And it came to pass afterH310 these thingsH1697, that one toldH559 JosephH3130, Behold, thy fatherH1 is sickH2470: and he tookH3947 with him his twoH8147 sonsH1121, ManassehH4519 and EphraimH669.
And one toldH5046 JacobH3290, and saidH559, Behold, thy sonH1121 JosephH3130 comethH935 unto thee: and IsraelH3478 strengthenedH2388 himself, and satH3427 upon the bedH4296.
And JacobH3290 saidH559 unto JosephH3130, GodH410 AlmightyH7706 appearedH7200 unto me at LuzH3870 in the landH776 of CanaanH3667, and blessedH1288 me,
And saidH559 unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitfulH6509, and multiplyH7235 thee, and I will makeH5414 of thee a multitudeH6951 of peopleH5971; and will giveH5414 this landH776 to thy seedH2233 after theeH310 for an everlastingH5769 possessionH272.
And now thy twoH8147 sonsH1121, EphraimH669 and ManassehH4519, which were bornH3205 unto thee in the landH776 of EgyptH4714 beforeH5704 I cameH935 unto thee into EgyptH4714, are mine; as ReubenH7205 and SimeonH8095, they shall be mine.
And thy issueH4138, which thou begettestH3205 afterH310 them, shall be thine, and shall be calledH7121 afterH5921 the nameH8034 of their brethrenH251 in their inheritanceH5159.
And as for me, when I cameH935 from PadanH6307, RachelH7354 diedH4191 by me in the landH776 of CanaanH3667 in the wayH1870, whenH5750 yet there was but a littleH3530 wayH776 to comeH935 unto EphrathH672: and I buried herH6912 there in the wayH1870 of EphrathH672; the same is BethlehemH1035.
And IsraelH3478 beheldH7200 Joseph'sH3130 sonsH1121, and saidH559, Who are these?
And JosephH3130 saidH559 unto his fatherH1, They are my sonsH1121, whom GodH430 hath givenH5414 me in this place. And he saidH559, Bring themH3947, I pray thee, unto me, and I will blessH1288 them.
Now the eyesH5869 of IsraelH3478 were dimH3513 for ageH2207, so that he couldH3201 not seeH7200. And he brought them nearH5066 unto him; and he kissedH5401 them, and embracedH2263 them. {dim: Heb. heavy}
And IsraelH3478 saidH559 unto JosephH3130, I had not thoughtH6419 to seeH7200 thy faceH6440: and, lo, GodH430 hath shewedH7200 me also thy seedH2233.
And JosephH3130 brought them outH3318 from betweenH5973 his kneesH1290, and he bowedH7812 himself with his faceH639 to the earthH776.
And JosephH3130 tookH3947 them bothH8147, EphraimH669 in his right handH3225 toward Israel'sH3478 left handH8040, and ManassehH4519 in his left handH8040 toward Israel'sH3478 right handH3225, and brought them nearH5066 unto him.
And IsraelH3478 stretched outH7971 his right handH3225, and laidH7896 it upon Ephraim'sH669 headH7218, who was the youngerH6810, and his left handH8040 upon Manasseh'sH4519 headH7218, guidingH7919 his handsH3027 wittinglyH7919; for ManassehH4519 was the firstbornH1060.
And he blessedH1288 JosephH3130, and saidH559, GodH430, beforeH6440 whom my fathersH1 AbrahamH85 and IsaacH3327 did walkH1980, the GodH430 which fedH7462 me all my life longH5750 unto this dayH3117,
The AngelH4397 which redeemedH1350 me from all evilH7451, blessH1288 the ladsH5288; and let my nameH8034 be namedH7121 on them, and the nameH8034 of my fathersH1 AbrahamH85 and IsaacH3327; and let them growH1711 into a multitudeH7230 in the midstH7130 of the earthH776. {grow: Heb. as fishes do increase}
And when JosephH3130 sawH7200 that his fatherH1 laidH7896 his rightH3225 handH3027 upon the headH7218 of EphraimH669, it displeasedH3415+H5869 him: and he held upH8551 his father'sH1 handH3027, to removeH5493 it from Ephraim'sH669 headH7218 unto Manasseh'sH4519 headH7218. {displeased…: was evil in his eyes}
And JosephH3130 saidH559 unto his fatherH1, Not so, my fatherH1: for this is the firstbornH1060; putH7760 thy right handH3225 upon his headH7218.
And his fatherH1 refusedH3985, and saidH559, I knowH3045 it, my sonH1121, I knowH3045 it: he also shall become a peopleH5971, and he also shall be greatH1431: but trulyH199 his youngerH6996 brotherH251 shall be greaterH1431 than he, and his seedH2233 shall become a multitudeH4393 of nationsH1471. {multitude: Heb. fulness}
And he blessedH1288 them that dayH3117, sayingH559, In thee shall IsraelH3478 blessH1288, sayingH559, GodH430 makeH7760 thee as EphraimH669 and as ManassehH4519: and he setH7760 EphraimH669 beforeH6440 ManassehH4519.
And IsraelH3478 saidH559 unto JosephH3130, Behold, I dieH4191: but GodH430 shall be with you, and bring you againH7725 unto the landH776 of your fathersH1.
Moreover I have givenH5414 to thee oneH259 portionH7926 above thy brethrenH251, which I tookH3947 out of the handH3027 of the AmoriteH567 with my swordH2719 and with my bowH7198.
Querverweise zu 1. Mose 48,10 1Mo 48,10
And it came to passH1961, that when IsaacH3327 was oldH2204, and his eyesH5869 were dimH3543, so that he could not seeH7200, he calledH7121 EsauH6215 his eldestH1419 sonH1121, and saidH559 unto him, My sonH1121: and he saidH559 unto him, Behold, here am I.
Make the heartH3820 of this peopleH5971 fatH8080, and make their earsH241 heavyH3513, and shutH8173 their eyesH5869; lest they seeH7200 with their eyesH5869, and hearH8085 with their earsH241, and understandH995 with their heartH3824, and convertH7725, and be healedH7495.
And he came nearH5066, and kissedH5401 him: and he smelledH7306 the smellH7381 of his raimentH899, and blessedH1288 him, and saidH559, SeeH7200, the smellH7381 of my sonH1121 is as the smellH7381 of a fieldH7704 which the LORDH3068 hath blessedH1288:
And it came to pass at that timeH3117, when EliH5941 was laid downH7901 in his placeH4725, and his eyesH5869 beganH2490 to wax dimH3544, that he couldH3201 not seeH7200;
BeholdH2005, the LORD'SH3068 handH3027 is not shortenedH7114, that it cannot saveH3467; neither his earH241 heavyH3513, that it cannot hearH8085:
And earlyH7925 in the morningH1242 LabanH3837 rose upH7925, and kissedH5401 his sonsH1121 and his daughtersH1323, and blessedH1288 them: and LabanH3837 departedH3212, and returnedH7725 unto his placeH4725.
Now EliH5941 was ninetyH8673 and eightH8083 yearsH8141 oldH1121; and his eyesH5869 were dimH6965, that he couldH3201 not seeH7200. {were dim: Heb. stood}