And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 unto MosesH4872 in mountH2022 SinaiH5514, sayingH559,
SpeakH1696 unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, and sayH559 unto them, When ye comeH935 into the landH776 which I giveH5414 you, then shall the landH776 keepH7673 a sabbathH7676 unto the LORDH3068. {keep: Heb. rest}
SixH8337 yearsH8141 thou shalt sowH2232 thy fieldH7704, and sixH8337 yearsH8141 thou shalt pruneH2168 thy vineyardH3754, and gatherH622 in the fruitH8393 thereof;
But in the seventhH7637 yearH8141 shall be a sabbathH7676 of restH7677 unto the landH776, a sabbathH7676 for the LORDH3068: thou shalt neither sowH2232 thy fieldH7704, nor pruneH2168 thy vineyardH3754.
That which groweth of its own accordH5599 of thy harvestH7105 thou shalt not reapH7114, neither gatherH1219 the grapesH6025 of thy vine undressedH5139: for it is a yearH8141 of restH7677 unto the landH776. {of thy vine…: Heb. of thy separation}
And the sabbathH7676 of the landH776 shall be meatH402 for you; for thee, and for thy servantH5650, and for thy maidH519, and for thy hired servantH7916, and for thy strangerH8453 that sojournethH1481 with thee,
And for thy cattleH929, and for the beastH2416 that are in thy landH776, shall all the increaseH8393 thereof be meatH398.
And thou shalt numberH5608 sevenH7651 sabbathsH7676 of yearsH8141 unto thee, sevenH7651 timesH6471 sevenH7651 yearsH8141; and the spaceH3117 of the sevenH7651 sabbathsH7676 of yearsH8141 shall be unto thee fortyH705 and nineH8672 yearsH8141.
Then shalt thou cause the trumpetH7782 of the jubileH8643 to soundH5674 on the tenthH6218 day of the seventhH7637 monthH2320, in the dayH3117 of atonementH3725 shall ye make the trumpetH7782 soundH5674 throughout all your landH776. {of the jubile: Heb. loud of sound}
And ye shall hallowH6942 the fiftiethH2572+H8141 yearH8141, and proclaimH7121 libertyH1865 throughout all the landH776 unto all the inhabitantsH3427 thereof: it shall be a jubileH3104 unto you; and ye shall returnH7725 every manH376 unto his possessionH272, and ye shall returnH7725 every manH376 unto his familyH4940.
A jubileH3104 shall that fiftiethH2572+H8141 yearH8141 be unto you: ye shall not sowH2232, neither reapH7114 that which growethH5599 of itself in it, nor gatherH1219 the grapes in it of thy vine undressedH5139.
For it is the jubileH3104; it shall be holyH6944 unto you: ye shall eatH398 the increaseH8393 thereof out of the fieldH7704.
In the yearH8141 of this jubileH3104 ye shall returnH7725 every manH376 unto his possessionH272.
And if thou sellH4376 oughtH4465 unto thy neighbourH5997, or buyestH7069 ought of thy neighbour'sH5997 handH3027, ye shall not oppressH3238 oneH376 anotherH251:
According to the numberH4557 of yearsH8141 afterH310 the jubileH3104 thou shalt buyH7069 of thy neighbourH5997, and according unto the numberH4557 of yearsH8141 of the fruitsH8393 he shall sellH4376 unto thee:
AccordingH6310 to the multitudeH7230 of yearsH8141 thou shalt increaseH7235 the priceH4736 thereof, and accordingH6310 to the fewnessH4591 of yearsH8141 thou shalt diminishH4591 the priceH4736 of it: for according to the numberH4557 of the years of the fruitsH8393 doth he sellH4376 unto thee.
Ye shall not therefore oppressH3238 oneH376 anotherH5997; but thou shalt fearH3372 thy GodH430: for I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430.
Wherefore ye shall doH6213 my statutesH2708, and keepH8104 my judgmentsH4941, and doH6213 them; and ye shall dwellH3427 in the landH776 in safetyH983.
And the landH776 shall yieldH5414 her fruitH6529, and ye shall eatH398 your fillH7648, and dwellH3427 therein in safetyH983.
And if ye shall sayH559, What shall we eatH398 the seventhH7637 yearH8141? behold, we shall not sowH2232, nor gatherH622 in our increaseH8393:
Then I will commandH6680 my blessingH1293 upon you in the sixthH8345 yearH8141, and it shall bring forthH6213 fruitH8393 for threeH7969 yearsH8141.
And ye shall sowH2232 the eighthH8066 yearH8141, and eatH398 yet of oldH3465 fruitH8393 until the ninthH8671 yearH8141; until her fruitsH8393 come inH935 ye shall eatH398 of the oldH3465 store.
