It pleasedH6925+H8232 DariusH1868 to setH6966 overH5922 the kingdomH4437 an hundredH3969 and twentyH6243 princesH324, which should beH1934 over the wholeH3606 kingdomH4437;
And overH5924 theseH4481 threeH8532 presidentsH5632; of whomH4481 DanielH1841 was firstH2298: thatH459 the princesH324 mightH1934 giveH3052 accountsH2941 unto them, and the kingH4430 should haveH1934 noH3809 damageH5142.
ThenH116 thisH1836 DanielH1841 wasH1934 preferredH5330 aboveH5922 the presidentsH5632 and princesH324, becauseH3606+H6903 an excellentH3493 spiritH7308 was in him; and the kingH4430 thoughtH6246 to setH6966 him overH5922 the wholeH3606 realmH4437.
ThenH116 the presidentsH5632 and princesH324 soughtH1934+H1156 to findH7912 occasionH5931 against DanielH1841 concerningH6655 the kingdomH4437; butH3606 they couldH3202 findH7912 noneH3809 occasionH5931 norH3809 faultH7844; forasmuchH6903 as he was faithfulH540, neitherH3809 was there anyH3606 errorH7960 or faultH7844 foundH7912 in himH5922.
ThenH116 saidH560 theseH479 menH1400, We shall notH3809 findH7912 anyH3606 occasionH5931 againstH5922 thisH1836 DanielH1841, exceptH3861 we findH7912 it against him concerning the lawH1882 of his GodH426.
ThenH116 theseH459 presidentsH5632 and princesH324 assembled togetherH7284 to the kingH4430, and saidH560 thusH3652 unto himH5922, KingH4430 DariusH1868, liveH2418 for everH5957. {assembled…: or, came tumultuously}
AllH3606 the presidentsH5632 of the kingdomH4437, the governorsH5460, and the princesH324, the counsellorsH1907, and the captainsH6347, have consulted togetherH3272 to establishH6966 a royalH4430 statuteH7010, and to make a firmH8631 decreeH633, that whosoever shall askH1156 a petitionH1159 ofH4481 anyH3606 GodH426 or manH606 forH5705 thirtyH8533 daysH3118, saveH3861 of theeH4481, O kingH4430, he shall be castH7412 into the denH1358 of lionsH744. {decree: or, interdict}
NowH3705, O kingH4430, establishH6966 the decreeH633, and signH7560 the writingH3792, that it be notH3809 changedH8133, according to the lawH1882 of the MedesH4076 and PersiansH6540, which alterethH5709 notH3809. {altereth not: Cald. passeth not}
WhereforeH3606+H1836+H6903 kingH4430 DariusH1868 signedH7560 the writingH3792 and the decreeH633.
Now when DanielH1841 knewH3046 that the writingH3792 was signedH7560, he wentH5954 into his houseH1005; and his windowsH3551 being openH6606 in his chamberH5952 towardH5049 JerusalemH3390, he kneeledH1289 uponH5922 his kneesH1291 threeH8532 timesH2166 a dayH3118, and prayedH6739, and gave thanksH3029 beforeH6925 his GodH426, asH6903+H3606 he didH1934+H5648 aforetimeH4481+H1836+H6928.
ThenH116 theseH479 menH1400 assembledH7284, and foundH7912 DanielH1841 prayingH1156 and making supplicationH2604 beforeH6925 his GodH426.
ThenH116 they came nearH7127, and spakeH560 beforeH6925 the kingH4430 concerningH5922 the king'sH4430 decreeH633; Hast thou notH3809 signedH7560 a decreeH633, that everyH3606 manH606 that shall askH1156 a petition ofH4481 anyH3606 GodH426 or manH606 withinH5705 thirtyH8533 daysH3118, saveH3861 of theeH4481, O kingH4430, shall be castH7412 into the denH1358 of lionsH744? The kingH4430 answeredH6032 and saidH560, The thingH4406 is trueH3330, according to the lawH1882 of the MedesH4076 and PersiansH6540, which alterethH5709 notH3809.
ThenH116 answeredH6032 they and saidH560 beforeH6925 the kingH4430, That DanielH1841, which is ofH4481 the childrenH1123 of the captivityH1547 of JudahH3061, regardethH7761+H2942 notH3809 theeH5922, O kingH4430, nor the decreeH633 that thou hast signedH7560, but makethH1156 his petitionH1159 threeH8532 timesH2166 a dayH3118.
ThenH116 the kingH4430, when he heardH8086 these wordsH4406, was soreH7690 displeasedH888 with himself, and setH7761 his heartH1079 onH5922 DanielH1841 to deliverH7804 him: and he labouredH1934+H7712 tillH5705 the going downH4606 of the sunH8122 to deliverH5338 him.
