Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 3,23... Luke evidently means to suggest something unusual in his genealogy by the use of the phrase "as was supposed" (ως ενομιζετο). His own narrative in Luke 1:26-38 has shown that Joseph was not the actual father of Jesus. Plummer objects that, if Luke is giving the genealogy of Jesus through Mary, υιος must be ...Kommentar von Charles Henry Mackintosh (Charles Henry Mackintosh)Kommentar zu 2. Mose 26,1... von gezwirntem Byssus stellten die Reinheit dieses Menschen Christus Jesus bildlich dar. Wir haben gesehen, wie Er empfangen und geboren wurde (Lk 1,26-38), und wenn wir den ganzen Lauf seines Lebens verfolgen, begegnen wir immer und überall in ihm dieselbe fleckenlose Reinheit. Er wurde vierzig Tage ...Kommentar von Werner Mücher (Werner Mücher)Kommentar zu Galater 4,4... Golgatha. Der ewige Sohn Gottes ist wahrhaftiger Mensch geworden. Das Alten Testamentes hatte Ihn angekündigt (1Mo 3,15; Jes 7,14; Mt 1,18-23; vgl. Lk 1,26-35). Geboren unter Gesetz: Der Herr wurde in der Mitte eines Volkes geboren, das unter Gesetz stand, somit war er Israelit. Dieses Volk stand in einer ...Kommentar von William Kelly (übersetzt mit DeepL) (William Kelly)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,26Behandelter Abschnitt Lk 1,26-38 Es war der Engel Gabriel, der zu Daniel gesandt wurde, um in der berühmten Prophezeiung von den siebzig Wochen das Kommen und Wegtun des Messias vor ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Johannes 1,14... the Logos entered into a man or dwelt in a man or filled a man. One is at liberty to see an allusion to the birth narratives in Matthew 1:16-25; Luke 1:28-38, if he wishes, since John clearly had the Synoptics before him and chiefly supplemented them in his narrative. In fact, one is also at liberty to ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 4,22... Joseph as Luke presents him in Luke 3:23. He does not stop here to correct this misconception because the truth has been already amply presented in Luke 1:28-38; Luke 2:49. This popular conception of Jesus as the son of Joseph appears also in John 1:45. The puzzle of the people was due to their previous ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 2,33... ατηρ αυτου κα η μητηρ). Luke had already used "parents" in Luke 2:27. He by no means intends to deny the Virgin Birth of Jesus so plainly stated in Luke 1:34-38. He merely employs here the language of ordinary custom. The late MSS. wrongly read "and Joseph" instead of "his father." Were marvelling (ην ...Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures (Archibald T. Robertson)Kommentar zu Lukas 1,13... angel (verses Luke 1:13-17) takes on a metrical form when turned into Hebrew (Ragg) and it is a prose poem in Greek and English like Luke 1:30-33; Luke 1:35-37; Luke 1:42-45; Luke 1:46-55; Luke 1:68-70; Luke 2:10-12; Luke 2:14; Luke 2:29-32; Luke 2:34-35. Certainly Luke has preserved the earliest Christian ...