,11 Dan 8,11
And through his policyH7922 also he shall cause craftH4820 to prosperH6743 in his handH3027; and he shall magnifyH1431 himself in his heartH3824, and by peaceH7962 shall destroyH7843 manyH7227: he shall also stand upH5975 against the PrinceH8269 of princesH8269; but he shall be brokenH7665 withoutH657 handH3027. {peace: or, prosperity}
And he saidH559, Nay; but as captainH8269 of the hostH6635 of the LORDH3068 am I now comeH935. And JoshuaH3091 fellH5307 on his faceH6440 to the earthH776, and did worshipH7812, and saidH559 unto him, What saithH1696 my lordH113 unto his servantH5650? {captain: or, prince}
And an hostH6635 was givenH5414 him against the dailyH8548 sacrifice by reason of transgressionH6588, and it cast downH7993 the truthH571 to the groundH776; and it practisedH6213, and prosperedH6743. {an host…: or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice}
And afterH310 threescoreH8346 and twoH8147 weeksH7620 shall MessiahH4899 be cut offH3772, but not for himself: and the peopleH5971 of the princeH5057 that shall comeH935 shall destroyH7843 the cityH5892 and the sanctuaryH6944; and the endH7093 thereof shall be with a floodH7858, and unto the endH7093 of the warH4421 desolationsH8074 are determinedH2782. {but…: or, and shall have nothing} {desolations…: or, it shall be cut off by desolations}
But hast lifted upH7313 thyself againstH5922 the LordH4756 of heavenH8065; and they have broughtH858 the vesselsH3984 of his houseH1005 beforeH6925 thee, and thouH607, and thy lordsH7261, thy wivesH7695, and thy concubinesH3904, have drunkH8355 wineH2562 in them; and thou hast praisedH7624 the godsH426 of silverH3702, and goldH1722, of brassH5174, ironH6523, woodH636, and stoneH69, which seeH2370 notH3809, norH3809 hearH8086, norH3809 knowH3046: and the GodH426 in whose handH3028 thy breathH5396 is, and whose are allH3606 thy waysH735, hast thou notH3809 glorifiedH1922:
And the captainH8269 of the LORD'SH3068 hostH6635 saidH559 unto JoshuaH3091, LooseH5394 thy shoeH5275 from off thy footH7272; for the placeH4725 whereon thou standestH5975 is holyH6944. And JoshuaH3091 didH6213 so.
And armsH2220 shall standH5975 on his part, and they shall polluteH2490 the sanctuaryH4720 of strengthH4581, and shall take awayH5493 the dailyH8548 sacrifice, and they shall placeH5414 the abominationH8251 that maketh desolateH8074. {maketh…: or, astonisheth}
And he shall confirmH1396 the covenantH1285 with manyH7227 for oneH259 weekH7620: and in the midstH2677 of the weekH7620 he shall cause the sacrificeH2077 and the oblationH4503 to ceaseH7673, and for the overspreadingH3671 of abominationsH8251 he shall make it desolateH8074, even until the consummationH3617, and that determinedH2782 shall be pouredH5413 upon the desolateH8074. {the covenant: or, a covenant} {for the…: or, with the abominable armies} {the desolate: or, the desolator}
And he shall speakH4449 great wordsH4406 againstH6655 the most HighH5943, and shall wear outH1080 the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, and thinkH5452 to changeH8133 timesH2166 and lawsH1882: and they shall be givenH3052 into his handH3028 untilH5705 a timeH5732 and timesH5732 and the dividingH6387 of timeH5732.
ForG1063 it becameG4241 himG846, forG1223 whomG3739 are all thingsG3956, andG2532 byG1223 whomG3739 are all thingsG3956, in bringingG71 manyG4183 sonsG5207 untoG1519 gloryG1391, to makeG5048 the captainG747 of theirG846 salvationG4991 perfectG5048 throughG1223 sufferingsG3804.
And from the timeH6256 that the dailyH8548 sacrifice shall be taken awayH5493, and the abominationH8251 that maketh desolateH8074 set upH5414, there shall be a thousandH505 two hundredH3967 and ninetyH8673 daysH3117. {the abomination: Heb. to set up the abomination} {maketh…: or, astonisheth}
AndG2532 as someG5100 spakeG3004 ofG4012 the templeG2411, howG3754 it was adornedG2885 with goodlyG2570 stonesG3037 andG2532 giftsG334, he saidG2036,
And the kingH4428 shall doH6213 according to his willH7522; and he shall exaltH7311 himself, and magnifyH1431 himself above every godH410, and shall speakH1696 marvellous thingsH6381 against the GodH410 of godsH410, and shall prosperH6743 till the indignationH2195 be accomplishedH3615: for that that is determinedH2782 shall be doneH6213.
