And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 unto MosesH4872 and AaronH175, sayingH559,
When a manH120 shall have in the skinH5785 of his fleshH1320 a risingH7613, a scabH5597, or bright spotH934, and it be in the skinH5785 of his fleshH1320 like the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883; then he shall be broughtH935 unto AaronH175 the priestH3548, or unto oneH259 of his sonsH1121 the priestsH3548: {rising: or, swelling}
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on the plagueH5061 in the skinH5785 of the fleshH1320: and when the hairH8181 in the plagueH5061 is turnedH2015 whiteH3836, and the plagueH5061 in sightH4758 be deeperH6013 than the skinH5785 of his fleshH1320, it is a plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883: and the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on him, and pronounce him uncleanH2930.
If the bright spotH934 be whiteH3836 in the skinH5785 of his fleshH1320, and in sightH4758 be not deeperH6013 than the skinH5785, and the hairH8181 thereof be not turnedH2015 whiteH3836; then the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 up him that hath the plagueH5061 sevenH7651 daysH3117:
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on him the seventhH7637 dayH3117: and, behold, if the plagueH5061 in his sightH5869 be at a stayH5975, and the plagueH5061 spreadH6581 not in the skinH5785; then the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 him up sevenH7651 daysH3117 moreH8145:
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on him againH8145 the seventhH7637 dayH3117: and, behold, if the plagueH5061 be somewhat darkH3544, and the plagueH5061 spreadH6581 not in the skinH5785, the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891: it is but a scabH4556: and he shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be cleanH2891.
But if the scabH4556 spread muchH6581 abroadH6581 in the skinH5785, afterH310 that he hath been seenH7200 of the priestH3548 for his cleansingH2893, he shall be seenH7200 of the priestH3548 againH8145:
And if the priestH3548 seeH7200 that, behold, the scabH4556 spreadethH6581 in the skinH5785, then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is a leprosyH6883.
When the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883 is in a manH120, then he shall be broughtH935 unto the priestH3548;
And the priestH3548 shall seeH7200 him: and, behold, if the risingH7613 be whiteH3836 in the skinH5785, and it have turnedH2015 the hairH8181 whiteH3836, and there be quickH4241 rawH2416 fleshH1320 in the risingH7613; {quick…: Heb. the quickening of living flesh}
It is an oldH3462 leprosyH6883 in the skinH5785 of his fleshH1320, and the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930, and shall not shutH5462 him up: for he is uncleanH2931.
And if a leprosyH6883 break outH6524 abroadH6524 in the skinH5785, and the leprosyH6883 coverH3680 all the skinH5785 of him that hath the plagueH5061 from his headH7218 even to his footH7272, wheresoever the priestH3548 lookethH4758+H5869;
Then the priestH3548 shall considerH7200: and, behold, if the leprosyH6883 have coveredH3680 all his fleshH1320, he shall pronounce him cleanH2891 that hath the plagueH5061: it is all turnedH2015 whiteH3836: he is cleanH2889.
But whenH3117 rawH2416 fleshH1320 appearethH7200 in him, he shall be uncleanH2930.
And the priestH3548 shall seeH7200 the rawH2416 fleshH1320, and pronounce him to be uncleanH2930: for the rawH2416 fleshH1320 is uncleanH2931: it is a leprosyH6883.
Or if the rawH2416 fleshH1320 turn againH7725, and be changedH2015 unto whiteH3836, he shall comeH935 unto the priestH3548;
And the priestH3548 shall seeH7200 him: and, behold, if the plagueH5061 be turnedH2015 into whiteH3836; then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891 that hath the plagueH5061: he is cleanH2889.
The fleshH1320 also, in whichH3588, even in the skinH5785 thereof, was a boilH7822, and is healedH7495,
And in the placeH4725 of the boilH7822 there be a whiteH3836 risingH7613, or a bright spotH934, whiteH3836, and somewhat reddishH125, and it be shewedH7200 to the priestH3548;
And if, when the priestH3548 seethH7200 it, behold, it be in sightH4758 lowerH8217 than the skinH5785, and the hairH8181 thereof be turnedH2015 whiteH3836; the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is a plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883 brokenH6524 out of the boilH7822.
But if the priestH3548 lookH7200 on it, and, behold, there be no whiteH3836 hairsH8181 therein, and if it be not lowerH8217 than the skinH5785, but be somewhat darkH3544; then the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 him up sevenH7651 daysH3117:
And if it spread muchH6581 abroadH6581 in the skinH5785, then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is a plagueH5061.
But if the bright spotH934 stayH5975 in his place, and spreadH6581 not, it is a burningH6867 boilH7822; and the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891.
