Now it came to pass upon a dayH3117, that JonathanH3129 the sonH1121 of SaulH7586 saidH559 unto the young manH5288 that bareH5375 his armourH3627, ComeH3212, and let us go overH5674 to the Philistines'H6430 garrisonH4673, that is on the other sideH5676+H1975. But he toldH5046 not his fatherH1. {it came…: or, there was a day}
And SaulH7586 tarriedH3427 in the uttermostH7097 part of GibeahH1390 under a pomegranate treeH7416 which is in MigronH4051: and the peopleH5971 that were with him were about sixH8337 hundredH3967 menH376;
And AhiahH281, the sonH1121 of AhitubH285, Ichabod'sH350 brotherH251, the sonH1121 of PhinehasH6372, the sonH1121 of EliH5941, the LORD'SH3068 priestH3548 in ShilohH7887, wearingH5375 an ephodH646. And the peopleH5971 knewH3045 not that JonathanH3129 was goneH1980. {Ahiah: called Ahimelech}
And between the passagesH4569, by which JonathanH3129 soughtH1245 to go overH5674 unto the Philistines'H6430 garrisonH4673, there was a sharpH8127 rockH5553 on the one sideH5676, and a sharpH8127 rockH5553 on the other sideH5676: and the nameH8034 of the oneH259 was BozezH949, and the nameH8034 of the otherH259 SenehH5573.
The forefrontH8127 of the oneH259 was situateH4690 northwardH6828 over againstH4136 MichmashH4363, and the otherH259 southwardH5045 over againstH4136 GibeahH1387. {forefront: Heb. tooth}
And JonathanH3083 saidH559 to the young manH5288 that bareH5375 his armourH3627, ComeH3212, and let us go overH5674 unto the garrisonH4673 of these uncircumcisedH6189: it may be that the LORDH3068 will workH6213 for us: for there is no restraintH4622 to the LORDH3068 to saveH3467 by manyH7227 or by fewH4592.
And his armourbearerH5375+H3627 saidH559 unto him, DoH6213 all that is in thine heartH3824: turnH5186 thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heartH3824.
Then saidH559 JonathanH3083, Behold, we will pass overH5674 unto these menH582, and we will discoverH1540 ourselves unto them.
If they sayH559 thus unto us, TarryH1826 until we comeH5060 to you; then we will stand stillH5975 in our place, and will not go upH5927 unto them. {Tarry: Heb. Be still}
But if they sayH559 thus, Come upH5927 unto us; then we will go upH5927: for the LORDH3068 hath deliveredH5414 them into our handH3027: and this shall be a signH226 unto us.
And bothH8147 of them discoveredH1540 themselves unto the garrisonH4673 of the PhilistinesH6430: and the PhilistinesH6430 saidH559, Behold, the HebrewsH5680 come forthH3318 out of the holesH2356 where they had hidH2244 themselves.
And the menH582 of the garrisonH4675 answeredH6030 JonathanH3129 and his armourbearerH5375+H3627, and saidH559, Come upH5927 to us, and we will shewH3045 you a thingH1697. And JonathanH3129 saidH559 unto his armourbearerH5375+H3627, Come upH5927 afterH310 me: for the LORDH3068 hath deliveredH5414 them into the handH3027 of IsraelH3478.
And JonathanH3129 climbed upH5927 upon his handsH3027 and upon his feetH7272, and his armourbearerH5375+H3627 afterH310 him: and they fellH5307 beforeH6440 JonathanH3129; and his armourbearerH5375+H3627 slewH4191 afterH310 him.
And that firstH7223 slaughterH4347, which JonathanH3129 and his armourbearerH5375+H3627 madeH5221, was about twentyH6242 menH376, within as it were an halfH2677 acreH4618 of landH7704, which a yokeH6776 of oxen might plow. {an…: or, half a furrow of an acre of land}
And there was tremblingH2731 in the hostH4264, in the fieldH7704, and among all the peopleH5971: the garrisonH4673, and the spoilersH7843, they also trembledH2729, and the earthH776 quakedH7264: so it was a very greatH430 tremblingH2731. {a very…: Heb. a trembling of God}
And the watchmenH6822 of SaulH7586 in GibeahH1390 of BenjaminH1144 lookedH7200; and, behold, the multitudeH1995 melted awayH4127, and they wentH3212 on beating downH1986 one another.
