Now when the adversariesH6862 of JudahH3063 and BenjaminH1144 heardH8085 that the childrenH1121 of the captivityH1473 buildedH1129 the templeH1964 unto the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478; {the children…: Heb. the sons of the transportation}
Then they cameH5066 to ZerubbabelH2216, and to the chiefH7218 of the fathersH1, and saidH559 unto them, Let us buildH1129 with you: for we seekH1875 your GodH430, as ye do; and we do sacrificeH2076 unto him since the daysH3117 of EsarhaddonH634 kingH4428 of AssurH804, which brought us up hitherH5927.
But ZerubbabelH2216, and JeshuaH3442, and the restH7605 of the chiefH7218 of the fathersH1 of IsraelH3478, saidH559 unto them, Ye have nothing to do with us to buildH1129 an houseH1004 unto our GodH430; but we ourselves togetherH3162 will buildH1129 unto the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, as kingH4428 CyrusH3566 the kingH4428 of PersiaH6539 hath commandedH6680 us.
Then the peopleH5971 of the landH776 weakenedH7503 the handsH3027 of the peopleH5971 of JudahH3063, and troubledH926+H1089 them in buildingH1129,
And hiredH7936 counsellorsH3289 against them, to frustrateH6565 their purposeH6098, all the daysH3117 of CyrusH3566 kingH4428 of PersiaH6539, even until the reignH4438 of DariusH1867 kingH4428 of PersiaH6539.
And in the reignH4438 of AhasuerusH325, in the beginningH8462 of his reignH4438, wroteH3789 they unto him an accusationH7855 against the inhabitantsH3427 of JudahH3063 and JerusalemH3389. {Ahasuerus: Heb. Ahashverosh}
And in the daysH3117 of ArtaxerxesH783 wroteH3789 BishlamH1312, MithredathH4990, TabeelH2870, and the restH7605 of their companionsH3674, unto ArtaxerxesH783 kingH4428 of PersiaH6539; and the writingH3791 of the letterH5406 was writtenH3789 in the Syrian tongueH762, and interpretedH8638 in the Syrian tongueH762. {Bishlam: or, in peace} {companions: Heb. societies}
RehumH7348 the chancellorH1169+H2942 and ShimshaiH8124 the scribeH5613 wroteH3790 aH2298 letterH104 againstH5922 JerusalemH3390 to ArtaxerxesH783 the kingH4430 in this sortH3660: {scribe: or, secretary}
ThenH116 wrote RehumH7348 the chancellorH1169+H2942, and ShimshaiH8124 the scribeH5613, and the restH7606 of their companionsH3675; the DinaitesH1784, the ApharsathchitesH671, the TarpelitesH2967, the ApharsitesH670, the ArchevitesH756, the BabyloniansH896, the SusanchitesH7801, the DehavitesH1723, and the ElamitesH5962, {companions: Chald. societies}
And the restH7606 of the nationsH524 whomH1768 the greatH7229 and nobleH3358 AsnapparH620 brought overH1541, and setH3488+H1994 in the citiesH7149 of SamariaH8115, and the restH7606 that are on this sideH5675 the riverH5103, and at such a timeH3706. {at such…: Chaldee, Cheeneth}
ThisH1836 is the copyH6573 of the letterH104 thatH1768 they sentH7972 unto himH5922, even unto ArtaxerxesH783 the kingH4430; Thy servantsH5649 the menH606 on this sideH5675 the riverH5103, and at such a timeH3706.
Be itH1934 knownH3046 unto the kingH4430, that the JewsH3062 whichH1768 came upH5559 fromH4481 theeH3890 to usH5922 are comeH858 unto JerusalemH3390, buildingH1124 the rebelliousH4779 and the badH873 cityH7149, and have set upH3635+H3635 the wallsH7792 thereof, and joinedH2338 the foundationsH787. {set up: or, finished} {joined: Chal. sewed together}
Be it knownH3046+H1934 nowH3705 unto the kingH4430, that, ifH2006 thisH1791 cityH7149 be buildedH1124, and the wallsH7792 set upH3635 again, then will they notH3809 payH5415 tollH4061, tributeH1093, and customH1983, and so thou shalt endamageH5142 the revenueH674 of the kingsH4430. {pay: Chal. give} {revenue: or, strength}
NowH3705 becauseH6903+H3606 we haveH1768 maintenanceH4415+H4416 from the king's palaceH1965, and it was notH3809 meetH749 for us to seeH2370 the king'sH4430 dishonourH6173, thereforeH5922+H1836 have we sentH7972 and certifiedH3046 the kingH4430; {we have…: Chal. we are salted with the salt of the palace}
That searchH1240 may be made in the bookH5609 of the recordsH1799 of thy fathersH2: so shalt thou findH7912 in the bookH5609 of the recordsH1799, and knowH3046 that thisH1791 cityH7149 is a rebelliousH4779 cityH7149, and hurtfulH5142 unto kingsH4430 and provincesH4083, and that they have movedH5648 seditionH849 within the sameH1459 ofH4481 oldH5957 timeH3118: forH5922 whichH1836 cause was thisH1791 cityH7149 destroyedH2718. {moved: Cald. made} {within…: Chald. in the midst thereof}
WeH586 certifyH3046 the kingH4430 that, ifH2006 thisH1791 cityH7149 be buildedH1124 again, and the wallsH7792 thereof set upH3635, by thisH1836 meansH6903 thou shalt haveH383 noH3809 portionH2508 on this sideH5675 the riverH5103.
