Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Markus 1,4... about Christ. He is described as the baptizing one (ο απτιζων) in the wilderness (εν τη ερημω). The baptizing took place in the River Jordan (Mark 1:5; Mark 1:9) which was included in the general term the wilderness or the deserted region of Judea. Preached the baptism of repentance (κηρυσσων ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 1,31... their spiritual privileges (John 1:49) the presence of the Messiah. Hence he was baptizing in water those who confessed their sins, he means, as in Mark 1:5. The Synoptic account is presupposed all along here.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 3,22... ην). Into the country districts outside of Jerusalem. The only example of this phrase in the N.T., but "the region of Judea" (η Ιουδαια χωρα) in Mark 1:5. He tarried (διετριβεν). Descriptive imperfect active of διατριβω, old verb to rub between or hard, to spend time (Acts 14:3). Baptized (εβαπτιζεν). ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 4,1... απτιζε η Ιωανης). Present active indicative in both verbs retained in indirect discourse. Recall the tremendous success of John's early ministry (Mark 1:5; Matthew 3:5; Luke 3:7; Luke 3:15) in order to see the significance of this statement that Jesus had forged ahead of him in popular favour. Already ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 5,35... ye became willing." Ingressive aorist active indicative of θελω. Reference again to John 1:19. Cf. also for the temporary popularity of the Baptist Mark 1:5; Matthew 3:5; Matthew 11:7; Matthew 21:26. The Jews were attracted to John "like moths to a candle" (Bernard). To rejoice (αγαλλιαθηνα). First ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 7,25... pilgrims at the feast. They form a separate group. The word is made from Ιεροσολυμα and occurs in Josephus and IV Maccabees. In N.T. only here and Mark 1:5. These Jerusalem people knew better than the pilgrims the designs of the rulers (Vincent). Is not this? (ουχ ουτος εστιν;). Expecting affirmative ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu 1. Johannes 1,9... "if we keep on confessing." Confession of sin to God and to one another (James 5:16) is urged throughout the N.T. from John the Baptist (Mark 1:5) on. Faithful (πιστος). Jesus made confession of sin necessary to forgiveness. It is God's promise and he is "righteous" (δικαιος). To forgive (ινα ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Matthäus 1,1... them to be more precise. Plummer shows the broad general plan of both Mark and Matthew to be the same as follows: Introduction to the Gospel: Mark 1:1-13; Matthew 3:1-4. Ministry in Galilee: Mark 1:14-6; Matthew 4:12-13. Ministry in the Neighborhood: Mark 6:14-9; Matthew 14:1-18. Journey through Perea ...Kommentar von Hamilton Smith (Hamilton Smith)Kommentar zu Markus 1,1Behandelter Abschnitt Mk 1,1-20 Einleitung Durch die Güte Gottes, der uns die Geschichte unseres Herrn Jesus Christus auf seinem Weg durch diese Welt gegeben hat, haben wir einen ...Kurze Einführung in die Bibel (Ernst Aebi)MARKUS-EVANGELIUM... ganz ähnlich ist wie bei Matthäus. Wir gehen bei der Einteilung von dem Zentralgedanken«Jesus, der Gottesdiener» aus. 1. Die Vorbereitung des Dieners Mk 1,1-13 Sein Herold, Johannes der Täufer Mk 1,1-8Seine Wasser - und Geistestaufe ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Markus 1,1Behandelter Abschnitt Mk 1,1-8 Einleitung 1. Biographisch Markus war ein üblicher römischer Vorname. Sein jüdischer Name war Johannes. Er kam durch Petrus zur Bekehrung (1Pet 5,13; ...Kommentar von Hamilton Smith (Hamilton Smith)Kommentar zu Markus 1,4Behandelter Abschnitt Mk 1,4-8 Markus 1,4-8. Das dritte Zeugnis über die Herrlichkeit des vollkommenen Dieners haben wir von Johannes, seinem Vorläufer. Einerseits bezeugt er den ...