Then saidH559 SaulH7586 unto the peopleH5971 that were with him, NumberH6485 now, and seeH7200 who is goneH1980 from us. And when they had numberedH6485, behold, JonathanH3129 and his armourbearerH5375+H3627 were not there.
And SaulH7586 saidH559 unto AhiahH281, Bring hitherH5066 the arkH727 of GodH430. For the arkH727 of GodH430 was at that timeH3117 with the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478.
And it came to pass, while SaulH7586 talkedH1696 unto the priestH3548, that the noiseH1995 that was in the hostH4264 of the PhilistinesH6430 wentH3212 onH1980 and increasedH7227: and SaulH7586 saidH559 unto the priestH3548, WithdrawH622 thine handH3027. {noise: or, tumult}
And SaulH7586 and all the peopleH5971 that were with him assembledH2199 themselves, and they cameH935 to the battleH4421: and, behold, every man'sH376 swordH2719 was against his fellowH7453, and there was a veryH3966 greatH1419 discomfitureH4103. {assembled…: Heb. were cried together}
Moreover the HebrewsH5680 that were with the PhilistinesH6430 beforeH865 that timeH8032, which went upH5927 with them into the campH4264 from the country round aboutH5439, even they also turned to be with the IsraelitesH3478 that were with SaulH7586 and JonathanH3129.
Likewise all the menH376 of IsraelH3478 which had hidH2244 themselves in mountH2022 EphraimH669, when they heardH8085 that the PhilistinesH6430 fledH5127, even they also followed hardH1692 afterH310 them in the battleH4421.
So the LORDH3068 savedH3467 IsraelH3478 that dayH3117: and the battleH4421 passed overH5674 unto BethavenH1007.
And the menH376 of IsraelH3478 were distressedH5065 that dayH3117: for SaulH7586 had adjuredH422 the peopleH5971, sayingH559, CursedH779 be the manH376 that eatethH398 any foodH3899 until eveningH6153, that I may be avengedH5358 on mine enemiesH341. So none of the peopleH5971 tastedH2938 any foodH3899.
And all they of the landH776 cameH935 to a woodH3293; and there was honeyH1706 uponH6440 the groundH7704.
And when the peopleH5971 were comeH935 into the woodH3293, behold, the honeyH1706 droppedH1982; but no man putH5381 his handH3027 to his mouthH6310: for the peopleH5971 fearedH3372 the oathH7621.
But JonathanH3129 heardH8085 not when his fatherH1 chargedH7650 the peopleH5971 with the oathH7650: wherefore he put forthH7971 the endH7097 of the rodH4294 that was in his handH3027, and dippedH2881 it in an honeycombH3295+H1706, and putH7725 his handH3027 to his mouthH6310; and his eyesH5869 were enlightenedH215.
Then answeredH6030 oneH376 of the peopleH5971, and saidH559, Thy fatherH1 straitlyH7650 chargedH7650 the peopleH5971 with an oathH7650, sayingH559, CursedH779 be the manH376 that eatethH398 any foodH3899 this dayH3117. And the peopleH5971 were faintH5774. {faint: or, weary}
Then saidH559 JonathanH3129, My fatherH1 hath troubledH5916 the landH776: seeH7200, I pray you, how mine eyesH5869 have been enlightenedH215, because I tastedH2938 a littleH4592 of this honeyH1706.
How much moreH637, if haplyH3863 the peopleH5971 had eatenH398 freelyH398 to dayH3117 of the spoilH7998 of their enemiesH341 which they foundH4672? for had there not been now a much greaterH7235 slaughterH4347 among the PhilistinesH6430?
And they smoteH5221 the PhilistinesH6430 that dayH3117 from MichmashH4363 to AijalonH357: and the peopleH5971 were veryH3966 faintH5774.
And the peopleH5971 flewH5860+H6213 upon the spoilH7998, and tookH3947 sheepH6629, and oxenH1241, and calvesH1121, and slewH7819 them on the groundH776: and the peopleH5971 did eatH398 them with the bloodH1818.
