A Psalm of DavidH1732. Unto thee, O LORDH3068, do I lift upH5375 my soulH5315.
O my GodH430, I trustH982 in thee: let me not be ashamedH954, let not mine enemiesH341 triumphH5970 over me.
Yea, let none that waitH6960 on thee be ashamedH954: let them be ashamedH954 which transgressH898 without causeH7387.
ShewH3045 me thy waysH1870, O LORDH3068; teachH3925 me thy pathsH734.
LeadH1869 me in thy truthH571, and teachH3925 me: for thou art the GodH430 of my salvationH3468; on thee do I waitH6960 all the dayH3117.
RememberH2142, O LORDH3068, thy tender merciesH7356 and thy lovingkindnessesH2617; for they have been ever of oldH5769. {tender…: Heb. bowels}
RememberH2142 not the sinsH2403 of my youthH5271, nor my transgressionsH6588: according to thy mercyH2617 rememberH2142 thou me for thy goodness'H2898 sake, O LORDH3068.
GoodH2896 and uprightH3477 is the LORDH3068: therefore will he teachH3384 sinnersH2400 in the wayH1870.
The meekH6035 will he guideH1869 in judgmentH4941: and the meekH6035 will he teachH3925 his wayH1870.
All the pathsH734 of the LORDH3068 are mercyH2617 and truthH571 unto such as keepH5341 his covenantH1285 and his testimoniesH5713.
For thy name'sH8034 sake, O LORDH3068, pardonH5545 mine iniquityH5771; for it is greatH7227.
What manH376 is he that fearethH3373 the LORDH3068? him shall he teachH3384 in the wayH1870 that he shall chooseH977.
His soulH5315 shall dwellH3885 at easeH2896; and his seedH2233 shall inheritH3423 the earthH776. {dwell…: Heb. lodge in goodness}
The secretH5475 of the LORDH3068 is with them that fearH3373 him; and he will shewH3045 them his covenantH1285. {and…: or, and his covenant to make them know it}
Mine eyesH5869 are everH8548 toward the LORDH3068; for he shall pluckH3318 my feetH7272 out of the netH7568. {pluck: Heb. bring forth}
TurnH6437 thee unto me, and have mercyH2603 upon me; for I am desolateH3173 and afflictedH6041.
The troublesH6869 of my heartH3824 are enlargedH7337: O bring thou me outH3318 of my distressesH4691.
LookH7200 upon mine afflictionH6040 and my painH5999; and forgiveH5375 all my sinsH2403.
ConsiderH7200 mine enemiesH341; for they are manyH7231; and they hateH8130 me with cruelH2555 hatredH8135. {cruel…: Heb. hatred of violence}
O keepH8104 my soulH5315, and deliverH5337 me: let me not be ashamedH954; for I put my trustH2620 in thee.
Let integrityH8537 and uprightnessH3476 preserveH5341 me; for I waitH6960 on thee.
RedeemH6299 IsraelH3478, O GodH430, out of all his troublesH6869.
Querverweise zu Psalm 25,22 Ps 25,22
Oh thatH5414 the salvationH3444 of IsraelH3478 were come out of ZionH6726! when the LORDH3068 bringeth backH7725 the captivityH7622 of his peopleH5971, JacobH3290 shall rejoiceH1523, and IsraelH3478 shall be gladH8055. {Oh…: Heb. Who will give}
Do goodH3190 in thy good pleasureH7522 unto ZionH6726: buildH1129 thou the wallsH2346 of JerusalemH3389.