BelshazzarH1113 the kingH4430 madeH5648 a greatH7229 feastH3900 to a thousandH506 of his lordsH7261, and drankH8355 wineH2562 beforeH6903 the thousandH506.
BelshazzarH1113, whiles he tastedH2942 the wineH2562, commandedH560 to bringH858 the goldenH1722 and silverH3702 vesselsH3984 which his fatherH2 NebuchadnezzarH5020 had takenH5312 out ofH4481 the templeH1965 which was in JerusalemH3390; that the kingH4430, and his princesH7261, his wivesH7695, and his concubinesH3904, might drinkH8355 therein. {father: or, grandfather} {taken: Cald. brought forth}
ThenH116 they broughtH858 the goldenH1722 vesselsH3984 that were takenH5312 out ofH4481 the templeH1965 of the houseH1005 of GodH426 which was at JerusalemH3390; and the kingH4430, and his princesH7261, his wivesH7695, and his concubinesH3904, drankH8355 in them.
They drankH8355 wineH2562, and praisedH7624 the godsH426 of goldH1722, and of silverH3702, of brassH5174, of ironH6523, of woodH636, and of stoneH69.
In the same hourH8160 came forthH5312 fingersH677 of a man'sH606 handH3028, and wroteH3790 over againstH6903 the candlestickH5043 uponH5922 the plaisterH1528 of the wallH3797 of the king'sH4430 palaceH1965: and the kingH4430 sawH2370 the partH6447 of the handH3028 that wroteH3790.
ThenH116 the king'sH4430 countenanceH2122 was changedH8133, and his thoughtsH7476 troubledH927 him, so that the jointsH7001 of his loinsH2783 were loosedH8271, and his kneesH755 smoteH5368 oneH1668 against anotherH1668. {countenance: Cald. brightnesses} {was changed: Cald. changed it} {joints: or, girdles: Cald. bindings, or, knots}
The kingH4430 criedH7123 aloudH2429 to bringH5954 in the astrologersH826, the ChaldeansH3779, and the soothsayersH1505. And the kingH4430 spakeH6032, and saidH560 to the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895, WhosoeverH606+H3606 shall readH7123 thisH1836 writingH3792, and shewH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof, shall be clothedH3848 with scarletH711, and have a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 his neckH6676, and shall be the thirdH8523 rulerH7981 in the kingdomH4437. {aloud: Cald. with might} {scarlet: or, purple}
ThenH116 cameH5954 in allH3606 the king'sH4430 wiseH2445 men: but they couldH3546 notH3809 readH7123 the writingH3792, nor make knownH3046 to the kingH4430 the interpretationH6591 thereof.
ThenH116 was kingH4430 BelshazzarH1113 greatlyH7690 troubledH927, and his countenanceH2122 was changedH8133 in himH5922, and his lordsH7261 were astoniedH7672. {countenance: Cald. brightnesses}
Now the queenH4433, by reasonH6903 of the wordsH4406 of the kingH4430 and his lordsH7261, cameH5954 into the banquetH4961 houseH1005: and the queenH4433 spakeH6032 and saidH560, O kingH4430, liveH2418 for everH5957: let notH409 thy thoughtsH7476 troubleH927 thee, nor let thy countenanceH2122 be changedH8133:
There isH383 a manH1400 in thy kingdomH4437, in whom is the spiritH7308 of the holyH6922 godsH426; and in the daysH3118 of thy fatherH2 lightH5094 and understandingH7924 and wisdomH2452, like the wisdomH2452 of the godsH426, was foundH7912 in him; whom the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 thy fatherH2, the kingH4430, I say, thy fatherH2, madeH6966 masterH7229 of the magiciansH2749, astrologersH826, ChaldeansH3779, and soothsayersH1505; {father: or, grandfather}
Forasmuch asH6903+H3606 an excellentH3493 spiritH7308, and knowledgeH4486, and understandingH7924, interpretingH6590 of dreamsH2493, and shewingH263 of hard sentencesH280, and dissolvingH8271 of doubtsH7001, were foundH7912 in the same DanielH1841, whom the kingH4430 namedH7761+H8036 BelteshazzarH1096: nowH3705 let DanielH1841 be calledH7123, and he will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591. {interpreting: or, of an interpreter} {dissolving: or, of a dissolver} {doubts: Cald. knots}
ThenH116 was DanielH1841 brought inH5954 beforeH6925 the kingH4430. And the kingH4430 spakeH6032 and saidH560 unto DanielH1841, Art thouH607 that DanielH1841, which art ofH4481 the childrenH1123 of the captivityH1547 of JudahH3061, whom the kingH4430 my fatherH2 broughtH858 out ofH4481 JewryH3061? {father: or, grandfather}
I have even heardH8086 of thee, that the spiritH7308 of the godsH426 is in theeH5922, and that lightH5094 and understandingH7924 and excellentH3493 wisdomH2452 is foundH7912 in thee.
