James (Ιακωβος). Grecised form (nominative absolute) of the Hebrew Ιακωβ (so LXX). Common name among the Jews, and this man in Josephus (Ant. XX.9.1) and three others of this name in Josephus also.
Servant (δουλος). Bond-servant or slave as Paul (Romans 1:1; Philippians 1:1; Titus 1:1).
Of the Lord Jesus Christ (κυριου Ιησου Χριστου).
Here on a par with God (θεου) and calls himself not αδελφος (brother) of
Jesus, but δουλος. The three terms here as in James 2:1 have their full significance: Jesus is the Messiah and Lord.
James is not an Ebionite. He accepts the deity of Jesus his brother,
difficult as it was for him to do so. The word κυριος is frequent in the
LXX for Elohim and Jahweh as the Romans applied it to
the emperor in their emperor worship. See
To the twelve tribes (ταις δωδεκα φυλαις). Dative case. The expression means "Israel in its fulness and completeness" (Hort), regarded as a unity (Acts 26:7) with no conception of any "lost" tribes.
Which are of the Dispersion (ταις εν τη διασπορα).
"Those in the Dispersion" (repeated article). The term appears in Deuteronomy 28:25 (LXX) and comes from διασπειρω, to scatter (sow) abroad.
In its literal sense we have it in John 7:34, but here and in
Greeting (χαιρειν). Absolute infinitive (present
active of χαιρω) as in Acts 15:23 (the Epistle to Antioch and the churches of Syria and
Galatia). It is the usual idiom in the thousands of papyri letters known
to us, but in no other New Testament letter. But note χαιρειν λεγετε in