Is any suffering? (κακοπαθε τισ;). See verse James 5:10 for κακοπαθια. The verb in N.T. occurs only here and in 2. Timothy 2:3; 2. Timothy 2:9; 2. Timothy 4:5. The lively interrogative is common in the diatribe and suits the style of James.
Among you (εν υμιν). As in James 3:13.
Let him pray (προσευχεσθω). Present middle imperative, "let him keep on praying" (instead of cursing as in verse James 5:12).
Is any cheerful (ευθυμει;). Present active indicative of ευθυμεω, old verb from ευθυμος (Acts 27:36), in N.T. only here and Acts 27:22; Acts 27:25.
Let him sing praise (ψαλλετω). Present active
imperative of ψαλλω, originally to twang a chord as on a harp, to sing
praise to God whether with instrument or without, in N.T. only here,