TheseG3778 shall make warG4170 withG3326 the LambG721, andG2532 the LambG721 shall overcomeG3528 themG846: forG3754 he isG2076 LordG2962 of lordsG2962, andG2532 KingG935 of kingsG935: andG2532 they that are withG3326 himG846 are calledG2822, andG2532 chosenG1588, andG2532 faithfulG4103.
Now this is that which thou shalt offerH6213 upon the altarH4196; twoH8147 lambsH3532 of the firstH1121 yearH8141 dayH3117 by dayH3117 continuallyH8548.
The oneH259 lambH3532 thou shalt offerH6213 in the morningH1242; and the otherH8145 lambH3532 thou shalt offerH6213 at evenH6153:
And with the oneH259 lambH3532 a tenthH6241 deal of flourH5560 mingledH1101 with the fourth partH7253 of an hinH1969 of beatenH3795 oilH8081; and the fourth partH7243 of an hinH1969 of wineH3196 for a drink offeringH5262.
And the otherH8145 lambH3532 thou shalt offerH6213 at evenH6153, and shalt doH6213 thereto according to the meat offeringH4503 of the morningH1242, and according to the drink offeringH5262 thereof, for a sweetH5207 savourH7381, an offering made by fireH801 unto the LORDH3068.
This shall be a continualH8548 burnt offeringH5930 throughout your generationsH1755 at the doorH6607 of the tabernacleH168 of the congregationH4150 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068: where I will meetH3259 you, to speakH1696 there unto thee.
As for these thingsG5023 whichG3739 ye beholdG2334, the daysG2250 will comeG2064, inG1722 the whichG3739 there shallG863 notG3756 be leftG863 one stoneG3037 uponG1909 anotherG3037, thatG3739 shallG2647 notG3756 be thrown downG2647.
Whom hast thou reproachedH2778 and blasphemedH1442? and against whom hast thou exaltedH7311 thy voiceH6963, and lifted upH5375 thine eyesH5869 on highH4791? even against the HolyH6918 One of IsraelH3478.
AndG2532 he was clothedG4016 with a vestureG2440 dippedG911 in bloodG129: andG2532 hisG846 nameG3686 is calledG2564 The WordG3056 of GodG2316.
AndG2532 the armiesG4753 which wereG3588 inG1722 heavenG3772 followedG190 himG846 uponG1909 whiteG3022 horsesG2462, clothedG1746 in fine linenG1039, whiteG3022 andG2532 cleanG2513.
AndG2532 out ofG1537 hisG846 mouthG4750 goethG1607 a sharpG3691 swordG4501, thatG2443 withG1722 itG846 he should smiteG3960 the nationsG1484: andG2532 heG846 shall ruleG4165 themG846 withG1722 a rodG4464 of ironG4603: andG2532 heG846 treadethG3961 the winepressG3025+G3631 of the fiercenessG2372 andG2532 wrathG3709 of AlmightyG3841 GodG2316.
AndG2532 he hathG2192 onG1909 his vestureG2440 andG2532 onG1909 hisG846 thighG3382 a nameG3686 writtenG1125, KINGG935 OF KINGSG935, ANDG2532 LORDG2962 OF LORDSG2962.
And thou shalt sayH559 unto them, This is the offering made by fireH801 which ye shall offerH7126 unto the LORDH3068; twoH8147 lambsH3532 of the firstH1121 yearH8141 without spotH8549 day by dayH3117, for a continualH8548 burnt offeringH5930. {day by day: Heb. in a day}
AndG2532 they shall fallG4098 by the edgeG4750 of the swordG3162, andG2532 shall be led away captiveG163 intoG1519 allG3956 nationsG1484: andG2532 JerusalemG2419 shall beG2071 trodden downG3961 ofG5259 the GentilesG1484, untilG891 the timesG2540 of the GentilesG1484 be fulfilledG4137.
ByH3027 thy messengersH4397 thou hast reproachedH2778 the LordH136, and hast saidH559, With the multitudeH7230 of my chariotsH7393+H7393 I am come upH5927 to the heightH4791 of the mountainsH2022, to the sidesH3411 of LebanonH3844, and will cut downH3772 the tallH6967 cedar treesH730 thereof, and the choiceH4004 fir treesH1265 thereof: and I will enterH935 into the lodgingsH4411 of his bordersH7093, and into the forestH3293 of his CarmelH3760. {By: Heb. By the hand of} {tall…: Heb. tallness, etc} {of his Carmel: or, and his fruitful field}
And thou shalt prepareH6213 a meat offeringH4503 for it every morningH1242, the sixth partH8345 of an ephahH374, and the third partH7992 of an hinH1969 of oilH8081, to temper withH7450 the fine flourH5560; a meat offeringH4503 continuallyH8548 by a perpetualH5769 ordinanceH2708 unto the LORDH3068.
