In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of CyrusH3566 kingH4428 of PersiaH6539 a thingH1697 was revealedH1540 unto DanielH1840, whose nameH8034 was calledH7121 BelteshazzarH1095; and the thingH1697 was trueH571, but the time appointedH6635 was longH1419: and he understoodH995 the thingH1697, and had understandingH998 of the visionH4758. {long: Heb. great}
In those daysH3117 I DanielH1840 was mourningH56 threeH7969 fullH3117 weeksH7620. {full…: Heb. weeks of days}
I ateH398 no pleasantH2532 breadH3899, neither cameH935 fleshH1320 nor wineH3196 in my mouthH6310, neither did I anointH5480 myself at allH5480, till threeH7969 wholeH3117 weeksH7620 were fulfilledH4390. {pleasant…: Heb. bread of desires}
And in the fourH702 and twentiethH6242 dayH3117 of the firstH7223 monthH2320, as I was by the sideH3027 of the greatH1419 riverH5104, which is HiddekelH2313;
Then I lifted upH5375 mine eyesH5869, and lookedH7200, and behold a certainH259 manH376 clothedH3847 in linenH906, whose loinsH4975 were girdedH2296 with fine goldH3800 of UphazH210: {a…: Heb. one man}
His bodyH1472 also was like the berylH8658, and his faceH6440 as the appearanceH4758 of lightningH1300, and his eyesH5869 as lampsH3940 of fireH784, and his armsH2220 and his feetH4772 like in colourH5869 to polishedH7044 brassH5178, and the voiceH6963 of his wordsH1697 like the voiceH6963 of a multitudeH1995.
And I DanielH1840 alone sawH7200 the visionH4759: for the menH582 that were with me sawH7200 not the visionH4759; butH61 a greatH1419 quakingH2731 fellH5307 upon them, so that they fledH1272 to hideH2244 themselves.
Therefore I was left aloneH7604, and sawH7200 this greatH1419 visionH4759, and there remainedH7604 no strengthH3581 in me: for my comelinessH1935 was turnedH2015 in me into corruptionH4889, and I retainedH6113 no strengthH3581. {comeliness: or, vigour}
Yet heardH8085 I the voiceH6963 of his wordsH1697: and when I heardH8085 the voiceH6963 of his wordsH1697, then was I in a deep sleepH7290 on my faceH6440, and my faceH6440 toward the groundH776.
And, behold, an handH3027 touchedH5060 me, which setH5128 me upon my kneesH1290 and upon the palmsH3709 of my handsH3027. {set: Heb. moved}
And he saidH559 unto me, O DanielH1840, a manH376 greatly belovedH2532, understandH995 the wordsH1697 that I speakH1696 unto thee, and standH5975 uprightH5977: for unto thee am I now sentH7971. And when he had spokenH1696 this wordH1697 unto me, I stoodH5975 tremblingH7460. {greatly…: Heb. of desires} {upright: Heb. upon thy standing}
Then saidH559 he unto me, FearH3372 not, DanielH1840: for from the firstH7223 dayH3117 that thou didst setH5414 thine heartH3820 to understandH995, and to chastenH6031 thyself beforeH6440 thy GodH430, thy wordsH1697 were heardH8085, and I am comeH935 for thy wordsH1697.
But the princeH8269 of the kingdomH4438 of PersiaH6539 withstoodH5975 me oneH259 and twentyH6242 daysH3117: but, lo, MichaelH4317, oneH259 of the chiefH7223 princesH8269, cameH935 to helpH5826 me; and I remainedH3498 there withH681 the kingsH4428 of PersiaH6539. {chief: or, first}
Now I am comeH935 to make thee understandH995 what shall befallH7136 thy peopleH5971 in the latterH319 daysH3117: for yet the visionH2377 is for many daysH3117.
And when he had spokenH1696 such wordsH1697 unto me, I setH5414 my faceH6440 toward the groundH776, and I became dumbH481.
And, behold, one like the similitudeH1823 of the sonsH1121 of menH120 touchedH5060 my lipsH8193: then I openedH6605 my mouthH6310, and spakeH1696, and saidH559 unto him that stoodH5975 before me, O my lordH113, by the visionH4759 my sorrowsH6735 are turnedH2015 upon me, and I have retainedH6113 no strengthH3581.
