American Standard Version of 1901
Doth he thank the {Greek: bondservant.}servant because he did the things that were commanded?
yet, looking unto the promise of God, he wavered not through unbelief, but waxed strong through faith, giving glory to God,
I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me.
{Or, Henceforth}Finally, {Greek: be made powerful.}be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might.
But I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself, {Or, in comparison of accomplishing my course }so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify the {Or, good tidings}gospel of the grace of God.
if so be that ye continue in the faith, grounded and stedfast, and not moved away from the hope of the {Greek: good tidings: and so elsewhere; see marginal note on Matthew 4:23.}gospel which ye heard, which was preached in all creation under heaven; whereof I Paul was made a minister.
{Or, amongst whom}wherein ye also once walked, when ye lived in these things;