BetterH2896 is a dryH2720 morselH6595, and quietnessH7962 therewith, than an houseH1004 fullH4392 of sacrificesH2077 with strifeH7379. {sacrifices: or, good cheer}
A wiseH7919 servantH5650 shall have ruleH4910 over a sonH1121 that causeth shameH954, and shall have partH2505 of the inheritanceH5159 amongH8432 the brethrenH251.
The fining potH4715 is for silverH3701, and the furnaceH3564 for goldH2091: but the LORDH3068 triethH974 the heartsH3826.
A wicked doerH7489 giveth heedH7181 to falseH205 lipsH8193; and a liarH8267 giveth earH238 to a naughtyH1942 tongueH3956.
Whoso mockethH3932 the poorH7326 reproachethH2778 his MakerH6213: and he that is gladH8056 at calamitiesH343 shall not be unpunishedH5352. {unpunished: Heb. held innocent}
Children'sH1121 childrenH1121 are the crownH5850 of old menH2205; and the gloryH8597 of childrenH1121 are their fathersH1.
ExcellentH3499 speechH8193 becomethH5000 not a foolH5036: much less do lyingH8267 lipsH8193 a princeH5081. {Excellent…: Heb. A lip of excellency} {lying…: Heb. a lip of lying}
A giftH7810 is as a preciousH2580 stoneH68 in the eyesH5869 of him that hathH1167 it: whithersoever it turnethH6437, it prosperethH7919. {a precious…: Heb. a stone of grace}
He that coverethH3680 a transgressionH6588 seekethH1245 loveH160; but he that repeatethH8138 a matterH1697 separatethH6504 very friendsH441. {seeketh: or, procureth}
A reproofH1606 enterethH5181 more into a wise manH995 than an hundredH3967 stripesH5221 into a foolH3684. {entereth…: or, aweth more a wise man, than to strike a fool an hundred times}
An evilH7451 man seekethH1245 only rebellionH4805: therefore a cruelH394 messengerH4397 shall be sentH7971 against him.
Let a bearH1677 robbedH7909 of her whelps meetH6298 a manH376, rather thanH408 a foolH3684 in his follyH200.
Whoso rewardethH7725 evilH7451 for goodH2896, evilH7451 shall not departH4185+H4185 from his houseH1004.
The beginningH7225 of strifeH4066 is as when one letteth outH6362 waterH4325: therefore leave offH5203 contentionH7379, beforeH6440 it be meddledH1566 with.
He that justifiethH6663 the wickedH7563, and he that condemnethH7561 the justH6662, even they bothH8147 are abominationH8441 to the LORDH3068.
Wherefore is there a priceH4242 in the handH3027 of a foolH3684 to getH7069 wisdomH2451, seeing he hath no heartH3820 to it?
A friendH7453 lovethH157 at all timesH6256, and a brotherH251 is bornH3205 for adversityH6869.
A manH120 voidH2638 of understandingH3820 strikethH8628 handsH3709, and becomethH6148 suretyH6161 in the presenceH6440 of his friendH7453. {understanding: Heb. heart}
He lovethH157 transgressionH6588 that lovethH157 strifeH4683: and he that exaltethH1361 his gateH6607 seekethH1245 destructionH7667.
He that hath a frowardH6141 heartH3820 findethH4672 no goodH2896: and he that hath a perverseH2015 tongueH3956 fallethH5307 into mischiefH7451. {He that hath a froward…: Heb. The froward of heart}
He that begettethH3205 a foolH3684 doeth it to his sorrowH8424: and the fatherH1 of a foolH5036 hath no joyH8055.
A merryH8056 heartH3820 doeth goodH3190 like a medicineH1456: but a brokenH5218 spiritH7307 driethH3001 the bonesH1634. {like: or, to}
A wickedH7563 man takethH3947 a giftH7810 out of the bosomH2436 to pervertH5186 the waysH734 of judgmentH4941.
WisdomH2451 is before him that hath understandingH6440+H995; but the eyesH5869 of a foolH3684 are in the endsH7097 of the earthH776.
A foolishH3684 sonH1121 is a griefH3708 to his fatherH1, and bitternessH4470 to her that bareH3205 him.
Also to punishH6064 the justH6662 is not goodH2896, nor to strikeH5221 princesH5081 for equityH3476.
He that hathH3045 knowledgeH1847 sparethH2820 his wordsH561: and a manH376 of understandingH8394 is of an excellentH3368+H7119 spiritH7307. {an…: or, a cool}
Even a foolH191, when he holdeth his peaceH2790, is countedH2803 wiseH2450: and he that shuttethH331 his lipsH8193 is esteemed a man of understandingH995.
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These things also belong to the wiseH2450. It is not goodH2896 to have respectH5234 of personsH6440 in judgmentH4941.
