The preparationsH4633 of the heartH3820 in manH120, and the answerH4617 of the tongueH3956, is from the LORDH3068. {preparations: or, disposings}
All the waysH1870 of a manH376 are cleanH2134 in his own eyesH5869; but the LORDH3068 weighethH8505 the spiritsH7307.
CommitH1556 thy worksH4639 unto the LORDH3068, and thy thoughtsH4284 shall be establishedH3559. {Commit: Heb. Roll}
The LORDH3068 hath madeH6466 all things for himselfH4617: yea, even the wickedH7563 for the dayH3117 of evilH7451.
Every one that is proudH1362 in heartH3820 is an abominationH8441 to the LORDH3068: though handH3027 join in handH3027, he shall not be unpunishedH5352. {unpunished: Heb. held innocent}
By mercyH2617 and truthH571 iniquityH5771 is purgedH3722: and by the fearH3374 of the LORDH3068 men departH5493 from evilH7451.
When a man'sH376 waysH1870 pleaseH7521 the LORDH3068, he maketh even his enemiesH341 to be at peaceH7999 with him.
BetterH2896 is a littleH4592 with righteousnessH6666 than greatH7230 revenuesH8393 without rightH4941.
A man'sH120 heartH3820 devisethH2803 his wayH1870: but the LORDH3068 directethH3559 his stepsH6806.
A divine sentenceH7081 is in the lipsH8193 of the kingH4428: his mouthH6310 transgressethH4603 not in judgmentH4941. {A divine…: Heb. Divination}
A justH4941 weightH6425 and balanceH3976 are the LORD'SH3068: all the weightsH68 of the bagH3599 are his workH4639. {the weights: Heb. the stones}
It is an abominationH8441 to kingsH4428 to commitH6213 wickednessH7562: for the throneH3678 is establishedH3559 by righteousnessH6666.
RighteousH6664 lipsH8193 are the delightH7522 of kingsH4428; and they loveH157 him that speakethH1696 rightH3477.
The wrathH2534 of a kingH4428 is as messengersH4397 of deathH4194: but a wiseH2450 manH376 will pacifyH3722 it.
In the lightH216 of the king'sH4428 countenanceH6440 is lifeH2416; and his favourH7522 is as a cloudH5645 of the latter rainH4456.
How much betterH2896 is it to getH7069 wisdomH2451 than goldH2742! and to getH7069 understandingH998 rather to be chosenH977 than silverH3701!
The highwayH4546 of the uprightH3477 is to departH5493 from evilH7451: he that keepethH5341 his wayH1870 preservethH8104 his soulH5315.
PrideH1347 goeth beforeH6440 destructionH7667, and an haughtyH1363 spiritH7307 beforeH6440 a fallH3783.
BetterH2896 it is to be of an humbleH8217 spiritH7307 with the lowlyH6035+H6041, than to divideH2505 the spoilH7998 with the proudH1343.
He that handleth a matterH1697 wiselyH7919 shall findH4672 goodH2896: and whoso trustethH982 in the LORDH3068, happyH835 is he. {handleth…: or, understandeth a matter}
The wiseH2450 in heartH3820 shall be calledH7121 prudentH995: and the sweetnessH4986 of the lipsH8193 increasethH3254 learningH3948.
UnderstandingH7922 is a wellspringH4726 of lifeH2416 unto him that hathH1167 it: but the instructionH4148 of foolsH191 is follyH200.
The heartH3820 of the wiseH2450 teachethH7919 his mouthH6310, and addethH3254 learningH3948 to his lipsH8193. {teacheth: Heb. maketh wise}
PleasantH5278 wordsH561 are as an honeycombH6688+H1706, sweetH4966 to the soulH5315, and healthH4832 to the bonesH6106.
There isH3426 a wayH1870 that seemeth rightH3477 untoH6440 a manH376, but the endH319 thereof are the waysH1870 of deathH4194.
HeH5315 that labourethH6001 labourethH5998 for himself; for his mouthH6310 cravethH404 it of him. {He…: Heb. The soul of him that} {craveth…: Heb. boweth unto him}
An ungodlyH1100 manH376 diggeth upH3738 evilH7451: and in his lipsH8193 there is as a burningH6867 fireH784. {An…: Heb. A man of Belial}
A frowardH8419 manH376 sowethH7971 strifeH4066: and a whispererH5372 separatethH6504 chief friendsH441. {soweth: Heb. sendeth forth}
A violentH2555 manH376 enticethH6601 his neighbourH7453, and leadethH3212 him into the wayH1870 that is not goodH2896.
He shuttethH6095 his eyesH5869 to deviseH2803 froward thingsH8419: movingH7169 his lipsH8193 he bringethH3615 evilH7451 to passH3615.
The hoary headH7872 is a crownH5850 of gloryH8597, if it be foundH4672 in the wayH1870 of righteousnessH6666.
He that is slowH750 to angerH639 is betterH2896 than the mightyH1368; and he that rulethH4910 his spiritH7307 than he that takethH3920 a cityH5892.
The lotH1486 is castH2904 into the lapH2436; but the whole disposingH4941 thereof is of the LORDH3068.
Querverweise zu Sprüche 16,14 Spr 16,14
The king'sH4428 wrathH2197 is as the roaringH5099 of a lionH3715; but his favourH7522 is as dewH2919 upon the grassH6212.
An evilH7451 man seekethH1245 only rebellionH4805: therefore a cruelH394 messengerH4397 shall be sentH7971 against him.
If the spiritH7307 of the rulerH4910 rise upH5927 against thee, leaveH3240 not thy placeH4725; for yieldingH4832 pacifiethH3240 greatH1419 offencesH2399.
