And it came to pass afterH310 these thingsH1697, that the butlerH8248 of the kingH4428 of EgyptH4714 and his bakerH644 had offendedH2398 their lordH113 the kingH4428 of EgyptH4714.
And PharaohH6547 was wrothH7107 againstH5921 twoH8147 of his officersH5631, against the chiefH8269 of the butlersH8248, and against the chiefH8269 of the bakersH644.
And he putH5414 them in wardH4929 in the houseH1004 of the captainH8269 of the guardH2876, into the prisonH1004+H5470, the placeH4725 where JosephH3130 was boundH631.
And the captainH8269 of the guardH2876 chargedH6485 JosephH3130 with them, and he servedH8334 them: and they continued a seasonH3117 in wardH4929.
And they dreamedH2492 a dreamH2472 both of themH8147, each manH376 his dreamH2472 in oneH259 nightH3915, each manH376 according to the interpretationH6623 of his dreamH2472, the butlerH8248 and the bakerH644 of the kingH4428 of EgyptH4714, which were boundH631 in the prisonH1004+H5470.
And JosephH3130 came inH935 unto them in the morningH1242, and lookedH7200 upon them, and, behold, they were sadH2196.
And he askedH7592 Pharaoh'sH6547 officersH5631 that were with him in the wardH4929 of his lord'sH113 houseH1004, sayingH559, Wherefore lookH6440 ye so sadlyH7451 to dayH3117? {look…: Heb. are your faces evil?}
And they saidH559 unto him, We have dreamedH2492 a dreamH2472, and there is no interpreterH6622 of it. And JosephH3130 saidH559 unto them, Do not interpretationsH6623 belong to GodH430? tell meH5608 them, I pray you.
And the chiefH8269 butlerH8248 toldH5608 his dreamH2472 to JosephH3130, and saidH559 to him, In my dreamH2472, behold, a vineH1612 was before meH6440;
And in the vineH1612 were threeH7969 branchesH8299: and it was as though it buddedH6524, and her blossomsH5322 shot forthH5927; and the clustersH811 thereof brought forth ripeH1310 grapesH6025:
And Pharaoh'sH6547 cupH3563 was in my handH3027: and I tookH3947 the grapesH6025, and pressedH7818 them into Pharaoh'sH6547 cupH3563, and I gaveH5414 the cupH3563 into Pharaoh'sH6547 handH3709.
And JosephH3130 saidH559 unto him, This is the interpretationH6623 of it: The threeH7969 branchesH8299 are threeH7969 daysH3117:
YetH5750 within threeH7969 daysH3117 shall PharaohH6547 lift upH5375 thine headH7218, and restoreH7725 thee unto thy placeH3653: and thou shalt deliverH5414 Pharaoh'sH6547 cupH3563 into his handH3027, after the formerH7223 mannerH4941 when thou wast his butlerH8248. {lift…: or, reckon}
But thinkH2142 on me when it shall be wellH3190 with thee, and shewH6213 kindnessH2617, I pray thee, unto me, and make mentionH2142 of me unto PharaohH6547, and bring meH3318 out of this houseH1004: {think…: Heb. remember me with thee}
For indeed I was stolen awayH1589 out of the landH776 of the HebrewsH5680: and here also have I doneH6213 nothingH3972 that they should putH7760 me into the dungeonH953.
When the chiefH8269 bakerH644 sawH7200 that the interpretationH6622 was goodH2896, he saidH559 unto JosephH3130, I alsoH637 was in my dreamH2472, and, behold, I had threeH7969 whiteH2751 basketsH5536 on my headH7218: {white: or, full of holes}
And in the uppermostH5945 basketH5536 there was of all mannerH3978 of bakemeatsH4639+H644 for PharaohH6547; and the birdsH5775 did eatH398 them out of the basketH5536 uponH5921 my headH7218. {bakemeats…: Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or, cook}
And JosephH3130 answeredH6030 and saidH559, This is the interpretationH6623 thereof: The threeH7969 basketsH5536 are threeH7969 daysH3117:
Yet within threeH7969 daysH3117 shall PharaohH6547 lift upH5375 thy headH7218 from off thee, and shall hangH8518 thee on a treeH6086; and the birdsH5775 shall eatH398 thy fleshH1320 from off thee. {lift…: or, reckon thee, and take thy office from thee}
And it came to pass the thirdH7992 dayH3117, which was Pharaoh'sH6547 birthdayH3117+H3205, that he madeH6213 a feastH4960 unto all his servantsH5650: and he lifted upH5375 the headH7218 of the chiefH8269 butlerH8248 and of the chiefH8269 bakerH644 amongH8432 his servantsH5650. {lifted…: or, reckoned}
And he restoredH7725 the chiefH8269 butlerH8248 unto his butlershipH4945 againH7725; and he gaveH5414 the cupH3563 into Pharaoh'sH6547 handH3709:
But he hangedH8518 the chiefH8269 bakerH644: as JosephH3130 had interpretedH6622 to them.