Or if there be any fleshH1320, in the skinH5785 whereof there is a hotH784 burningH4348, and the quickH4241 flesh that burnethH4348 have a whiteH3836 bright spotH934, somewhat reddishH125, or whiteH3836; {a hot…: Heb. a burning of fire}
Then the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 upon it: and, behold, if the hairH8181 in the bright spotH934 be turnedH2015 whiteH3836, and it be in sightH4758 deeperH6013 than the skinH5785; it is a leprosyH6883 brokenH6524 out of the burningH4348: wherefore the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883.
But if the priestH3548 lookH7200 on it, and, behold, there be no whiteH3836 hairH8181 in the bright spotH934, and it be no lowerH8217 than the other skinH5785, but be somewhat darkH3544; then the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 him up sevenH7651 daysH3117:
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 upon him the seventhH7637 dayH3117: and if it be spread muchH6581 abroadH6581 in the skinH5785, then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883.
And if the brightH934 spotH934 stayH5975 in his place, and spreadH6581 not in the skinH5785, but it be somewhat darkH3544; it is a risingH7613 of the burningH4348, and the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891: for it is an inflammationH6867 of the burningH4348.
If a manH376 or womanH802 have a plagueH5061 upon the headH7218 or the beardH2206;
Then the priestH3548 shall seeH7200 the plagueH5061: and, behold, if it be in sightH4758 deeperH6013 than the skinH5785; and there be in it a yellowH6669 thinH1851 hairH8181; then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him uncleanH2930: it is a dry scallH5424, even a leprosyH6883 upon the headH7218 or beardH2206.
And if the priestH3548 lookH7200 on the plagueH5061 of the scallH5424, and, behold, it be not in sightH4758 deeperH6013 than the skinH5785, and that there is no blackH7838 hairH8181 in it; then the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 up him that hath the plagueH5061 of the scallH5424 sevenH7651 daysH3117:
And in the seventhH7637 dayH3117 the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on the plagueH5061: and, behold, if the scallH5424 spreadH6581 not, and there be in it no yellowH6669 hairH8181, and the scallH5424 be not in sightH4758 deeperH6013 than the skinH5785;
He shall be shavenH1548, but the scallH5424 shall he not shaveH1548; and the priestH3548 shall shutH5462 up him that hath the scallH5424 sevenH7651 daysH3117 moreH8145:
And in the seventhH7637 dayH3117 the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on the scallH5424: and, behold, if the scallH5424 be not spreadH6581 in the skinH5785, nor be in sightH4758 deeperH6013 than the skinH5785; then the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891: and he shall washH3526 his clothesH899, and be cleanH2891.
But if the scallH5424 spreadH6581 muchH6581 in the skinH5785 afterH310 his cleansingH2893;
Then the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on him: and, behold, if the scallH5424 be spreadH6581 in the skinH5785, the priestH3548 shall not seekH1239 for yellowH6669 hairH8181; he is uncleanH2931.
But if the scallH5424 be in his sightH5869 at a stayH5975, and that there is blackH7838 hairH8181 grownH6779 up therein; the scallH5424 is healedH7495, he is cleanH2889: and the priestH3548 shall pronounce him cleanH2891.
If a manH376 also or a womanH802 have in the skinH5785 of their fleshH1320 bright spotsH934, even whiteH3836 bright spotsH934;
Then the priestH3548 shall lookH7200: and, behold, if the bright spotsH934 in the skinH5785 of their fleshH1320 be darkishH3544 whiteH3836; it is a freckled spotH933 that growethH6524 in the skinH5785; he is cleanH2889.
And the manH376+H3588 whose hair is fallenH4803 off his headH7218, he is baldH7142; yet is he cleanH2889. {hair…: Heb. head is pilled}
And he that hath his hair fallenH4803 off from the partH6285 of his headH7218 toward his faceH6440, he is forehead baldH1371: yet is he cleanH2889.
And if there be in the bald headH7146, or bald foreheadH1372, a whiteH3836 reddishH125 soreH5061; it is a leprosyH6883 sprungH6524 up in his bald headH7146, or his bald foreheadH1372.
Then the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 upon it: and, behold, if the risingH7613 of the soreH5061 be whiteH3836 reddishH125 in his bald headH7146, or in his bald foreheadH1372, as the leprosyH6883 appearethH4758 in the skinH5785 of the fleshH1320;
He is a leprousH6879 manH376, he is uncleanH2931: the priestH3548 shall pronounce him utterlyH2930 uncleanH2930; his plagueH5061 is in his headH7218.
And the leperH6879 in whom the plagueH5061 is, his clothesH899 shall be rentH6533, and his headH7218 bareH6544, and he shall put a coveringH5844 upon his upper lipH8222, and shall cryH7121, UncleanH2931, uncleanH2931.
All the daysH3117 wherein the plagueH5061 shall be in him he shall be defiledH2930; he is uncleanH2931: he shall dwellH3427 aloneH910; withoutH2351 the campH4264 shall his habitationH4186 be.