These sixH8337 things doth the LORDH3068 hateH8130: yea, sevenH7651 are an abominationH8441 unto himH5315: {unto…: Heb. of his soul}
He that saithH559 unto the wickedH7563, Thou art righteousH6662; him shall the peopleH5971 curseH5344, nationsH3816 shall abhorH2194 him:
A falseH4820 balanceH3976 is abominationH8441 to the LORDH3068: but a justH8003 weightH68 is his delightH7522. {A false…: Heb. Balances of deceit} {just…: Heb. perfect stone}
Keep thee farH7368 from a falseH8267 matterH1697; and the innocentH5355 and righteousH6662 slayH2026 thou not: for I will not justifyH6663 the wickedH7563.
The sacrificeH2077 of the wickedH7563 is an abominationH8441 to the LORDH3068: but the prayerH8605 of the uprightH3477 is his delightH7522.
And there cameH935 in twoH8147 menH582, childrenH1121 of BelialH1100, and satH3427 before him: and the menH582 of BelialH1100 witnessedH5749 against him, even against NabothH5022, in the presence of the peopleH5971, sayingH559, NabothH5022 did blasphemeH1288 GodH430 and the kingH4428. Then they carried him forthH3318 outH2351 of the cityH5892, and stonedH5619 him with stonesH68, that he diedH4191.
Which justifyH6663 the wickedH7563 forH6118 rewardH7810, and take awayH5493 the righteousnessH6666 of the righteousH6662 from him!
For my thoughtsH4284 are not your thoughtsH4284, neither are your waysH1870 my waysH1870, saithH5002 the LORDH3068.
For as the heavensH8064 are higherH1361 than the earthH776, so are my waysH1870 higherH1361 than your waysH1870, and my thoughtsH4284 than your thoughtsH4284.
Her princesH8269 in the midstH7130 thereof are like wolvesH2061 raveningH2963 the preyH2964, to shedH8210 bloodH1818, and to destroyH6 soulsH5315, to getH1214 dishonest gainH1215.
And her prophetsH5030 have daubedH2902 them with untemperedH8602 morter, seeingH2374 vanityH7723, and diviningH7080 liesH3577 unto them, sayingH559, Thus saithH559 the LordH136 GODH3069, when the LORDH3068 hath not spokenH1696.
The peopleH5971 of the landH776 have used oppressionH6231+H6233, and exercisedH1497 robberyH1498, and have vexedH3238 the poorH6041 and needyH34: yea, they have oppressedH6231 the strangerH1616 wrongfullyH4941. {oppression: or, deceit} {wrongfully: Heb. without right}
Ye who turnH2015 judgmentH4941 to wormwoodH3939, and leave offH3240 righteousnessH6666 in the earthH776,
For I knowH3045 your manifoldH7227 transgressionsH6588 and your mightyH6099 sinsH2403: they afflictH6887 the justH6662, they takeH3947 a bribeH3724, and they turn asideH5186 the poorH34 in the gateH8179 from their right. {a bribe: or, a ransom}
Shall horsesH5483 runH7323 upon the rockH5553? will one plowH2790 there with oxenH1241? for ye have turnedH2015 judgmentH4941 into gallH7219, and the fruitH6529 of righteousnessH6666 into hemlockH3939:
AndG1161 they cried outG349 all at onceG3826, sayingG3004, Away withG142 thisG5126 man, andG1161 releaseG630 unto usG2254 BarabbasG912:
(WhoG3748 forG2258+G1223 a certainG5100 seditionG4714 madeG1096 inG1722 the cityG4172, andG2532 for murderG5408, was castG906 intoG1519 prisonG5438.)
PilateG4091 thereforeG3767, willingG2309 to releaseG630 JesusG2424, spakeG4377 againG3825 to themG4377.
ButG1161 they criedG2019, sayingG3004, CrucifyG4717 him, crucifyG4717 himG846.
AndG1161 he saidG2036 untoG4314 themG846 the third timeG5154, WhyG1063, whatG5101 evilG2556 hathG4160 heG3778 doneG4160? I have foundG2147 noG3762 causeG158 of deathG2288 inG1722 himG846: I willG3811 thereforeG3767 chastiseG3811 himG846, and let him goG630.
AndG1161 they were instantG1945 with loudG3173 voicesG5456, requiringG154 that heG846 might be crucifiedG4717. AndG2532 the voicesG5456 of themG846 andG2532 of the chief priestsG749 prevailedG2729.
AndG1161 PilateG4091 gave sentenceG1948 that it should be asG1096 theyG846 requiredG155. {gave…: or, assented}
AndG1161 he releasedG630 unto themG846 him that forG1223 seditionG4714 andG2532 murderG5408 was castG906 intoG1519 prisonG5438, whomG3739 they had desiredG154; butG1161 he deliveredG3860 JesusG2424 to theirG846 willG2307.