Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 10,20... verb for a divided mind (δια like δυο, two). Note usual negative of the present middle participle, the subjective μηδεν. The notion of wavering (James 1:6) is common with this verb in the middle voice. In Acts 11:12 the aorist active (μηδεν διακριναντα) is used perhaps with the idea of conduct towards ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Epheser 4,14... of every charlatan who comes along. Tossed to and fro (κλυδωνιζομενο). Present passive participle of κλυδωνιζομα, late verb from κλυδων (wave, James 1:6), to be agitated by the waves, in LXX, only here in N.T. One example in Vettius Valens. Carried about (περιφερομενο). Present passive participle ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 8,24... The raging of the water (τω κλυδον του υδατος). Κλυδων, common Greek word, is a boisterous surge, a violent agitation. Here only in the N.T. save James 1:6. Κυμα (Mark 4:37) is the regular swell or wave. A calm (γαληνη). Only in the parallels in the N.T., though common word. Here Mark 4:39; Matthew ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,3... in your faith," not "crucible" nor "proving." Your faith like gold stands the test of fire and is approved as standard. James here, as in verse James 1:6; James 2:1; James 5:15, regards faith (πιστις) like Paul "as the very foundation of religion" (Mayor). Worketh (κατεργαζετα). Present (durative) ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,6In faith (εν πιστε). Faith here "is the fundamental religious attitude" (Ropes), belief in God's beneficent activity and personal reliance on him (Oesterley). Nothing doubting (μηδεν διακρινομενος). Negative way of saying εν πιστε (in faith), present passive participle of διακρινω, old verb to ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,23... and ου (rather than μη) contrasts ποιητης with ακροατης. Unto a man beholding (ανδρ κατανοουντ). Associative instrumental case after εοικεν as in James 1:6. Note ανδρ as in James 1:8 in contrast with γυναικ (woman), not ανθρωπω (general term for man). Present active participle of κατανοεω to put the ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,27... so from God's standpoint (Mark 10:27). Αμιαντος (compound verbal adjective, alpha privative, μιαινω to defile), puts in negative form (cf. James 1:4; James 1:6) the idea in καθαρα (pure, clean). This (αυτη). Feminine demonstrative pronoun in the predicate agreeing with θρησκεια. To visit (επισκεπτεσθα). ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 2,4... For this idiom (gnomic aorist) in a conclusion of the third-class condition see 1. Corinthians 7:28. "Were ye not divided in (among) yourselves?" Cf. James 1:6; Matthew 21:21. Judges with evil thoughts (κριτα διαλογισμων πονηρων). Descriptive genitive as in James 1:25. Διαλογισμος is an old word for ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 3,17... (αδιακριτος). Late verbal adjective (from alpha privative and διακρινω, to distinguish). "Unhesitating," not doubting (διακρινομενος) like the man in James 1:6. Here only in N.T. This wisdom does not put a premium on doubt. Without hypocrisy (ανυποκριτος). Late and rare verbal adjective (alpha privative and ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 5,15The prayer of faith (η ευχη της πιστεως). Cf. James 1:6 for prayer marked by faith. Shall save (σωσε). Future active of σωζω, to make well. As in Matthew 9:21; Mark 6:56. No reference here to salvation of ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Judas 22... participle of διακρινω, in the accusative case agreeing with ους μεν, though K L P have the nominative. If the accusative and ελεατε is read, see James 1:6 for the idea (doubters). If ελεγχετε is read, see Jude 1:9 for the idea (disputers).Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Römer 4,20... decide between, to desert, to dispute, to be divided in one's own mind. This last sense occurs here as in Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:23; Romans 14:23; James 1:6. "He was not divided in his mind by unbelief" (instrumental case). Waxed strong through faith (ενεδυναμωθη τη πιστε). First aorist passive again ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Römer 14,23He that doubteth (ο διακρινομενος). Present middle participle of διακρινω, to judge between (δια), to hesitate. See James 1:6 for this same picture of the double-minded man. Cf. Romans 4:20; Mark 11:23. Is condemned (κατακεκριτα). Perfect passive indicative ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Matthäus 7,7... verstanden werden. Es gibt Bedingungen für das Gebet jemand darf keine Sünde haben, die er nicht bekannt hat (Ps 66,18) im Glauben bitten (Jak 1,6) in Übereinstimmung mit dem Willen Gottes beten (1Joh 5,14) beharrlich beten (Lk 18,1-8) ernstlich beten (Heb 10,22a)Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,6Er bitte aber im Glauben, ohne irgend zu zweifeln; denn der Zweifelnde gleicht einer Meereswoge, die vom Wind bewegt und hin und her getrieben wird: Das ist ein schönes Beispiel dafür, was es heißt, im Glauben zu beten: Gott gibt eine Verheißung, und an uns liegt es, Ihn beim Wort zu nehmen. Wir ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu 1. Mose 49,3... Beratungen (Ri 5,15). Der Segen Rubens ist dennoch gut gemeint. Denn dadurch erhält er die Möglichkeit, sich zu besinnen. Ruben passt sehr gut zu Jakobus 1,2-18, besonders seine Wankelmütigkeit, Flattergeistigkeit.Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,4... in nothing (εν μηδεν λειπομενο). Present passive participle of λειπω to leave. Negative statement of the preceding positive as often in James (cf. James 1:6). There is now a digression (verses James 1:5-8) from the discussion of πειρασμος, which is taken up again in verse James 1:9. The word λειπομενο ...Kommentar von Adrien Ladierre (Adrien Ladierre)Kommentar zu Hosea 4,1... Weg (Joh 14,6). Um die Wege Gottes zu verstehen und zu kennen, muss man weise sein. Sind wir weise dazu? Ansonsten, lesen wir mit viel Aufmerksamkeit Jakobus 1,5-6, mit dem aufrichtigen Wunsch, davon eine Erfahrung zu machen.Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,5Behandelter Abschnitt Jak 1,5-8 Wenn jemand den Weg der Prüfungen, die der Glaube in einer von Gott abgewandten Welt immer wieder erfährt, recht betreten hat, findet er bald den ...Kommentar von Hamilton Smith (Hamilton Smith)Kommentar zu Jakobus 1,6Behandelter Abschnitt Jak 1,6-8 (V. 6–8). Durch die Not, die uns zu Gott führt, wird unser Glaube gestärkt. Daher werden wir aufgefordert, nicht einfach Gott zu bitten, sondern im ...