CryH7121 aloudH1627, spareH2820 not, liftH7311 up thy voiceH6963 like a trumpetH7782, and shewH5046 my peopleH5971 their transgressionH6588, and the houseH1004 of JacobH3290 their sinsH2403. {aloud: Heb. with the throat}
Yet they seekH1875 me dailyH3117+H3117, and delightH2654 to knowH1847 my waysH1870, as a nationH1471 that didH6213 righteousnessH6666, and forsookH5800 not the ordinanceH4941 of their GodH430: they askH7592 of me the ordinancesH4941 of justiceH6664; they take delightH2654 in approachingH7132 to GodH430.
Wherefore have we fastedH6684, say they, and thou seestH7200 not? wherefore have we afflictedH6031 our soulH5315, and thou takest no knowledgeH3045? Behold, in the dayH3117 of your fastH6685 ye findH4672 pleasureH2656, and exactH5065 all your laboursH6092. {labours: or, things wherewith ye grieve others: Heb. griefs}
Behold, ye fastH6684 for strifeH7379 and debateH4683, and to smiteH5221 with the fistH106 of wickednessH7562: ye shall not fastH6684 as ye do this dayH3117, to make your voiceH6963 to be heardH8085 on highH4791. {ye shall…: or, ye fast not as this day}
Is it such a fastH6685 that I have chosenH977? a dayH3117 for a manH120 to afflictH6031 his soulH5315? is it to bow downH3721 his headH7218 as a bulrushH100, and to spreadH3331 sackclothH8242 and ashesH665 under him? wilt thou callH7121 thisH2088 a fastH6685, and an acceptableH7522 dayH3117 to the LORDH3068? {a day…: or, to afflict his soul for a day?}
Is not this the fastH6685 that I have chosenH977? to looseH6605 the bandsH2784 of wickednessH7562, to undoH5425 the heavyH4133 burdensH92, and to let the oppressedH7533 goH7971 freeH2670, and that ye breakH5423 every yokeH4133? {the heavy…: Heb. the bundles of the yoke} {oppressed: Heb. broken}
Is it not to dealH6536 thy breadH3899 to the hungryH7457, and that thou bringH935 the poorH6041 that are cast outH4788 to thy houseH1004? when thou seestH7200 the nakedH6174, that thou coverH3680 him; and that thou hideH5956 not thyself from thine own fleshH1320? {cast…: or, afflicted}
Then shall thy lightH216 break forthH1234 as the morningH7837, and thine healthH724 shall spring forthH6779 speedilyH4120: and thy righteousnessH6664 shall goH1980 beforeH6440 thee; the gloryH3519 of the LORDH3068 shall be thy rerewardH622. {be…: Heb. gather thee up}
Then shalt thou callH7121, and the LORDH3068 shall answerH6030; thou shalt cryH7768, and he shall sayH559, Here I am. If thou take awayH5493 from the midstH8432 of thee the yokeH4133, the putting forthH7971 of the fingerH676, and speakingH1696 vanityH205;
And if thou draw outH6329 thy soulH5315 to the hungryH7457, and satisfyH7646 the afflictedH6031 soulH5315; then shall thy lightH216 riseH2224 in obscurityH2822, and thy darknessH653 be as the noondayH6672:
And the LORDH3068 shall guideH5148 thee continuallyH8548, and satisfyH7646 thy soulH5315 in droughtH6710, and make fatH2502 thy bonesH6106: and thou shalt be like a wateredH7302 gardenH1588, and like a springH4161 of waterH4325, whose watersH4325 failH3576 not. {drought: Heb. droughts} {fail: Heb. lie, or, deceive}
And they that shall be of thee shall buildH1129 the oldH5769 waste placesH2723: thou shalt raise upH6965 the foundationsH4146 of manyH1755 generationsH1755; and thou shalt be calledH7121, The repairerH1443 of the breachH6556, The restorerH7725 of pathsH5410 to dwell inH3427.
