And when the peopleH5971 sawH7200 that MosesH4872 delayedH954 to come downH3381 out of the mountH2022, the peopleH5971 gathered themselves togetherH6950 unto AaronH175, and saidH559 unto him, UpH6965, makeH6213 us godsH430, which shall goH3212 beforeH6440 us; for as for this MosesH4872, the manH376 that broughtH5927 us up out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, we wotH3045 not what is become of him.
And AaronH175 saidH559 unto them, Break offH6561 the goldenH2091 earringsH5141, which are in the earsH241 of your wivesH802, of your sonsH1121, and of your daughtersH1323, and bringH935 them unto me.
And all the peopleH5971 brake offH6561 the goldenH2091 earringsH5141 which were in their earsH241, and broughtH935 them unto AaronH175.
And he receivedH3947 them at their handH3027, and fashionedH6696 it with a graving toolH2747, after he had madeH6213 it a moltenH4541 calfH5695: and they saidH559, These be thy godsH430, O IsraelH3478, which broughtH5927 thee up out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
And when AaronH175 sawH7200 it, he builtH1129 an altarH4196 beforeH6440 it; and AaronH175 made proclamationH7121, and saidH559, To morrowH4279 is a feastH2282 to the LORDH3068.
And they rose up earlyH7925 on the morrowH4283, and offeredH5927 burnt offeringsH5930, and broughtH5066 peace offeringsH8002; and the peopleH5971 satH3427 down to eatH398 and to drinkH8354, and rose upH6965 to playH6711.
And the LORDH3068 saidH1696 unto MosesH4872, GoH3212, get thee downH3381; for thy peopleH5971, which thou broughtestH5927 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, have corruptedH7843 themselves:
They have turnedH5493 aside quicklyH4118 out of the wayH1870 which I commandedH6680 them: they have madeH6213 them a moltenH4541 calfH5695, and have worshippedH7812 it, and have sacrificedH2076 thereunto, and saidH559, These be thy godsH430, O IsraelH3478, which have brought thee upH5927 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872, I have seenH7200 this peopleH5971, and, behold, it is a stiffneckedH7186+H6203 peopleH5971:
Now therefore let me aloneH3240, that my wrathH639 may wax hotH2734 against them, and that I may consumeH3615 them: and I will makeH6213 of thee a greatH1419 nationH1471.
And MosesH4872 besoughtH2470+H6440 the LORDH3068 his GodH430, and saidH559, LORDH3068, why doth thy wrathH639 wax hotH2734 against thy peopleH5971, which thou hast brought forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714 with greatH1419 powerH3581, and with a mightyH2389 handH3027? {the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD}
Wherefore should the EgyptiansH4714 speakH559, and sayH559, For mischiefH7451 did he bringH3318 them out, to slayH2026 them in the mountainsH2022, and to consumeH3615 them from the faceH6440 of the earthH127? TurnH7725 from thy fierceH2740 wrathH639, and repentH5162 of this evilH7451 against thy peopleH5971.
RememberH2142 AbrahamH85, IsaacH3327, and IsraelH3478, thy servantsH5650, to whom thou swarestH7650 by thine own self, and saidstH1696 unto them, I will multiplyH7235 your seedH2233 as the starsH3556 of heavenH8064, and all this landH776 that I have spokenH559 of will I giveH5414 unto your seedH2233, and they shall inheritH5157 it for everH5769.
And the LORDH3068 repentedH5162 of the evilH7451 which he thoughtH1696 to doH6213 unto his peopleH5971.
And MosesH4872 turnedH6437, and went downH3381 from the mountH2022, and the twoH8147 tablesH3871 of the testimonyH5715 were in his handH3027: the tablesH3871 were writtenH3789 on bothH8147 their sidesH5676; on the one side and on the other were they writtenH3789.
And the tablesH3871 were the workH4639 of GodH430, and the writingH4385 was the writingH4385 of GodH430, gravenH2801 upon the tablesH3871.
And when JoshuaH3091 heardH8085 the noiseH6963 of the peopleH5971 as they shoutedH7452, he saidH559 unto MosesH4872, There is a noiseH6963 of warH4421 in the campH4264.
And he saidH559, It is not the voiceH6963 of them that shoutH6030 for masteryH1369, neither is it the voiceH6963 of them that cryH6030 for being overcomeH2476: but the noiseH6963 of them that singH6031 do I hearH8085. {being…: Heb. weakness}
And it came to pass, as soon as he came nighH7126 unto the campH4264, that he sawH7200 the calfH5695, and the dancingH4246: and Moses'H4872 angerH639 waxed hotH2734, and he castH7993 the tablesH3871 out of his handsH3027, and brakeH7665 them beneathH8478 the mountH2022.
And he tookH3947 the calfH5695 which they had madeH6213, and burntH8313 it in the fireH784, and groundH2912 it to powderH1854, and strawedH2219 it uponH6440 the waterH4325, and made the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 drinkH8248 of it.
And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto AaronH175, What didH6213 this peopleH5971 unto thee, that thou hast broughtH935 so greatH1419 a sinH2401 upon them?