And nowH3705 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologersH826, have been broughtH5954 in beforeH6925 me, that they should readH7123 thisH1836 writingH3792, and make knownH3046 unto me the interpretationH6591 thereof: but they couldH3546 notH3809 shewH2324 the interpretationH6591 of the thingH4406:
And IH576 have heardH8086 of theeH5922, that thou canstH3202 makeH6590 interpretationsH6591, and dissolveH8271 doubtsH7001: nowH3705 ifH2006 thou canstH3202 readH7123 the writingH3792, and make knownH3046 to me the interpretationH6591 thereof, thou shalt be clothedH3848 with scarletH711, and have a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 thy neckH6676, and shalt be the thirdH8531 rulerH7981 in the kingdomH4437. {make interpretations: Cald. interpret, etc}
ThenH116 DanielH1841 answeredH6032 and saidH560 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, Let thy giftsH4978 beH1934 to thyself, and giveH3052 thy rewardsH5023 to anotherH321; yetH1297 I will readH7123 the writingH3792 unto the kingH4430, and make knownH3046 to him the interpretationH6591. {rewards: or, fee}
O thouH607 kingH4430, the most highH5943 GodH426 gaveH3052 NebuchadnezzarH5020 thy fatherH2 a kingdomH4437, and majestyH7238, and gloryH3367, and honourH1923:
And forH4481 the majestyH7238 that he gaveH3052 him, allH3606 peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, trembledH1934+H2112 and fearedH1763 beforeH4481 himH6925: whom he wouldH1934+H6634 he slewH1934+H6992; and whom he wouldH1934+H6634 he kept aliveH1934+H2418; and whom he wouldH1934+H6634 he set upH1934+H7313; and whom he wouldH1934+H6634 he put downH1934+H8214.
But when his heartH3825 was lifted upH7313, and his mindH7308 hardenedH8631 in prideH2103, he was deposedH5182 fromH4481 his kinglyH4437 throneH3764, and they tookH5709 his gloryH3367 from himH4481: {in pride: or, to deal proudly} {deposed: Cald. made to come down}
And he was drivenH2957 fromH4481 the sonsH1123 of menH606; and his heartH3825 was madeH7739 likeH5974 the beastsH2423, and his dwellingH4070 was with the wild assesH6167: they fedH2939 him with grassH6211 like oxenH8450, and his bodyH1655 was wetH6647 with the dewH2920 of heavenH8065; tillH5705 he knewH3046 that the most highH5943 GodH426 ruledH7990 in the kingdomH4437 of menH606, and that he appointethH6966 overH5922 it whomsoeverH4479 he willH6634. {his heart…: or, he made his heart equal, etc}
And thouH607 his sonH1247, O BelshazzarH1113, hast notH3809 humbledH8214 thine heartH3825, thoughH6903 thou knewestH3046 allH3606 thisH1836;
But hast lifted upH7313 thyself againstH5922 the LordH4756 of heavenH8065; and they have broughtH858 the vesselsH3984 of his houseH1005 beforeH6925 thee, and thouH607, and thy lordsH7261, thy wivesH7695, and thy concubinesH3904, have drunkH8355 wineH2562 in them; and thou hast praisedH7624 the godsH426 of silverH3702, and goldH1722, of brassH5174, ironH6523, woodH636, and stoneH69, which seeH2370 notH3809, norH3809 hearH8086, norH3809 knowH3046: and the GodH426 in whose handH3028 thy breathH5396 is, and whose are allH3606 thy waysH735, hast thou notH3809 glorifiedH1922:
ThenH116 was the partH6447 of the handH3028 sentH7972 fromH4481 himH6925; and thisH1836 writingH3792 was writtenH7560.
