King James Version 1611 with Strong's numbers
And the kingH4428 spakeH559 unto AshpenazH828 the masterH7227 of his eunuchsH5631, that he should bringH935 certain of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and of the king'sH4410 seedH2233, and of the princesH6579;
ChildrenH3206 in whom was no blemishH3971+H3971, but wellH2896 favouredH4758, and skilfulH7919 in all wisdomH2451, and cunningH3045 in knowledgeH1847, and understandingH995 scienceH4093, and such as had abilityH3581 in them to standH5975 in the king'sH4428 palaceH1964, and whom they might teachH3925 the learningH5612 and the tongueH3956 of the ChaldeansH3778.
And the kingH4428 appointedH4487 them a dailyH3117+H3117 provisionH1697 of the king'sH4428 meatH6598, and of the wineH3196 which he drankH4960: so nourishingH1431 them threeH7969 yearsH8141, that at the endH7117 thereof they might standH5975 beforeH6440 the kingH4428. {the wine…: Heb. the wine of his drink}
Now among these were of the childrenH1121 of JudahH3063, DanielH1840, HananiahH2608, MishaelH4332, and AzariahH5838:
For in the eighthH8083 yearH8141 of his reignH4427, while he was yet youngH5288, he beganH2490 to seekH1875 after the GodH430 of DavidH1732 his fatherH1: and in the twelfthH8147+H6240 yearH8141 he beganH2490 to purgeH2891 JudahH3063 and JerusalemH3389 from the high placesH1116, and the grovesH842, and the carved imagesH6456, and the molten imagesH4541.
ChildrenH3206 in whom was no blemishH3971+H3971, but wellH2896 favouredH4758, and skilfulH7919 in all wisdomH2451, and cunningH3045 in knowledgeH1847, and understandingH995 scienceH4093, and such as had abilityH3581 in them to standH5975 in the king'sH4428 palaceH1964, and whom they might teachH3925 the learningH5612 and the tongueH3956 of the ChaldeansH3778.
As for these fourH702 childrenH3206, GodH430 gaveH5414 them knowledgeH4093 and skillH7919 in all learningH5612 and wisdomH2451: and DanielH1840 had understandingH995 in all visionsH2377 and dreamsH2472. {Daniel…: or, he made Daniel understand}
DanielH1841 spakeH6032 and saidH560, I sawH2370+H1934 in my visionH2376 byH5974 nightH3916, and, beholdH718, the fourH703 windsH7308 of the heavenH8065 stroveH1519 upon the greatH7229 seaH3221.
In those daysH3117 I DanielH1840 was mourningH56 threeH7969 fullH3117 weeksH7620. {full…: Heb. weeks of days}
ThouH607, O kingH4430, art a kingH4430 of kingsH4430: for the GodH426 of heavenH8065 hath givenH3052 thee a kingdomH4437, powerH2632, and strengthH8632, and gloryH3367.
And wheresoeverH3606 the childrenH1123 of menH606 dwellH1753, the beastsH2423 of the fieldH1251 and the fowlsH5776 of the heavenH8065 hath he givenH3052 into thine handH3028, and hath made thee rulerH7981 over them allH3606. ThouH607 art this headH7217 of goldH1722.
And afterH870 thee shall ariseH6966 anotherH317 kingdomH4437 inferiorH772 to theeH4481, and anotherH317 thirdH8523 kingdomH4437 of brassH5174, which shall bear ruleH7981 over allH3606 the earthH772.
And the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 strongH8624 as ironH6523: forasmuch as ironH6523 breaketh in piecesH1855 and subduethH2827 allH3606 things: and asH6903 ironH6523 that breakethH7490 allH3606 theseH459, shall it break in piecesH1855 and bruiseH7490.
And whereas thou sawestH2370 the feetH7271 and toesH677, partH4481 of potters'H6353 clayH2635, and partH4481 of ironH6523, the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 dividedH6386; butH4481 there shall beH1934 in it ofH4481 the strengthH5326 of the ironH6523, forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 the ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635.
