And the menH376 of EphraimH669 gathered themselves togetherH6817, and wentH5674 northwardH6828, and saidH559 unto JephthahH3316, Wherefore passedst thou overH5674 to fightH3898 against the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and didst not callH7121 us to goH3212 with thee? we will burnH8313 thine houseH1004 upon thee with fireH784. {gathered…: Heb. were called}
And JephthahH3316 saidH559 unto them, I and my peopleH5971 wereH1961 at greatH3966 strifeH376+H7379 with the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983; and when I calledH2199 you, ye deliveredH3467 me not out of their handsH3027.
And when I sawH7200 that ye deliveredH3467 me not, I putH7760 my lifeH5315 in my handsH3709, and passed overH5674 against the childrenH1121 of AmmonH5983, and the LORDH3068 deliveredH5414 them into my handH3027: wherefore then are ye come upH5927 unto me this dayH3117, to fightH3898 against me?
Then JephthahH3316 gathered togetherH6908 all the menH582 of GileadH1568, and foughtH3898 with EphraimH669: and the menH582 of GileadH1568 smoteH5221 EphraimH669, because they saidH559, Ye GileaditesH1568 are fugitivesH6412 of EphraimH669 amongH8432 the EphraimitesH669, and amongH8432 the ManassitesH4519.
And the GileaditesH1568 tookH3920 the passagesH4569 of JordanH3383 before the EphraimitesH669: and it was so, that when those EphraimitesH669 which were escapedH6412 saidH559, Let me go overH5674; that the menH582 of GileadH1568 saidH559 unto him, Art thou an EphraimiteH673? If he saidH559, Nay;
Then saidH559 they unto him, SayH559 now ShibbolethH7641: and he saidH559 SibbolethH5451: for he could not frameH3559 to pronounceH1696 it rightH3559. Then they tookH270 him, and slewH7819 him at the passagesH4569 of JordanH3383: and there fellH5307 at that timeH6256 of the EphraimitesH669 fortyH705 and twoH8147 thousandH505.
And JephthahH3316 judgedH8199 IsraelH3478 sixH8337 yearsH8141. Then diedH4191 JephthahH3316 the GileaditeH1569, and was buriedH6912 in one of the citiesH5892 of GileadH1568.
And afterH310 him IbzanH78 of BethlehemH1035 judgedH8199 IsraelH3478.
And he had thirtyH7970 sonsH1121, and thirtyH7970 daughtersH1323, whom he sentH7971 abroadH2351, and tookH935 in thirtyH7970 daughtersH1323 from abroadH2351 for his sonsH1121. And he judgedH8199 IsraelH3478 sevenH7651 yearsH8141.
Then diedH4191 IbzanH78, and was buriedH6912 at BethlehemH1035.
And afterH310 him ElonH356, a ZebuloniteH2075, judgedH8199 IsraelH3478; and he judgedH8199 IsraelH3478 tenH6235 yearsH8141.
And ElonH356 the ZebuloniteH2075 diedH4191, and was buriedH6912 in AijalonH357 in the countryH776 of ZebulunH2074.
And afterH310 him AbdonH5658 the sonH1121 of HillelH1985, a PirathoniteH6553, judgedH8199 IsraelH3478.
And he had fortyH705 sonsH1121 and thirtyH7970 nephewsH1121+H1121, that rodeH7392 on threescore and tenH7657 ass coltsH5895: and he judgedH8199 IsraelH3478 eightH8083 yearsH8141. {nephews: Heb. sons' sons}
And AbdonH5658 the sonH1121 of HillelH1985 the PirathoniteH6553 diedH4191, and was buriedH6912 in PirathonH6552 in the landH776 of EphraimH669, in the mountH2022 of the AmalekitesH6003.
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And he saidH559 unto them, FollowH7291 afterH310 me: for the LORDH3068 hath deliveredH5414 your enemiesH341 the MoabitesH4124 into your handH3027. And they went downH3381 afterH310 him, and tookH3920 the fordsH4569 of JordanH3383 toward MoabH4124, and sufferedH5414 not a manH376 to pass overH5674.
And GideonH1439 sentH7971 messengersH4397 throughout all mountH2022 EphraimH669, sayingH559, Come downH3381 againstH7125 the MidianitesH4080, and takeH3920 before them the watersH4325 unto BethbarahH1012 and JordanH3383. Then all the menH376 of EphraimH669 gathered themselves togetherH6817, and tookH3920 the watersH4325 unto BethbarahH1012 and JordanH3383.
And the menH582 pursuedH7291 afterH310 them the wayH1870 to JordanH3383 unto the fordsH4569: and as soon as they which pursuedH7291 afterH310 them were gone outH3318, they shutH5462 the gateH8179.
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 heardH8085 sayH559, Behold, the childrenH1121 of ReubenH7205 and the childrenH1121 of GadH1410 and the halfH2677 tribeH7626 of ManassehH4519 have builtH1129 an altarH4196 over againstH4136 the landH776 of CanaanH3667, in the bordersH1552 of JordanH3383, at the passageH5676 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478.