And thisH1836 is the writingH3792 that was writtenH7560, MENEH4484, MENEH4484, TEKELH8625, UPHARSINH6537.
ThisH1836 is the interpretationH6591 of the thingH4406: MENEH4484; GodH426 hath numberedH4483 thy kingdomH4437, and finishedH8000 it.
TEKELH8625; Thou art weighedH8625 in the balancesH3977, and art foundH7912 wantingH2627.
PERESH6537; Thy kingdomH4437 is dividedH6537, and givenH3052 to the MedesH4076 and PersiansH6540.
ThenH116 commandedH560 BelshazzarH1113, and they clothedH3848 DanielH1841 with scarletH711, and put a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 his neckH6676, and made a proclamationH3745 concerningH5922 him, that he should beH1934 the thirdH8531 rulerH7990 in the kingdomH4437.
In that nightH3916 was BelshazzarH1113 the kingH4430 of the ChaldeansH3779 slainH6992.
And DariusH1868 the MedianH4077 tookH6902 the kingdomH4437, being about threescoreH8361 and twoH8648 yearsH8140 oldH1247. {being…: Cald. he as the son of, etc} {about: or, now}
Querverweise zu Daniel 5,26 Dan 5,26
In the firstH259 yearH8141 of his reignH4427 I DanielH1840 understoodH995 by booksH5612 the numberH4557 of the yearsH8141, whereof the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 came to JeremiahH3414 the prophetH5030, that he would accomplishH4390 seventyH7657 yearsH8141 in the desolationsH2723 of JerusalemH3389.
If a manH1397 dieH4191, shall he liveH2421 again? all the daysH3117 of my appointed timeH6635 will I waitH3176, till my changeH2487 comeH935.
The burdenH4853 of BabylonH894, which IsaiahH3470 the sonH1121 of AmozH531 did seeH2372.
Lift ye upH5375 a bannerH5251 upon the highH8192 mountainH2022, exaltH7311 the voiceH6963 unto them, shakeH5130 the handH3027, that they may goH935 into the gatesH6607 of the noblesH5081.
I have commandedH6680 my sanctified onesH6942, I have also calledH7121 my mighty onesH1368 for mine angerH639, even them that rejoiceH5947 in my highnessH1346.
The noiseH6963 of a multitudeH1995 in the mountainsH2022, like asH1823 of a greatH7227 peopleH5971; a tumultuousH7588 noiseH6963 of the kingdomsH4467 of nationsH1471 gathered togetherH622: the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 musterethH6485 the hostH6635 of the battleH4421. {like…: Heb. the likeness of}
They comeH935 from a farH4801 countryH776, from the endH7097 of heavenH8064, even the LORDH3068, and the weaponsH3627 of his indignationH2195, to destroyH2254 the whole landH776.
HowlH3213 ye; for the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 is at handH7138; it shall comeH935 as a destructionH7701 from the AlmightyH7706.
Therefore shall all handsH3027 be faintH7503, and every man'sH582 heartH3824 shall meltH4549: {be faint: or, fall down}
And they shall be afraidH926: pangsH6735 and sorrowsH2256 shall take holdH270 of them; they shall be in painH2342 as a woman that travailethH3205: they shall be amazedH8539 oneH376 at anotherH7453; their facesH6440 shall be as flamesH3851. {be amazed: Heb. wonder} {one…: Heb. every man at his neighbour} {flames: Heb. faces of the flames}
Behold, the dayH3117 of the LORDH3068 comethH935, cruelH394 both with wrathH5678 and fierceH2740 angerH639, to layH7760 the landH776 desolateH8047: and he shall destroyH8045 the sinnersH2400 thereof out of it.