Then they toldH5046 SaulH7586, sayingH559, Behold, the peopleH5971 sinH2398 against the LORDH3068, in that they eatH398 with the bloodH1818. And he saidH559, Ye have transgressedH898: rollH1556 a greatH1419 stoneH68 unto me this dayH3117. {transgressed: or, dealt treacherously}
And SaulH7586 saidH559, DisperseH6327 yourselves among the peopleH5971, and sayH559 unto them, Bring me hitherH5066 every manH376 his oxH7794, and every manH376 his sheepH7716, and slayH7819 them here, and eatH398; and sinH2398 not against the LORDH3068 in eatingH398 with the bloodH1818. And all the peopleH5971 broughtH5066 every manH376 his oxH7794 with himH3027 that nightH3915, and slewH7819 them there. {with him: Heb. in his hand}
And SaulH7586 builtH1129 an altarH4196 unto the LORDH3068: the same was the firstH2490 altarH4196 that he builtH1129 unto the LORDH3068. {the same…: Heb. that altar he began to build unto the LORD}
And SaulH7586 saidH559, Let us go downH3381 afterH310 the PhilistinesH6430 by nightH3915, and spoilH962 them until the morningH1242 lightH216, and let us not leaveH7604 a manH376 of them. And they saidH559, DoH6213 whatsoever seemethH5869 goodH2896 unto thee. Then saidH559 the priestH3548, Let us draw nearH7126 hitherH1988 unto GodH430.
And SaulH7586 askedH7592 counsel of GodH430, Shall I go downH3381 afterH310 the PhilistinesH6430? wilt thou deliverH5414 them into the handH3027 of IsraelH3478? But he answeredH6030 him not that dayH3117.
And SaulH7586 saidH559, Draw ye nearH5066 hitherH1988, all the chiefH6438 of the peopleH5971: and knowH3045 and seeH7200 whereinH4100 this sinH2403 hath been this dayH3117. {chief: Heb. corners}
For, as the LORDH3068 livethH2416, which savethH3467 IsraelH3478, though it beH3426 in JonathanH3129 my sonH1121, he shall surelyH4191 dieH4191. But there was not a man among all the peopleH5971 that answeredH6030 him.
Then saidH559 he unto all IsraelH3478, Be ye on oneH259 sideH5676, and I and JonathanH3129 my sonH1121 will be on the otherH259 sideH5676. And the peopleH5971 saidH559 unto SaulH7586, DoH6213 what seemethH5869 goodH2896 unto thee.
Therefore SaulH7586 saidH559 unto the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, GiveH3051 a perfectH8549 lot. And SaulH7586 and JonathanH3129 were takenH3920: but the peopleH5971 escapedH3318. {Give…: or, Shew the innocent} {escaped: Heb. went forth}
And SaulH7586 saidH559, CastH5307 lots between me and JonathanH3129 my sonH1121. And JonathanH3129 was takenH3920.
Then SaulH7586 saidH559 to JonathanH3129, TellH5046 me what thou hast doneH6213. And JonathanH3129 toldH5046 him, and saidH559, I did butH2938 tasteH2938 a littleH4592 honeyH1706 with the endH7097 of the rodH4294 that was in mine handH3027, and, loH2009, I must dieH4191.
And SaulH7586 answeredH559, GodH430 do soH6213 and more alsoH3254: for thou shalt surelyH4191 dieH4191, JonathanH3129.
And the peopleH5971 saidH559 unto SaulH7586, Shall JonathanH3129 dieH4191, who hath wroughtH6213 this greatH1419 salvationH3444 in IsraelH3478? God forbidH2486: as the LORDH3068 livethH2416, there shall not one hairH8185 of his headH7218 fallH5307 to the groundH776; for he hath wroughtH6213 with GodH430 this dayH3117. So the peopleH5971 rescuedH6299 JonathanH3129, that he diedH4191 not.
Then SaulH7586 went upH5927 from followingH310 the PhilistinesH6430: and the PhilistinesH6430 wentH1980 to their own placeH4725.
So SaulH7586 tookH3920 the kingdomH4410 over IsraelH3478, and foughtH3898 against all his enemiesH341 on every sideH5439, against MoabH4124, and against the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and against EdomH123, and against the kingsH4428 of ZobahH6678, and against the PhilistinesH6430: and whithersoever he turnedH6437 himself, he vexedH7561 them.
