I desire (βουλομα). So Philippians 1:12.
The men (τους ανδρας). Accusative of general
reference with the infinitive προσευχεσθα. The men in contrast to
"women" (γυναικας) in
Lifting up holy hands (επαιροντας οσιους χειρας).
Standing to pray. Note also οσιους used as feminine (so in Plato) with
χειρας instead of οσιας. The point here is that only men should lead in
public prayer who can lift up "clean hands" (morally and spiritually
clean). See Luke 24:50. Adverb οσιως in
Without wrath and disputing (χωρις οργης κα διαλογισμου). See Philippians 2:14.