On that nightH3915 could notH5074 the kingH4428 sleepH8142, and he commandedH559 to bringH935 the bookH5612 of recordsH2146 of the chroniclesH1697+H3117; and they were readH7121 beforeH6440 the kingH4428. {could…: Heb. the king's sleep fled away}
And it was foundH4672 writtenH3789, that MordecaiH4782 had toldH5046 of BigthanaH904 and TereshH8657, twoH8147 of the king'sH4428 chamberlainsH5631, the keepersH8104 of the doorH5592, who soughtH1245 to layH7971 handH3027 on the kingH4428 AhasuerusH325. {Bigthana: or, Bigthan} {door: Heb. threshold}
And the kingH4428 saidH559, What honourH3366 and dignityH1420 hath been doneH6213 to MordecaiH4782 for this? Then saidH559 the king'sH4428 servantsH5288 that ministeredH8334 unto him, There is nothingH1697 doneH6213 for him.
And the kingH4428 saidH559, Who is in the courtH2691? Now HamanH2001 was comeH935 into the outwardH2435 courtH2691 of the king'sH4428 houseH1004, to speakH559 unto the kingH4428 to hangH8518 MordecaiH4782 on the gallowsH6086 that he had preparedH3559 for him.
And the king'sH4428 servantsH5288 saidH559 unto him, Behold, HamanH2001 standethH5975 in the courtH2691. And the kingH4428 saidH559, Let him come inH935.
So HamanH2001 came inH935. And the kingH4428 saidH559 unto him, What shall be doneH6213 unto the manH376 whom the kingH4428 delightethH2654 to honourH3366? Now HamanH2001 thoughtH559 in his heartH3820, To whom would the kingH4428 delightH2654 to doH6213 honourH3366 moreH3148 than to myself? {whom the king…: Heb. in whose honour the king delighteth}
And HamanH2001 answeredH559 the kingH4428, For the manH376 whom the kingH4428 delightethH2654 to honourH3366, {whom the king…: Heb. in whose honour the king delighteth}
Let the royalH4438 apparelH3830 be broughtH935 which the kingH4428 useth to wearH3847, and the horseH5483 that the kingH4428 ridethH7392 upon, and the crownH3804 royalH4438 which is setH5414 upon his headH7218: {Let…: Heb. Let them bring the royal apparel} {which the king…: Heb. wherewith the king clotheth himself}
And let this apparelH3830 and horseH5483 be deliveredH5414 to the handH3027 of oneH376 of the king'sH4428 most nobleH6579 princesH8269, that they may arrayH3847 the manH376 withal whom the kingH4428 delightethH2654 to honourH3366, and bringH7392 him on horsebackH5483 through the streetH7339 of the cityH5892, and proclaimH7121 beforeH6440 him, Thus shall it be doneH6213 to the manH376 whom the kingH4428 delightethH2654 to honourH3366. {bring…: Heb. cause him to ride}
Then the kingH4428 saidH559 to HamanH2001, Make hasteH4116, and takeH3947 the apparelH3830 and the horseH5483, as thou hast saidH1696, and doH6213 even so to MordecaiH4782 the JewH3064, that sittethH3427 at the king'sH4428 gateH8179: let nothingH1697 failH5307 of all that thou hast spokenH1696. {let…: Heb. suffer not a whit to fall}
Then tookH3947 HamanH2001 the apparelH3830 and the horseH5483, and arrayedH3847 MordecaiH4782, and brought him on horsebackH7392 through the streetH7339 of the cityH5892, and proclaimedH7121 beforeH6440 him, Thus shall it be doneH6213 unto the manH376 whom the kingH4428 delightethH2654 to honourH3366.
And MordecaiH4782 came againH7725 to the king'sH4428 gateH8179. But HamanH2001 hastedH1765 to his houseH1004 mourningH57, and having his headH7218 coveredH2645.
And HamanH2001 toldH5608 ZereshH2238 his wifeH802 and all his friendsH157 every thing that had befallenH7136 him. Then saidH559 his wise menH2450 and ZereshH2238 his wifeH802 unto him, If MordecaiH4782 be of the seedH2233 of the JewsH3064, beforeH6440 whom thou hast begunH2490 to fallH5307, thou shalt not prevailH3201 against him, but shalt surelyH5307 fallH5307 beforeH6440 him.
