Altes Testament

Neues Testament



1Hiob 30,1 KopierenKommentare WK WM But now they that are youngerH6810+H3117 than I have me in derisionH7832, whose fathersH1 I would have disdainedH3988 to have setH7896 with the dogsH3611 of my flockH6629. {younger…: Heb. of fewer days than I}

2Hiob 30,2 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext AM: Biblische Namen K Yea, wheretoH4100 might the strengthH3581 of their handsH3027 profit me, in whom old ageH3624 was perishedH6?

3Hiob 30,3 KopierenKommentare WM For wantH2639 and famineH3720 they were solitaryH1565; fleeingH6207 into the wildernessH6723 in former timeH570 desolateH7722 and wasteH4875. {solitary: or, dark as the night} {in…: Heb. yesternight}

4Hiob 30,4 KopierenVolltext AM: Biblische Namen S Who cut upH6998 mallowsH4408 by the bushesH7880, and juniperH7574 rootsH8328 for their meatH3899.

5Hiob 30,5 KopierenKeine Einträge gefunden. They were driven forthH1644 from amongH1460 men, (they criedH7321 after them as after a thiefH1590;)

6Hiob 30,6 KopierenVolltext AM: Biblische Namen C AM: Biblische Namen H AM: Biblische Namen K To dwellH7931 in the cliftsH6178 of the valleysH5158, in cavesH2356 of the earthH6083, and in the rocksH3710. {caves: Heb. holes}

7Hiob 30,7 KopierenKeine Einträge gefunden. Among the bushesH7880 they brayedH5101; under the nettlesH2738 they were gathered togetherH5596.

8Hiob 30,8 KopierenVolltext WM: Sach 4,13 They were childrenH1121 of foolsH5036, yea, childrenH1121 of base menH8034: they were vilerH5217 than the earthH776. {base…: Heb. men of no name}

9Hiob 30,9 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext AM: Biblische Namen N And now am I their songH5058, yea, I am their bywordH4405.

10Hiob 30,10 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,9 They abhorH8581 me, they flee farH7368 from me, and spareH2820 not to spitH7536 in my faceH6440. {and…: Heb. and withhold not spittle from}

11Hiob 30,11 KopierenKommentare WM Because he hath loosedH6605 my cordH3499, and afflictedH6031 me, they have also let looseH7971 the bridleH7448 beforeH6440 me.

12Hiob 30,12 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,11 Upon my rightH3225 hand riseH6965 the youthH6526; they push awayH7971 my feetH7272, and they raise upH5549 against me the waysH734 of their destructionH343.

13Hiob 30,13 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,11 They marH5420 my pathH5410, they set forwardH3276 my calamityH1942+H1962, they have no helperH5826.

14Hiob 30,14 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,11 They cameH857 upon me as a wideH7342 breakingH6556 in of waters: inH8478 the desolationH7722 they rolledH1556 themselves upon me.

15Hiob 30,15 KopierenVolltext AM: Biblische Namen B WM: Hiob 30,11 TerrorsH1091 are turnedH2015 upon me: they pursueH7291 my soulH5082 as the windH7307: and my welfareH3444 passeth awayH5674 as a cloudH5645. {my soul: Heb. my principal one}

16Hiob 30,16 KopierenKommentare WM And now my soulH5315 is poured outH8210 upon me; the daysH3117 of afflictionH6040 have taken holdH270 upon me.

17Hiob 30,17 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,16 My bonesH6106 are piercedH5365 in me in the night seasonH3915: and my sinewsH6207 take no restH7901.

18Hiob 30,18 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,16 By the greatH7230 forceH3581 of my disease is my garmentH3830 changedH2664: it bindeth me aboutH247 as the collarH6310 of my coatH3801.

19Hiob 30,19 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,16 He hath castH3384 me into the mireH2563, and I am become likeH4911 dustH6083 and ashesH665.

20Hiob 30,20 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext WM: Hld 5,6 I cryH7768 unto thee, and thou dost not hearH6030 me: I stand upH5975, and thou regardestH995 me not.

21Hiob 30,21 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,20 Thou art becomeH2015 cruelH393 to me: with thy strongH6108 handH3027 thou opposestH7852 thyself against me. {become…: Heb. turned to be cruel} {thy…: Heb. the strength of thy hand}

22Hiob 30,22 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,20 Thou liftest me upH5375 to the windH7307; thou causest me to rideH7392 upon it, and dissolvestH4127 my substanceH8454+H7738. {substance: or, wisdom}

23Hiob 30,23 KopierenKommentare WM For I knowH3045 that thou wilt bringH7725 me to deathH4194, and to the houseH1004 appointedH4150 for all livingH2416.

24Hiob 30,24 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext AM: Biblische Namen S Howbeit he will not stretch outH7971 his handH3027 to the graveH1164, though they cryH7769 in his destructionH6365. {grave: Heb. heap}

25Hiob 30,25 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,24 Did not I weepH1058 for him that was in troubleH7186+H3117? was not my soulH5315 grievedH5701 for the poorH34? {in trouble: Heb. hard of day?}

26Hiob 30,26 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,24 When I lookedH6960 for goodH2896, then evilH7451 cameH935 unto me: and when I waitedH3176 for lightH216, there cameH935 darknessH652.

