In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of kingH4428 BelshazzarH1112 a visionH2377 appearedH7200 unto me, even unto me DanielH1840, afterH310 that which appearedH7200 unto me at the firstH8462.
And I sawH7200 in a visionH2377; and it came to pass, when I sawH7200, that I was at ShushanH7800 in the palaceH1002, which is in the provinceH4082 of ElamH5867; and I sawH7200 in a visionH2377, and I was by the riverH180 of UlaiH195.
Then I lifted upH5375 mine eyesH5869, and sawH7200, and, behold, there stoodH5975 beforeH6440 the riverH180 aH259 ramH352 which had two hornsH7161: and the two hornsH7161 were highH1364; but oneH259 was higherH1364 than the otherH8145, and the higherH1364 came upH5927 lastH314. {the other: Heb. the second}
I sawH7200 the ramH352 pushingH5055 westwardH3220, and northwardH6828, and southwardH5045; so that no beastsH2416 might standH5975 beforeH6440 him, neither was there any that could deliverH5337 out of his handH3027; but he didH6213 according to his willH7522, and became greatH1431.
And as I was consideringH995, behold, an heH5795 goatH6842 cameH935 from the westH4628 on the faceH6440 of the whole earthH776, and touchedH5060 not the groundH776: and the goatH6842 had a notableH2380 hornH7161 between his eyesH5869. {touched…: or, none touched him in the earth} {a notable…: Heb. a horn of sight}
And he cameH935 to the ramH352 that hadH1167 two hornsH7161, which I had seenH7200 standingH5975 beforeH6440 the riverH180, and ranH7323 unto him in the furyH2534 of his powerH3581.
And I sawH7200 him comeH5060 close untoH681 the ramH352, and he was moved with cholerH4843 against him, and smoteH5221 the ramH352, and brakeH7665 his twoH8147 hornsH7161: and there was no powerH3581 in the ramH352 to standH5975 beforeH6440 him, but he cast him downH7993 to the groundH776, and stampedH7429 upon him: and there was none that could deliverH5337 the ramH352 out of his handH3027.
Therefore the heH6842 goatH5795 waxed veryH3966 greatH1431: and when he was strongH6105, the greatH1419 hornH7161 was brokenH7665; and for it came upH5927 fourH702 notable onesH2380 toward the fourH702 windsH7307 of heavenH8064.
And out of oneH259 of them came forthH3318 a littleH4704 hornH7161, which waxed exceedingH3499 greatH1431, toward the southH5045, and toward the eastH4217, and toward the pleasantH6643 land.
And it waxed greatH1431, even to the hostH6635 of heavenH8064; and it cast downH5307 some of the hostH6635 and of the starsH3556 to the groundH776, and stampedH7429 upon them. {to the host: or, against the host}
Yea, he magnifiedH1431 himself even to the princeH8269 of the hostH6635, and by him the dailyH8548 sacrifice was taken awayH7311+H7311, and the placeH4349 of his sanctuaryH4720 was cast downH7993. {to: or, against} {by him: or, from him}
And an hostH6635 was givenH5414 him against the dailyH8548 sacrifice by reason of transgressionH6588, and it cast downH7993 the truthH571 to the groundH776; and it practisedH6213, and prosperedH6743. {an host…: or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice}
Then I heardH8085 oneH259 saintH6918 speakingH1696, and anotherH259 saintH6918 saidH559 unto that certainH6422 saint which spakeH1696, How long shall be the visionH2377 concerning the dailyH8548 sacrifice, and the transgressionH6588 of desolationH8074, to giveH5414 both the sanctuaryH6944 and the hostH6635 to be trodden under footH4823? {that…: or, the numberer of secrets, or, the wonderful numberer: Heb. Palmoni} {of…: or, making desolate}
And he saidH559 unto me, Unto two thousandH505 and threeH7969 hundredH3967 daysH6153+H1242; then shall the sanctuaryH6944 be cleansedH6663. {days: Heb. evening morning} {cleansed: Heb. justified}
And it came to pass, when I, even I DanielH1840, had seenH7200 the visionH2377, and soughtH1245 for the meaningH998, then, behold, there stoodH5975 before me as the appearanceH4758 of a manH1397.
And I heardH8085 a man'sH120 voiceH6963 between the banks of UlaiH195, which calledH7121, and saidH559, GabrielH1403, make thisH1975 man to understandH995 the visionH4758.
