And the LORDH3068 visitedH6485 SarahH8283 as he had saidH559, and the LORDH3068 didH6213 unto SarahH8283 as he had spokenH1696.
For SarahH8283 conceivedH2029, and bareH3205 AbrahamH85 a sonH1121 in his old ageH2208, at the set timeH4150 of which GodH430 had spokenH1696 to him.
And AbrahamH85 calledH7121 the nameH8034 of his sonH1121 that was bornH3205 unto him, whom SarahH8283 bareH3205 to him, IsaacH3327.
And AbrahamH85 circumcisedH4135 his sonH1121 IsaacH3327 being eightH8083 daysH3117 oldH1121, as GodH430 had commandedH6680 him.
And AbrahamH85 was an hundredH3967 yearsH8141 oldH1121, when his sonH1121 IsaacH3327 was bornH3205 unto him.
And SarahH8283 saidH559, GodH430 hath madeH6213 me to laughH6712, so that all that hearH8085 will laughH6711 with me.
And she saidH559, Who would have saidH4448 unto AbrahamH85, that SarahH8283 should have given childrenH1121 suckH3243? for I have bornH3205 him a sonH1121 in his old ageH2208.
And the childH3206 grewH1431, and was weanedH1580: and AbrahamH85 madeH6213 a greatH1419 feastH4960 the same dayH3117 that IsaacH3327 was weanedH1580.
And SarahH8283 sawH7200 the sonH1121 of HagarH1904 the EgyptianH4713, which she had bornH3205 unto AbrahamH85, mockingH6711.
Wherefore she saidH559 unto AbrahamH85, Cast outH1644 this bondwomanH519 and her sonH1121: for the sonH1121 of this bondwomanH519 shall not be heirH3423 with my sonH1121, even with IsaacH3327.
And the thingH1697 was veryH3966 grievousH3415 in Abraham'sH85 sightH5869 becauseH182 of his sonH1121.
And GodH430 saidH559 unto AbrahamH85, Let it not be grievousH3415 in thy sightH5869 because of the ladH5288, and because of thy bondwomanH519; in all that SarahH8283 hath saidH559 unto thee, hearkenH8085 unto her voiceH6963; for in IsaacH3327 shall thy seedH2233 be calledH7121.
And also of the sonH1121 of the bondwomanH519 will I makeH7760 a nationH1471, because he is thy seedH2233.
And AbrahamH85 rose up earlyH7925 in the morningH1242, and tookH3947 breadH3899, and a bottleH2573 of waterH4325, and gaveH5414 it unto HagarH1904, puttingH7760 it on her shoulderH7926, and the childH3206, and sent her awayH7971: and she departedH3212, and wanderedH8582 in the wildernessH4057 of BeershebaH884.
And the waterH4325 was spentH3615 inH4480 the bottleH2573, and she castH7993 the childH3206 under oneH259 of the shrubsH7880.
And she wentH3212, and sat her downH3427 over againstH5048 him a good way offH7368, as it were a bowshotH2909+H7198: for she saidH559, Let me not seeH7200 the deathH4194 of the childH3206. And she satH3427 over against him, and lift upH5375 her voiceH6963, and weptH1058.
And GodH430 heardH8085 the voiceH6963 of the ladH5288; and the angelH4397 of GodH430 calledH7121 to HagarH1904 out of heavenH8064, and saidH559 unto her, What aileth thee, HagarH1904? fearH3372 not; for GodH430 hath heardH8085 the voiceH6963 of the ladH5288 where he is.
AriseH6965, lift upH5375 the ladH5288, and holdH2388 him in thine handH3027; for I will makeH7760 him a greatH1419 nationH1471.
And GodH430 openedH6491 her eyesH5869, and she sawH7200 a wellH875 of waterH4325; and she wentH3212, and filledH4390 the bottleH2573 with waterH4325, and gaveH8248 the ladH5288 drinkH8248.
And GodH430 was with the ladH5288; and he grewH1431, and dweltH3427 in the wildernessH4057, and became an archerH7235+H7199.
And he dweltH3427 in the wildernessH4057 of ParanH6290: and his motherH517 tookH3947 him a wifeH802 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
And it came to pass at that timeH6256, that AbimelechH40 and PhicholH6369 the chief captainH8269 of his hostH6635 spakeH559 unto AbrahamH85, sayingH559, GodH430 is with thee in all that thou doestH6213:
Now therefore swearH7650 unto me hereH2008 by GodH430 that thou wilt not deal falselyH8266 with me, nor with my sonH5209, nor with my son's sonH5220: but according to the kindnessH2617 that I have doneH6213 unto thee, thou shalt doH6213 unto me, and to the landH776 wherein thou hast sojournedH1481. {that thou…: Heb. if thou shalt lie unto me}
And AbrahamH85 saidH559, I will swearH7650.
And AbrahamH85 reprovedH3198 AbimelechH40 becauseH182 of a wellH875 of waterH4325, which Abimelech'sH40 servantsH5650 had violently taken awayH1497.