Then sentH7972 the kingH4430 an answerH6600 untoH5922 RehumH7348 the chancellorH1169+H2942, and to ShimshaiH8124 the scribeH5613, and to the restH7606 of their companionsH3675 that dwellH3488 in SamariaH8115, and unto the restH7606 beyondH5675 the riverH5103, PeaceH8001, and at such a timeH3706. {companions: Chal. societies}
The letterH5407 which ye sentH7972 unto usH5922 hath been plainlyH6568 readH7123 beforeH6925 me.
And IH4481 commandedH7761+H2942, and searchH1240 hath been made, and it is foundH7912 that thisH1791 cityH7149 ofH4481 oldH5957 timeH3118 hath made insurrectionH5376 againstH5922 kingsH4430, and that rebellionH4776 and seditionH849 have been madeH5648 therein. {I commanded: Chald. by me a decree is set} {made insurrection: Chald. lifted up itself}
There have beenH1934 mightyH8624 kingsH4430 also overH5922 JerusalemH3390, which have ruledH7990 over allH3606 countries beyondH5675 the riverH5103; and tollH4061, tributeH1093, and customH1983, was paidH3052 unto them.
GiveH7761 ye nowH3705 commandmentH2942 to causeH989 theseH479 menH1400 to ceaseH989, and that thisH1791 cityH7149 be notH3809 buildedH1124, untilH5705 another commandmentH2941 shall be givenH7761 from meH4481. {Give…: Chaldee, Make a decree}
Take heedH1934+H2095 now that ye failH7960 not to doH5922+H5648 thisH1836: whyH4101 should damageH2257 growH7680 to the hurtH5142 of the kingsH4430?
NowH116 whenH4481+H1768 the copyH6573 of kingH4430 Artaxerxes'H783 letterH5407 was readH7123 beforeH6925 RehumH7348, and ShimshaiH8124 the scribeH5613, and their companionsH3675, they went upH236 in hasteH924 to JerusalemH3390 untoH5922 the JewsH3062, and made themH1994 to ceaseH989 by forceH153 and powerH2429. {by force…: Chaldee, by arm and power}
ThenH116 ceasedH989 the workH5673 of the houseH1005 of GodH426 which is at JerusalemH3390. So it ceasedH1934+H989 untoH5705 the secondH8648 yearH8140 of the reignH4437 of DariusH1868 kingH4430 of PersiaH6540.
Querverweise zu Esra 4,14 Esra 4,14
And they comeH935 unto thee as the peopleH5971 comethH3996, and they sitH3427 beforeH6440 thee as my peopleH5971, and they hearH8085 thy wordsH1697, but they will not doH6213 them: for with their mouthH6310 they shewH6213 much loveH5690, but their heartH3820 goethH1980 afterH310 their covetousnessH1215. {as the…: Heb. according to the coming of the people} {they sit…: or, my people sit before thee} {they shew…: Heb. they make loves, or, jests}
WhyG1302 wasG4097 notG3756 thisG5124 ointmentG3464 soldG4097 for three hundredG5145 penceG1220, andG2532 givenG1325 to the poorG4434?
ThisG5124 he saidG2036, notG3756 thatG3754 heG846 caredG3199 forG4012 the poorG4434; butG235 becauseG3754 he wasG2258 a thiefG2812, andG2532 hadG2192 the bagG1101, andG2532 bareG941 what was put thereinG906.
And fromG1537 thenceforthG5127 PilateG4091 soughtG2212 to releaseG630 himG846: butG1161 the JewsG2453 cried outG2896, sayingG3004, IfG1437 thou letG630 this manG5126 goG630, thou artG1488 notG3756 Caesar'sG2541 friendG5384: whosoeverG3956 makethG4160 himselfG846 a kingG935 speaketh againstG483 CaesarG2541.
When PilateG4091 thereforeG3767 heardG191 thatG5126 sayingG3056, he broughtG71 JesusG2424 forthG1854, andG2532 sat downG2523 inG1909 the judgment seatG968 inG1519 a placeG5117 that is calledG3004 the PavementG3038, butG1161 in the HebrewG1447, GabbathaG1042.
AndG1161 it wasG2258 the preparationG3904 of the passoverG3957, andG1161 aboutG5616 the sixthG1623 hourG5610: andG2532 he saithG3004 unto the JewsG2453, BeholdG2396 yourG5216 KingG935!
ButG1161 they cried outG2905, Away withG142 him, away withG142 him, crucifyG4717 himG846. PilateG4091 saithG3004 unto themG846, Shall I crucifyG4717 yourG5216 KingG935? The chief priestsG749 answeredG611, We haveG2192 noG3756 kingG935 butG1508 CaesarG2541.