And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 unto MosesH4872 and to AaronH175, sayingH559 unto them,
SpeakH1696 unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, sayingH559, TheseH2063 are the beastsH2416 which ye shall eatH398 among all the beastsH929 that are on the earthH776.
Whatsoever partethH6536 the hoofH6541, and is clovenfootedH8156+H8157, and chewethH5927 the cudH1625, among the beastsH929, that shall ye eatH398.
NeverthelessH389 these shall ye not eatH398 of them that chewH5927 the cudH1625, or of them that divideH6536 the hoofH6541: as the camelH1581, because he chewethH5927 the cudH1625, but dividethH6536 not the hoofH6541; he is uncleanH2931 unto you.
And the coneyH8227, because he chewethH5927 the cudH1625, but dividethH6536 not the hoofH6541; he is uncleanH2931 unto you.
And the hareH768, because he chewethH5927 the cudH1625, but dividethH6536 not the hoofH6541; he is uncleanH2931 unto you.
And the swineH2386, though he divideH6536 the hoofH6541, and be clovenfootedH8156+H8157, yet he chewethH1641 not the cudH1625; he is uncleanH2931 to you.
Of their fleshH1320 shall ye not eatH398, and their carcaseH5038 shall ye not touchH5060; they are uncleanH2931 to you.
These shall ye eatH398 of all that are in the watersH4325: whatsoever hath finsH5579 and scalesH7193 in the watersH4325, in the seasH3220, and in the riversH5158, them shall ye eatH398.
And all that have not finsH5579 and scalesH7193 in the seasH3220, and in the riversH5158, of all that moveH8318 in the watersH4325, and of any livingH2416 thingH5315 which is in the watersH4325, they shall be an abominationH8263 unto you:
They shall be even an abominationH8263 unto you; ye shall not eatH398 of their fleshH1320, but ye shall have their carcasesH5038 in abominationH8262.
Whatsoever hath no finsH5579 nor scalesH7193 in the watersH4325, that shall be an abominationH8263 unto you.
And these are they which ye shall have in abominationH8262 amongH4480 the fowlsH5775; they shall not be eatenH398, they are an abominationH8263: the eagleH5404, and the ossifrageH6538, and the osprayH5822,
And the vultureH1676, and the kiteH344 after his kindH4327;
Every ravenH6158 after his kindH4327;
And the owlH1323+H3284, and the night hawkH8464, and the cuckowH7828, and the hawkH5322 after his kindH4327,
And the little owlH3563, and the cormorantH7994, and the great owlH3244,
And the swanH8580, and the pelicanH6893, and the gier eagleH7360,
And the storkH2624, the heronH601 after her kindH4327, and the lapwingH1744, and the batH5847.
All fowlsH5775 that creepH8318, goingH1980 upon all fourH702, shall be an abominationH8263 unto you.
Yet these may ye eatH398 of every flyingH5775 creepingH8318 thing that goethH1980 upon all fourH702, which have legsH3767 aboveH4605 their feetH7272, to leapH5425 withalH2004 upon the earthH776;
Even these of them ye may eatH398; the locustH697 after his kindH4327, and the bald locustH5556 after his kindH4327, and the beetleH2728 after his kindH4327, and the grasshopperH2284 after his kindH4327.
But all other flyingH5775 creeping thingsH8318, which have fourH702 feetH7272, shall be an abominationH8263 unto you.
And for these ye shall be uncleanH2930: whosoever touchethH5060 the carcaseH5038 of them shall be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
And whosoever bearethH5375 ought of the carcaseH5038 of them shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
The carcases of every beastH929 which dividethH6536 the hoofH6541, and is not clovenfootedH8157+H8156, nor chewethH5927 the cudH1625, are uncleanH2931 unto you: every one that touchethH5060 them shall be uncleanH2930.
And whatsoeverH3605+H1992 goethH1980 upon his pawsH3709, among all manner of beastsH2416 that goH1980 on all fourH702, those are uncleanH2931 unto you: whoso touchethH5060 their carcaseH5038 shall be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
And he that bearethH5375 the carcaseH5038 of them shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153: they are uncleanH2931 unto you.
These also shall be uncleanH2931 unto you among the creeping thingsH8318 that creepH8317 upon the earthH776; the weaselH2467, and the mouseH5909, and the tortoiseH6632 after his kindH4327,
And the ferretH604, and the chameleonH3581, and the lizardH3911, and the snailH2546, and the moleH8580.