For howH1963 canH3201 the servantH5650 of this my lordH113 talkH1696 with this my lordH113? for as for me, straightwayH6258 there remainedH5975 no strengthH3581 in me, neither is there breathH5397 leftH7604 in me. {the…: or, this servant of my lord}
Then there came againH3254 and touchedH5060 me one like the appearanceH4758 of a manH120, and he strengthenedH2388 me,
And saidH559, O manH376 greatly belovedH2532, fearH3372 not: peaceH7965 be unto thee, be strongH2388, yea, be strongH2388. And when he had spokenH1696 unto me, I was strengthenedH2388, and saidH559, Let my lordH113 speakH1696; for thou hast strengthenedH2388 me.
Then saidH559 he, KnowestH3045 thou wherefore I comeH935 unto thee? and now will I returnH7725 to fightH3898 with the princeH8269 of PersiaH6539: and when I am gone forthH3318, lo, the princeH8269 of GreciaH3120 shall comeH935.
ButH61 I will shewH5046 thee that which is notedH7559 in the scriptureH3791 of truthH571: and there is noneH259 that holdethH2388 with me in these things, but MichaelH4317 your princeH8269. {holdeth: Heb. strengtheneth himself}
Querverweise zu Daniel 10,18 Dan 10,18
And, behold, an handH3027 touchedH5060 me, which setH5128 me upon my kneesH1290 and upon the palmsH3709 of my handsH3027. {set: Heb. moved}
And DavidH1732 sawH7200 that SaulH7586 was come outH3318 to seekH1245 his lifeH5315: and DavidH1732 was in the wildernessH4057 of ZiphH2128 in a woodH2793.
And, behold, one like the similitudeH1823 of the sonsH1121 of menH120 touchedH5060 my lipsH8193: then I openedH6605 my mouthH6310, and spakeH1696, and saidH559 unto him that stoodH5975 before me, O my lordH113, by the visionH4759 my sorrowsH6735 are turnedH2015 upon me, and I have retainedH6113 no strengthH3581.
But I would strengthenH553 you withH1119 my mouthH6310, and the movingH5205 of my lipsH8193 should asswageH2820 your grief.
Now as he was speakingH1696 with me, I was in a deep sleepH7290 on my faceH6440 toward the groundH776: but he touchedH5060 me, and setH5975 me uprightH5977. {set…: Heb. made me stand upon my standing}
Will he pleadH7378 againstH5978 me with his greatH7230 powerH3581? No; but he would putH7760 strength in me.
SayH559 to them that are of a fearfulH4116 heartH3820, Be strongH2388, fearH3372 not: behold, your GodH430 will comeH935 with vengeanceH5359, even GodH430 with a recompenceH1576; he will comeH935 and saveH3467 you. {fearful: Heb. hasty}
ButG1161 IG1473 have prayedG1189 forG4012 theeG4675, thatG3363 thyG4675 faithG4102 failG1587 notG3363: andG2532 whenG4218 thouG4771 art convertedG1994, strengthenG4741 thyG4675 brethrenG80.
AndG1161 there appearedG3700 an angelG32 unto himG846 fromG575 heavenG3772, strengtheningG1765 himG846.
AndG2532 after he had spentG4160 someG5100 timeG5550 there, he departedG1831, and went overG1330 all the countryG5561 of GalatiaG1054 andG2532 PhrygiaG5435 in orderG2517, strengtheningG1991 allG3956 the disciplesG3101.
AndG2532 he saidG2046 unto meG3427, MyG3450 graceG5485 is sufficientG714 for theeG4671: forG1063 myG3450 strengthG1411 is made perfectG5048 inG1722 weaknessG769. Most gladlyG2236 thereforeG3767 will IG2744 ratherG3123 gloryG2744 inG1722 myG3450 infirmitiesG769, thatG2443 the powerG1411 of ChristG5547 may restG1981 uponG1909 meG1691.
ThereforeG1352 I take pleasureG2106 inG1722 infirmitiesG769, inG1722 reproachesG5196, inG1722 necessitiesG318, inG1722 persecutionsG1375, inG1722 distressesG4730 forG5228 Christ'sG5547 sakeG5228: forG1063 whenG3752 I am weakG770, thenG5119 amG1510 I strongG1415.