The landH776 shall not be soldH4376 for everH6783: for the landH776 is mine; for ye are strangersH1616 and sojournersH8453 with me. {for ever: or, to be quite cut off: Heb. for cutting off}
And in all the landH776 of your possessionH272 ye shall grantH5414 a redemptionH1353 for the landH776.
If thy brotherH251 be waxen poorH4134, and hath soldH4376 away some of his possessionH272, and if any of his kinH7138 comeH935 to redeemH1350 it, then shall he redeemH1350 that which his brotherH251 soldH4465.
And if the manH376 have none to redeemH1350 it, and himselfH3027 be ableH1767+H5381 to redeemH4672+H1353 it; {himself…: Heb. his hand hath attained and found sufficiency}
Then let him countH2803 the yearsH8141 of the saleH4465 thereof, and restoreH7725 the overplusH5736 unto the manH376 to whom he soldH4376 it; that he may returnH7725 unto his possessionH272.
But if heH3027 be not ableH1767 to restoreH4672+H7725 it to him, then that which is soldH4465 shall remain in the handH3027 of him that hath boughtH7069 it until the yearH8141 of jubileH3104: and in the jubileH3104 it shall go outH3318, and he shall returnH7725 unto his possessionH272.
And if a manH376 sellH4376 a dwellingH4186 houseH1004 in a walledH2346 cityH5892, then he may redeemH1353 it within a wholeH8552 yearH8141 after it is soldH4465; within a full yearH3117 may he redeemH1353 it.
And if it be not redeemedH1350 within the spaceH4390 of a fullH8549 yearH8141, then the houseH1004 that is in the walledH2346 cityH5892 shall be establishedH6965 for everH6783 to him that boughtH7069 it throughout his generationsH1755: it shall not go outH3318 in the jubileH3104.
But the housesH1004 of the villagesH2691 which have no wallH2346 round aboutH5439 them shall be countedH2803 as the fieldsH7704 of the countryH776: they may be redeemedH1353, and they shall go outH3318 in the jubileH3104. {they may…: Heb. redemption belongeth unto it}
Notwithstanding the citiesH5892 of the LevitesH3881, and the housesH1004 of the citiesH5892 of their possessionH272, may the LevitesH3881 redeemH1353 at any timeH5769.
And if a man purchaseH1350 of the LevitesH3881, then the houseH1004 that was soldH4465, and the cityH5892 of his possessionH272, shall go outH3318 in the year of jubileH3104: for the housesH1004 of the citiesH5892 of the LevitesH3881 are their possessionH272 amongH8432 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478. {a man…: or, one of the Levites redeem them}
But the fieldH7704 of the suburbsH4054 of their citiesH5892 may not be soldH4376; for it is their perpetualH5769 possessionH272.
And if thy brotherH251 be waxen poorH4134, and fallen in decayH4131 with theeH3027; then thou shalt relieveH2388 him: yea, though he be a strangerH1616, or a sojournerH8453; that he may liveH2416 with thee. {fallen…: Heb. his hand faileth} {relieve: Heb. strengthen}
TakeH3947 thou no usuryH5392 of him, or increaseH8636: but fearH3372 thy GodH430; that thy brotherH251 may liveH2416 with thee.
Thou shalt not giveH5414 him thy moneyH3701 upon usuryH5392, nor lendH5414 him thy victualsH400 for increaseH4768.
I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430, which brought you forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714, to giveH5414 you the landH776 of CanaanH3667, and to be your GodH430.
And if thy brotherH251 that dwelleth by thee be waxen poorH4134, and be soldH4376 unto thee; thou shalt not compelH5647 him to serveH5656 as a bondservantH5650: {compel…: Heb. serve thyself with him with the service, etc}
But as an hired servantH7916, and as a sojournerH8453, he shall be with thee, and shall serveH5647 thee unto the yearH8141 of jubileH3104:
And then shall he departH3318 from thee, both he and his childrenH1121 with him, and shall returnH7725 unto his own familyH4940, and unto the possessionH272 of his fathersH1 shall he returnH7725.
For they are my servantsH5650, which I brought forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714: they shall not be soldH4376 asH4466 bondmenH5650. {as…: Heb. with the sale of a bondman}
Thou shalt not ruleH7287 over him with rigourH6531; but shalt fearH3372 thy GodH430.
Both thy bondmenH5650, and thy bondmaidsH519, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathenH1471 that are round aboutH5439 you; of them shall ye buyH7069 bondmenH5650 and bondmaidsH519.
Moreover of the childrenH1121 of the strangersH8453 that do sojournH1481 among you, of them shall ye buyH7069, and of their familiesH4940 that are with you, which they begatH3205 in your landH776: and they shall be your possessionH272.