These are uncleanH2931 to you among all that creepH8318: whosoever doth touchH5060 them, when they be deadH4194, shall be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are deadH4194, doth fallH5307, it shall be uncleanH2930; whether it be any vesselH3627 of woodH6086, or raimentH899, or skinH5785, or sackH8242, whatsoever vesselH3627 it be, wherein any workH4399 is doneH6213, it must be putH935 into waterH4325, and it shall be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153; so it shall be cleansedH2891.
And every earthenH2789 vesselH3627, whereinto any of them fallethH5307+H8432, whatsoever is in it shall be uncleanH2930; and ye shall breakH7665 it.
Of all meatH400 which may be eatenH398, that on which such waterH4325 comethH935 shall be uncleanH2930: and all drinkH4945 that may be drunkH8354 in every such vesselH3627 shall be uncleanH2930.
And every thing whereupon any part of their carcaseH5038 fallethH5307 shall be uncleanH2930; whether it be ovenH8574, or rangesH3600 for pots, they shall be broken downH5422: for they are uncleanH2931, and shall be uncleanH2931 unto you.
Nevertheless a fountainH4599 or pitH953, wherein there is plentyH4723 of waterH4325, shall be cleanH2889: but that which touchethH5060 their carcaseH5038 shall be uncleanH2930. {wherein…: Heb. a gathering together of waters}
And if any part of their carcaseH5038 fallH5307 upon any sowingH2221 seedH2233 which is to be sownH2232, it shall be cleanH2889.
But if any waterH4325 be putH5414 upon the seedH2233, and any part of their carcaseH5038 fallH5307 thereon, it shall be uncleanH2931 unto you.
And if any beastH929, of which ye may eatH402, dieH4191; he that touchethH5060 the carcaseH5038 thereof shall be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
And he that eatethH398 of the carcaseH5038 of it shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153: he also that bearethH5375 the carcaseH5038 of it shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be uncleanH2930 until the evenH6153.
And every creeping thingH8318 that creepethH8317 upon the earthH776 shall be an abominationH8263; it shall not be eatenH398.
Whatsoever goethH1980 upon the bellyH1512, and whatsoever goethH1980 upon all fourH702, or whatsoever hath moreH7235 feetH7272 among all creeping thingsH8318 that creepH8317 upon the earthH776, them ye shall not eatH398; for they are an abominationH8263. {hath…: Heb. doth multiply feet}
Ye shall not makeH8262 yourselvesH5315 abominableH8262 with any creeping thingH8318 that creepethH8317, neither shall ye make yourselves uncleanH2933 with them, that ye should be defiledH2930 thereby. {yourselves abominable: Heb. your souls, etc}
For I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselvesH6942, and ye shall be holyH6918; for I am holyH6918: neither shall ye defileH2930 yourselvesH5315 with any manner of creeping thingH8318 that creepethH7430 upon the earthH776.
For I am the LORDH3068 that bringethH5927 you up out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, to be your GodH430: ye shall therefore be holyH6918, for I am holyH6918.
This is the lawH8451 of the beastsH929, and of the fowlH5775, and of every livingH2416 creatureH5315 that movethH7430 in the watersH4325, and of every creatureH5315 that creepethH8317 upon the earthH776:
To make a differenceH914 between the uncleanH2931 and the cleanH2889, and between the beastH2416 that may be eatenH398 and the beastH2416 that may not be eatenH398.
Querverweise zu 3. Mose 11,2 3Mo 11,2
Thou shalt not eatH398 any abominable thingH8441.
These are the beastsH929 which ye shall eatH398: the oxH7794, the sheepH7716+H3775, and the goatH5795,
The hartH354, and the roebuckH6643, and the fallow deerH3180, and the wild goatH689, and the pygargH1788, and the wild oxH8377, and the chamoisH2169.
And every beastH929 that partethH6536 the hoofH6541, and cleavethH8157 the cleftH8156 into twoH8147 clawsH6541, and chewethH5927 the cudH1625 among the beastsH929, that ye shall eatH398.
Nevertheless these ye shall not eatH398 of them that chewH5927 the cudH1625, or of them that divideH6536 the clovenH8156 hoofH6541; as the camelH1581, and the hareH768, and the coneyH8227: for they chewH5927 the cudH1625, but divideH6536 not the hoofH6541; therefore they are uncleanH2931 unto you.
And the swineH2386, because it dividethH6536 the hoofH6541, yet cheweth not the cudH1625, it is uncleanH2931 unto you: ye shall not eatH398 of their fleshH1320, nor touchH5060 their dead carcaseH5038.