And he gatheredH6213 an hostH2428, and smoteH5221 the AmalekitesH6002, and deliveredH5337 IsraelH3478 out of the handsH3027 of them that spoiledH8154 them. {gathered…: or, wrought mightily}
Now the sonsH1121 of SaulH7586 were JonathanH3129, and IshuiH3440, and MelchishuaH4444: and the namesH8034 of his twoH8147 daughtersH1323 were these; the nameH8034 of the firstbornH1067 MerabH4764, and the nameH8034 of the youngerH6996 MichalH4324:
And the nameH8034 of Saul'sH7586 wifeH802 was AhinoamH293, the daughterH1323 of AhimaazH290: and the nameH8034 of the captainH8269 of his hostH6635 was AbnerH74, the sonH1121 of NerH5369, Saul'sH7586 uncleH1730. {Abner: Heb. Abiner}
And KishH7027 was the fatherH1 of SaulH7586; and NerH5369 the fatherH1 of AbnerH74 was the sonH1121 of AbielH22.
And there was soreH2389 warH4421 against the PhilistinesH6430 all the daysH3117 of SaulH7586: and when SaulH7586 sawH7200 any strongH1368 manH376, or any valiantH2428 manH1121, he tookH622 him unto him.
Querverweise zu 1. Samuel 14,6 1Sam 14,6
And DavidH1732 spakeH559 to the menH582 that stoodH5975 by him, sayingH559, What shall be doneH6213 to the manH376 that killethH5221 thisH1975 PhilistineH6430, and taketh awayH5493 the reproachH2781 from IsraelH3478? for who is this uncircumcisedH6189 PhilistineH6430, that he should defyH2778 the armiesH4634 of the livingH2416 GodH430?
It may be that the LORDH3068 will lookH7200 on mine afflictionH5869+H6040, and that the LORDH3068 will requiteH7725 me goodH2896 for his cursingH7045 this dayH3117. {affliction: or, tears: Heb. eye}
How should oneH259 chaseH7291 a thousandH505, and twoH8147 put tenH7233 thousandH505 to flightH5127, exceptH3808 their RockH6697 had soldH4376 themH3588, and the LORDH3068 had shut them upH5462?
Thy servantH5650 slewH5221 both the lionH738 and the bearH1677: and this uncircumcisedH6189 PhilistineH6430 shall be as oneH259 of them, seeing he hath defiedH2778 the armiesH4634 of the livingH2416 GodH430.
It may beH194 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 will hearH8085 all the wordsH1697 of RabshakehH7262, whom the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 his masterH113 hath sentH7971 to reproachH2778 the livingH2416 GodH430; and will reproveH3198 the wordsH1697 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 hath heardH8085: wherefore lift upH5375 thy prayerH8605 for the remnantH7611 that are leftH4672. {left: Heb. found}
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto GideonH1439, The peopleH5971 are yet too manyH7227; bring them downH3381 unto the waterH4325, and I will tryH6884 them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I sayH559 unto thee, This shall goH3212 with thee, the same shall goH3212 with thee; and of whomsoever I sayH559 unto thee, This shall not goH3212 with thee, the same shall not goH3212.
So he brought downH3381 the peopleH5971 unto the waterH4325: and the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto GideonH1439, Every one that lappethH3952 of the waterH4325 with his tongueH3956, as a dogH3611 lappethH3952, him shalt thou setH3322 by himself; likewise every one that boweth downH3766 upon his kneesH1290 to drinkH8354.
And the numberH4557 of them that lappedH3952, putting their handH3027 to their mouthH6310, were threeH7969 hundredH3967 menH376: but all the restH3499 of the peopleH5971 bowed downH3766 upon their kneesH1290 to drinkH8354 waterH4325.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto GideonH1439, By the threeH7969 hundredH3967 menH376 that lappedH3952 will I saveH3467 you, and deliverH5414 the MidianitesH4080 into thine handH3027: and let all the other peopleH5971 goH3212 every manH376 unto his placeH4725.
And I will establishH6965 my covenantH1285 between me and thee and thy seedH2233 after theeH310 in their generationsH1755 for an everlastingH5769 covenantH1285, to be a GodH430 unto thee, and to thy seedH2233 after theeH310.