And AaronH175 saidH559, Let not the angerH639 of my lordH113 wax hotH2734: thou knowestH3045 the peopleH5971, that they are set on mischiefH7451.
For they saidH559 unto me, MakeH6213 us godsH430, which shall goH3212 beforeH6440 us: for as for this MosesH4872, the manH376 that brought us upH5927 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, we wotH3045 not what is become of him.
And I saidH559 unto them, Whosoever hath any goldH2091, let them breakH6561 it off. So they gaveH5414 it me: then I castH7993 it into the fireH784, and there came outH3318 this calfH5695.
And when MosesH4872 sawH7200 that the peopleH5971 were nakedH6544; (for AaronH175 had made them nakedH6544 unto their shameH8103 among their enemiesH6965:) {their enemies: Heb. those that rose up against them}
Then MosesH4872 stoodH5975 in the gateH8179 of the campH4264, and saidH559, Who is on the LORD'SH3068 side? let him come unto me. And all the sonsH1121 of LeviH3878 gatheredH622 themselves together unto him.
And he saidH559 unto them, Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, PutH7760 every manH376 his swordH2719 by his sideH3409, and goH5674 in and outH7725 from gateH8179 to gateH8179 throughout the campH4264, and slayH2026 every manH376 his brotherH251, and every manH376 his companionH7453, and every manH376 his neighbourH7138.
And the childrenH1121 of LeviH3878 didH6213 according to the wordH1697 of MosesH4872: and there fellH5307 of the peopleH5971 that dayH3117 about threeH7969 thousandH505 menH376.
For MosesH4872 had saidH559, Consecrate yourselvesH4390+H3027 to dayH3117 to the LORDH3068, evenH3588 every manH376 upon his sonH1121, and upon his brotherH251; that he may bestowH5414 upon you a blessingH1293 this dayH3117. {For Moses…: or, And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves to day to the LORD, because every man hath been against his brother, etc} {Consecrate…: Heb. Fill your hands}
And it came to pass on the morrowH4283, that MosesH4872 saidH559 unto the peopleH5971, Ye have sinnedH2398 a greatH1419 sinH2401: and now I will go upH5927 unto the LORDH3068; peradventureH194 I shall make an atonementH3722 forH1157 your sinH2403.
And MosesH4872 returnedH7725 unto the LORDH3068, and saidH559, OhH577, this peopleH5971 have sinnedH2398 a greatH1419 sinH2401, and have madeH6213 them godsH430 of goldH2091.
Yet now, if thou wilt forgiveH5375 their sinH2403--; and if not, blotH4229 me, I pray thee, out of thy bookH5612 which thou hast writtenH3789.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872, WhosoeverH834 hath sinnedH2398 against me, him will I blot outH4229 of my bookH5612.
Therefore now goH3212, leadH5148 the peopleH5971 unto the place of which I have spokenH1696 unto thee: behold, mine AngelH4397 shall goH3212 beforeH6440 thee: nevertheless in the dayH3117 when I visitH6485 I will visitH6485 their sinH2403 upon them.
And the LORDH3068 plaguedH5062 the peopleH5971, becauseH834 they madeH6213 the calfH5695, whichH834 AaronH175 madeH6213.
Querverweise zu 2. Mose 32,20 2Mo 32,20
But thus shall ye dealH6213 with them; ye shall destroyH5422 their altarsH4196, and break downH7665 their imagesH4676, and cut downH1438 their grovesH842, and burnH8313 their graven imagesH6456 with fireH784. {their images: Heb. their statues, or, pillars}
Therefore shall they eatH398 of the fruitH6529 of their own wayH1870, and be filledH7646 with their own devicesH4156.
The graven imagesH6456 of their godsH430 shall ye burnH8313 with fireH784: thou shalt not desireH2530 the silverH3701 or goldH2091 that is on them, nor takeH3947 it unto thee, lest thou be snaredH3369 therein: for it is an abominationH8441 to the LORDH3068 thy GodH430.
The backsliderH5472 in heartH3820 shall be filledH7646 with his own waysH1870: and a goodH2896 manH376 shall be satisfied from himself.
And I tookH3947 your sinH2403, the calfH5695 which ye had madeH6213, and burntH8313 it with fireH784, and stampedH3807 it, and groundH2912 it very smallH3190, even until it was as smallH1854 as dustH6083: and I castH7993 the dustH6083 thereof into the brookH5158 that descended outH3381 of the mountH2022.
And he brought outH3318 the groveH842 from the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068, withoutH2351 JerusalemH3389, unto the brookH5158 KidronH6939, and burnedH8313 it at the brookH5158 KidronH6939, and stamped it smallH1854 to powderH6083, and castH7993 the powderH6083 thereof upon the gravesH6913 of the childrenH1121 of the peopleH5971.
Moreover the altarH4196 that was at BethelH1008, and the high placeH1116 which JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of NebatH5028, who made IsraelH3478 to sinH2398, had madeH6213, both that altarH4196 and the high placeH1116 he brake downH5422, and burnedH8313 the high placeH1116, and stampedH1854 it small to powderH6083, and burnedH8313 the groveH842.