And as the toesH677 of the feetH7271 were partH4481 of ironH6523, and partH4481 of clayH2635, so the kingdomH4437 shall beH1934 partlyH4481+H7118 strongH8624, and partlyH4481+H7118 brokenH8406. {broken: or, brittle}
And whereasH1768 thou sawestH2370 ironH6523 mixedH6151 with miryH2917 clayH2635, they shall mingle themselvesH1934+H6151 with the seedH2234 of menH606: but they shallH1934 notH3809 cleaveH1693 oneH1836 toH5974 anotherH1836, evenH1888 as ironH6523 is notH3809 mixedH6151 with clayH2635. {one…: Cald. this with this}
And in the daysH3118 of theseH581 kingsH4430 shall the GodH426 of heavenH8065 set upH6966 a kingdomH4437, which shall neverH5957+H3809 be destroyedH2255: and the kingdomH4437 shall notH3809 be leftH7662 to otherH321 peopleH5972, but it shall break in piecesH1855 and consumeH5487 allH3606 theseH459 kingdomsH4437, and itH1932 shall standH6966 for everH5957. {the days: Cald. their days} {the kingdom: Cald the kingdom thereof}
Forasmuch asH3606+H6903 thou sawestH2370 that the stoneH69 was cut outH1505 of the mountainH2906 withoutH3809 handsH3028, and that it brake in piecesH1855 the ironH6523, the brassH5174, the clayH2635, the silverH3702, and the goldH1722; the greatH7229 GodH426 hath made knownH3046 to the kingH4430 whatH4101 shall come to passH1934 hereafterH311+H1836: and the dreamH2493 is certainH3330, and the interpretationH6591 thereof sureH540. {without…: or, which was not in hands} {hereafter: Cald. after this}
TheseH459 greatH7260 beastsH2423, whichH581 are fourH703, are fourH703 kingsH4430, which shall ariseH6966 out ofH4481 the earthH772.
But the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946 shall takeH6902 the kingdomH4437, and possessH2631 the kingdomH4437 forH5705 everH5957, even forH5705 everH5957 and everH5957. {most…: Cald. high ones, that is, things, or, places}
ThenH116 I wouldH6634 know the truthH3321 ofH5922 the fourthH7244 beastH2423, which wasH1934 diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 the others, exceedingH3493 dreadfulH1763, whose teethH8128 were of ironH6523, and his nailsH2953 of brassH5174; which devouredH399, brake in piecesH1855, and stampedH7512 the residueH7606 with his feetH7271; {from…: Cald. from all those}
And ofH5922 the tenH6236 hornsH7162 that were in his headH7217, and of the otherH317 which came upH5559, and beforeH4481+H6925 whom threeH8532 fellH5308; even of that hornH7162 thatH1797 had eyesH5870, and a mouthH6433 that spakeH4449 very great thingsH7260, whose lookH2376 was moreH4481 stoutH7229 thanH4481 his fellowsH2273.
I beheldH1934+H2370, and the sameH1797 hornH7162 madeH5648 warH7129 withH5974 the saintsH6922, and prevailedH3202 against them;
UntilH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118 cameH858+H1768, and judgmentH1780 was givenH3052 to the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946; and the timeH2166 cameH4291 that the saintsH6922 possessedH2631 the kingdomH4437.
ThusH3652 he saidH560, The fourthH7244 beastH2423 shall beH1934 the fourthH7244 kingdomH4437 upon earthH772, which shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 allH3606 kingdomsH4437, and shall devourH399 the wholeH3606 earthH772, and shall tread it downH1759, and break it in piecesH1855.
And the tenH6236 hornsH7162 out ofH4481 this kingdomH4437 are tenH6236 kingsH4430 that shall ariseH6966: and anotherH321 shall riseH6966 afterH311 them; and he shall be diverseH8133 fromH4481 the firstH6933, and he shall subdueH8214 threeH8532 kingsH4430.
And he shall speakH4449 great wordsH4406 againstH6655 the most HighH5943, and shall wear outH1080 the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, and thinkH5452 to changeH8133 timesH2166 and lawsH1882: and they shall be givenH3052 into his handH3028 untilH5705 a timeH5732 and timesH5732 and the dividingH6387 of timeH5732.
But the judgmentH1780 shall sitH3488, and they shall take awayH5709 his dominionH7985, to consumeH8046 and to destroyH7 it untoH5705 the endH5491.
And the kingdomH4437 and dominionH7985, and the greatnessH7238 of the kingdomH4437 underH8460 the wholeH3606 heavenH8065, shall be givenH3052 to the peopleH5972 of the saintsH6922 of the most HighH5946, whose kingdomH4437 is an everlastingH5957 kingdomH4437, and allH3606 dominionsH7985 shall serveH6399 and obeyH8086 him. {dominions: or, rulers}
I sawH1934+H2370 in the nightH3916 visionsH2376, and, beholdH718, one like the SonH1247 of manH606 cameH858 withH5974 the cloudsH6050 of heavenH8065, and cameH4291 toH5705 the AncientH6268 of daysH3118, and they brought him nearH7127 beforeH6925 him.