And the LORDH3068 spakeH559 unto MosesH4872 and AaronH175 in the landH776 of EgyptH4714, sayingH559,
This monthH2320 shall be unto you the beginningH7218 of monthsH2320: it shall be the firstH7223 monthH2320 of the yearH8141 to you.
SpeakH1696 ye unto all the congregationH5712 of IsraelH3478, sayingH559, In the tenthH6218 day of this monthH2320 they shall takeH3947 to them every manH376 a lambH7716, according to the houseH1004 of their fathersH1, a lambH7716 for an houseH1004: {lamb: or, kid}
And if the householdH1004 beH1961 too littleH4591 for the lambH7716, let him and his neighbourH7934 nextH7138 unto his houseH1004 takeH3947 it according to the numberH4373 of the soulsH5315; every manH376 accordingH6310 to his eatingH400 shall make your countH3699 for the lambH7716.
Your lambH7716 shall be without blemishH8549, a maleH2145 of the firstH1121 yearH8141: ye shall takeH3947 it out from the sheepH3532, or from the goatsH5795: {of…: Heb. son of a year}
And ye shall keepH4931 it up until the fourteenthH702+H6240 dayH3117 of the same monthH2320: and the wholeH3605 assemblyH6951 of the congregationH5712 of IsraelH3478 shall killH7819 it inH996 the eveningH6153. {in…: Heb. between the two evenings}
And they shall takeH3947 of the bloodH1818, and strikeH5414 it on the twoH8147 side postsH4201 and on the upper door postH4947 of the housesH1004, wherein they shall eatH398 it.
And they shall eatH398 the fleshH1320 in that nightH3915, roastH6748 with fireH784, and unleavened breadH4682; and with bitterH4844 herbs they shall eatH398 it.
EatH398 not of it rawH4995, nor soddenH1310+H1311 at all with waterH4325, but roastH6748 with fireH784; his headH7218 with his legsH3767, and with the purtenanceH7130 thereof.
And ye shall let nothing of it remainH3498 until the morningH1242; and that which remainethH3498 of it until the morningH1242 ye shall burnH8313 with fireH784.
And thusH3602 shall ye eatH398 it; with your loinsH4975 girdedH2296, your shoesH5275 on your feetH7272, and your staffH4731 in your handH3027; and ye shall eatH398 it in hasteH2649: it is the LORD'SH3068 passoverH6453.
For I will passH5674 through the landH776 of EgyptH4714 this nightH3915, and will smiteH5221 all the firstbornH1060 in the landH776 of EgyptH4714, both manH120 and beastH929; and against all the godsH430 of EgyptH4714 I will executeH6213 judgmentH8201: I am the LORDH3068. {gods: or, princes}
And the bloodH1818 shall be to you for a tokenH226 upon the housesH1004 where ye are: and when I seeH7200 the bloodH1818, I will passH6452 over you, and the plagueH5063 shall not be upon you to destroyH4889 you, when I smiteH5221 the landH776 of EgyptH4714. {to destroy…: Heb. for a destruction}
And this dayH3117 shall be unto you for a memorialH2146; and ye shall keepH2287 it a feastH2282 to the LORDH3068 throughout your generationsH1755; ye shall keep it a feastH2287 by an ordinanceH2708 for everH5769.
SevenH7651 daysH3117 shall ye eatH398 unleavened breadH4682; evenH389 the firstH7223 dayH3117 ye shall put awayH7673 leavenH7603 out of your housesH1004: for whosoever eatethH398 leavened breadH2557 from the firstH7223 dayH3117 until the seventhH7637 dayH3117, that soulH5315 shall be cutH3772 off from IsraelH3478.
And in the firstH7223 dayH3117 there shall be an holyH6944 convocationH4744, and in the seventhH7637 dayH3117 there shall be an holyH6944 convocationH4744 to you; no manner of workH4399 shall be doneH6213 in them, saveH389 that which every manH5315 must eatH398, that only may be doneH6213 of you. {man: Heb. soul}
And ye shall observeH8104 the feast of unleavened breadH4682; for in this selfsameH6106 dayH3117 have I broughtH3318 your armiesH6635 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714: therefore shall ye observeH8104 this dayH3117 in your generationsH1755 by an ordinanceH2708 for everH5769.
In the firstH7223 month, on the fourteenthH6240+H702 dayH3117 of the monthH2320 at evenH6153, ye shall eatH398 unleavened breadH4682, until the oneH259 and twentiethH6242 dayH3117 of the monthH2320 at evenH6153.