For the starsH3556 of heavenH8064 and the constellationsH3685 thereof shall not giveH1984 their lightH216: the sunH8121 shall be darkenedH2821 in his going forthH3318, and the moonH3394 shall not cause her lightH216 to shineH5050.
And I will punishH6485 the worldH8398 for their evilH7451, and the wickedH7563 for their iniquityH5771; and I will cause the arrogancyH1347 of the proudH2086 to ceaseH7673, and will lay lowH8213 the haughtinessH1346 of the terribleH6184.
I will make a manH582 more preciousH3365 than fine goldH6337; even a manH120 than the golden wedgeH3800 of OphirH211.
Therefore I will shakeH7264 the heavensH8064, and the earthH776 shall removeH7493 out of her placeH4725, in the wrathH5678 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, and in the dayH3117 of his fierceH2740 angerH639.
And it shall be as the chasedH5080 roeH6643, and as a sheepH6629 that no man taketh upH6908: they shall every manH376 turnH6437 to his own peopleH5971, and fleeH5127 every oneH376 into his own landH776.
The burdenH4853 of the desertH4057 of the seaH3220. As whirlwindsH5492 in the southH5045 passH2498 through; so it comethH935 from the desertH4057, from a terribleH3372 landH776.
A grievousH7186 visionH2380 is declaredH5046 unto me; the treacherous dealerH898 dealeth treacherouslyH898, and the spoilerH7703 spoilethH7703. Go upH5927, O ElamH5867: besiegeH6696, O MediaH4074; all the sighingH585 thereof have I made to ceaseH7673. {grievous: Heb. hard}
Therefore are my loinsH4975 filledH4390 with painH2479: pangsH6735 have taken holdH270 upon me, as the pangsH6735 of a woman that travailethH3205: I was bowed downH5753 at the hearingH8085 of it; I was dismayedH926 at the seeingH7200 of it.
My heartH3824 pantedH8582, fearfulnessH6427 affrightedH1204 me: the nightH5399 of my pleasureH2837 hath he turnedH7760 into fearH2731 unto me. {heart…: or, mind wandered} {turned: Heb. put}
PrepareH6186 the tableH7979, watchH6822 in the watchtowerH6844, eatH398, drinkH8354: ariseH6965, ye princesH8269, and anointH4886 the shieldH4043.
For thus hath the LordH136 saidH559 unto me, GoH3212, setH5975 a watchmanH6822, let him declareH5046 what he seethH7200.
And he sawH7200 a chariotH7393 with a coupleH6776 of horsemenH6571, a chariotH7393 of assesH2543, and a chariotH7393 of camelsH1581; and he hearkenedH7181 diligentlyH7182 with muchH7227 heedH7182:
And he criedH7121, A lionH738: My lordH136, I standH5975 continuallyH8548 upon the watchtowerH4707 in the daytimeH3119, and I am setH5324 in my wardH4931 whole nightsH3915: {he…: or, cried as a lion} {whole…: or, every night}
And, behold, here comethH935 a chariotH7393 of menH376, with a coupleH6776 of horsemenH6571. And he answeredH6030 and saidH559, BabylonH894 is fallenH5307, is fallenH5307; and all the graven imagesH6456 of her godsH430 he hath brokenH7665 unto the groundH776.
O my threshingH4098, and the cornH1121 of my floorH1637: that which I have heardH8085 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, the GodH430 of IsraelH3478, have I declaredH5046 unto you. {corn: Heb. son}
Come downH3381, and sitH3427 in the dustH6083, O virginH1330 daughterH1323 of BabylonH894, sitH3427 on the groundH776: there is no throneH3678, O daughterH1323 of the ChaldeansH3778: for thou shalt no moreH3254 be calledH7121 tenderH7390 and delicateH6028.