And I will giveH5414 unto thee, and to thy seedH2233 after theeH310, the landH776 wherein thou art a strangerH4033, all the landH776 of CanaanH3667, for an everlastingH5769 possessionH272; and I will be their GodH430. {wherein…: Heb. of thy sojournings}
And GodH430 saidH559 unto AbrahamH85, Thou shalt keepH8104 my covenantH1285 therefore, thou, and thy seedH2233 after theeH310 in their generationsH1755.
This is my covenantH1285, which ye shall keepH8104, between me and you and thy seedH2233 after theeH310; Every man childH2145 among you shall be circumcisedH4135.
And ye shall circumciseH5243 the fleshH1320 of your foreskinH6190; and it shall be a tokenH226 of the covenantH1285 betwixt me and you.
HateH8130 the evilH7451, and loveH157 the goodH2896, and establishH3322 judgmentH4941 in the gateH8179: it may be that the LORDH3068 GodH430 of hostsH6635 will be graciousH2603 unto the remnantH7611 of JosephH3130.
And AsaH609 criedH7121 unto the LORDH3068 his GodH430, and saidH559, LORDH3068, it is nothing with thee to helpH5826, whetherH996 with manyH7227, or with them that have no powerH3581: helpH5826 us, O LORDH3068 our GodH430; for we restH8172 on thee, and in thy nameH8034 we goH935 against this multitudeH1995. O LORDH3068, thou art our GodH430; let not manH582 prevailH6113 against thee. {man: or, mortal man}
And he was soreH3966 athirstH6770, and calledH7121 on the LORDH3068, and saidH559, Thou hast givenH5414 this greatH1419 deliveranceH8668 into the handH3027 of thy servantH5650: and now shall I dieH4191 for thirstH6772, and fallH5307 into the handH3027 of the uncircumcisedH6189?
SeekH1245 ye the LORDH3068, all ye meekH6035 of the earthH776, which have wroughtH6466 his judgmentH4941; seekH1245 righteousnessH6664, seekH1245 meeknessH6038: it may beH194 ye shall be hidH5641 in the dayH3117 of the LORD'SH3068 angerH639.
Not unto us, O LORDH3068, not unto us, but unto thy nameH8034 giveH5414 gloryH3519, for thy mercyH2617, and for thy truth'sH571 sake.
Wherefore should the heathenH1471 sayH559, Where is now their GodH430?
But our GodH430 is in the heavensH8064: he hath doneH6213 whatsoever he hath pleasedH2654.
TellH5046 it not in GathH1661, publishH1319 it not in the streetsH2351 of AskelonH831; lest the daughtersH1323 of the PhilistinesH6430 rejoiceH8055, lest the daughtersH1323 of the uncircumcisedH6189 triumphH5937.
Then he answeredH6030 and spakeH559 unto me, sayingH559, This is the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 unto ZerubbabelH2216, sayingH559, Not by mightH2428, nor by powerH3581, but by my spiritH7307, saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635. {might: or, army}
Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068, Let not the wiseH2450 man gloryH1984 in his wisdomH2451, neither let the mightyH1368 man gloryH1984 in his mightH1369, let not the richH6223 man gloryH1984 in his richesH6239:
ButG1161 JesusG2424 beheldG1689 them, and saidG2036 unto themG846, WithG3844 menG444 thisG5124 isG2076 impossibleG102; butG1161 withG3844 GodG2316 all thingsG3956 areG2076 possibleG1415.
EgyptH4714, and JudahH3063, and EdomH123, and the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and MoabH4124, and all that are in the utmostH7112 cornersH6285, that dwellH3427 in the wildernessH4057: for all these nationsH1471 are uncircumcisedH6189, and all the houseH1004 of IsraelH3478 are uncircumcisedH6189 in the heartH3820. {in the utmost…: Heb. cut off into corners, or, having the corners of their hair polled}
WhatG5101 shall weG2046 thenG3767 sayG2046 toG4314 these thingsG5023? IfG1487 GodG2316 be forG5228 usG2257, whoG5101 can be againstG2596 usG2257?
WhereforeG1352 rememberG3421, thatG3754 yeG5210 being in time pastG4218 GentilesG1484 inG1722 the fleshG4561, whoG3588 are calledG3004 UncircumcisionG203 byG5259 that whichG3588 is calledG3004 the CircumcisionG4061 inG1722 the fleshG4561 made by handsG5499;