SevenH7651 daysH3117 shall there be no leavenH7603 foundH4672 in your housesH1004: for whosoever eatethH398 that which is leavenedH2556, even that soulH5315 shall be cut offH3772 from the congregationH5712 of IsraelH3478, whether he be a strangerH1616, or bornH249 in the landH776.
Ye shall eatH398 nothing leavenedH2556; in all your habitationsH4186 shall ye eatH398 unleavened breadH4682.
Then MosesH4872 calledH7121 for all the eldersH2205 of IsraelH3478, and saidH559 unto them, Draw outH4900 and takeH3947 you a lambH6629 according to your familiesH4940, and killH7819 the passoverH6453. {lamb: or, kid}
And ye shall takeH3947 a bunchH92 of hyssopH231, and dipH2881 it in the bloodH1818 that is in the basonH5592, and strikeH5060 the lintelH4947 and the twoH8147 side postsH4201 with the bloodH1818 that is in the basonH5592; and noneH376 of you shall go outH3318 at the doorH6607 of his houseH1004 until the morningH1242.
For the LORDH3068 will pass throughH5674 to smiteH5062 the EgyptiansH4714; and when he seethH7200 the bloodH1818 upon the lintelH4947, and on the twoH8147 side postsH4201, the LORDH3068 will pass overH6452 the doorH6607, and will not sufferH5414 the destroyerH7843 to comeH935 in unto your housesH1004 to smiteH5062 you.
And ye shall observeH8104 this thingH1697 for an ordinanceH2706 to thee and to thy sonsH1121 forH5704 everH5769.
And it shall come to pass, when ye be comeH935 to the landH776 which the LORDH3068 will giveH5414 you, according as he hath promisedH1696, that ye shall keepH8104 this serviceH5656.
And it shall come to pass, when your childrenH1121 shall sayH559 unto you, What mean ye by this serviceH5656?
That ye shall sayH559, It is the sacrificeH2077 of the LORD'SH3068 passoverH6453, who passedH6452 over the housesH1004 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 in EgyptH4714, when he smoteH5062 the EgyptiansH4714, and deliveredH5337 our housesH1004. And the peopleH5971 bowed the headH6915 and worshippedH7812.
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 went awayH3212, and didH6213 as the LORDH3068 had commandedH6680 MosesH4872 and AaronH175, so didH6213 they.
And it came to pass, that at midnightH2677+H3915 the LORDH3068 smoteH5221 all the firstbornH1060 in the landH776 of EgyptH4714, from the firstbornH1060 of PharaohH6547 that satH3427 on his throneH3678 unto the firstbornH1060 of the captiveH7628 that was in the dungeonH1004+H953; and all the firstbornH1060 of cattleH929. {dungeon: Heb. house of the pit}
And PharaohH6547 rose upH6965 in the nightH3915, he, and all his servantsH5650, and all the EgyptiansH4714; and there was a greatH1419 cryH6818 in EgyptH4714; for there was not a houseH1004 where there was not one deadH4191.
And he calledH7121 for MosesH4872 and AaronH175 by nightH3915, and saidH559, Rise upH6965, and get you forthH3318 from amongH8432 my peopleH5971, both ye and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478; and goH3212, serveH5647 the LORDH3068, as ye have saidH1696.
Also takeH3947 your flocksH6629 and your herdsH1241, as ye have saidH1696, and be goneH3212; and blessH1288 me also.
And the EgyptiansH4714 were urgentH2388 upon the peopleH5971, that they might sendH7971 them out of the landH776 in hasteH4116; for they saidH559, We be all deadH4191 men.
And the peopleH5971 tookH5375 their doughH1217 before it was leavenedH2556, their kneadingtroughsH4863 being bound upH6887 in their clothesH8071 upon their shouldersH7926. {kneadingtroughs: or, dough}
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 didH6213 according to the wordH1697 of MosesH4872; and they borrowedH7592 of the EgyptiansH4714 jewelsH3627 of silverH3701, and jewelsH3627 of goldH2091, and raimentH8071:
And the LORDH3068 gaveH5414 the peopleH5971 favourH2580 in the sightH5869 of the EgyptiansH4714, so that they lentH7592 unto them such things as they required. And they spoiledH5337 the EgyptiansH4714.
