Now SaraiH8297 Abram'sH87 wifeH802 bareH3205 him noH3808 childrenH3205: and she had an handmaidH8198, an EgyptianH4713, whose nameH8034 was HagarH1904.
And SaraiH8297 saidH559 unto AbramH87, Behold now, the LORDH3068 hath restrained meH6113 from bearingH3205: I pray thee, go inH935 unto my maidH8198; it mayH194 be that I may obtain childrenH1129 by her. And AbramH87 hearkenedH8085 to the voiceH6963 of SaraiH8297. {obtain…: Heb. be built by her}
And SaraiH8297 Abram'sH87 wifeH802 tookH3947 HagarH1904 her maidH8198 the EgyptianH4713, afterH7093 AbramH87 had dweltH3427 tenH6235 yearsH8141 in the landH776 of CanaanH3667, and gaveH5414 her to her husbandH376 AbramH87 to be his wifeH802.
And he went inH935 unto HagarH1904, and she conceivedH2029: and when she sawH7200 that she had conceivedH2029, her mistressH1404 was despisedH7043 in her eyesH5869.
And SaraiH8297 saidH559 unto AbramH87, My wrongH2555 be upon thee: I have givenH5414 my maidH8198 into thy bosomH2436; and when she sawH7200 that she had conceivedH2029, I was despisedH7043 in her eyesH5869: the LORDH3068 judgeH8199 between me and thee.
But AbramH87 saidH559 unto SaraiH8297, Behold, thy maidH8198 is in thy handH3027; doH6213 to her as it pleaseth theeH2896+H5869. And when SaraiH8297 dealt hardly withH6031 her, she fledH1272 from her faceH6440. {as…: Heb. that which is good in thine eyes} {dealt…: Heb. afflicted her}
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 found herH4672 by a fountainH5869 of waterH4325 in the wildernessH4057, by the fountainH5869 in the wayH1870 to ShurH7793.
And he saidH559, HagarH1904, Sarai'sH8297 maidH8198, whenceH335 camest thouH935? and whither wilt thou goH3212? And she saidH559, I fleeH1272 from the faceH6440 of my mistressH1404 SaraiH8297.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, ReturnH7725 to thy mistressH1404, and submitH6031 thyself under her handsH3027.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, I will multiplyH7235 thy seedH2233 exceedinglyH7235, that it shall not be numberedH5608 for multitudeH7230.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, BeholdH2009, thou art with childH2030, and shalt bearH3205 a sonH1121, and shalt callH7121 his nameH8034 IshmaelH3458; because the LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 thy afflictionH6040. {Ishmael: that is, God shall hear}
And he will be a wildH6501 manH120; his handH3027 will be against every man, and every man's handH3027 against him; and he shall dwellH7931 in the presenceH6440 of all his brethrenH251.
And she calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 that spakeH1696 unto her, Thou GodH410 seest meH7210: for she saidH559, Have I also hereH1988 lookedH7200 after himH310 that seeth meH7210?
Wherefore the wellH875 was calledH7121 BeerlahairoiH883+H2416; behold, it is between KadeshH6946 and BeredH1260. {Beerlahairoi: that is, The well of him that liveth and seeth me}
And HagarH1904 bareH3205 AbramH87 a sonH1121: and AbramH87 calledH7121 his son'sH1121 nameH8034, which HagarH1904 bareH3205, IshmaelH3458.
And AbramH87 was fourscoreH8084+H8141 and sixH8337 yearsH8141 oldH1121, when HagarH1904 bareH3205 IshmaelH3458 to AbramH87.
Querverweise zu 1. Mose 16,11 1Mo 16,11
And GodH430 saidH559, SarahH8283 thy wifeH802 shall bearH3205 thee a sonH1121 indeedH61; and thou shalt callH7121 his nameH8034 IsaacH3327: and I will establishH6965 my covenantH1285 with him for an everlastingH5769 covenantH1285, and with his seedH2233 after himH310.