If thou turn awayH7725 thy footH7272 from the sabbathH7676, from doingH6213 thy pleasureH2656 on my holyH6944 dayH3117; and callH7121 the sabbathH7676 a delightH6027, the holyH6918 of the LORDH3068, honourableH3513; and shalt honourH3513 him, not doingH6213 thine own waysH1870, nor findingH4672 thine own pleasureH2656, nor speakingH1696 thine own wordsH1697:
Then shalt thou delightH6026 thyself in the LORDH3068; and I will cause thee to rideH7392 upon the high placesH1116 of the earthH776, and feedH398 thee with the heritageH5159 of JacobH3290 thy fatherH1: for the mouthH6310 of the LORDH3068 hath spokenH1696 it.
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And JehoshaphatH3092 fearedH3372, and setH5414 himselfH6440 to seekH1875 the LORDH3068, and proclaimedH7121 a fastH6685 throughoutH5921 all JudahH3063. {himself: Heb. his face}
Wherefore have we fastedH6684, say they, and thou seestH7200 not? wherefore have we afflictedH6031 our soulH5315, and thou takest no knowledgeH3045? Behold, in the dayH3117 of your fastH6685 ye findH4672 pleasureH2656, and exactH5065 all your laboursH6092. {labours: or, things wherewith ye grieve others: Heb. griefs}
And it came to pass, when AhabH256 heardH8085 those wordsH1697, that he rentH7167 his clothesH899, and putH7760 sackclothH8242 upon his fleshH1320, and fastedH6684, and layH7901 in sackclothH8242, and wentH1980 softlyH328.
And the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 came to ElijahH452 the TishbiteH8664, sayingH559,
SeestH7200 thou how AhabH256 humblethH3665 himself beforeH6440 me? becauseH3282 he humblethH3665 himself beforeH6440 me, I will not bringH935 the evilH7451 in his daysH3117: but in his son'sH1121 daysH3117 will I bringH935 the evilH7451 upon his houseH1004.
Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068, In an acceptableH7522 timeH6256 have I heardH6030 thee, and in a dayH3117 of salvationH3444 have I helpedH5826 thee: and I will preserveH5341 thee, and giveH5414 thee for a covenantH1285 of the peopleH5971, to establishH6965 the earthH776, to cause to inheritH5157 the desolateH8074 heritagesH5159; {establish: or, raise up}
Then EzraH5830 rose upH6965 from beforeH6440 the houseH1004 of GodH430, and wentH3212 into the chamberH3957 of JohananH3076 the sonH1121 of EliashibH475: and when he cameH3212 thither, he did eatH398 no breadH3899, nor drinkH8354 waterH4325: for he mournedH56 because of the transgressionH4604 of them that had been carried awayH1473.
And this shall be a statuteH2708 for everH5769 unto you: that in the seventhH7637 monthH2320, on the tenthH6218 day of the monthH2320, ye shall afflictH6031 your soulsH5315, and doH6213 no workH4399 at all, whether it be one of your own countryH249, or a strangerH1616 that sojournethH1481 amongH8432 you:
And it came to pass, when the kingH4428 heardH8085 the wordsH1697 of the womanH802, that he rentH7167 his clothesH899; and he passed byH5674 upon the wallH2346, and the peopleH5971 lookedH7200, and, behold, he had sackclothH8242 withinH1004 upon his fleshH1320.
To proclaimH7121 the acceptableH7522 yearH8141 of the LORDH3068, and the dayH3117 of vengeanceH5359 of our GodH430; to comfortH5162 all that mournH57;
Now in the twentyH6242 and fourthH702 dayH3117 of this monthH2320 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 were assembledH622 with fastingH6685, and with sackclothesH8242, and earthH127 upon them.
And he tookH3947 him a potsherdH2789 to scrapeH1623 himself withal; and he sat downH3427 amongH8432 the ashesH665.
