Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
1Kor 7,29Kommentar zu 1. Korinther 7,29
But this I say (τουτο δε φημ. Note φημ here rather
than λεγω (verses
The time is shortened (ο καιρος συνεσταλμενος εστιν). Perfect
periphrastic passive indicative of συστελλω, old verb to place together,
to draw together. Only twice in the N.T., here and Acts 5:6 which see. Found in the papyri for curtailing expenses. Calvin
takes it for the shortness of human life, but apparently Paul pictures
the foreshortening of time (opportunity) because of the possible
nearness of and hope for the second coming. But in Philippians Paul
faces death as his fate (Philippians 1:21-26), though still looking for the coming of Christ (
That henceforth (το λοιπον ινα). Proleptic position of το λοιπον before ινα and in the accusative of general reference and ινα has the notion of result rather than purpose (Robertson, Grammar, p. 997).
As though they had none (ως μη εχοντες). This use of ως with the
participle for an assumed condition is regular and μη in the Koine is
the normal negative of the participle. So the idiom runs on through