So he cameH935 nearH681 where I stoodH5977: and when he cameH935, I was afraidH1204, and fellH5307 upon my faceH6440: but he saidH559 unto me, UnderstandH995, O sonH1121 of manH120: for at the timeH6256 of the endH7093 shall be the visionH2377.
Now as he was speakingH1696 with me, I was in a deep sleepH7290 on my faceH6440 toward the groundH776: but he touchedH5060 me, and setH5975 me uprightH5977. {set…: Heb. made me stand upon my standing}
And he saidH559, Behold, I will make thee knowH3045 what shall be in the last endH319 of the indignationH2195: for at the time appointedH4150 the endH7093 shall be.
The ramH352 which thou sawestH7200 havingH1167 two hornsH7161 are the kingsH4428 of MediaH4074 and PersiaH6539.
And the roughH8163 goatH6842 is the kingH4428 of GreciaH3120: and the greatH1419 hornH7161 that is between his eyesH5869 is the firstH7223 kingH4428.
Now that being brokenH7665, whereas fourH702 stood upH5975 for it, fourH702 kingdomsH4438 shall stand upH5975 out of the nationH1471, but not in his powerH3581.
And in the latter timeH319 of their kingdomH4438, when the transgressorsH6586 are come to the fullH8552, a kingH4428 of fierceH5794 countenanceH6440, and understandingH995 dark sentencesH2420, shall stand upH5975. {are…: Heb. are accomplished}
And his powerH3581 shall be mightyH6105, but not by his own powerH3581: and he shall destroyH7843 wonderfullyH6381, and shall prosperH6743, and practiseH6213, and shall destroyH7843 the mightyH6099 and the holyH6918 peopleH5971. {holy…: Heb. people of the holy ones}
And through his policyH7922 also he shall cause craftH4820 to prosperH6743 in his handH3027; and he shall magnifyH1431 himself in his heartH3824, and by peaceH7962 shall destroyH7843 manyH7227: he shall also stand upH5975 against the PrinceH8269 of princesH8269; but he shall be brokenH7665 withoutH657 handH3027. {peace: or, prosperity}
And the visionH4758 of the eveningH6153 and the morningH1242 which was toldH559 is trueH571: wherefore shut thou upH5640 the visionH2377; for it shall be for manyH7227 daysH3117.
And I DanielH1840 faintedH1961, and was sickH2470 certain daysH3117; afterward I rose upH6965, and didH6213 the king'sH4428 businessH4399; and I was astonishedH8074 at the visionH4758, but none understoodH995 it.
Querverweise zu Daniel 8,9 Dan 8,9
And in the latter timeH319 of their kingdomH4438, when the transgressorsH6586 are come to the fullH8552, a kingH4428 of fierceH5794 countenanceH6440, and understandingH995 dark sentencesH2420, shall stand upH5975. {are…: Heb. are accomplished}
But he that comethH935 against him shall doH6213 according to his own willH7522, and none shall standH5975 beforeH6440 him: and he shall standH5975 in the gloriousH6643 landH776, which by his handH3027 shall be consumedH3617. {glorious…: or, goodly, etc.: Heb. land of ornament}
And his powerH3581 shall be mightyH6105, but not by his own powerH3581: and he shall destroyH7843 wonderfullyH6381, and shall prosperH6743, and practiseH6213, and shall destroyH7843 the mightyH6099 and the holyH6918 peopleH5971. {holy…: Heb. people of the holy ones}
He shall enterH935 also into the gloriousH6643 landH776, and manyH7227 countries shall be overthrownH3782: but these shall escapeH4422 out of his handH3027, even EdomH123, and MoabH4124, and the chiefH7225 of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983. {glorious…: or, goodly, etc.: Heb. land of delight, or, ornament}
I consideredH1934+H7920 the hornsH7162, and, beholdH431, there came upH5559 amongH997 them anotherH317 littleH2192 hornH7162, beforeH6925+H4481 whom there were threeH8532 ofH4481 the firstH6933 hornsH7162 plucked up by the rootsH6132: and, beholdH431, in thisH1668 hornH7162 were eyesH5870 like the eyesH5870 of manH606, and a mouthH6433 speakingH4449 great thingsH7260.