The fearH367 of a kingH4428 is as the roaringH5099 of a lionH3715: whoso provoketh him to angerH5674 sinnethH2398 against his own soulH5315.
Then he saidH559, GodH430 doH6213 so and moreH3254 also to me, if the headH7218 of ElishaH477 the sonH1121 of ShaphatH8202 shall standH5975 on him this dayH3117.
But ElishaH477 satH3427 in his houseH1004, and the eldersH2205 satH3427 with him; and the king sentH7971 a manH376 from beforeH6440 him: but ere the messengerH4397 cameH935 to him, he saidH559 to the eldersH2205, SeeH7200 ye how this sonH1121 of a murdererH7523 hath sentH7971 to take awayH5493 mine headH7218? lookH7200, when the messengerH4397 comethH935, shutH5462 the doorH1817, and hold him fastH3905 at the doorH1817: is not the soundH6963 of his master'sH113 feetH7272 behindH310 him?
And while he yet talkedH1696 with them, behold, the messengerH4397 came downH3381 unto him: and he saidH559, Behold, this evilH7451 is of the LORDH3068; what should I waitH3176 for the LORDH3068 any longer?
AndG1161 HerodG2264 wasG2258 highly displeasedG2371 with them of TyreG5183 andG2532 SidonG4606: butG1161 they cameG3918 with one accordG3661 toG4314 himG846, andG2532, having madeG3982 BlastusG986 the king'sG935 chamberlainG1909+G2846 their friendG3982, desiredG154 peaceG1515; becauseG1223 theirG846 countryG5561 was nourishedG5142 byG575 the king'sG937 country. {was highly…: or, bare an hostile mind, intending war} {the king's chamberlain: Gr. that was over the king's bedchamber}
ThenH116 NebuchadnezzarH5020 in his rageH7266 and furyH2528 commandedH560 to bringH858 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665. ThenH116 they broughtH858 theseH479 menH1400 beforeH6925 the kingH4430.
NebuchadnezzarH5020 spakeH6032 and saidH560 unto them, Is it trueH6656, O ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, do notH3809 yeH383 serveH6399 my godsH426, norH3809 worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 which I have setH6966 up? {true: or, of purpose}
NowH3705 ifH2006 ye beH383 readyH6263 that at what timeH5732 ye hearH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, and dulcimerH5481, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, ye fall downH5308 and worshipH5457 the imageH6755 which I have madeH5648; well: but ifH2006 ye worshipH5457 notH3809, ye shall be castH7412 the same hourH8160 into the midstH1459 of a burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861; and whoH4479 is that GodH426 that shall deliverH7804 you out ofH4481 my handsH3028?
ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the kingH4430, O NebuchadnezzarH5020, weH586 are notH3809 carefulH2818 to answerH8421 thee inH5922 thisH1836 matterH6600.
IfH2006 it be so, our GodH426 whom weH586 serveH6399 isH383 ableH3202 to deliverH7804 us fromH4481 the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861, andH4481 he will deliverH7804 us out ofH4481 thine handH3028, O kingH4430.
But ifH2006 notH3809, be itH1934 knownH3046 unto thee, O kingH4430, that we willH383 notH3809 serveH6399 thy godsH426, norH3809 worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 which thou hast set upH6966.
ThenH116 was NebuchadnezzarH5020 fullH4391 of furyH2528, and the formH6755 of his visageH600 was changedH8133 againstH5922 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665: therefore he spakeH6032, and commandedH560 that they should heatH228 the furnaceH861 oneH2298 seven timesH7655 moreH5922 thanH1768 it was wontH2370 to be heatedH228. {full: Cald. filled}
And he commandedH560 the mostH2429 mightyH1401 menH1400 that were in his armyH2429 to bindH3729 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, and to castH7412 them into the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861. {most…: Cald. mighty of strength}
ThenH116 theseH479 menH1400 were boundH3729 in their coatsH5622, their hosenH6361+H6361, and their hatsH3737, and their other garmentsH3831, and were castH7412 into the midstH1459 of the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861. {coats: or, mantles} {hats: or, turbans}
ThereforeH3606+H6903 becauseH4481+H1836 the king'sH4430 commandmentH4406 was urgentH2685, and the furnaceH861 exceedingH3493 hotH228, the flameH7631 of the fireH5135 slewH6992 thoseH479 menH1400+H1994 that took upH5267 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665. {commandment: Cald. word} {flame: or, spark}
And theseH479 threeH8532 menH1400, ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, fell downH5308 boundH3729 into the midstH1459 of the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861.
ThenH116 NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 was astoniedH8429, and rose upH6966 in hasteH927, and spakeH6032, and saidH560 unto his counsellorsH1907, Did notH3809 we castH7412 threeH8532 menH1400 boundH3729 into the midstH1459 of the fireH5135? They answeredH6032 and saidH560 unto the kingH4430, TrueH3330, O kingH4430. {counsellors: or, governors}
He answeredH6032 and saidH560, LoH1888, IH576 seeH2370 fourH703 menH1400 looseH8271, walkingH1981 in the midstH1459 of the fireH5135, and they haveH383 noH3809 hurtH2257; and the formH7299 of the fourthH7244 is likeH1821 the SonH1247 of GodH426. {they…: Cald. there is no hurt in them}
AndG2532 immediatelyG2112 the kingG935 sentG649 an executionerG4688, and commandedG2004 hisG846 headG2776 to be broughtG5342: andG1161 he wentG565 and beheadedG607 himG846 inG1722 the prisonG5438, {an…: or, one of his guard}
Now thenG3767 we are ambassadorsG4243 forG5228 ChristG5547, as thoughG5613 GodG2316 did beseechG3870 you byG1223 usG2257: we prayG1189 you inG5228 Christ'sG5547 steadG5228, be ye reconciledG2644 to GodG2316.