TakeH3947 the millstonesH7347, and grindH2912 mealH7058: uncoverH1540 thy locksH6777, make bareH2834 the legH7640, uncoverH1540 the thighH7785, pass overH5674 the riversH5104.
Thy nakednessH6172 shall be uncoveredH1540, yea, thy shameH2781 shall be seenH7200: I will takeH3947 vengeanceH5359, and I will not meetH6293 thee as a manH120.
As for our redeemerH1350, the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 is his nameH8034, the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478.
SitH3427 thou silentH1748, and getH935 thee into darknessH2822, O daughterH1323 of the ChaldeansH3778: for thou shalt no moreH3254 be calledH7121, The ladyH1404 of kingdomsH4467.
I was wrothH7107 with my peopleH5971, I have pollutedH2490 mine inheritanceH5159, and givenH5414 them into thine handH3027: thou didst shewH7760 them no mercyH7356; upon the ancientH2205 hast thou veryH3966 heavilyH3513 laid thy yokeH5923.
And thou saidstH559, I shall be a ladyH1404 for everH5769: so that thou didst not layH7760 these things to thy heartH3820, neither didst rememberH2142 the latter endH319 of it.
Therefore hearH8085 now this, thou that art given to pleasuresH5719, that dwellestH3427 carelesslyH983, that sayestH559 in thine heartH3824, I am, and none elseH657 beside me; I shall not sitH3427 as a widowH490, neither shall I knowH3045 the loss of childrenH7908:
But these twoH8147 things shall comeH935 to thee in a momentH7281 in oneH259 dayH3117, the loss of childrenH7908, and widowhoodH489: they shall comeH935 upon thee in their perfectionH8537 for the multitudeH7230 of thy sorceriesH3785, and for the greatH3966 abundanceH6109 of thine enchantmentsH2267.
For thou hast trustedH982 in thy wickednessH7451: thou hast saidH559, None seethH7200 me. Thy wisdomH2451 and thy knowledgeH1847, it hath pervertedH7725 thee; and thou hast saidH559 in thine heartH3820, I am, and none elseH657 beside me. {perverted…: or, caused thee to turn away}
Therefore shall evilH7451 comeH935 upon thee; thou shalt not knowH3045 from whence it risethH7837: and mischiefH1943 shall fallH5307 upon thee; thou shalt not be ableH3201 to put it offH3722: and desolationH7722 shall comeH935 upon thee suddenlyH6597, which thou shalt not knowH3045. {from…: Heb. the morning thereof} {put: Heb. expiate}
StandH5975 now with thine enchantmentsH2267, and with the multitudeH7230 of thy sorceriesH3785, whereinH834 thou hast labouredH3021 from thy youthH5271; if so be thou shalt be ableH3201 to profitH3276, if so be thou mayest prevailH6206.
Thou art weariedH3811 in the multitudeH7230 of thy counselsH6098. Let now the astrologersH1895+H8064, the stargazersH2374+H3556, the monthlyH2320 prognosticatorsH3045, stand upH5975, and saveH3467 thee from these things that shall comeH935 upon thee. {astrologers: Heb. viewers of the heavens} {the monthly…: Heb. that give knowledge concerning the months}
Behold, they shall be as stubbleH7179; the fireH784 shall burnH8313 them; they shall not deliverH5337 themselvesH5315 from the powerH3027 of the flameH3852: there shall not be a coalH1513 to warmH2552 at, nor fireH217 to sitH3427 before it. {themselves: Heb. their souls}
Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast labouredH3021, even thy merchantsH5503, from thy youthH5271: they shall wanderH8582 every oneH376 to his quarterH5676; none shall saveH3467 thee.
And this whole landH776 shall be a desolationH2723, and an astonishmentH8047; and these nationsH1471 shall serveH5647 the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 seventyH7657 yearsH8141.