Then saidH559 I, AhH162 LordH136 GODH3069! behold, my soulH5315 hath not been pollutedH2930: for from my youthH5271 up even till now have I not eatenH398 of that which dieth of itselfH5038, or is torn in piecesH2966; neither cameH935 there abominableH6292 fleshH1320 into my mouthH6310.
But DanielH1840 purposedH7760 in his heartH3820 that he would not defileH1351 himself with the portionH6598 of the king'sH4428 meatH6598, nor with the wineH3196 which he drankH4960: therefore he requestedH1245 of the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 that he might not defileH1351 himself.
NotG3756 that which goethG1525 intoG1519 the mouthG4750 defilethG2840 a manG444; butG235 that which comethG1607 out ofG1537 the mouthG4750, thisG5124 defilethG2840 a manG444.
There isG2076 nothingG3762 from withoutG1855 a manG444, thatG3739 enteringG1531 intoG1519 himG846 canG1410 defileG2840 himG846: butG235 the things which comeG1607 out ofG575 himG846, thoseG1565 are theyG2076 that defileG2840 the manG444.
If any manG1536 haveG2192 earsG3775 to hearG191, let him hearG191.
AndG2532 whenG3753 he was enteredG1525 intoG1519 the houseG3624 fromG575 the peopleG3793, hisG846 disciplesG3101 askedG1905 himG846 concerningG4012 the parableG3850.
AndG2532 he saithG3004 unto themG846, AreG2075 yeG5210 soG3779 without understandingG801 alsoG2532? Do yeG3539 notG3756 perceiveG3539, thatG3754 whatsoever thingG3956 from withoutG1855 enterethG1531 intoG1519 the manG444, it cannotG3756+G1410 defileG2840 himG846;
BecauseG3754 it enterethG1531 notG3756 intoG1519 hisG846 heartG2588, butG235 intoG1519 the bellyG2836, andG2532 goeth outG1607 intoG1519 the draughtG856, purgingG2511 allG3956 meatsG1033?
WhereinG1722+G3739 wereG5225 all mannerG3956 of fourfooted beastsG5074 of the earthG1093, andG2532 wild beastsG2342, andG2532 creeping thingsG2062, andG2532 fowlsG4071 of the airG3772.
ButG1161 PeterG4074 saidG2036, Not soG3365, LordG2962; forG3754 I haveG5315 neverG3763 eatenG5315 any thingG3956 that is commonG2839 orG2228 uncleanG169.
ForG3303 oneG3739 believethG4100 that he may eatG5315 all thingsG3956: anotherG1161, who is weakG770, eatethG2068 herbsG3001.
LetG1848 notG3361 him that eatethG2068 despiseG1848 him that eatethG2068 notG3361; andG2532 letG2068 notG3361 him which eatethG2068 notG3361 judgeG2919 him that eatethG2068: forG1063 GodG2316 hath receivedG4355 himG846.
I knowG1492, andG2532 am persuadedG3982 byG1722 the LordG2962 JesusG2424, thatG3754 there is nothingG3762 uncleanG2839 ofG1223 itselfG1438: butG1508 to him that esteemethG3049 any thingG5100 to beG1511 uncleanG2839, to himG1565 it is uncleanG2839. {unclean: Gr. common}
ButG1161 ifG1487 thyG4675 brotherG80 be grievedG3076 withG1223 thy meatG1033, nowG3765 walkest thouG4043 notG3765 charitablyG26+G2596. DestroyG622 notG3361 himG1565 with thyG4675 meatG1033, forG5228 whomG3739 ChristG5547 diedG599. {charitably: Gr. according to charity}
ForG3754 everyG3956 creatureG2938 of GodG2316 is goodG2570, andG2532 nothingG3762 to be refusedG579, if it be receivedG2983 withG3326 thanksgivingG2169:
ForG1063 it is sanctifiedG37 byG1223 the wordG3056 of GodG2316 andG2532 prayerG1783.
If thou putG5294 the brethrenG80 in remembranceG5294 of these thingsG5023, thou shalt beG2071 a goodG2570 ministerG1249 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547, nourished upG1789 in the wordsG3056 of faithG4102 andG2532 of goodG2570 doctrineG1319, whereuntoG3739 thou hast attainedG3877.
Which stood onlyG3440 inG1909 meatsG1033 andG2532 drinksG4188, andG2532 diversG1313 washingsG909, andG2532 carnalG4561 ordinancesG1345, imposedG1945 on them untilG3360 the timeG2540 of reformationG1357. {ordinances: or, rites, or, ceremonies}