ThenH116 theseH479 menH1400 assembledH7284 untoH5922 the kingH4430, and saidH560 unto the kingH4430, KnowH3046, O kingH4430, that the lawH1882 of the MedesH4076 and PersiansH6540 is, That noH3606 decreeH633 nor statuteH7010 which the kingH4430 establishethH6966 may be changedH8133.
ThenH116 the kingH4430 commandedH560, and they broughtH858 DanielH1841, and castH7412 him into the denH1358 of lionsH744. Now the kingH4430 spakeH6032 and saidH560 unto DanielH1841, Thy GodH426 whom thouH607 servestH6399 continuallyH8411, he will deliverH7804 thee.
And aH2298 stoneH69 was broughtH858, and laidH7761 uponH5922 the mouthH6433 of the denH1358; and the kingH4430 sealedH2857 it with his own signetH5824, and with the signetH5824 of his lordsH7261; that the purposeH6640 might notH3809 be changedH8133 concerning DanielH1841.
ThenH116 the kingH4430 wentH236 to his palaceH1965, and passed the nightH956 fastingH2908: neitherH3809 were instrumentsH1761 of musick broughtH5954 beforeH6925 him: and his sleepH8139 wentH5075 from himH5922. {instruments…: or, table}
ThenH116 the kingH4430 aroseH6966 very earlyH8238 in the morningH5053, and wentH236 in hasteH927 unto the denH1358 of lionsH744.
And when he cameH7127 to the denH1358, he criedH2200 with a lamentableH6088 voiceH7032 unto DanielH1841: and the kingH4430 spakeH6032 and saidH560 to DanielH1841, O DanielH1841, servantH5649 of the livingH2417 GodH426, is thy GodH426, whom thou servestH6399 continuallyH8411, ableH3202 to deliverH7804 thee fromH4481 the lionsH744?
ThenH116 saidH4449 DanielH1841 untoH5974 the kingH4430, O kingH4430, liveH2418 for everH5957.
My GodH426 hath sentH7972 his angelH4398, and hath shutH5463 the lions'H744 mouthsH6433, that they have notH3809 hurtH2255 me: forasmuch asH3606+H6903 beforeH6925 him innocencyH2136 was foundH7912 in me; and alsoH638 beforeH6925 thee, O kingH4430, have I doneH5648 noH3809 hurtH2248.
ThenH116 was the kingH4430 exceedingH7690 gladH2868 for himH5922, and commandedH560 that they should takeH5267 DanielH1841 upH5267 out ofH4481 the denH1358. So DanielH1841 was taken upH5267 out ofH4481 the denH1358, and noH3809 mannerH3606 of hurtH2257 was foundH7912 upon him, because he believedH540 in his GodH426.
And the kingH4430 commandedH560, and they broughtH858 thoseH479 menH1400 which had accusedH399+H7170 DanielH1841, and they castH7412 them into the denH1358 of lionsH744, themH581, their childrenH1123, and their wivesH5389; and the lionsH744 had the masteryH5705+H7981 of them, and brakeH1855 allH3606 their bonesH1635 in piecesH1855 or everH3809 they cameH4291 at the bottomH773 of the denH1358.
ThenH116 kingH4430 DariusH1868 wroteH3790 unto allH3606 peopleH5972, nationsH524, and languagesH3961, that dwellH1753 in allH3606 the earthH772; PeaceH8001 be multipliedH7680 unto you.
IH4481+H6925 makeH7761 a decreeH2942, That in everyH3606 dominionH7985 of my kingdomH4437 men trembleH1934+H2112 and fearH1763 beforeH4481+H6925 the GodH426 of DanielH1841: for he is the livingH2417 GodH426, and stedfastH7011 for everH5957, and his kingdomH4437 that which shall notH3809 be destroyedH2255, and his dominionH7985 shall be even untoH5705 the endH5491.
He deliverethH7804 and rescuethH5338, and he workethH5648 signsH852 and wondersH8540 in heavenH8065 and in earthH772, who hath deliveredH7804 DanielH1841 fromH4481 the powerH3028 of the lionsH744. {power: Cald. hand}
So thisH1836 DanielH1841 prosperedH6744 in the reignH4437 of DariusH1868, and in the reignH4437 of CyrusH3567 the PersianH6543.
Querverweise zu Daniel 6,9 Dan 6,9
Surely menH120+H1121 of low degree are vanityH1892, and menH376 of high degree are a lieH3577: to be laidH5927 in the balanceH3976, they are altogetherH3162 lighter than vanityH1892. {altogether: or, alike}
TrustH982 not in oppressionH6233, and become not vainH1891 in robberyH1498: if richesH2428 increaseH5107, setH7896 not your heartH3820 upon them.
Put not your trustH982 in princesH5081, nor in the sonH1121 of manH120, in whom there is no helpH8668. {help: or, salvation}