The garmentH899 also that the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883 is in, whether it be a woollenH6785 garmentH899, or a linenH6593 garmentH899;
Whether it be in the warpH8359, or woofH6154; of linenH6593, or of woollenH6785; whether in a skinH5785, or in any thing madeH4399 of skinH5785; {thing…: Heb. work of}
And if the plagueH5061 be greenishH3422 or reddishH125 in the garmentH899, or in the skinH5785, eitherH176 in the warpH8359, or in the woofH6154, or in any thingH3627 of skinH5785; it is a plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883, and shall be shewedH7200 unto the priestH3548: {thing: Heb. vessel, or, instrument}
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 upon the plagueH5061, and shutH5462 up it that hath the plagueH5061 sevenH7651 daysH3117:
And he shall lookH7200 on the plagueH5061 on the seventhH7637 dayH3117: if the plagueH5061 be spreadH6581 in the garmentH899, either in the warpH8359, or in the woofH6154, or in a skinH5785, or in any workH4399 that is madeH6213 of skinH5785; the plagueH5061 is a frettingH3992 leprosyH6883; it is uncleanH2931.
He shall therefore burnH8313 that garmentH899, whether warpH8359 or woofH6154, in woollenH6785 or in linenH6593, or any thingH3627 of skinH5785, wherein the plagueH5061 is: for it is a frettingH3992 leprosyH6883; it shall be burntH8313 in the fireH784.
And if the priestH3548 shall lookH7200, and, behold, the plagueH5061 be not spreadH6581 in the garmentH899, eitherH176 in the warpH8359, orH176 in the woofH6154, orH176 in any thingH3627 of skinH5785;
Then the priestH3548 shall commandH6680 that they washH3526 the thing wherein the plagueH5061 is, and he shall shutH5462 it up sevenH7651 daysH3117 moreH8145:
And the priestH3548 shall lookH7200 on the plagueH5061, afterH310 that it is washedH3526: and, behold, if the plagueH5061 have not changedH2015 his colourH5869, and the plagueH5061 be not spreadH6581; it is uncleanH2931; thou shalt burnH8313 it in the fireH784; it is fretH6356 inward, whether it be bare withinH7146 or withoutH1372. {whether…: Heb. whether it be bald in the head thereof, or in the forehead thereof}
And if the priestH3548 lookH7200, and, behold, the plagueH5061 be somewhat darkH3544 afterH310 the washingH3526 of it; then he shall rendH7167 it out of the garmentH899, or out of the skinH5785, or out of the warpH8359, or out of the woofH6154:
And if it appearH7200 stillH5750 in the garmentH899, either in the warpH8359, or in the woofH6154, or in any thingH3627 of skinH5785; it is a spreadingH6524 plague: thou shalt burnH8313 that wherein the plagueH5061 is with fireH784.
And the garmentH899, either warpH8359, or woofH6154, or whatsoever thingH3627 of skinH5785 it be, which thou shalt washH3526, if the plagueH5061 be departedH5493 from them, then it shall be washedH3526 the secondH8145 time, and shall be cleanH2891.
This is the lawH8451 of the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883 in a garmentH899 of woollenH6785 or linenH6593, either in the warpH8359, or woofH6154, or any thingH3627 of skinsH5785, to pronounce it cleanH2891, or to pronounce it uncleanH2930.
Querverweise zu 3. Mose 13,2 3Mo 13,2
And the priestH3548 shall go forthH3318 outH2351 of the campH4264; and the priestH3548 shall lookH7200, and, behold, if the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883 be healedH7495 in the leperH6879;
If there arise a matterH1697 too hardH6381 for thee in judgmentH4941, between bloodH1818 and bloodH1818, between pleaH1779 and pleaH1779, and between strokeH5061 and strokeH5061, being mattersH1697 of controversyH7379 within thy gatesH8179: then shalt thou ariseH6965, and get thee upH5927 into the placeH4725 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 shall chooseH977;
The LORDH3068 will smiteH5221 thee with the botchH7822 of EgyptH4714, and with the emerodsH2914+H6076, and with the scabH1618, and with the itchH2775, whereof thou canstH3201 not be healedH7495.
And he that owneth the houseH1004 shall comeH935 and tellH5046 the priestH3548, sayingH559, It seemethH7200 to me there is as it were a plagueH5061 in the houseH1004:
And thou shalt comeH935 unto the priestsH3548 the LevitesH3881, and unto the judgeH8199 that shall be in those daysH3117, and enquireH1875; and they shall shewH5046 thee the sentenceH1697 of judgmentH4941:
Therefore the LordH136 will smite with a scabH5596 the crown of the headH6936 of the daughtersH1323 of ZionH6726, and the LORDH3068 will discoverH6168 their secret partsH6596. {discover: Heb. make naked}
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 furthermoreH5750 unto him, PutH935 now thine handH3027 into thy bosomH2436. And he putH935 his handH3027 into his bosomH2436: and when he tookH3318 it out, behold, his handH3027 was leprousH6879 as snowH7950.
