Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
1Kor 1,18Kommentar zu 1. Korinther 1,18
For the word of the cross (ο λογος γαρ ο του
σταυρου). Literally, "for the preaching (with which I am concerned as
the opposite of wisdom of word in verse
To them that are perishing (τοις μεν απολλυμενοις).
Dative of disadvantage (personal interest). Present middle participle is
here timeless, those in the path to destruction (not annihilation.
Foolishness (μωρια). Folly. Old word from μωρος,
foolish. In N.T. only in
But unto us which are being saved (τοις σωζομενοις
ημιν). Sharp contrast to those that are perishing and same construction
with the articular participle. No reason for the change of pronouns in
English. This present passive participle is again timeless. Salvation is
described by Paul as a thing done in the past, "we were saved" (Romans 8:24), as a present state, "ye have been saved" (Ephesians 2:5), as a process, "ye are being saved" (
The power of God (δυναμις θεου). So in Romans 1:16. No other message has this dynamite of God (