To the chief MusicianH5329, A PsalmH4210 of DavidH1732. The heavensH8064 declareH5608 the gloryH3519 of GodH410; and the firmamentH7549 sheweth hisH5046 handyworkH4639+H3027.
DayH3117 unto dayH3117 utterethH5042 speechH562, and nightH3915 unto nightH3915 shewethH2331 knowledgeH1847.
There is no speechH562 nor languageH1697, where their voiceH6963 is not heardH8085. {where…: or, without these their voice is heard: Heb. without their voice heard}
Their lineH6957 is gone outH3318 through all the earthH776, and their wordsH4405 to the endH7097 of the worldH8398. In them hath he setH7760 a tabernacleH168 for the sunH8121, {line: or, rule, or, direction}
Which is as a bridegroomH2860 coming outH3318 of his chamberH2646, and rejoicethH7797 as a strong manH1368 to runH7323 a raceH734.
His going forthH4161 is from the endH7097 of the heavenH8064, and his circuitH8622 unto the endsH7098 of it: and there is nothing hidH5641 from the heatH2535 thereof.
The lawH8451 of the LORDH3068 is perfectH8549, convertingH7725 the soulH5315: the testimonyH5715 of the LORDH3068 is sureH539, making wiseH2449 the simpleH6612. {law: or, doctrine} {converting: or, restoring}
The statutesH6490 of the LORDH3068 are rightH3477, rejoicingH8055 the heartH3820: the commandmentH4687 of the LORDH3068 is pureH1249, enlighteningH215 the eyesH5869.
The fearH3374 of the LORDH3068 is cleanH2889, enduringH5975 for everH5703: the judgmentsH4941 of the LORDH3068 are trueH571 and righteousH6663 altogetherH3162. {true: Heb. truth}
More to be desiredH2530 are they than goldH2091, yea, than muchH7227 fine goldH6337: sweeterH4966 also than honeyH1706 and the honeycombH5317+H6688. {the honeycomb: Heb. the dropping of honeycombs}
Moreover by them is thy servantH5650 warnedH2094: and in keepingH8104 of them there is greatH7227 rewardH6118.
Who can understandH995 his errorsH7691? cleanseH5352 thou me from secretH5641 faults.
Keep backH2820 thy servantH5650 also from presumptuousH2086 sins; let them not have dominionH4910 over me: then shall I be uprightH8552, and I shall be innocentH5352 from the greatH7227 transgressionH6588. {the great: or, much}
Let the wordsH561 of my mouthH6310, and the meditationH1902 of my heartH3820, be acceptableH7522 in thy sightH6440, O LORDH3068, my strengthH6697, and my redeemerH1350. {strength: Heb. rock}
Querverweise zu Psalm 19,3 Ps 19,3
And lest thou lift upH5375 thine eyesH5869 unto heavenH8064, and when thou seestH7200 the sunH8121, and the moonH3394, and the starsH3556, even all the hostH6635 of heavenH8064, shouldest be drivenH5080 to worshipH7812 them, and serveH5647 them, which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 hath dividedH2505 unto all nationsH5971 under the whole heavenH8064. {divided: or, imparted}