And it shall come to pass, when seventyH7657 yearsH8141 are accomplishedH4390, that I will punishH6485 the kingH4428 of BabylonH894, and that nationH1471, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, for their iniquityH5771, and the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778, and will makeH7760 it perpetualH5769 desolationsH8077. {punish: Heb. visit upon}
And all nationsH1471 shall serveH5647 him, and his sonH1121, and his son'sH1121 sonH1121, until the very timeH6256 of his landH776 comeH935: and then manyH7227 nationsH1471 and greatH1419 kingsH4428 shall serveH5647 themselves of him.
The wordH1697 that the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 against BabylonH894 and against the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778 byH3027 JeremiahH3414 the prophetH5030. {by…: Heb. by the hand of Jeremiah}
DeclareH5046 ye among the nationsH1471, and publishH8085, and set upH5375 a standardH5251; publishH8085, and concealH3582 not: sayH559, BabylonH894 is takenH3920, BelH1078 is confoundedH3001, MerodachH4781 is broken in piecesH2865; her idolsH6091 are confoundedH3001, her imagesH1544 are broken in piecesH2865. {set up: Heb. lift up}
For out of the northH6828 there cometh upH5927 a nationH1471 against her, which shall makeH7896 her landH776 desolateH8047, and none shall dwellH3427 therein: they shall removeH5110, they shall departH1980, both manH120 and beastH929.
In those daysH3117, and in that timeH6256, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 shall comeH935, they and the childrenH1121 of JudahH3063 togetherH3162, goingH1980 and weepingH1058: they shall goH3212, and seekH1245 the LORDH3068 their GodH430.
They shall askH7592 the wayH1870 to ZionH6726 with their facesH6440 thitherwardH2008, saying, ComeH935, and let us joinH3867 ourselves to the LORDH3068 in a perpetualH5769 covenantH1285 that shall not be forgottenH7911.
My peopleH5971 hath been lostH6 sheepH6629: their shepherdsH7462 have caused them to go astrayH8582, they have turned them awayH7725+H7726 on the mountainsH2022: they have goneH1980 from mountainH2022 to hillH1389, they have forgottenH7911 their restingplaceH7258. {restingplace: Heb. place to lie down in}
All that foundH4672 them have devouredH398 them: and their adversariesH6862 saidH559, We offendH816 not, because they have sinnedH2398 against the LORDH3068, the habitationH5116 of justiceH6664, even the LORDH3068, the hopeH4723 of their fathersH1.
RemoveH5110 out of the midstH8432 of BabylonH894, and go forthH3318+H3318 out of the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778, and be as the he goatsH6260 beforeH6440 the flocksH6629.
For, lo, I will raiseH5782 and cause to come upH5927 against BabylonH894 an assemblyH6951 of greatH1419 nationsH1471 from the northH6828 countryH776: and they shall set themselves in arrayH6186 against her; from thence she shall be takenH3920: their arrowsH2671 shall be as of a mightyH1368 expert manH7919+H7921; none shall returnH7725 in vainH7387. {expert…: or, destroyer}
And ChaldeaH3778 shall be a spoilH7998: all that spoilH7997 her shall be satisfiedH7646, saithH5002 the LORDH3068.
Because ye were gladH8055, because ye rejoicedH5937, O ye destroyersH8154 of mine heritageH5159, because ye are grown fatH6335 as the heiferH5697 at grassH1877+H1758, and bellowH6670 as bullsH47; {fat: Heb. big, or, corpulent} {bellow…: or, neigh as steeds}
Your motherH517 shall be soreH3966 confoundedH954; she that bareH3205 you shall be ashamedH2659: behold, the hindermostH319 of the nationsH1471 shall be a wildernessH4057, a dry landH6723, and a desertH6160.
Because of the wrathH7110 of the LORDH3068 it shall not be inhabitedH3427, but it shall be wholly desolateH8077: every one that goethH5674 by BabylonH894 shall be astonishedH8074, and hissH8319 at all her plaguesH4347.