And AbimelechH40 saidH559, I wotH3045 not who hath doneH6213 this thingH1697: neitherH3808 didst thou tellH5046 me, neitherH3808 yet heardH8085 I of it, butH1115 to dayH3117.
And AbrahamH85 tookH3947 sheepH6629 and oxenH1241, and gaveH5414 them unto AbimelechH40; and both of themH8147 madeH3772 a covenantH1285.
And AbrahamH85 setH5324 sevenH7651 ewe lambsH3535 of the flockH6629 by themselves.
And AbimelechH40 saidH559 unto AbrahamH85, WhatH2008 mean these sevenH7651 ewe lambsH3535 which thou hast setH5324 by themselves?
And he saidH559, For these sevenH7651 ewe lambsH3535 shalt thou takeH3947 of my handH3027, thatH5668 they may be a witnessH5713 unto me, that I have diggedH2658 this wellH875.
Wherefore he calledH7121 that placeH4725 BeershebaH884; because there they swareH7650 both of themH8147. {Beersheba: that is, The well of the oath}
Thus they madeH3772 a covenantH1285 at BeershebaH884: then AbimelechH40 rose upH6965, and PhicholH6369 the chief captainH8269 of his hostH6635, and they returnedH7725 into the landH776 of the PhilistinesH6430.
And Abraham plantedH5193 a groveH815 in BeershebaH884, and calledH7121 there on the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068, the everlastingH5769 GodH410. {grove: or, tree}
And AbrahamH85 sojournedH1481 in the Philistines'H6430 landH776 manyH7227 daysH3117.
Querverweise zu 1. Mose 21,15 1Mo 21,15
And AbrahamH85 rose up earlyH7925 in the morningH1242, and tookH3947 breadH3899, and a bottleH2573 of waterH4325, and gaveH5414 it unto HagarH1904, puttingH7760 it on her shoulderH7926, and the childH3206, and sent her awayH7971: and she departedH3212, and wanderedH8582 in the wildernessH4057 of BeershebaH884.
So MosesH4872 broughtH5265 IsraelH3478 from the RedH5488 seaH3220, and they went outH3318 into the wildernessH4057 of ShurH7793; and they wentH3212 threeH7969 daysH3117 in the wildernessH4057, and foundH4672 no waterH4325.
And when they cameH935 to MarahH4785, they couldH3201 not drinkH8354 of the watersH4325 of MarahH4785, for they were bitterH4751: therefore the nameH8034 of it was calledH7121 MarahH4785. {Marah: that is Bitterness}
And the peopleH5971 murmuredH3885 against MosesH4872, sayingH559, What shall we drinkH8354?
And he criedH6817 unto the LORDH3068; and the LORDH3068 shewedH3384 him a treeH6086, which when he had castH7993 into the watersH4325, the watersH4325 were made sweetH4985: there he madeH7760 for them a statuteH2706 and an ordinanceH4941, and there he provedH5254 them,
And all the congregationH5712 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 journeyedH5265 from the wildernessH4057 of SinH5512, after their journeysH4550, according to the commandmentH6310 of the LORDH3068, and pitchedH2583 in RephidimH7508: and there was no waterH4325 for the peopleH5971 to drinkH8354.
Wherefore the peopleH5971 did chideH7378 with MosesH4872, and saidH559, GiveH5414 us waterH4325 that we may drinkH8354. And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto them, Why chideH7378 ye with me? wherefore do ye temptH5254 the LORDH3068?
And the peopleH5971 thirstedH6770 there for waterH4325; and the peopleH5971 murmuredH3885 against MosesH4872, and saidH559, Wherefore is this that thou hast broughtH5927 us up out of EgyptH4714, to killH4191 us and our childrenH1121 and our cattleH4735 with thirstH6772?
So the kingH4428 of IsraelH3478 wentH3212, and the kingH4428 of JudahH3063, and the kingH4428 of EdomH123: and they fetched a compassH5437 of sevenH7651 days'H3117 journeyH1870: and there was no waterH4325 for the hostH4264, and for the cattleH929 that followedH7272 them. {that…: Heb. at their feet}
A PsalmH4210 of DavidH1732, when he was in the wildernessH4057 of JudahH3063. O GodH430, thou art my GodH410; early will I seekH7836 thee: my soulH5315 thirstethH6770 for thee, my fleshH1320 longethH3642 for thee in a dryH6723 and thirstyH5889 landH776, where noH1097 waterH4325 is; {thirsty: Heb. weary} {where…: without water}
The smithH1270+H2796 with the tongsH4621 both workethH6466 in the coalsH6352, and fashionethH3335 it with hammersH4717, and workethH6466 it with the strengthH3581 of his armsH2220: yea, he is hungryH7457, and his strengthH3581 failethH369: he drinkethH8354 no waterH4325, and is faintH3286. {with the tongs: or, with an axe}