Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Matthäus 6,19Lay not up for yourselves treasures (μη θησαυριζετε υμιν θησαυρους). Do not have this habit (μη and the present imperative). See on Matthew 2:11 for the word "treasure." Here there is a play on the word, "treasure not for yourselves treasures." Same play in verse Matthew 6:20 with the cognate ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 6,27... with μη and present middle imperative of εργαζομα, old verb from εργον, work. The meat (την βρωσιν). The act of eating (Romans 14:17), corrosion (Matthew 6:19), the thing eaten as here (2 Corinthians 9:10). See on John 4:32. Which perisheth (την απολλυμενην). Present middle participle of απολλυμ. They were ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 20,33... "apparel" because oriental wealth consisted largely in fine apparel (not old worn out clothes). See Genesis 24:53; 2. Kings 5:5; Psalm 45:13; Matthew 6:19. Paul did not preach just for money.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 12,21Not rich toward God (μη εις θεον πλουτων). The only wealth that matters and that lasts. Cf. Luke 16:9; Matthew 6:19. Some MSS. do not have this verse. Westcott and Hort bracket it.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 12,33... "I prefer to believe that even Luke sees in the words not a mechanical rule, but a law for the spirit" (Bruce). Draweth near (εγγιζε). Instead of Matthew 6:19 "dig through and steal." Destroyeth (διαφθειρε). Instead of "doth consume" in Matthew 6:19.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Hebräer 8,13... (παλαιος) and νεος (γεραιος). Is nigh unto vanishing away (εγγυς αφανισμου). Genitive case with εγγυς and late word for disappearance (from αφανιζω, Matthew 6:19), here only in the N.T. The author writes as if the Old Testament legal and ceremonial system were about to vanish before the new covenant of grace. ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Hebräer 10,34... treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20). Abiding (μενουσαν). Present active participle of μενω. No oppressors (legal or illegal) can rob them of this (Matthew 6:19).Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Hebräer 11,26... as "greater riches" (μειζονα πλουτον) than "the treasures of Egypt" (των Αιγυπτου θησαυρων, ablative case after comparative μειζονα, for which see Matthew 6:19). Moses was laying up treasure in heaven. For he looked unto the recompense of reward (απεβλεπεν γαρ εις την μισθαποδοσιαν). In perfect active of ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 4,14... Present middle participles agreeing with ατμις, "appearing, then also disappearing," with play on the two verbs (φαινομαι, αφανιζω as in Matthew 6:19, from αφανης hidden Hebrews 4:13) with the same root φαν (φαινω, α-φαν-ης).Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 5,2... (root σαπ as in σαπρος, rotten), to corrupt, to destroy, here intransitive "has rotted." Only here in N.T. On the worthlessness of mere wealth see Matthew 6:19; Matthew 6:24. Were moth-eaten (σητοβρωτα γεγονεν). "Have become (second perfect indicative of γινομα, singular number, though ιματια, neuter ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 5,3... 25:41; Mark 9:44). This interpretation makes a more vivid picture for εθησαυρισατε (ye have laid up, first aorist active indicative of θησαυριζω, Matthew 6:19 and see Proverbs 16:27), but it is more natural to take it with φαγετα.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 1. Petrus 1,4... Perfect passive participle of τηρεω, old verb, to take care of, to guard. No burglars or bandits can break through where this inheritance is kept (Matthew 6:19; John 17:11). Cf. Colossians 1:5, where laid away" (αποκειμενην) occurs. For you (εις υμας). More graphic than the mere dative.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 1. Korinther 16,2... 24:1; Acts 20:7. Distributive use of κατα also. Lay by him in store (παρ' εαυτω τιθετω θησαυριζων). By himself, in his home. Treasuring it (cf. Matthew 6:19. for θησαυριζω). Have the habit of doing it, τιθετω (present imperative). As he may prosper (οτ εαν ευοδωτα). Old verb from ευ, well, and οδος, way ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 2. Petrus 3,7... again referring to λογω in verse 2 Peter 3:6. Have been stored up (τεθησαυρισμενο εισιν). Perfect passive indicative of θησαυριζω, for which verb see Matthew 6:19; Luke 12:21. For fire (πυρ). Dative case of πυρ, not with fire (instrumental case). The destruction of the world by fire is here pictured as in Joel ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 1. Timotheus 6,18... Late word (αγαθος, εργω), in N.T. only here and Acts 14:17. Rich in good works (πλουτειν εν εργοις καλοις). See Luke 12:21 "rich toward God" and Matthew 6:19 for "treasures in heaven." Ready to distribute (ευμεταδοτους). Late and rare verbal (ευ, μετα, διδωμ). Free to give, liberal. Only here in N.T. ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 1. Timotheus 6,19Laying up in store (αποθησαυριζοντας). Late literary word (απο and θησαυριζω), only here in N.T. Same paradox as in Matthew 6:19, "laying up in store" by giving it away. Which is life indeed (της οντως ζωης). See 1 Timothy 5:3 for οντως. This life is merely the shadow of the ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 2. Timotheus 1,12... That which I have committed unto him (την παραθηκην μου). Literally, "my deposit," as in a bank, the bank of heaven which no burglar can break (Matthew 6:19). See this word also in verse 2 Timothy 1:14. Some MSS. have the more common παρακαταθηκη (a sort of double deposit, παρα, beside, down, κατα). ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Römer 2,5... "Thy unreconstructed heart," "with no change in the attitude of thy heart." Treasurest up for thyself (θησαυριζεις σεαυτω). See for θησαυριζω on Matthew 6:19; Luke 12:21; 2 Corinthians 12:14. Dative case σεαυτω (for thyself) with a touch of irony (Vincent). Wrath (οργην). For such a Jew as already stated ...Kommentar von William Kelly (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Matthäus 6,1Behandelter Abschnitt Mt 6 Das zweite dieser Kapitel (Kap. 6.), aus denen die Predigt besteht, enthält zwei Teile. Der erste betrifft wieder die Gerechtigkeit. „Habt aber Acht“, sagt der Herr, „dass ihr eure Gerechtigkeit nicht vor den Menschen übt“ (V. 1). Hier muss „Gerechtigkeit“ stehen und ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 2. Korinther 4,7This treasure (τον θησαυρον τουτον). On θησαυρον see Matthew 6:19-21. It is the power of giving the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God (verse 2 Corinthians 4:6). "The power is limitless, but it is ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 2. Korinther 12,14... yours, but you (ου τα υμων, αλλα υμας). The motto of every real preacher. To lay up (θησαυριζειν). For this use of the verb see 1 Corinthians 16:2 (Matthew 6:19-21; James 5:3).Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Kolosser 2,3... sense since Christ is the mystery of God. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (παντες ο θησαυρο της σοφιας κα γνωσεως). See on Matthew 2:11; Matthew 6:19-21 for this old word, our thesaurus, for coffer, storehouse, treasure. Paul confronts these pretentious intellectuals (Gnostics) with the bold claim ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Matthäus 6,19Behandelter Abschnitt Mt 6,19-21 Sammelt euch nicht Schätze auf der Erde, wo Motte und Rost zerstören und wo Diebe einbrechen und stehlen; 20 sammelt euch aber Schätze im Himmel, wo ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu 1. Timotheus 6,8... lesen wir das nicht. Wer kann sagen: Wenn ich genug zu essen habe und Kleidung habe, dann bin ich zufrieden? Das ist wahre Gottseligkeit (vgl. hierzu Mt 6,19-34). Dabei geht es nicht um mönchisch erzwungene Armut, wo die Armut das Ziel an sich ist, sondern um die Haltung zum Besitz. Allein in der Schrift ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Jakobus 5,3... zu sammeln? Etwa 350 Menschen verdienen 50 Prozent des weltweiten Einkommens. In den letzten Tagen: In den letzten Tagen ist das umso schlimmer (vgl. Mt 6,19-21): (a) vor der Zerstörung Jerusalems, (b) vor dem Kommen Christi. Eine Endzeit verändert alles. Die Charismatiker wollen viele der Zeichen eines ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Matthäus 6,19Behandelter Abschnitt Mt 6,19-21 Dann folgen die Ermahnungen in Bezug auf die Dinge dieses Lebens. Zuerst geht es um das Anlegen von Schätzen auf der Erde. Der Herr macht ein Prinzip ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu 1. Timotheus 6,9Behandelter Abschnitt 1Tim 6,9-10 Möge der christliche Leser auch die Worte unseres Herrn in Matthäus 6,19-34 studieren und sich an der unvergleichlichen Fülle und Würde dieser gesegneten Rede erfreuen. Der gottgefälligen Zufriedenheit des Christen stellt der ...