Take heedH8104 in the plagueH5061 of leprosyH6883, that thou observeH8104 diligentlyH3966, and doH6213 according to all that the priestsH3548 the LevitesH3881 shall teachH3384 you: as I commandedH6680 them, so ye shall observeH8104 to doH6213.
And he saidH559, PutH7725 thine handH3027 into thy bosomH2436 againH7725. And he putH7725 his handH3027 into his bosomH2436 againH7725; and pluckedH3318 it out of his bosomH2436, and, behold, it was turned againH7725 as his other fleshH1320.
For the priest'sH3548 lipsH8193 should keepH8104 knowledgeH1847, and they should seekH1245 the lawH8451 at his mouthH6310: for he is the messengerH4397 of the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635.
And the cloudH6051 departedH5493 from off the tabernacleH168; and, behold, MiriamH4813 became leprousH6879, white as snowH7950: and AaronH175 lookedH6437 upon MiriamH4813, and, behold, she was leprousH6879.
AndG2532 JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto himG846, SeeG3708 thou tellG2036 no manG3367; butG235 go thy wayG5217, shewG1166 thyselfG4572 to the priestG2409, andG2532 offerG4374 the giftG1435 thatG3739 MosesG3475 commandedG4367, forG1519 a testimonyG3142 unto themG846.
Let her not be as one deadH4994+H4191, of whom the fleshH1320 is halfH2677 consumedH398 when he cometh outH3318 of his mother'sH517 wombH7358.
AndG2532 saithG3004 unto himG846, SeeG3708 thou sayG2036 nothingG3367 to any manG3367: butG235 go thy wayG5217, shewG1166 thyselfG4572 to the priestG2409, andG2532 offerG4374 forG4012 thyG4675 cleansingG2512 those thingsG3739 which MosesG3475 commandedG4367, forG1519 a testimonyG3142 unto themG846.
Let it restH2342 on the headH7218 of JoabH3097, and on all his father'sH1 houseH1004; and let there not failH3772 from the houseH1004 of JoabH3097 one that hath an issueH2100, or that is a leperH6879, or that leanethH2388 on a staffH6418, or that fallethH5307 on the swordH2719, or that lackethH2638 breadH3899. {fail: Heb. be cut off}
AndG2532 heG846 chargedG3853 himG846 to tellG2036 no manG3367: butG235 goG565, and shewG1166 thyselfG4572 to the priestG2409, andG2532 offerG4374 forG4012 thyG4675 cleansingG2512, according asG2531 MosesG3475 commandedG4367, forG1519 a testimonyG3142 unto themG846.
Now NaamanH5283, captainH8269 of the hostH6635 of the kingH4428 of SyriaH758, was a greatH1419 manH376 withH6440 his masterH113, and honourableH5375, because by him the LORDH3068 had givenH5414 deliveranceH8668 unto SyriaH758: he was also a mightyH1368 manH376 in valourH2428, but he was a leperH6879. {with: Heb. before. honourable: or, gracious: Heb. lifted up, or, accepted in countenance. deliverance: or, victory}
AndG2532 when he sawG1492 them, he saidG2036 unto themG846, GoG4198 shewG1925 yourselvesG1438 unto the priestsG2409. AndG2532 it came to passG1096, that, as theyG846 wentG5217+G1722, they were cleansedG2511.
The leprosyH6883 therefore of NaamanH5283 shall cleaveH1692 unto thee, and unto thy seedH2233 for everH5769. And he went outH3318 from his presenceH6440 a leperH6879 as white as snowH7950.
Then UzziahH5818 was wrothH2196, and had a censerH4730 in his handH3027 to burn incenseH6999: and while he was wrothH2196 with the priestsH3548, the leprosyH6883 even rose upH2224 in his foreheadH4696 beforeH6440 the priestsH3548 in the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068, from beside the incenseH7004 altarH4196.
And AzariahH5838 the chiefH7218 priestH3548, and all the priestsH3548, lookedH6437 upon him, and, behold, he was leprousH6879 in his foreheadH4696, and they thrust him outH926 from thence; yea, himself hastedH1765 also to go outH3318, because the LORDH3068 had smittenH5060 him.
And UzziahH5818 the kingH4428 was a leperH6879 unto the dayH3117 of his deathH4194, and dwelt inH3427 a severalH2669+H2669 houseH1004, being a leperH6879; for he was cut offH1504 from the houseH1004 of the LORDH3068: and JothamH3147 his sonH1121 was over the king'sH4428 houseH1004, judgingH8199 the peopleH5971 of the landH776. {several: Heb. free}