And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 didH6213 evilH7451 againH3254 in the sightH5869 of the LORDH3068; and the LORDH3068 deliveredH5414 them into the handH3027 of the PhilistinesH6430 fortyH705 yearsH8141. {did evil…: Heb. added to commit, etc}
And there was a certainH259 manH376 of ZorahH6881, of the familyH4940 of the DanitesH1839, whose nameH8034 was ManoahH4495; and his wifeH802 was barrenH6135, and bareH3205 not.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 unto the womanH802, and saidH559 unto her, Behold now, thou art barrenH6135, and bearestH3205 not: but thou shalt conceiveH2029, and bearH3205 a sonH1121.
Now therefore bewareH8104, I pray thee, and drinkH8354 not wineH3196 nor strong drinkH7941, and eatH398 not any uncleanH2931 thing:
For, lo, thou shalt conceiveH2030, and bearH3205 a sonH1121; and no razorH4177 shall comeH5927 on his headH7218: for the childH5288 shall be a NazariteH5139 unto GodH430 from the wombH990: and he shall beginH2490 to deliverH3467 IsraelH3478 out of the handH3027 of the PhilistinesH6430.
Then the womanH802 cameH935 and toldH559 her husbandH376, sayingH559, A manH376 of GodH430 cameH935 unto me, and his countenanceH4758 was like the countenanceH4758 of an angelH4397 of GodH430, veryH3966 terribleH3372: but I askedH7592 him not whence he was, neither toldH5046 he me his nameH8034:
But he saidH559 unto me, Behold, thou shalt conceiveH2030, and bearH3205 a sonH1121; and now drinkH7941 no wineH3196 nor strong drinkH8354, neither eatH398 any uncleanH2932 thing: for the childH5288 shall be a NazariteH5139 to GodH430 from the wombH990 to the dayH3117 of his deathH4194.
Then ManoahH4495 intreatedH6279 the LORDH3068, and saidH559, OH994 my LordH136, letH4994 the manH376 of GodH430 which thou didst sendH7971 come againH935 unto us, and teachH3384 us what we shall doH6213 unto the childH5288 that shall be bornH3205.
And GodH430 hearkenedH8085 to the voiceH6963 of ManoahH4495; and the angelH4397 of GodH430 came againH935 unto the womanH802 as she satH3427 in the fieldH7704: but ManoahH4495 her husbandH376 was not with her.
And the womanH802 made hasteH4116, and ranH7323, and shewedH5046 her husbandH376, and saidH559 unto him, Behold, the manH376 hath appearedH7200 unto me, that cameH935 unto me the other dayH3117.
And ManoahH4495 aroseH6965, and wentH3212 afterH310 his wifeH802, and cameH935 to the manH376, and saidH559 unto him, Art thou the manH376 that spakestH1696 unto the womanH802? And he saidH559, I am.
And ManoahH4495 saidH559, Now let thy wordsH1697 come to passH935. How shall we orderH4941 the childH5288, and how shall we doH4639 unto him? {How shall we order…: Heb. What shall be the manner of the, etc} {how shall we do…: or, what shall he do?: Heb. what shall be his work?}
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto ManoahH4495, Of all that I saidH559 unto the womanH802 let her bewareH8104.
She may not eatH398 of any thing that comethH3318 of the vineH1612, neither let her drinkH8354 wineH3196 or strong drinkH7941, nor eatH398 any uncleanH2932 thing: all that I commandedH6680 her let her observeH8104.
And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068, I pray thee, let us detainH6113 thee, until we shall have made readyH6213 a kidH1423+H5795 forH6440 thee. {for thee: Heb. before thee}
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto ManoahH4495, Though thou detainH6113 me, I will not eatH398 of thy breadH3899: and ifH518 thou wilt offerH6213 a burnt offeringH5930, thou must offerH5927 it unto the LORDH3068. For ManoahH4495 knewH3045 not that he was an angelH4397 of the LORDH3068.
And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068, What is thy nameH8034, that when thy sayingsH1697 come to passH935 we may do thee honourH3513?
