NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 madeH5648 an imageH6755 of goldH1722, whose heightH7314 was threescoreH8361 cubitsH521, and the breadthH6613 thereof sixH8353 cubitsH521: he set it upH6966 in the plainH1236 of DuraH1757, in the provinceH4083 of BabylonH895.
Then NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 sentH7972 to gather togetherH3673 the princesH324, the governorsH5460, and the captainsH6347, the judgesH148, the treasurersH1411, the counsellorsH1884, the sheriffsH8614, and allH3606 the rulersH7984 of the provincesH4083, to comeH858 to the dedicationH2597 of the imageH6755 which NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 had set upH6966.
ThenH116 the princesH324, the governorsH5460, and captainsH6347, the judgesH148, the treasurersH1411, the counsellorsH1884, the sheriffsH8614, and allH3606 the rulersH7984 of the provincesH4083, were gathered togetherH3673 unto the dedicationH2597 of the imageH6755 that NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 had set upH6966; and they stoodH6966 beforeH6903 the imageH6755 that NebuchadnezzarH5020 had set upH6966.
Then an heraldH3744 criedH7123 aloudH2429, To you it is commandedH560, O peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, {aloud: Cald. with might} {it…: Cald. they command}
That at what timeH5732 ye hearH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, dulcimerH5481, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, ye fall downH5308 and worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 that NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 hath set upH6966: {dulcimer: or, singing: Cald. symphony}
And whosoH4479 fallethH5308 notH3809 downH5308 and worshippethH5457 shall the same hourH8160 be castH7412 into the midstH1459 of a burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861.
ThereforeH6903+H1836 at that timeH2166, whenH1768 allH3606 the peopleH5972 heardH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, allH3606 the peopleH5972, the nationsH524, and the languagesH3961, fell downH5308 and worshippedH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 that NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 had set upH6966.
WhereforeH6903+H3606 at thatH1836 timeH2166 certainH1400 ChaldeansH3779 came nearH7127, and accusedH7170+H399 the JewsH3062.
They spakeH6032 and saidH560 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020, O kingH4430, liveH2418 for everH5957.
ThouH607, O kingH4430, hast madeH7761 a decreeH2942, that everyH3606 manH606 that shall hearH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, and dulcimerH5481+H5481, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, shall fall downH5308 and worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755:
And whosoH4479 fallethH5308 notH3809 downH5308 and worshippethH5457, that he should be castH7412 into the midstH1459 of a burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861.
There areH383 certainH1400 JewsH3062 whomH3487 thou hast setH4483 overH5922 the affairsH5673 of the provinceH4083 of BabylonH895, ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665; theseH479 menH1400, O kingH4430, haveH7761 notH3809 regardedH2942 theeH5922: they serveH6399 notH3809 thy godsH426, norH3809 worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 which thou hast set upH6966. {have…: Cald. have set no regard upon thee}
ThenH116 NebuchadnezzarH5020 in his rageH7266 and furyH2528 commandedH560 to bringH858 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665. ThenH116 they broughtH858 theseH479 menH1400 beforeH6925 the kingH4430.
NebuchadnezzarH5020 spakeH6032 and saidH560 unto them, Is it trueH6656, O ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, do notH3809 yeH383 serveH6399 my godsH426, norH3809 worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 which I have setH6966 up? {true: or, of purpose}
NowH3705 ifH2006 ye beH383 readyH6263 that at what timeH5732 ye hearH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, and dulcimerH5481, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, ye fall downH5308 and worshipH5457 the imageH6755 which I have madeH5648; well: but ifH2006 ye worshipH5457 notH3809, ye shall be castH7412 the same hourH8160 into the midstH1459 of a burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861; and whoH4479 is that GodH426 that shall deliverH7804 you out ofH4481 my handsH3028?
ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the kingH4430, O NebuchadnezzarH5020, weH586 are notH3809 carefulH2818 to answerH8421 thee inH5922 thisH1836 matterH6600.
IfH2006 it be so, our GodH426 whom weH586 serveH6399 isH383 ableH3202 to deliverH7804 us fromH4481 the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861, andH4481 he will deliverH7804 us out ofH4481 thine handH3028, O kingH4430.
But ifH2006 notH3809, be itH1934 knownH3046 unto thee, O kingH4430, that we willH383 notH3809 serveH6399 thy godsH426, norH3809 worshipH5457 the goldenH1722 imageH6755 which thou hast set upH6966.
ThenH116 was NebuchadnezzarH5020 fullH4391 of furyH2528, and the formH6755 of his visageH600 was changedH8133 againstH5922 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665: therefore he spakeH6032, and commandedH560 that they should heatH228 the furnaceH861 oneH2298 seven timesH7655 moreH5922 thanH1768 it was wontH2370 to be heatedH228. {full: Cald. filled}
And he commandedH560 the mostH2429 mightyH1401 menH1400 that were in his armyH2429 to bindH3729 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, and to castH7412 them into the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861. {most…: Cald. mighty of strength}
ThenH116 theseH479 menH1400 were boundH3729 in their coatsH5622, their hosenH6361+H6361, and their hatsH3737, and their other garmentsH3831, and were castH7412 into the midstH1459 of the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861. {coats: or, mantles} {hats: or, turbans}
ThereforeH3606+H6903 becauseH4481+H1836 the king'sH4430 commandmentH4406 was urgentH2685, and the furnaceH861 exceedingH3493 hotH228, the flameH7631 of the fireH5135 slewH6992 thoseH479 menH1400+H1994 that took upH5267 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665. {commandment: Cald. word} {flame: or, spark}
And theseH479 threeH8532 menH1400, ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, fell downH5308 boundH3729 into the midstH1459 of the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861.
ThenH116 NebuchadnezzarH5020 the kingH4430 was astoniedH8429, and rose upH6966 in hasteH927, and spakeH6032, and saidH560 unto his counsellorsH1907, Did notH3809 we castH7412 threeH8532 menH1400 boundH3729 into the midstH1459 of the fireH5135? They answeredH6032 and saidH560 unto the kingH4430, TrueH3330, O kingH4430. {counsellors: or, governors}
He answeredH6032 and saidH560, LoH1888, IH576 seeH2370 fourH703 menH1400 looseH8271, walkingH1981 in the midstH1459 of the fireH5135, and they haveH383 noH3809 hurtH2257; and the formH7299 of the fourthH7244 is likeH1821 the SonH1247 of GodH426. {they…: Cald. there is no hurt in them}
ThenH116 NebuchadnezzarH5020 came nearH7127 to the mouthH8651 of the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861, and spakeH6032, and saidH560, ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, ye servantsH5649 of the most highH5943 GodH426, come forthH5312, and comeH858 hither. ThenH116 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, came forthH5312 ofH4481 the midstH1459 of the fireH5135. {mouth: Cald. door}
And the princesH324, governorsH5460, and captainsH6347, and the king'sH4430 counsellorsH1907, being gathered togetherH3673, sawH2370 theseH479 menH1400, upon whose bodiesH1655 the fireH5135 had noH3809 powerH7981, norH3809 was an hairH8177 of their headH7217 singedH2761, neitherH3809 were their coatsH5622 changedH8133, norH3809 the smellH7382 of fireH5135 had passedH5709 on them.
Then NebuchadnezzarH5020 spakeH6032, and saidH560, BlessedH1289 be the GodH426 of ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, who hath sentH7972 his angelH4398, and deliveredH7804 his servantsH5649 that trustedH7365 in himH5922, and have changedH8133 the king'sH4430 wordH4406, and yieldedH3052 their bodiesH1655, that they might notH3809 serveH6399 norH3809 worshipH5457 anyH3606 godH426, exceptH3861 their own GodH426.
Therefore IH4481 makeH7761 a decreeH2942, That everyH3606 peopleH5972, nationH524, and languageH3961, which speakH560 any thing amissH7960+H7955 againstH5922 the GodH426 of ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, shall be cutH5648 in piecesH1917, and their housesH1005 shall be madeH7739 a dunghillH5122: becauseH6903+H3606 there isH383 noH3809 otherH321 GodH426 that canH3202 deliverH5338 after thisH1836 sort. {I make…: Cald. a decree is made by me} {any…: Cald. error} {cut…: Cald. made pieces}
ThenH116 the kingH4430 promotedH6744 ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, in the provinceH4083 of BabylonH895. {promoted: Cald. made to prosper}
Querverweise zu Daniel 3,29 Dan 3,29
IH4481+H6925 makeH7761 a decreeH2942, That in everyH3606 dominionH7985 of my kingdomH4437 men trembleH1934+H2112 and fearH1763 beforeH4481+H6925 the GodH426 of DanielH1841: for he is the livingH2417 GodH426, and stedfastH7011 for everH5957, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255, and his dominionH7985 shall be even untoH5705 the endH5491.
NowH3705 ifH2006 ye beH383 readyH6263 that at what timeH5732 ye hearH8086 the soundH7032 of the cornetH7162, fluteH4953, harpH7030+H7030, sackbutH5443, psalteryH6460, and dulcimerH5481, and allH3606 kindsH2178 of musickH2170, ye fall downH5308 and worshipH5457 the imageH6755 which I have madeH5648; well: but ifH2006 ye worshipH5457 notH3809, ye shall be castH7412 the same hourH8160 into the midstH1459 of a burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861; and whoH4479 is that GodH426 that shall deliverH7804 you out ofH4481 my handsH3028?
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560 to the ChaldeansH3779, The thingH4406 is goneH230 from meH4481: ifH2006 ye will notH3809 make knownH3046 unto me the dreamH2493, with the interpretationH6591 thereof, ye shall be cutH5648 in piecesH1917, and your housesH1005 shall be madeH7761 a dunghillH5122. {cut…: Cald. made pieces}
He deliverethH7804 and rescuethH5338, and he workethH5648 signsH852 and wondersH8540 in heavenH8065 and in earthH772, who hath deliveredH7804 DanielH1841 fromH4481 the powerH3028 of the lionsH744. {power: Cald. hand}
He deliverethH7804 and rescuethH5338, and he workethH5648 signsH852 and wondersH8540 in heavenH8065 and in earthH772, who hath deliveredH7804 DanielH1841 fromH4481 the powerH3028 of the lionsH744. {power: Cald. hand}
IfH2006 it be so, our GodH426 whom weH586 serveH6399 isH383 ableH3202 to deliverH7804 us fromH4481 the burningH3345 fieryH5135 furnaceH861, andH4481 he will deliverH7804 us out ofH4481 thine handH3028, O kingH4430.
Then NebuchadnezzarH5020 spakeH6032, and saidH560, BlessedH1289 be the GodH426 of ShadrachH7715, MeshachH4336, and AbednegoH5665, who hath sentH7972 his angelH4398, and deliveredH7804 his servantsH5649 that trustedH7365 in himH5922, and have changedH8133 the king'sH4430 wordH4406, and yieldedH3052 their bodiesH1655, that they might notH3809 serveH6399 norH3809 worshipH5457 anyH3606 godH426, exceptH3861 their own GodH426.