Yet did not the chiefH8269 butlerH8248 rememberH2142 JosephH3130, but forgatH7911 him.
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And PharaohH6547 saidH559 unto JosephH3130, I have dreamedH2492 a dreamH2472, and there is none that can interpretH6622 it: and I have heardH8085 sayH559 of thee, that thou canst understandH8085 a dreamH2472 to interpretH6622 it. {thou…: or, when thou hearest a dream thou canst interpret it}
And JosephH3130 answeredH6030 PharaohH6547, sayingH559, It is not in meH1107: GodH430 shall giveH6030 PharaohH6547 an answerH6030 of peaceH7965.
In a dreamH2472, in a visionH2384 of the nightH3915, when deepH8639 sleep fallethH5307 upon menH582, in slumberingsH8572 upon the bedH4904;
Then he openethH1540 the earsH241 of menH582, and sealethH2856 their instructionH4561, {he…: Heb. he revealeth, or, uncovereth}
The secretH5475 of the LORDH3068 is with them that fearH3373 him; and he will shewH3045 them his covenantH1285. {and…: or, and his covenant to make them know it}
And when they shall sayH559 unto you, SeekH1875 unto them that have familiar spiritsH178, and unto wizardsH3049 that peepH6850, and that mutterH1897: should not a peopleH5971 seekH1875 unto their GodH430? for the livingH2416 to the deadH4191?
And it is a rareH3358 thingH4406 that the kingH4430 requirethH7593, and there isH383 noneH3809 otherH321 that can shewH2324 it beforeH6925 the kingH4430, exceptH3861 the godsH426, whose dwellingH4070 isH383 notH3809 withH5974 fleshH1321.
ButH1297 there isH383 a GodH426 in heavenH8065 that revealethH1541 secretsH7328, and maketh knownH3046 to the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 whatH4101 shall beH1934 in the latterH320 daysH3118. Thy dreamH2493, and the visionsH2376 of thy headH7217 uponH5922 thy bedH4903, are theseH1836; {maketh…: Cald. hath made known}
The kingH4430 answeredH6032 unto DanielH1841, and saidH560, OfH4481 a truthH7187 it is, thatH1768 your GodH426 is a GodH426 of godsH426, and a LordH4756 of kingsH4430, and a revealerH1541 of secretsH7328, seeing thou couldestH3202 revealH1541 thisH1836 secretH7328.
But atH5705 the lastH318 DanielH1841 came inH5922 before meH6925, whose nameH8036 was BelteshazzarH1096, according to the nameH8036 of my godH426, and in whom is the spiritH7308 of the holyH6922 godsH426: and beforeH6925 him I toldH560 the dreamH2493, saying,
There isH383 a manH1400 in thy kingdomH4437, in whom is the spiritH7308 of the holyH6922 godsH426; and in the daysH3118 of thy fatherH2 lightH5094 and understandingH7924 and wisdomH2452, like the wisdomH2452 of the godsH426, was foundH7912 in him; whom the kingH4430 NebuchadnezzarH5020 thy fatherH2, the kingH4430, I say, thy fatherH2, madeH6966 masterH7229 of the magiciansH2749, astrologersH826, ChaldeansH3779, and soothsayersH1505; {father: or, grandfather}
Forasmuch asH6903+H3606 an excellentH3493 spiritH7308, and knowledgeH4486, and understandingH7924, interpretingH6590 of dreamsH2493, and shewingH263 of hard sentencesH280, and dissolvingH8271 of doubtsH7001, were foundH7912 in the same DanielH1841, whom the kingH4430 namedH7761+H8036 BelteshazzarH1096: nowH3705 let DanielH1841 be calledH7123, and he will shewH2324 the interpretationH6591. {interpreting: or, of an interpreter} {dissolving: or, of a dissolver} {doubts: Cald. knots}
ThenH116 was DanielH1841 brought inH5954 beforeH6925 the kingH4430. And the kingH4430 spakeH6032 and saidH560 unto DanielH1841, Art thouH607 that DanielH1841, which art ofH4481 the childrenH1123 of the captivityH1547 of JudahH3061, whom the kingH4430 my fatherH2 broughtH858 out ofH4481 JewryH3061? {father: or, grandfather}
I have even heardH8086 of thee, that the spiritH7308 of the godsH426 is in theeH5922, and that lightH5094 and understandingH7924 and excellentH3493 wisdomH2452 is foundH7912 in thee.
And nowH3705 the wiseH2445 men, the astrologersH826, have been broughtH5954 in beforeH6925 me, that they should readH7123 thisH1836 writingH3792, and make knownH3046 unto me the interpretationH6591 thereof: but they couldH3546 notH3809 shewH2324 the interpretationH6591 of the thingH4406:
To anotherG243 the workingG1755 of miraclesG1411+G1161; to anotherG243 prophecyG4394+G1161; to anotherG243 discerningG1253 of spiritsG4151+G1161; to anotherG2087 divers kindsG1085 of tonguesG1100+G1161; to anotherG243 the interpretationG2058 of tonguesG1100: