They shall hunger no more (ου πεινασουσιν ετ). Future tense of πειναω, old verb with late form instead of πεινησουσιν like Luke 6:25. It is a free translation of Isaiah 49:10 (not quotation from the LXX).
Neither thirst any more (ουδε διψησουσιν ετ). Future tense of διψαω, the two strong human appetites will be gone, a clear refutation of a gross materialistic or sensual conception of the future life. Cf. John 6:35.
Neither shall strike (ουδε μη πεση). Strong double negative ουδε μη with second aorist active subjunctive of πιπτω, to fall. They will no longer be under the rays of the sun as upon earth.
Nor any heat (ουδε παν καυμα). Old word from καιω, to burn, painful and burning heat, in N.T. only here and Revelation 16:9 (picture of the opposite condition). The use of the negative with παν (all) for "not any" is common in N.T. Cf. Psalm 121:6.