And JosephH3130 calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the firstbornH1060 ManassehH4519: For GodH430, said he, hath made me forgetH5382 all my toilH5999, and all my father'sH1 houseH1004. {Manasseh: that is, Forgetting}
And LeahH3812 conceivedH2029, and bareH3205 a sonH1121, and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 ReubenH7205: forH3588 she saidH559, SurelyH3588 the LORDH3068 hath lookedH7200 upon my afflictionH6040; now thereforeH3588 my husbandH376 will loveH157 me. {Reuben: that is, See a son}
And LeahH3812 conceivedH2029, and bareH3205 a sonH1121, and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 ReubenH7205: forH3588 she saidH559, SurelyH3588 the LORDH3068 hath lookedH7200 upon my afflictionH6040; now thereforeH3588 my husbandH376 will loveH157 me. {Reuben: that is, See a son}
And she conceivedH2029 again, and bareH3205 a sonH1121; and saidH559, Because the LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 that I was hatedH8130, he hath therefore givenH5414 me this son also: and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 SimeonH8095. {Simeon: that is, Hearing}
And she conceived againH2029, and bareH3205 a sonH1121; and saidH559, Now this timeH6471 will my husbandH376 be joinedH3867 unto me, because I have bornH3205 him threeH7969 sonsH1121: therefore was his nameH8034 calledH7121 LeviH3878. {Levi: that is, Joined}
And she conceivedH2029 again, and bareH3205 a sonH1121: and she saidH559, NowH6471 will I praiseH3034 the LORDH3068: therefore she calledH7121 his nameH8034 JudahH3063; and leftH5975 bearingH3205. {Judah: that is, Praise} {left…: Heb. stood from bearing}
And the nameH8034 of the secondH8145 calledH7121 he EphraimH669: For GodH430 hath caused me to be fruitfulH6509 in the landH776 of my afflictionH6040. {Ephraim: that is, Fruitful}
And she conceivedH2029 again, and bareH3205 a sonH1121; and saidH559, Because the LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 that I was hatedH8130, he hath therefore givenH5414 me this son also: and she calledH7121 his nameH8034 SimeonH8095. {Simeon: that is, Hearing}
Therefore the LordH136 himself shall giveH5414 you a signH226; Behold, a virginH5959 shall conceiveH2030, and bearH3205 a sonH1121, and shall callH7121 his nameH8034 ImmanuelH410+H6005. {shall call: or, thou, O virgin, shalt call}
Wherefore it came to pass, when the timeH3117 was comeH8622 about after HannahH2584 had conceivedH2029, that she bareH3205 a sonH1121, and calledH7121 his nameH8034 SamuelH8050, saying, Because I have askedH7592 him of the LORDH3068. {when…: Heb. in revolution of days} {Samuel: that is, Asked of God}
And it came to pass in processH1992+H7227 of timeH3117, that the kingH4428 of EgyptH4714 diedH4191: and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 sighedH584 by reason ofH4480 the bondageH5656, and they criedH2199, and their cryH7775 came upH5927 unto GodH430 by reason of the bondageH5656.
AndG1161 she shall bring forthG5088 a sonG5207, andG2532 thou shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUSG2424: forG1063 heG846 shall saveG4982 hisG846 peopleG2992 fromG575 theirG846 sinsG266. {JESUS: that is, Saviour, Heb}
NowG1161 allG3650 thisG5124 was doneG1096, thatG2443 it might be fulfilledG4137 whichG3588 was spokenG4483 ofG5259 the LordG2962 byG1223 the prophetG4396, sayingG3004,
BeholdG2400, a virginG3933 shall be with childG1722+G1064+G2192, andG2532 shall bring forthG5088 a sonG5207, andG2532 they shall callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 EmmanuelG1694, whichG3739 being interpretedG3177 isG2076, GodG2316 withG3326 usG2257. {they…: or, his name shall be called}
And GodH430 heardH8085 their groaningH5009, and GodH430 rememberedH2142 his covenantH1285 with AbrahamH85, with IsaacH3327, and with JacobH3290.
ButG1161 the angelG32 saidG2036 untoG4314 himG846, FearG5399 notG3361, ZachariasG2197: forG1360 thyG4675 prayerG1162 is heardG1522; andG2532 thyG4675 wifeG1135 ElisabethG1665 shall bearG1080 theeG4671 a sonG5207, andG2532 thou shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JohnG2491.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559, I have surelyH7200 seenH7200 the afflictionH6040 of my peopleH5971 which are in EgyptH4714, and have heardH8085 their cryH6818 by reasonH6440 of their taskmastersH5065; for I knowH3045 their sorrowsH4341;
AndG2532, beholdG2400, thou shalt conceiveG4815 inG1722 thy wombG1064, andG2532 bring forthG5088 a sonG5207, andG2532 shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUSG2424.
Who providethH3559 for the ravenH6158 his foodH6718? when his young onesH3206 cryH7768 unto GodH410, they wanderH8582 for lackH1097 of meatH400.