But as for me, my prayerH8605 is unto thee, O LORDH3068, in an acceptableH7522 timeH6256: O GodH430, in the multitudeH7230 of thy mercyH2617 hearH6030 me, in the truthH571 of thy salvationH3468.
And the seedH2233 of IsraelH3478 separatedH914 themselves from all strangersH1121+H5236, and stoodH5975 and confessedH3034 their sinsH2403, and the iniquitiesH5771 of their fathersH1. {strangers: Heb. strange children}
So the peopleH582 of NinevehH5210 believedH539 GodH430, and proclaimedH7121 a fastH6685, and putH3847 on sackclothH8242, from the greatestH1419 of them even to the leastH6996 of them.
For wordH1697 cameH5060 unto the kingH4428 of NinevehH5210, and he aroseH6965 from his throneH3678, and he laidH5674 his robeH155 from him, and coveredH3680 him with sackclothH8242, and satH3427 in ashesH665.
And he caused it to be proclaimedH2199 and publishedH559 through NinevehH5210 by the decreeH2940 of the kingH4428 and his noblesH1419, sayingH559, Let neither manH120 nor beastH929, herdH1241 nor flockH6629, tasteH2938 any thingH3972: let them not feedH7462, nor drinkH8354 waterH4325: {published: Heb. said} {nobles: Heb. great men}
But let manH120 and beastH929 be coveredH3680 with sackclothH8242, and cryH7121 mightilyH2394 unto GodH430: yea, let them turnH7725 every oneH376 from his evilH7451 wayH1870, and from the violenceH2555 that is in their handsH3709.
And in every provinceH4082, whithersoeverH4725 the king'sH4428 commandmentH1697 and his decreeH1881 cameH5060, there was greatH1419 mourningH60 among the JewsH3064, and fastingH6685, and weepingH1065, and wailingH4553; and manyH7227 layH3331 in sackclothH8242 and ashesH665. {many…: Heb. sackcloth and ashes were laid under many}
AndG2532 beG4964 notG3361 conformedG4964 to thisG5129 worldG165: butG235 be ye transformedG3339 by the renewingG342 of yourG5216 mindG3563, thatG1519 yeG5209 may proveG1381 whatG5101 is that goodG18, andG2532 acceptableG2101, andG2532 perfectG5046, willG2307 of GodG2316.
GoH3212, gather togetherH3664 all the JewsH3064 that are presentH4672 in ShushanH7800, and fastH6684 ye for me, and neither eatH398 nor drinkH8354 threeH7969 daysH3117, nightH3915 or dayH3117: I also and my maidensH5291 will fastH6684 likewise; and soH3651 will I goH935 in unto the kingH4428, which is not according to the lawH1881: and if I perishH6, I perishH6. {present: Heb. found}
YeG846 alsoG2532, asG5613 livelyG2198 stonesG3037, are built upG3618 a spiritualG4152 houseG3624, an holyG40 priesthoodG2406, to offer upG399 spiritualG4152 sacrificesG2378, acceptableG2144 to GodG2316 byG1223 JesusG2424 ChristG5547. {are: or, be ye}
And I setH5414 my faceH6440 unto the LordH136 GodH430, to seekH1245 by prayerH8605 and supplicationsH8469, with fastingH6685, and sackclothH8242, and ashesH665:
And I prayedH6419 unto the LORDH3068 my GodH430, and made my confessionH3034, and saidH559, OH577 LordH136, the greatH1419 and dreadfulH3372 GodH410, keepingH8104 the covenantH1285 and mercyH2617 to them that loveH157 him, and to them that keepH8104 his commandmentsH4687;
We have sinnedH2398, and have committed iniquityH5753, and have done wickedlyH7561, and have rebelledH4775, even by departingH5493 from thy preceptsH4687 and from thy judgmentsH4941:
Neither have we hearkenedH8085 unto thy servantsH5650 the prophetsH5030, which spakeH1696 in thy nameH8034 to our kingsH4428, our princesH8269, and our fathersH1, and to all the peopleH5971 of the landH776.