And while they were yet talkingH1696 with him, cameH5060 the king'sH4428 chamberlainsH5631, and hastedH926 to bringH935 HamanH2001 unto the banquetH4960 that EstherH635 had preparedH6213.
Querverweise zu Esther 6,3 Est 6,3
And CalebH3612 saidH559, He that smitethH5221 KirjathsepherH7158, and takethH3920 it, to him will I giveH5414 AchsahH5915 my daughterH1323 to wifeH802.
And OthnielH6274 the sonH1121 of KenazH7073, Caleb'sH3612 youngerH6996 brotherH251, tookH3920 it: and he gaveH5414 him AchsahH5915 his daughterH1323 to wifeH802.
And the menH376 of IsraelH3478 saidH559, Have ye seenH7200 this manH376 that is come upH5927? surely to defyH2778 IsraelH3478 is he come upH5927: and it shall be, that the manH376 who killethH5221 him, the kingH4428 will enrichH6238 him with greatH1419 richesH6239, and will giveH5414 him his daughterH1323, and makeH6213 his father'sH1 houseH1004 freeH2670 in IsraelH3478.
And DavidH1732 spakeH559 to the menH582 that stoodH5975 by him, sayingH559, What shall be doneH6213 to the manH376 that killethH5221 thisH1975 PhilistineH6430, and taketh awayH5493 the reproachH2781 from IsraelH3478? for who is this uncircumcisedH6189 PhilistineH6430, that he should defyH2778 the armiesH4634 of the livingH2416 GodH430?
Now there was foundH4672 in it a poorH4542 wiseH2450 manH376, and he by his wisdomH2451 deliveredH4422 the cityH5892; yet no manH120 rememberedH2142 that same poorH4542 manH376.
And DavidH1732 saidH559, Whosoever smitethH5221 the JebusitesH2983 firstH7223 shall be chiefH7218 and captainH8269. So JoabH3097 the sonH1121 of ZeruiahH6870 wentH5927 firstH7223 upH5927, and was chiefH7218. {chief: Heb. head}
The kingH4430 criedH7123 aloudH2429 to bringH5954 in the astrologersH826, the ChaldeansH3779, and the soothsayersH1505. And the kingH4430 spakeH6032, and saidH560 to the wiseH2445 men of BabylonH895, WhosoeverH606+H3606 shall readH7123 thisH1836 writingH3792, and shewH2324 me the interpretationH6591 thereof, shall be clothedH3848 with scarletH711, and have a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 his neckH6676, and shall be the thirdH8523 rulerH7981 in the kingdomH4437. {aloud: Cald. with might} {scarlet: or, purple}
And IH576 have heardH8086 of theeH5922, that thou canstH3202 makeH6590 interpretationsH6591, and dissolveH8271 doubtsH7001: nowH3705 ifH2006 thou canstH3202 readH7123 the writingH3792, and make knownH3046 to me the interpretationH6591 thereof, thou shalt be clothedH3848 with scarletH711, and have a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 thy neckH6676, and shalt be the thirdH8531 rulerH7981 in the kingdomH4437. {make interpretations: Cald. interpret, etc}
ThenH116 commandedH560 BelshazzarH1113, and they clothedH3848 DanielH1841 with scarletH711, and put a chainH2002 of goldH1722 aboutH5922 his neckH6676, and made a proclamationH3745 concerningH5922 him, that he should beH1934 the thirdH8531 rulerH7990 in the kingdomH4437.
AndG1161 it came to passG1096, that the fatherG3962 of PubliusG4196 layG2621 sick ofG4912 a feverG4446 andG2532 of a bloody fluxG1420: toG4314 whomG3739 PaulG3972 entered inG1525, andG2532 prayedG4336, and laidG2007 his handsG5495 onG2007 himG846, and healedG2390 himG846.
SoG3767 whenG1096 thisG5127 was doneG1096, othersG3062 alsoG2532, whichG3588 hadG2192 diseasesG769 inG1722 the islandG3520, cameG4334, andG2532 were healedG2323:
WhoG3739 alsoG2532 honouredG5092 usG2248 with manyG4183 honoursG5091; andG2532 when we departedG321, they ladedG2007 us with such things asG4314 were necessaryG5532.