Under guardians (υπο επιτροπους). Old word from επιτρεπω, to commit, to intrust. So either an overseer (Matthew 20:8) or one in charge of children as here. It is common as the guardian of an orphan minor. Frequent in the papyri as guardian of minors.
Stewards (οικονομους). Old word for manager of a
household whether freeborn or slave. See Luke 12:42;
Until the time appointed of the father (αχρ της προθεσμιας του πατρος). Supply ημερας (day), for προθεσμιος is an old adjective "appointed beforehand" (προ, θεσμος, from τιθημ). Under Roman law the tutor had charge of the child till he was fourteen when the curator took charge of him till he was twenty-five. Ramsay notes that in Graeco-Phrygia cities the same law existed except that the father in Syria appointed both tutor and curator whereas the Roman father appointed only the tutor. Burton argues plausibly that no such legal distinction is meant by Paul, but that the terms here designate two functions of one person. The point does not disturb Paul's illustration at all.