And he shall plantH5193 the tabernaclesH168 of his palaceH643 between the seasH3220 in the gloriousH6643 holyH6944 mountainH2022; yet he shall comeH935 to his endH7093, and none shall helpH5826 him. {glorious…: or, goodly, etc.: Heb. mountain of delight of holiness}
And ofH5922 the tenH6236 hornsH7162 that were in his headH7217, and of the otherH317 which came upH5559, and beforeH4481+H6925 whom threeH8532 fellH5308; even of that hornH7162 thatH1797 had eyesH5870, and a mouthH6433 that spakeH4449 very great thingsH7260, whose lookH2376 was moreH4481 stoutH7229 thanH4481 his fellowsH2273.
I beheldH1934+H2370, and the sameH1797 hornH7162 madeH5648 warH7129 withH5974 the saintsH6922, and prevailedH3202 against them;
UntilH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118 cameH858+H1768, and judgmentH1780 was givenH3052 to the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946; and the timeH2166 cameH4291 that the saintsH6922 possessedH2631 the kingdomH4437.
ThusH3652 he saidH560, The fourthH7244 beastH2423 shall beH1934 the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 upon earthH772, which shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 kingdomsH4437, and shall devourH399 the wholeH3606 earthH772, and shall tread it downH1759, and break it in piecesH1855.
And the tenH6236 hornsH7162 out ofH4481 this kingdomH4437 are tenH6236 kingsH4430 that shall ariseH6966: and anotherH321 shall riseH6966 afterH311 them; and he shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 the firstH6933, and he shall subdueH8214 threeH8532 kingsH4430.
And he shall speakH4449 great wordsH4406 againstH6655 the most HighH5943, and shall wear outH1080 the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, and thinkH5452 to changeH8133 timesH2166 and lawsH1882: and they shall be givenH3052 into his handH3028 untilH5705 a timeH5732 and timesH5732 and the dividingH6387 of timeH5732.
But the judgmentH1780 shall sitH3488, and they shall take awayH5709 his dominionH7985, to consumeH8046 and to destroyH7 it untoH5705 the endH5491.
BeautifulH3303 for situationH5131, the joyH4885 of the whole earthH776, is mountH2022 ZionH6726, on the sidesH3411 of the northH6828, the cityH7151 of the greatH7227 KingH4428.
And in his estateH3653 shall stand upH5975 a vile personH959, to whom they shall not giveH5414 the honourH1935 of the kingdomH4438: but he shall comeH935 in peaceablyH7962, and obtainH2388 the kingdomH4438 by flatteriesH2519. {estate: or, place}
And he increasedH6509 his peopleH5971 greatlyH3966; and made them strongerH6105 than their enemiesH6862.
And he shall stir upH5782 his powerH3581 and his courageH3824 against the kingH4428 of the southH5045 with a greatH1419 armyH2428; and the kingH4428 of the southH5045 shall be stirred upH1624 to battleH4421 with a veryH3966 greatH1419 and mightyH6099 armyH2428; but he shall not standH5975: for they shall forecastH2803 devicesH4284 against him.
Yea, they that feedH398 of the portion of his meatH6598 shall destroyH7665 him, and his armyH2428 shall overflowH7857: and manyH7227 shall fallH5307 down slainH2491.
And bothH8147 these kings'H4428 heartsH3824 shall be to do mischiefH4827+H7451, and they shall speakH1696 liesH3577 at oneH259 tableH7979; but it shall not prosperH6743: for yet the endH7093 shall be at the time appointedH4150. {hearts: Heb. their hearts}
Then shall he returnH7725 into his landH776 with greatH1419 richesH7399; and his heartH3824 shall be against the holyH6944 covenantH1285; and he shall doH6213 exploits, and returnH7725 to his own landH776.
At the time appointedH4150 he shall returnH7725, and comeH935 toward the southH5045; but it shall not be as the formerH7223, or as the latterH314.
For the shipsH6716 of ChittimH3794 shall comeH935 against him: therefore he shall be grievedH3512, and returnH7725, and have indignationH2194 against the holyH6944 covenantH1285: so shall he doH6213; he shall even returnH7725, and have intelligenceH995 with them that forsakeH5800 the holyH6944 covenantH1285.
And armsH2220 shall standH5975 on his part, and they shall polluteH2490 the sanctuaryH4720 of strengthH4581, and shall take awayH5493 the dailyH8548 sacrifice, and they shall placeH5414 the abominationH8251 that maketh desolateH8074. {maketh…: or, astonisheth}
And such as do wickedlyH7561 against the covenantH1285 shall he corruptH2610 by flatteriesH2514: but the peopleH5971 that do knowH3045 their GodH430 shall be strongH2388, and doH6213 exploits. {corrupt: or, cause to dissemble}
And they that understandH7919 among the peopleH5971 shall instructH995 manyH7227: yet they shall fallH3782 by the swordH2719, and by flameH3852, by captivityH7628, and by spoilH961, many daysH3117.