Now therefore let notH3808 HezekiahH2396 deceiveH5377 you, nor persuadeH5496 you on this manner, neither yet believeH539 him: for no godH433 of any nationH1471 or kingdomH4467 was ableH3201 to deliverH5337 his peopleH5971 out of mine handH3027, and out of the handH3027 of my fathersH1: how much less shall your GodH430 deliverH5337 you out of mine handH3027?
And his servantsH5650 spakeH1696 yet more against the LORDH3068 GodH430, and against his servantH5650 HezekiahH3169.
He wroteH3789 also lettersH5612 to railH2778 on the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, and to speakH559 against him, sayingH559, As the godsH430 of the nationsH1471 of other landsH776 have not deliveredH5337 their peopleH5971 out of mine handH3027, so shall not the GodH430 of HezekiahH3169 deliverH5337 his peopleH5971 out of mine handH3027.
Then they criedH7121 with a loudH1419 voiceH6963 in the Jews' speechH3066 unto the peopleH5971 of JerusalemH3389 that were on the wallH2346, to affrightH3372 them, and to troubleH926 them; that they might takeH3920 the cityH5892.
And they spakeH1696 againstH5921 the GodH430 of JerusalemH3389, as against the godsH430 of the peopleH5971 of the earthH776, which were the workH4639 of the handsH3027 of manH120.
And for this cause HezekiahH3169 the kingH4428, and the prophetH5030 IsaiahH3470 the sonH1121 of AmozH531, prayedH6419 and criedH2199 to heavenH8064.
And the LORDH3068 sentH7971 an angelH4397, which cut offH3582 all the mighty menH1368 of valourH2428, and the leadersH5057 and captainsH8269 in the campH4264 of the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804. So he returnedH7725 with shameH1322 of faceH6440 to his own landH776. And when he was comeH935 into the houseH1004 of his godH430, they that came forthH3329 of his own bowelsH4578 slewH5307 him there with the swordH2719. {slew…: Heb. made him fall}
Thus the LORDH3068 savedH3467 HezekiahH3169 and the inhabitantsH3427 of JerusalemH3389 from the handH3027 of SennacheribH5576 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804, and from the handH3027 of all other, and guidedH5095 them on every sideH5439.
Whom hast thou reproachedH2778 and blasphemedH1442? and against whom hast thou exaltedH7311 thy voiceH6963, and lifted upH5375 thine eyesH5869 on highH4791? even against the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478.
Because thy rageH7264 against me, and thy tumultH7600, is come upH5927 into mine earsH241, therefore will I putH7760 my hookH2397 in thy noseH639, and my bridleH4964 in thy lipsH8193, and I will turn thee backH7725 by the wayH1870 by which thou camestH935.
Make ye him drunkenH7937: for he magnifiedH1431 himself against the LORDH3068: MoabH4124 also shall wallowH5606 in his vomitH6892, and he also shall be in derisionH7814.
And MoabH4124 shall be destroyedH8045 from being a peopleH5971, because he hath magnifiedH1431 himself against the LORDH3068.
WhoG3588 opposethG480 andG2532 exaltethG5229 himself aboveG1909 allG3956 that is calledG3004 GodG2316, orG2228 that is worshippedG4574; soG5620 that heG846 asG5613 GodG2316 sittethG2523 inG1519 the templeG3485 of GodG2316, shewingG584 himselfG1438 thatG3754 he isG2076 GodG2316.
AndG2532 there was givenG1325 unto himG846 a mouthG4750 speakingG2980 great thingsG3173 andG2532 blasphemiesG988; andG2532 powerG1849 was givenG1325 unto himG846 to continueG4160 fortyG5062 and twoG1417 monthsG3376. {to continue: or, to make war}
AndG2532 he openedG455 hisG846 mouthG4750 inG1519 blasphemyG988 againstG4314 GodG2316, to blasphemeG987 hisG846 nameG3686, andG2532 hisG846 tabernacleG4633, andG2532 them that dwellG4637 inG1722 heavenG3772.
AndG2532 it was givenG1325 unto himG846 to makeG4160 warG4171 withG3326 the saintsG40, andG2532 to overcomeG3528 themG846: andG2532 powerG1849 was givenG1325 himG846 overG1909 allG3956 kindredsG5443, andG2532 tonguesG1100, andG2532 nationsG1484.