Put yourselves in arrayH6186 against BabylonH894 round aboutH5439: all ye that bendH1869 the bowH7198, shootH3034 at her, spareH2550 no arrowsH2671: for she hath sinnedH2398 against the LORDH3068.
ShoutH7321 against her round aboutH5439: she hath givenH5414 her handH3027: her foundationsH803 are fallenH5307, her wallsH2346 are thrown downH2040: for it is the vengeanceH5360 of the LORDH3068: take vengeanceH5358 upon her; as she hath doneH6213, doH6213 unto her.
Cut offH3772 the sowerH2232 from BabylonH894, and him that handlethH8610 the sickleH4038 in the timeH6256 of harvestH7105: for fearH6440 of the oppressingH3238 swordH2719 they shall turnH6437 every oneH376 to his peopleH5971, and they shall fleeH5127 every oneH376 to his own landH776. {sickle; or, scythe}
IsraelH3478 is a scatteredH6340 sheepH7716; the lionsH738 have driven him awayH5080: firstH7223 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 hath devouredH398 him; and lastH314 this NebuchadrezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 hath broken his bonesH6105.
Therefore thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, the GodH430 of IsraelH3478; Behold, I will punishH6485 the kingH4428 of BabylonH894 and his landH776, as I have punishedH6485 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804.
And I will bringH7725 IsraelH3478 againH7725 to his habitationH5116, and he shall feedH7462 on CarmelH3760 and BashanH1316, and his soulH5315 shall be satisfiedH7646 upon mountH2022 EphraimH669 and GileadH1568.
In those daysH3117, and in that timeH6256, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, the iniquityH5771 of IsraelH3478 shall be sought forH1245, and there shall be none; and the sinsH2403 of JudahH3063, and they shall not be foundH4672: for I will pardonH5545 them whom I reserveH7604.
Go upH5927 against the landH776 of MerathaimH4850, even against it, and against the inhabitantsH3427 of PekodH6489: wasteH2717 and utterly destroyH2763 afterH310 them, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, and doH6213 according to all that I have commandedH6680 thee. {of Merathaim: or, of the rebels} {Pekod: or, Visitation}
A soundH6963 of battleH4421 is in the landH776, and of greatH1419 destructionH7667.
How is the hammerH6360 of the whole earthH776 cut asunderH1438 and brokenH7665! how is BabylonH894 become a desolationH8047 among the nationsH1471!
I have laid a snareH3369 for thee, and thou art also takenH3920, O BabylonH894, and thou wast not awareH3045: thou art foundH4672, and also caughtH8610, because thou hast strivenH1624 against the LORDH3068.
The LORDH3068 hath openedH6605 his armouryH214, and hath brought forthH3318 the weaponsH3627 of his indignationH2195: for this is the workH4399 of the LordH136 GODH3069 of hostsH6635 in the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778.
ComeH935 against her from the utmost borderH7093, openH6605 her storehousesH3965: cast her upH5549 as heapsH6194, and destroy her utterlyH2763: let nothing of her be leftH7611. {from…: Heb. from the end} {cast…: or, tread her}
SlayH2717 all her bullocksH6499; let them go downH3381 to the slaughterH2874: woeH1945 unto them! for their dayH3117 is comeH935, the timeH6256 of their visitationH6486.
The voiceH6963 of them that fleeH5127 and escape outH6405 of the landH776 of BabylonH894, to declareH5046 in ZionH6726 the vengeanceH5360 of the LORDH3068 our GodH430, the vengeanceH5360 of his templeH1964.
Call togetherH8085 the archersH7228 against BabylonH894: all ye that bendH1869 the bowH7198, campH2583 against it round aboutH5439; let none thereof escapeH6413: recompenseH7999 her according to her workH6467; according to all that she hath doneH6213, doH6213 unto her: for she hath been proudH2102 against the LORDH3068, against the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478.
Therefore shall her young menH970 fallH5307 in the streetsH7339, and all her menH582 of warH4421 shall be cut offH1826 in that dayH3117, saithH5002 the LORDH3068.
Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proudH2087, saithH5002 the LordH136 GODH3069 of hostsH6635: for thy dayH3117 is comeH935, the timeH6256 that I will visitH6485 thee. {most…: Heb. pride}
And the most proudH2087 shall stumbleH3782 and fallH5307, and none shall raise him upH6965: and I will kindleH3341 a fireH784 in his citiesH5892, and it shall devourH398 all round aboutH5439 him. {the…: Heb. pride}
Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635; The childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 and the childrenH1121 of JudahH3063 were oppressedH6231 togetherH3162: and all that took them captivesH7617 held them fastH2388; they refusedH3985 to let them goH7971.
Their RedeemerH1350 is strongH2389; the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 is his nameH8034: he shall throughlyH7378 pleadH7378 their causeH7379, that he may give restH7280 to the landH776, and disquietH7264 the inhabitantsH3427 of BabylonH894.
A swordH2719 is upon the ChaldeansH3778, saithH5002 the LORDH3068, and upon the inhabitantsH3427 of BabylonH894, and upon her princesH8269, and upon her wiseH2450 men.
A swordH2719 is upon the liarsH907; and they shall doteH2973: a swordH2719 is upon her mighty menH1368; and they shall be dismayedH2865. {liars: or, chief stays: Heb. bars}
A swordH2719 is upon their horsesH5483, and upon their chariotsH7393, and upon all the mingled peopleH6154 that are in the midstH8432 of her; and they shall become as womenH802: a swordH2719 is upon her treasuresH214; and they shall be robbedH962.
A droughtH2721 is upon her watersH4325; and they shall be dried upH3001: for it is the landH776 of graven imagesH6456, and they are madH1984 upon their idolsH367.
Therefore the wild beasts of the desertH6728 with the wild beasts of the islandsH338 shall dwellH3427 there, and the owlsH1323+H3284 shall dwellH3427 therein: and it shall be no more inhabitedH3427 for everH5331; neither shall it be dweltH7931 in from generationH1755 to generationH1755.
As GodH430 overthrewH4114 SodomH5467 and GomorrahH6017 and the neighbourH7934 cities thereof, saithH5002 the LORDH3068; so shall no manH376 abideH3427 there, neither shall any sonH1121 of manH120 dwellH1481 therein.
Behold, a peopleH5971 shall comeH935 from the northH6828, and a greatH1419 nationH1471, and manyH7227 kingsH4428 shall be raised upH5782 from the coastsH3411 of the earthH776.
They shall holdH2388 the bowH7198 and the lanceH3591: they are cruelH394, and will not shew mercyH7355: their voiceH6963 shall roarH1993 like the seaH3220, and they shall rideH7392 upon horsesH5483, every one put in arrayH6186, like a manH376 to the battleH4421, against thee, O daughterH1323 of BabylonH894.
The kingH4428 of BabylonH894 hath heardH8085 the reportH8088 of them, and his handsH3027 waxed feebleH7503: anguishH6869 took holdH2388 of him, and pangsH2427 as of a woman in travailH3205.
Behold, he shall come upH5927 like a lionH738 from the swellingH1347 of JordanH3383 unto the habitationH5116 of the strongH386: but I will makeH7323 them suddenlyH7280 run awayH7323+H7323 from her: and who is a chosenH977 man, that I may appointH6485 over her? for who is like me? and who will appoint me the timeH3259? and who is that shepherdH7462 that will standH5975 beforeH6440 me? {appoint me…: or, convent me to plead?}
Therefore hearH8085 ye the counselH6098 of the LORDH3068, that he hath takenH3289 against BabylonH894; and his purposesH4284, that he hath purposedH2803 against the landH776 of the ChaldeansH3778: Surely the leastH6810 of the flockH6629 shall draw them outH5498: surely he shall make their habitationH5116 desolateH8074 with them.
At the noiseH6963 of the takingH8610 of BabylonH894 the earthH776 is movedH7493, and the cryH2201 is heardH8085 among the nationsH1471.