And ye shall take them as an inheritanceH5157 for your childrenH1121 afterH310 you, to inheritH3423 them for a possessionH272; they shall be your bondmenH5647 for everH5769: but over your brethrenH251 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, ye shall not ruleH7287 oneH376 over anotherH251 with rigourH6531. {they…: Heb. ye shall serve yourselves with them}
And if a sojournerH1616 or strangerH8453 wax richH5381 by theeH3027, and thy brotherH251 that dwelleth by him wax poorH4134, and sellH4376 himself unto the strangerH1616 or sojournerH8453 by thee, or to the stockH6133 of the stranger'sH1616 familyH4940: {wax rich…: Heb. his hand obtain, etc}
AfterH310 that he is soldH4376 he may be redeemed againH1353; oneH259 of his brethrenH251 may redeemH1350 him:
Either his uncleH1730, or his uncle'sH1730 sonH1121, may redeemH1350 him, or any that is nighH7607 of kinH1320 unto him of his familyH4940 may redeemH1350 him; or if he be ableH5381, he may redeemH1350 himselfH3027.
And he shall reckonH2803 with him that boughtH7069 him from the yearH8141 that he was soldH4376 to him unto the yearH8141 of jubileH3104: and the priceH3701 of his saleH4465 shall be according unto the numberH4557 of yearsH8141, according to the timeH3117 of an hired servantH7916 shall it be with him.
If there be yet manyH7227 yearsH8141 behind, accordingH6310 unto them he shall give againH7725 the price of his redemptionH1353 out of the moneyH3701 that he was boughtH4736 for.
And if there remainH7604 but fewH4592 yearsH8141 unto the yearH8141 of jubileH3104, then he shall countH2803 with him, and accordingH6310 unto his yearsH8141 shall he give him againH7725 the price of his redemptionH1353.
And as a yearlyH8141+H8141 hired servantH7916 shall he be with him: and the other shall not ruleH7287 with rigourH6531 over him in thy sightH5869.
And if he be not redeemedH1350 in these years, then he shall go outH3318 in the yearH8141 of jubileH3104, both he, and his childrenH1121 with him. {in these…: or, by these means}
For unto me the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 are servantsH5650; they are my servantsH5650 whom I brought forthH3318 out of the landH776 of EgyptH4714: I am the LORDH3068 your GodH430.
Querverweise zu 3. Mose 25,21 3Mo 25,21
Then IsaacH3327 sowedH2232 in that landH776, and receivedH4672 in the same yearH8141 an hundredfoldH3967+H8180: and the LORDH3068 blessedH1288 him. {received: Heb. found}
But in the seventhH7637 yearH8141 shall be a sabbathH7676 of restH7677 unto the landH776, a sabbathH7676 for the LORDH3068: thou shalt neither sowH2232 thy fieldH7704, nor pruneH2168 thy vineyardH3754.
And thou shalt numberH5608 sevenH7651 sabbathsH7676 of yearsH8141 unto thee, sevenH7651 timesH6471 sevenH7651 yearsH8141; and the spaceH3117 of the sevenH7651 sabbathsH7676 of yearsH8141 shall be unto thee fortyH705 and nineH8672 yearsH8141.
Then shalt thou cause the trumpetH7782 of the jubileH8643 to soundH5674 on the tenthH6218 day of the seventhH7637 monthH2320, in the dayH3117 of atonementH3725 shall ye make the trumpetH7782 soundH5674 throughout all your landH776. {of the jubile: Heb. loud of sound}
And ye shall hallowH6942 the fiftiethH2572+H8141 yearH8141, and proclaimH7121 libertyH1865 throughout all the landH776 unto all the inhabitantsH3427 thereof: it shall be a jubileH3104 unto you; and ye shall returnH7725 every manH376 unto his possessionH272, and ye shall returnH7725 every manH376 unto his familyH4940.
A jubileH3104 shall that fiftiethH2572+H8141 yearH8141 be unto you: ye shall not sowH2232, neither reapH7114 that which growethH5599 of itself in it, nor gatherH1219 the grapes in it of thy vine undressedH5139.
SeeH7200, for that the LORDH3068 hath givenH5414 you the sabbathH7676, therefore he givethH5414 you on the sixthH8345 dayH3117 the breadH3899 of two daysH3117; abideH3427 ye every manH376 in his place, let no manH376 go outH3318 of his placeH4725 on the seventhH7637 dayH3117.
The LORDH3068 shall commandH6680 the blessingH1293 upon thee in thy storehousesH618, and in all that thou settestH4916 thine handH3027 unto; and he shall blessH1288 thee in the landH776 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 givethH5414 thee. {storehouses: or, barns}