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto him, Why askestH7592 thou thus after my nameH8034, seeing it is secretH6383+H6383? {secret: or, wonderful}
So ManoahH4495 tookH3947 a kidH1423+H5795 with a meat offeringH4503, and offeredH5927 it upon a rockH6697 unto the LORDH3068: and the angel didH6213 wondrouslyH6381; and ManoahH4495 and his wifeH802 looked onH7200.
For it came to pass, when the flameH3851 went upH5927 toward heavenH8064 from off the altarH4196, that the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 ascendedH5927 in the flameH3851 of the altarH4196. And ManoahH4495 and his wifeH802 looked onH7200 it, and fell onH5307 their facesH6440 to the groundH776.
But the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 did no moreH3254 appearH7200 to ManoahH4495 and to his wifeH802. Then ManoahH4495 knewH3045 that he was an angelH4397 of the LORDH3068.
And ManoahH4495 saidH559 unto his wifeH802, We shall surelyH4191 dieH4191, because we have seenH7200 GodH430.
But his wifeH802 saidH559 unto him, IfH3863 the LORDH3068 were pleasedH2654 to killH4191 us, he would not have receivedH3947 a burnt offeringH5930 and a meat offeringH4503 at our handsH3027, neither would he have shewedH7200 us all these things, nor would as at this timeH6256 have toldH8085 us such things as theseH2063.
And the womanH802 bareH3205 a sonH1121, and calledH7121 his nameH8034 SamsonH8123: and the childH5288 grewH1431, and the LORDH3068 blessedH1288 him.
And the SpiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 beganH2490 to move him at timesH6470 in the campH4264 of DanH1835 between ZorahH6881 and EshtaolH847. {the camp…: Heb. Mahanehdan}
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And an angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 came upH5927 from GilgalH1537 to BochimH1066, and saidH559, I made you to go upH5927 out of EgyptH4714, and have broughtH935 you unto the landH776 which I swareH7650 unto your fathersH1; and I saidH559, I will neverH5769 breakH6565 my covenantH1285 with you. {angel: or, messenger}
And I will blessH1288 her, and giveH5414 thee a sonH1121 also of her: yea, I will blessH1288 her, and she shall be a mother of nationsH1471; kingsH4428 of peopleH5971 shall be of her. {she…: Heb. she shall become nations}
And there cameH935 an angelH4397 of the LORDH3068, and satH3427 under an oakH424 which was in OphrahH6084, that pertained unto JoashH3101 the AbiezriteH33: and his sonH1121 GideonH1439 threshedH2251 wheatH2406 by the winepressH1660, to hideH5127 it fromH6440 the MidianitesH4080. {Gideon: Gr. Gedeon} {to hide…: Heb. to cause it to flee}
And he saidH559, I will certainlyH7725 returnH7725 unto thee according to the timeH6256 of lifeH2416; and, lo, SarahH8283 thy wifeH802 shall have a sonH1121. And SarahH8283 heardH8085 it in the tentH168 doorH6607, which was behind himH310.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 unto him, and saidH559 unto him, The LORDH3068 is with thee, thou mightyH1368 man of valourH2428.
Wherefore it came to pass, when the timeH3117 was comeH8622 about after HannahH2584 had conceivedH2029, that she bareH3205 a sonH1121, and calledH7121 his nameH8034 SamuelH8050, saying, Because I have askedH7592 him of the LORDH3068. {when…: Heb. in revolution of days} {Samuel: that is, Asked of God}
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 found herH4672 by a fountainH5869 of waterH4325 in the wildernessH4057, by the fountainH5869 in the wayH1870 to ShurH7793.
And he saidH559, HagarH1904, Sarai'sH8297 maidH8198, whenceH335 camest thouH935? and whither wilt thou goH3212? And she saidH559, I fleeH1272 from the faceH6440 of my mistressH1404 SaraiH8297.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, ReturnH7725 to thy mistressH1404, and submitH6031 thyself under her handsH3027.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, I will multiplyH7235 thy seedH2233 exceedinglyH7235, that it shall not be numberedH5608 for multitudeH7230.