Now when they shall fallH3782, they shall be holpenH5826 with a littleH4592 helpH5828: but manyH7227 shall cleaveH3867 to them with flatteriesH2519.
And some of them of understandingH7919 shall fallH3782, to tryH6884 them, and to purgeH1305, and to make them whiteH3835, even to the timeH6256 of the endH7093: because it is yet for a time appointedH4150. {try them: or, try by them}
And the kingH4428 shall doH6213 according to his willH7522; and he shall exaltH7311 himself, and magnifyH1431 himself above every godH410, and shall speakH1696 marvellous thingsH6381 against the GodH410 of godsH410, and shall prosperH6743 till the indignationH2195 be accomplishedH3615: for that that is determinedH2782 shall be doneH6213.
Neither shall he regardH995 the GodH430 of his fathersH1, nor the desireH2532 of womenH802, nor regardH995 any godH433: for he shall magnifyH1431 himself above all.
But in his estateH3653 shall he honourH3513 the GodH433 of forcesH4581: and a godH433 whom his fathersH1 knewH3045 not shall he honourH3513 with goldH2091, and silverH3701, and with preciousH3368 stonesH68, and pleasant thingsH2532. {forces: or, munitions: Heb. Mauzzim, or, as for the almighty God, in his seat he shall honour, yea he shall honour a god, etc} {pleasant: Heb. things desired}
Thus shall he doH6213 in the most strongH4581 holdsH4013 with a strangeH5236 godH433, whom he shall acknowledgeH5234+H5234 and increaseH7235 with gloryH3519: and he shall cause them to ruleH4910 over manyH7227, and shall divideH2505 the landH127 for gainH4242. {most…: Heb. fortresses of munitions} {gain: Heb. a price}
And at the timeH6256 of the endH7093 shall the kingH4428 of the southH5045 pushH5055 at him: and the kingH4428 of the northH6828 shall come against him like a whirlwindH8175, with chariotsH7393, and with horsemenH6571, and with manyH7227 shipsH591; and he shall enterH935 into the countriesH776, and shall overflowH7857 and pass overH5674.
He shall enterH935 also into the gloriousH6643 landH776, and manyH7227 countries shall be overthrownH3782: but these shall escapeH4422 out of his handH3027, even EdomH123, and MoabH4124, and the chiefH7225 of the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983. {glorious…: or, goodly, etc.: Heb. land of delight, or, ornament}
He shall stretch forthH7971 his handH3027 also upon the countriesH776: and the landH776 of EgyptH4714 shall not escapeH6413. {stretch…: Heb. send forth}
But he shall have powerH4910 over the treasuresH4362 of goldH2091 and of silverH3701, and over all the preciousH2532 things of EgyptH4714: and the LibyansH3864 and the EthiopiansH3569 shall be at his stepsH4703.
But tidingsH8052 out of the eastH4217 and out of the northH6828 shall troubleH926 him: therefore he shall go forthH3318 with greatH1419 furyH2534 to destroyH8045, and utterly to make awayH2763 manyH7227.
And he shall plantH5193 the tabernaclesH168 of his palaceH643 between the seasH3220 in the gloriousH6643 holyH6944 mountainH2022; yet he shall comeH935 to his endH7093, and none shall helpH5826 him. {glorious…: or, goodly, etc.: Heb. mountain of delight of holiness}
But I saidH559, How shall I putH7896 thee among the childrenH1121, and giveH5414 thee a pleasantH2532 landH776, a goodlyH6643 heritageH5159 of the hostsH6635 of nationsH1471? and I saidH559, Thou shalt callH7121 me, My fatherH1; and shalt not turn awayH7725 from meH310. {from me: Heb. from after me} {a goodly…: Heb. an heritage of glory, or, beauty} {pleasant…: Heb. land of desire}
In the dayH3117 that I lifted upH5375 mine handH3027 unto them, to bring them forthH3318 of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 into a landH776 that I had espiedH8446 for them, flowingH2100 with milkH2461 and honeyH1706, which is the gloryH6643 of all landsH776: