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Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
2Kor 5,12Kommentar zu 2. Korinther 5,12
As giving you occasion of glorying (αφορμην διδοντες υμιν καυχηματος). An old Greek word (απο, ορμη, onset, rush), a base of operations, material with which to glory, as we say "a tip" only much more.
That ye may have wherewith to answer (ινα εχητε προς). Literally, "That ye may have something against (for facing those, etc.)." Paul wishes his champions in Corinth to know the facts.
In appearance, and not in heart (εν προσωπω κα μη εν καρδια). He means the Judaizers who were braggarts about their orthodox Judaism.