27Hiob 30,27 KopierenKommentare WM My bowelsH4578 boiledH7570, and restedH1826 not: the daysH3117 of afflictionH6040 preventedH6923 me.

28Hiob 30,28 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,27 I wentH1980 mourningH6937 without the sunH2535: I stood upH6965, and I criedH7768 in the congregationH6951.

29Hiob 30,29 KopierenVolltext WM: Hiob 30,27 WM: Mich 1,8 I am a brotherH251 to dragonsH8577, and a companionH7453 to owlsH1323+H3284. {owls: or, ostriches}

30Hiob 30,30 KopierenVolltext AM: Hld 1,5 WM: Hiob 30,27 My skinH5785 is blackH7835 upon me, and my bonesH6106 are burnedH2787 with heatH2721.

31Hiob 30,31 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext AM: Biblische Namen G My harpH3658 also is turned to mourningH60, and my organH5748 into the voiceH6963 of them that weepH1058.

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Ri 6,2Richter 6,2 KopierenKommentare WMVerknüpfungen JND: Ri 6,1 KUA: Ri 6,1Volltext BdH: 2Sa 7,1-16 1Ch 17,1-15 - David und sein Wunsch, dem Herrn ein Haus zu bauen – Teil 2/3 WM: Jer 49,28 And the handH3027 of MidianH4080 prevailedH5810 against IsraelH3478: and becauseH6440 of the MidianitesH4080 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 madeH6213 them the densH4492 which are in the mountainsH2022, and cavesH4631, and strong holdsH4679. {prevailed: Heb. was strong}

1Sam 22,11. Samuel 22,1 KopierenKommentare JND WK WMVolltext AM: Biblische Namen A AM: Biblische Namen M Handreichungen Themen: 1Sam 18.23.31 - „Jonathan“ Handreichungen Themen: Heb 13,13 - „Außerhalb des Lagers“ WM: Ps 57,1 WM: Mich 1,15 WM: Off 3,7 DavidH1732 therefore departedH3212 thence, and escapedH4422 to the caveH4631 AdullamH5725: and when his brethrenH251 and all his father'sH1 houseH1004 heardH8085 it, they went downH3381 thither to him.

1Sam 22,21. Samuel 22,2 KopierenKommentare WMVolltext CHM: 1 Sa 22 - Kapitel 3 - Die Höhle Adullam Handreichungen Themen: 1Sam 18.23.31 - „Jonathan“ WM: Ps 57,1 WM: Off 3,7 And every oneH376 that was in distressH4689, and every oneH376 that was in debtH5378, and every oneH376 that was discontentedH4751+H5315, gatheredH6908 themselves unto him; and he became a captainH8269 over them: and there were with him about fourH702 hundredH3967 menH376. {was in debt: Heb. had a creditor} {discontented: Heb. bitter of soul}

Off 6,15Offenbarung 6,15 KopierenKommentare AK RWP WMVerknüpfungen JND: Off 6,1 WK: Off 6,1Volltext ED: Off 6,1-8 - Die sieben Siegel ED: Off 7, 1- 17 - Die 144OOO aus Israel und die große Volksmenge aus denNationen. ED: Unseregegenwärtige Zeit - nach Schluss des Völkerkrieges - im Blick auf dieEreignisse der Endzeit. (Nachwort zur zweiten Auflage) Handreichungen Fragen und Antworten: 2Mo 9,31-32 - Enthält die sozusagen eingeschobene Bemerkung in 2. Mose 9,31.32 prophetische Hinweise und Beziehungen auf Israel oder die Nationen (oder beides), und wenn ja, welche? Handreichungen Fragen und Antworten: Off 7,14; Mt 24,21; Mk 13,19; Off 7,9; 2Thes 2,11; Off 6,17; 1Thes 3,9 - Ist die in Off 7,14 erwähnte große Drangsal dieselbe wie die in Mt 24,21 und Mk 13,19 erwähnte? Wenn die in Off 7,9 gekannte große Volksmenge aus jeder Nation, Stämmen, Völkern und Sprachen nicht die Gemeinde ist, dann muss es nach der Entrückung zu einer gewaltigen Erweckung kommen. Wie stimmt das aber mit 2Thes 2,11 überein? Sind die grausamen Christenverfolgungen im römischen Reich, in Frankreich, Spanien, Russland usw. keine große Drangsal gewesen? Besteht ein Unterschied zwischen dem „Tag des Zornes“ (Off 6,17) und der „großen Drangsal“? Sicher ist es, dass die Gemeinde mit dem „Tag des Zornes“ nichts zu tun hat (1Thes 3,9). RWP: Mk 6,21 RWP: Off 6,16 +10 Artikel AndG2532 the kingsG935 of the earthG1093, andG2532 the great menG3175, andG2532 the rich menG4145, andG2532 the chief captainsG5506, andG2532 the mighty menG1415, andG2532 everyG3956 bondmanG1401, andG2532 everyG3956 free manG1658, hidG2928 themselvesG1438 inG1519 the densG4693 andG2532 inG1519 the rocksG4073 of the mountainsG3735;

Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit.