Then the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872, GoH935 in unto PharaohH6547, and tellH1696 him, Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of the HebrewsH5680, Let my peopleH5971 goH7971, that they may serveH5647 me.
For if thou refuseH3986 to let them goH7971, and wilt holdH2388 them still,
Behold, the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 isH1961 upon thy cattleH4735 which is in the fieldH7704, upon the horsesH5483, upon the assesH2543, upon the camelsH1581, upon the oxenH1241, and upon the sheepH6629: there shall be a veryH3966 grievousH3515 murrainH1698.
And the LORDH3068 shall severH6395 between the cattleH4735 of IsraelH3478 and the cattleH4735 of EgyptH4714: and there shall nothingH1697 dieH4191 of all that is the children'sH1121 of IsraelH3478.
And the LORDH3068 appointedH7760 a set timeH4150, sayingH559, To morrowH4279 the LORDH3068 shall doH6213 this thingH1697 in the landH776.
And the LORDH3068 didH6213 that thingH1697 on the morrowH4283, and all the cattleH4735 of EgyptH4714 diedH4191: but of the cattleH4735 of the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 diedH4191 not oneH259.
And PharaohH6547 sentH7971, and, behold, there was not oneH259 of the cattleH4735 of the IsraelitesH3478 deadH4191. And the heartH3820 of PharaohH6547 was hardenedH3513, and he did not let the peopleH5971 goH7971.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872 and unto AaronH175, TakeH3947 to you handfulsH2651+H4393 of ashesH6368 of the furnaceH3536, and let MosesH4872 sprinkleH2236 it toward the heavenH8064 in the sightH5869 of PharaohH6547.
And it shall become small dustH80 in all the landH776 of EgyptH4714, and shall be a boilH7822 breaking forthH6524 with blainsH76 upon manH120, and upon beastH929, throughout all the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
And they tookH3947 ashesH6368 of the furnaceH3536, and stoodH5975 beforeH6440 PharaohH6547; and MosesH4872 sprinkledH2236 it up toward heavenH8064; and it became a boilH7822 breaking forthH6524 with blainsH76 upon manH120, and upon beastH929.
And the magiciansH2748 couldH3201 not standH5975 beforeH6440 MosesH4872 becauseH6440 of the boilsH7822; for the boilH7822 was upon the magiciansH2748, and upon all the EgyptiansH4714.
And the LORDH3068 hardenedH2388 the heartH3820 of PharaohH6547, and he hearkenedH8085 not unto them; as the LORDH3068 had spokenH1696 unto MosesH4872.
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872, Rise up earlyH7925 in the morningH1242, and standH3320 beforeH6440 PharaohH6547, and sayH559 unto him, Thus saithH559 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of the HebrewsH5680, Let my peopleH5971 goH7971, that they may serveH5647 me.
For I will at this timeH6471 sendH7971 all my plaguesH4046 upon thine heartH3820, and upon thy servantsH5650, and upon thy peopleH5971; that thou mayest knowH3045 that there is none like me in all the earthH776.
For now I will stretch outH7971 my handH3027, that I may smiteH5221 thee and thy peopleH5971 with pestilenceH1698; and thou shalt be cut offH3582 from the earthH776.
And in veryH199 deedH5668 for this cause have I raised thee upH5975, for to shewH7200 in thee my powerH3581; and that my nameH8034 may be declaredH5608 throughout all the earthH776. {raised…: Heb. made thee stand}
As yet exaltestH5549 thou thyself against my peopleH5971, that thou wilt not let them goH7971?
Behold, to morrowH4279 about this timeH6256 I will cause it to rainH4305 a veryH3966 grievousH3515 hailH1259, such as hath not beenH3644 in EgyptH4714 sinceH4480 the foundationH3117+H3245 thereof even until now.
SendH7971 therefore now, and gatherH5756 thy cattleH4735, and all that thou hast in the fieldH7704; for upon every manH120 and beastH929 which shall be foundH4672 in the fieldH7704, and shall not be broughtH622 homeH1004, the hailH1259 shall come downH3381 upon them, and they shall dieH4191.
He that fearedH3373 the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 among the servantsH5650 of PharaohH6547 made his servantsH5650 and his cattleH4735 fleeH5127 into the housesH1004:
And he that regardedH7760+H3820 not the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 leftH5800 his servantsH5650 and his cattleH4735 in the fieldH7704. {regarded…: Heb. set not his heart unto}
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 unto MosesH4872, Stretch forthH5186 thine handH3027 toward heavenH8064, that there may be hailH1259 in all the landH776 of EgyptH4714, upon manH120, and upon beastH929, and upon every herbH6212 of the fieldH7704, throughout the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
And MosesH4872 stretched forthH5186 his rodH4294 toward heavenH8064: and the LORDH3068 sentH5414 thunderH6963 and hailH1259, and the fireH784 ran alongH1980 upon the groundH776; and the LORDH3068 rainedH4305 hailH1259 upon the landH776 of EgyptH4714.
So there was hailH1259, and fireH784+H3947 mingledH8432 with the hailH1259, veryH3966 grievousH3515, such as there was noneH3808 like it in all the landH776 of EgyptH4714 since it became a nationH1471.
And the hailH1259 smoteH5221 throughout all the landH776 of EgyptH4714 all that was in the fieldH7704, both manH120 and beastH929; and the hailH1259 smoteH5221 every herbH6212 of the fieldH7704, and brakeH7665 every treeH6086 of the fieldH7704.
Only in the landH776 of GoshenH1657, where the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 were, was there no hailH1259.
And PharaohH6547 sentH7971, and calledH7121 for MosesH4872 and AaronH175, and saidH559 unto them, I have sinnedH2398 this timeH6471: the LORDH3068 is righteousH6662, and I and my peopleH5971 are wickedH7563.
IntreatH6279 the LORDH3068 (for it is enoughH7227) that there be no more mightyH430 thunderingsH6963 and hailH1259; and I will let you goH7971, and ye shall stayH5975 no longerH3254. {mighty…: Heb. voices of God}
And MosesH4872 saidH559 unto him, As soon as I am gone outH3318 of the cityH5892, I will spread abroadH6566 my handsH3709 unto the LORDH3068; and the thunderH6963 shall ceaseH2308, neither shall there be any more hailH1259; that thou mayest knowH3045 how that the earthH776 is the LORD'SH3068.
But as for thee and thy servantsH5650, I knowH3045 that ye will not yet fearH3372+H6440 the LORDH3068 GodH430.
And the flaxH6594 and the barleyH8184 was smittenH5221: for the barleyH8184 was in the earH24, and the flaxH6594 was bolledH1392.
But the wheatH2406 and the rieH3698 were not smittenH5221: for theyH2007 were not grown upH648. {not grown…: Heb. hidden or, dark}
And MosesH4872 went outH3318 of the cityH5892 from PharaohH6547, and spread abroadH6566 his handsH3709 unto the LORDH3068: and the thundersH6963 and hailH1259 ceasedH2308, and the rainH4306 was not pouredH5413 upon the earthH776.
And when PharaohH6547 sawH7200 that the rainH4306 and the hailH1259 and the thundersH6963 were ceasedH2308, he sinnedH2398 yet moreH3254, and hardenedH3513 his heartH3820, he and his servantsH5650.
And the heartH3820 of PharaohH6547 was hardenedH2388, neither would he let the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 goH7971; as the LORDH3068 had spokenH1696 byH3027 MosesH4872. {by Moses: Heb. by the hand of Moses}