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 journeyedH5265 from RamesesH7486 to SuccothH5523, about sixH8337 hundredH3967 thousandH505 on footH7273 that were menH1397, besideH905 childrenH2945.
And a mixedH6154 multitudeH7227 went upH5927 also with them; and flocksH6629, and herdsH1241, even veryH3966 muchH3515 cattleH4735. {a mixed…: Heb. a great mixture}
And they bakedH644 unleavenedH4682 cakesH5692 of the doughH1217 which they brought forthH3318 out of EgyptH4714, for it was not leavenedH2556; because they were thrust outH1644 of EgyptH4714, and couldH3201 not tarryH4102, neither had they preparedH6213 for themselves any victualH6720.
Now the sojourningH4186 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, who dweltH3427 in EgyptH4714, was fourH702 hundredH3967+H8141 and thirtyH7970 yearsH8141.
And it came to pass at the endH7093 of the fourH702 hundredH3967+H8141 and thirtyH7970 yearsH8141, even the selfsameH6106 dayH3117 it came to pass, that all the hostsH6635 of the LORDH3068 went outH3318 from the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
It is a nightH3915 to be much observedH8107 unto the LORDH3068 for bringingH3318 them out from the landH776 of EgyptH4714: this is that nightH3915 of the LORDH3068 to be observedH8107 of all the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 in their generationsH1755. {a night…: Heb. a night of observations}
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872 and AaronH175, This is the ordinanceH2708 of the passoverH6453: There shall no strangerH1121+H5236 eatH398 thereof:
But every man'sH376 servantH5650 that is boughtH4736 for moneyH3701, when thou hast circumcisedH4135 him, then shall he eatH398 thereof.
A foreignerH8453 and an hired servantH7916 shall not eatH398 thereof.
In oneH259 houseH1004 shall it be eatenH398; thou shalt not carry forthH3318 ought of the fleshH1320 abroadH2351 out of the houseH1004; neither shall ye breakH7665 a boneH6106 thereof.
All the congregationH5712 of IsraelH3478 shall keepH6213 it. {keep…: Heb. do it}
And when a strangerH1616 shall sojournH1481 with thee, and will keepH6213 the passoverH6453 to the LORDH3068, let all his malesH2145 be circumcisedH4135, and then let him come nearH7126 and keepH6213 it; and he shall be as one that is bornH249 in the landH776: for no uncircumcised personH6189 shall eatH398 thereof.
OneH259 lawH8451 shall be to him that is homebornH249, and unto the strangerH1616 that sojournethH1481 amongH8432 you.
Thus didH6213 all the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478; as the LORDH3068 commandedH6680 MosesH4872 and AaronH175, so didH6213 they.
And it came to pass the selfsameH6106 dayH3117, that the LORDH3068 did bringH3318 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 by their armiesH6635.
Querverweise zu 2. Mose 12,41 2Mo 12,41
Thou shalt ariseH6965, and have mercyH7355 upon ZionH6726: for the timeH6256 to favourH2603 her, yea, the set timeH4150, is comeH935.
And it came to pass the selfsameH6106 dayH3117, that the LORDH3068 did bringH3318 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 by their armiesH6635.
SeventyH7657 weeksH7620 are determinedH2852 upon thy peopleH5971 and upon thy holyH6944 cityH5892, to finishH3607 the transgressionH6588, and to make an endH8552+H2856 of sinsH2403, and to make reconciliationH3722 for iniquityH5771, and to bring inH935 everlastingH5769 righteousnessH6664, and to seal upH2856 the visionH2377 and prophecyH5030, and to anointH4886 the mostH6944 HolyH6944. {finish: or, restrain} {make an…: or, seal up} {prophecy: Heb. prophet}
But PharaohH6547 shall not hearkenH8085 unto you, that I may layH5414 my handH3027 upon EgyptH4714, and bring forthH3318 mine armiesH6635, and my peopleH5971 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 by greatH1419 judgmentsH8201.
For the visionH2377 is yet for an appointed timeH4150, but at the endH7093 it shall speakH6315, and not lieH3576: though it tarryH4102, waitH2442 for it; because it will surelyH935 comeH935, it will not tarryH309.
And he saidH559, Nay; but as captainH8269 of the hostH6635 of the LORDH3068 am I now comeH935. And JoshuaH3091 fellH5307 on his faceH6440 to the earthH776, and did worshipH7812, and saidH559 unto him, What saithH1696 my lordH113 unto his servantH5650? {captain: or, prince}