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto her, BeholdH2009, thou art with childH2030, and shalt bearH3205 a sonH1121, and shalt callH7121 his nameH8034 IshmaelH3458; because the LORDH3068 hath heardH8085 thy afflictionH6040. {Ishmael: that is, God shall hear}
And he will be a wildH6501 manH120; his handH3027 will be against every man, and every man's handH3027 against him; and he shall dwellH7931 in the presenceH6440 of all his brethrenH251.
And she calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 that spakeH1696 unto her, Thou GodH410 seest meH7210: for she saidH559, Have I also hereH1988 lookedH7200 after himH310 that seeth meH7210?
And he saidH559, About this seasonH4150, according to the timeH6256 of lifeH2416, thou shalt embraceH2263 a sonH1121. And she saidH559, Nay, my lordH113, thou manH376 of GodH430, do not lieH3576 unto thine handmaidH8198. {season: Heb. set time}
AndG1161 there appearedG3700 unto himG846 an angelG32 of the LordG2962 standingG2476 onG1537 the right sideG1188 of the altarG2379 of incenseG2368.
ButG1161 the angelG32 saidG2036 untoG4314 himG846, FearG5399 notG3361, ZachariasG2197: forG1360 thyG4675 prayerG1162 is heardG1522; andG2532 thyG4675 wifeG1135 ElisabethG1665 shall bearG1080 theeG4671 a sonG5207, andG2532 thou shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JohnG2491.
AndG2532 the angelG32 came inG1525 untoG4314 herG846, and saidG2036, HailG5463, thou that art highly favouredG5487, the LordG2962 is withG3326 theeG4675: blessedG2127 art thouG4771 amongG1722 womenG1135. {highly…: or, graciously accepted, or, of much grace}
AndG1161 when she sawG1492 him, she was troubledG1298 atG1909 hisG846 sayingG3056, andG2532 cast in her mindG1260 what mannerG4217 of salutationG783 thisG3778 should beG1498.
AndG2532 the angelG32 saidG2036 unto herG846, FearG5399 notG3361, MaryG3137: forG1063 thou hast foundG2147 favourG5485 withG3844 GodG2316.
AndG2532, beholdG2400, thou shalt conceiveG4815 inG1722 thy wombG1064, andG2532 bring forthG5088 a sonG5207, andG2532 shalt callG2564 hisG846 nameG3686 JESUSG2424.
HeG3778 shall beG2071 greatG3173, andG2532 shall be calledG2564 the SonG5207 of the HighestG5310: andG2532 the LordG2962 GodG2316 shall giveG1325 unto himG846 the throneG2362 of hisG846 fatherG3962 DavidG1138:
AndG2532 he shall reignG936 overG1909 the houseG3624 of JacobG2384 forG1519 everG165; andG2532 of hisG846 kingdomG932 there shall beG2071 noG3756 endG5056.
ThenG1161 saidG2036 MaryG3137 untoG4314 the angelG32, HowG4459 shallG2071 thisG5124 beG2071, seeingG1893 I knowG1097 notG3756 a manG435?
AndG2532 the angelG32 answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto herG846, The HolyG40 GhostG4151 shall comeG1904 uponG1909 theeG4571, andG2532 the powerG1411 of the HighestG5310 shall overshadowG1982 theeG4671: thereforeG1352 alsoG2532 that holy thingG40 which shall be bornG1080 ofG1537 theeG4675 shall be calledG2564 the SonG5207 of GodG2316.
AndG2532, beholdG2400, thyG4675 cousinG4773 ElisabethG1665, sheG846 hathG4815 alsoG2532 conceivedG4815 a sonG5207 inG1722 herG846 old ageG1094: andG2532 thisG3778 isG2076 the sixthG1623 monthG3376 with herG846, whoG3588 was calledG2564 barrenG4723.
ForG3754 withG3844 GodG2316 nothingG3756+G3956+G4487 shall be impossibleG101.
AndG1161 MaryG3137 saidG2036, BeholdG2400 the handmaidG1399 of the LordG2962; be itG1096 unto meG3427 accordingG2596 to thyG4675 wordG4487. AndG2532 the angelG32 departedG565 fromG575 herG846.