O LordH136, righteousnessH6666 belongeth unto thee, but unto us confusionH1322 of facesH6440, as at this dayH3117; to the menH376 of JudahH3063, and to the inhabitantsH3427 of JerusalemH3389, and unto all IsraelH3478, that are nearH7138, and that are far offH7350, through all the countriesH776 whither thou hast drivenH5080 them, because of their trespassH4604 that they have trespassedH4603 against thee. {belongeth…: or, thou hast}
O LORDH3068, to us belongeth confusionH1322 of faceH6440, to our kingsH4428, to our princesH8269, and to our fathersH1, because we have sinnedH2398 against thee.
To the LordH136 our GodH430 belong merciesH7356 and forgivenessesH5547, though we have rebelledH4775 against him;
Neither have we obeyedH8085 the voiceH6963 of the LORDH3068 our GodH430, to walkH3212 in his lawsH8451, which he setH5414 beforeH6440 us byH3027 his servantsH5650 the prophetsH5030.
Yea, all IsraelH3478 have transgressedH5674 thy lawH8451, even by departingH5493, that they might not obeyH8085 thy voiceH6963; therefore the curseH423 is pouredH5413 upon us, and the oathH7621 that is writtenH3789 in the lawH8451 of MosesH4872 the servantH5650 of GodH430, because we have sinnedH2398 against him.
And he hath confirmedH6965 his wordsH1697, which he spakeH1696 against us, and against our judgesH8199 that judgedH8199 us, by bringingH935 upon us a greatH1419 evilH7451: for under the whole heavenH8064 hath not been doneH6213 as hath been doneH6213 upon JerusalemH3389.
As it is writtenH3789 in the lawH8451 of MosesH4872, all this evilH7451 is comeH935 upon us: yet made we not our prayerH2470 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 our GodH430, that we might turnH7725 from our iniquitiesH5771, and understandH7919 thy truthH571. {made…: Heb. intreated we not the face of the, etc}
Therefore hath the LORDH3068 watchedH8245 upon the evilH7451, and broughtH935 it upon us: for the LORDH3068 our GodH430 is righteousH6662 in all his worksH4639 which he doethH6213: for we obeyedH8085 not his voiceH6963.
And now, O LordH136 our GodH430, that hast broughtH3318 thy peopleH5971 forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 with a mightyH2389 handH3027, and hast gottenH6213 thee renownH8034, as at this dayH3117; we have sinnedH2398, we have done wickedlyH7561. {gotten…: Heb. made thee a name}
O LordH136, according to all thy righteousnessH6666, I beseech thee, let thine angerH639 and thy furyH2534 be turned awayH7725 from thy cityH5892 JerusalemH3389, thy holyH6944 mountainH2022: because for our sinsH2399, and for the iniquitiesH5771 of our fathersH1, JerusalemH3389 and thy peopleH5971 are become a reproachH2781 to all that are aboutH5439 us.
Now therefore, O our GodH430, hearH8085 the prayerH8605 of thy servantH5650, and his supplicationsH8469, and cause thy faceH6440 to shineH215 upon thy sanctuaryH4720 that is desolateH8076, for the Lord'sH136 sake.
O my GodH430, inclineH5186 thine earH241, and hearH8085; openH6491 thine eyesH5869, and beholdH7200 our desolationsH8074, and the cityH5892 which is calledH7121 by thy nameH8034: for we do not presentH5307 our supplicationsH8469 beforeH6440 thee for our righteousnessesH6666, but for thy greatH7227 merciesH7356. {which…: Heb. whereupon thy name is called} {present: Heb. cause to fall}
O LordH136, hearH8085; O LordH136, forgiveH5545; O LordH136, hearkenH7181 and doH6213; deferH309 notH408, for thine own sake, O my GodH430: for thy cityH5892 and thy peopleH5971 are calledH7121 by thy nameH8034.