Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 5,43... of the "Name" of the Father (John 5:43; John 10:25; John 12:28; John 17:6; John 17:11; John 17:12; John 17:26). See John 1:12 for use of ονομα (Luke 1:49). And ye receive me not (κα ου λαμβανετε με). "And yet ye do not receive me," as in verse John 5:40, "the Gospel of the Rejection" (John 1:11; John ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 17,11... but he will be with the believers through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:20). Holy Father (πατερ αγιε). Only here in the N.T., but see 1 John 2:20; Luke 1:49 for the holiness of God, a thoroughly Jewish conception. See John 6:69 where Peter calls Jesus ο αγιος του θεου. For the word applied to saints ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 2,11... discourse (Robertson, Grammar, pp. 1040ff.). The mighty works (τα μεγαλεια). Old adjective for magnificent. In LXX, but only here (not genuine in Luke 1:49) in the N.T. Cf. 2 Peter 1:16 for μεγαλειοτης (majesty).Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 9,13... 9:32; Acts 9:41; Acts 26:10; 1. Corinthians 1:2, etc.). This common word is from το αγος, religious awe or reverence and is applied to God's name (Luke 1:49), God's temple (Matthew 24:15), God's people as set apart for God (Luke 1:70; Luke 2:23; Romans 1:7, etc.). Ananias in his ignorance saw in Saul ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,49Denn große Dinge hat der Mächtige an mir getan, und heilig ist sein Name: Die Bedeutung Marias liegt allein in dem Handeln des Mächtigen an ihr. Der Allmächtige hat die Verheißungen gegeben (1Mo 17,1; 2Mo 6,3 usw.).Betrachtungen über die Bücher der Bibel (Synopsis) (John Nelson Darby)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,1Behandelter Abschnitt Lk 1,1-80 Einleitung In dem Evangelium Lukas wird uns der Herr unter dem Charakter des Sohnes des Menschen dargestellt, der Gott in befreiender Gnade unter den ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu 1. Mose 1,1... vom Auszug bis zum Wiederaufbau des Tempels, waren alle Schreiber, strenggenommen, Zeugen.“↩︎ 14 „Oder zumindest die Umstände, die ihm vorausgingen: Lukas 1,1-56. Augustinus Civ. Dei. xvii. 24, hat dieses Aufhören der Prophezeiung bemerkt: Toto,“ und so weiter.↩︎ 15 „Denn während dieser Zeit wurden die ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 23,27... "In the Gospels there is no instance of a woman being hostile to Christ" (Plummer). Luke's Gospel is appropriately called the Gospel of Womanhood (Luke 1:39-56; Luke 2:36-38; Luke 7:11-15; Luke 7:37-50; Luke 8:1-3; Luke 10:38-42; Luke 11:27; Luke 13:11-16). Lamented (εθρηνουν). Imperfect active of θρηνεω, ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,39Behandelter Abschnitt Lk 1,39-56 Daraufhin steht Maria auf, geht in das Haus des Zacharias und grüßt ihre Verwandte, Elisabeth, was Anlass zu der wunderbaren Ehrerbietung gibt, die ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,13... takes on a metrical form when turned into Hebrew (Ragg) and it is a prose poem in Greek and English like Luke 1:30-33; Luke 1:35-37; Luke 1:42-45; Luke 1:46-55; Luke 1:68-70; Luke 2:10-12; Luke 2:14; Luke 2:29-32; Luke 2:34-35. Certainly Luke has preserved the earliest Christian hymns in their oldest ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 21,9... he has not told. There was also Anna the prophetess in the temple (Luke 2:36) besides the inspired hymns of Elizabeth (Luke 1:42-45) and of Mary (Luke 1:46-55). At any rate there was no order of women prophets or official ministers. There were Old Testament prophetesses like Miriam, Deborah, Huldah. Today ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,45... (John 20:29). Elisabeth wishes Mary to have full faith in the prophecy of the angel. This song of Elisabeth is as real poetry as is that of Mary (Luke 1:47-55) and Zacharias (Luke 1:68-70). All three spoke under the power of the Holy Spirit. These are the first New Testament hymns and they are very ...